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Have I never been arrested because of white privilege?


Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account


As a teenager I've only been stopped while going about my non-criminal business just a few times. I used to work the late night shopping shifts at retail a few times on rota and I'd start at 11am. So the quickest way to work was to walk past the police station at at 10:30am that was the exact time that the horse mounted patrols would leave the police stables and start work.
If one of them saw me in my retail uniform white shirt black trousers, name badge and polished shoes I'd get stopped and asked what I was doing, where I was going etc.

Third time it happened I got pissed off with it and asked in a reasonable manner why I kept getting stopped. The reply was that people in my age group at this time of day are most likely to be committing crimes. After that I just walked the longer way around for late shifts.

If I was a black teenager I'm sure I'd say it was because of racist cops.
Once when I was a kid I was skipping school and I was walking down the highway. A cop car stopped there and frisked me and my bag. Then they asked me what I was doing and I told them I was ditching school. Then they left. No "go back to school", no "Don't walk down the fucking highway", no nothing.

I don't know why they thought a fat 13 year old was some sort of drug kingpin but that was the closest I've had to a brush with the law

Fake edit: Man, re-reading it this is such a white(bread) anecdote.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I’ve been pulled over like 15 times in the last couple decades of driving. Even though I’m white I don’t take anything for granted when the guy approaching me has a gun. I flip the lights on in the car, hands on the steering wheel unless I need to get them something, etc. I’m also just flat out honest.

“Do you know why I pulled you over?”

“I rolled through that stop sign.”

The last time I was pulled over I was asked if I saw the no U-turn sign. I did. I said so.

“Well, why’d you do it?”

I had been driving 5 hours and had 7 more to go and knew the freeway entrance was back that direction and I could make the turn.

I’ve got one speeding ticket the whole time I’ve been driving...maybe because I’m a big white guy, but I also don’t give any excuses for a cop to fuck up my day. Maybe that makes me a bitch but I still got all my front teeth

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Imagine being so privileged that you think only breaking laws will get you arrested

Two things can be simultaneously true:

1: there are racist shitty cops all over the place

2: pragmatism dictates that when dealing with someone who has a monopoly on the use of force, including lethal force, you should be as compliant as possible. Even as a white person I experience anxiety when interacting with the law, but at the end of the day they’re just people too

That’s not me saying this is the way it should be, but it is the way it is.


I’m white and have been arrested for trespassing spent a weekend in jail. It sucked.

Also one time some cops knocked on a door where I was living and came in “searching for someone” at 11pm scaring the shit out of all of us. 10 mins later they realized it was the wrong house and left.

That’s when I lived in a poor part of town. I think cops are more on edge in areas of poverty and this is why it affects black people more than whites. Imo crime probably happens a lot in richer areas but the cops leave those alone for the most part.

Like they have done studies showing most drug users are white but most people in jail for it are black. That will happen when you only crack down on certain neighbourhoods.
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The cops in my town were just jerks and pulled you over for anything. I used to work late shift and get out at 1am. Once a cop immediately followed me from the lot next door, so I took him around the traffic circle a few times. He pulled me over and asked what the problem was, I said "I don't like being followed late at night when I'm trying to go home."
Same town, same time, one car came flying from the back with high beams on. I thought he was drunk, so I quickly took a right. Nope, cop. I said "was that you with the high beams on behind me? Because that's dangerous." He denied it and asked if I had weapons in the car (wtf)

I've also been arrested a few times. All charges dropped or dismissed. Being white doesn't help when the cops are dicks
When i was 17 i went for a walk down the block from where i lived at the time, when i say down the block i mean 3 houses down. I was wearing sandals and shorts..i just went out for some air. Within 2 minutes of leaving the house i was in the back of a police car being accused of robbing a house, i was patted down by a police officer and was yelled at being told by them that they saw me jump out of the woods. Again i was wearing sandals and shorts and the grass over by the wooded area went up to my chest. They yelled at me forcefully that they have shoeprints and we are gonna go drive over there and compare. I was wearing sandals without any prints on them...i said ok lets go...they didnt respond. I spent an hour in the cop car and when i pointed at where i lived and said we can just go talk to them over there, they refused. Finally after an hour they said nothing but , ok you can go....got in their cop cars and left.

A week later i walked to a bus stop to wait for a bus...this was between the house i was living in and the next house over. the moment i got to the stop a cop car on the other side of the street made a u turn down the block and headed back toward my direction.....i just knew , i knew he was gonna come harass me. He did , started interrogating me and used the excuse that someone from one of the houses called and said they saw a stranger outside. Of course i had gotten there just then etc etc etc he left.

The first day i moved to LA, i got thrown on the back of a cop car for "jaywalking" patted down and was told i was on drugs. My "jaywalking" was walking while the orange hand was blinking. Eventually they got bored and left.

I guess i must have left my white privelage card at home all those times, the systematic abuse of the black man by deep seeded racism that is built into the police force and hasnt changed since salvery....wait.

Wait a moment....half those fucking cops werent white..two of the ones in LA were black.

A large chunk of the American police force isnt white.

its almost as if....just possibly this has nothing to do with systematic racism and more with abuse of power by individuals.

Unfortunately that wouldnt sell as many votes I guess.

years later i would work alongside the cops, lots of them really great people.


I’ve been pulled over like 15 times in the last couple decades of driving. Even though I’m white I don’t take anything for granted when the guy approaching me has a gun. I flip the lights on in the car, hands on the steering wheel unless I need to get them something, etc. I’m also just flat out honest.

“Do you know why I pulled you over?”

“I rolled through that stop sign.”

The last time I was pulled over I was asked if I saw the no U-turn sign. I did. I said so.

“Well, why’d you do it?”

I had been driving 5 hours and had 7 more to go and knew the freeway entrance was back that direction and I could make the turn.

I’ve got one speeding ticket the whole time I’ve been driving...maybe because I’m a big white guy, but I also don’t give any excuses for a cop to fuck up my day. Maybe that makes me a bitch but I still got all my front teeth
Not that I'm particularly surprised by this thread but, it is par for the course for the usual nonsense that is on neogaf. The only thing to really say in response to this thread is ignorance is bliss. For those who have the privilege to do so, travel and see how things are done in other parts of the world. It'll provide some much needed perspective for how backwards things are in the states.
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Fingerlickin' Good!
Not that I'm particularly surprised by this thread but, it is par for the course for the usual nonsense that is on neogaf. The only thing to really say in response to this thread is ignorance is bliss. For those who have the privilege to do so, travel and see how things are done in other parts of the world. It'll provide some much needed perspective for how backwards things are in the states.
just go and travel around the states? sounds pretty privileged


I'm not white. I've never been arrested, and I've only been stopped three times by the police in my life. The first two happened after midnight when I was talking to my friend outside my block. The police just asked us what we were doing and said it would be better for us to go home.

The third time was during the day. For some reason there was a police presence on the main road I was walking on and one of the officers stopped me out of the blue. He said I looked familiar and then asked me where I lived.
I told him and then he said ok before allowing me to go.I thought it was strange and was surprised at the time, but I soon forgot about it. All these stops happened over ten years ago in inner city south London.
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The thing about cops around here is it depends on where you are. And I don't mean good area/bad area type of thing, I mean are you in the city or the county. The county lines are very strange around here and it's all to easy to find yourself in one when it seems like you should be in the other. City cops tend to be stern, but generally nice people. I've never had a complaint. County cops tend to be assholes who respond to calls with vitriol and accusations on whatever you're calling them about being your fault.

As it happens, the county line runs right through the middle of the street in front of my house. The few times I've known a cop call was in the works, I'd walk across the street and sit down on the neighbors raised curb. I've had two tickets and one almost-arrest tossed out because it was done outside of the officers jurisdiction. By 10 feet.
I was once refused entry into a hostel in Australia because I was 'Irish'. Apparently, they had just kicked out a bunch of rowdy Irish and didn't want to take the chance. I was shocked and appalled. Where is my justice!?!?!


I was once refused entry into a hostel in Australia because I was 'Irish'. Apparently, they had just kicked out a bunch of rowdy Irish and didn't want to take the chance. I was shocked and appalled. Where is my justice!?!?!
If you're not a ginger, I'll stand with you. If you are, too bad.
I was stopped and given a stern talking to by the police on a few occasions for being a surly teenager, hanging around where I shouldn't have been , but I've never been caught doing anything illegal.


I've had a few run ins with some aggressive cops , but there's more to the story then just whiteboi getting fucked with.

Growing up skating in philly we were targeted by aggressive cops here n there, most could give two shits, but it happened.

I dressed, as did the crew I skated with mind you this is early 90s , very hip hop. Blunts being smoked, wife beaters on , pants sagged, the profile easily looks like drugs, no good and i understood that.

Fast forward into 2000s , I get heavily involved in weight lifting, i think I'm fucking Chad the ruler, I got fucking punked so bad by a juiced up cop , they pulled up in a wal mart parking lot, we had just met some girls in the store, now we're hanging out outside the store and I crack open a beer, now mind you im fucking ripped, cycling roids, complete alpha in group. Cops pull up, this little fucker prolly Bout 5'3 just runs up gets in my face, flicks my hat off lol, and is grilling me , spit everywhere, asking me who the fuck think I am, I just let it roll, then next thing I know I have two forcefully throwing into the car and cuffing me. Now I'm not stupid, there are open containers and fuck if I know if these girls are even 21, im thinking shit this could be bad.

Hour later new cips sits in car filling out paper work, says sorry about my colleague, hes a hot head, I say nothing, hes sayings im just writing you for open container in public, un cuffs me lets me go.

What went wrong. Why was I targeted. Easy. You get hothead cops and they tend to go after imo honest to god the guys they have always hated since prolly getting fucjed with by them in school. Everyone had drinks in their hand that night.

Next case the obe that pissed me off the most. Fsst forward, mid 30s, I have the wife, kids, wedding photography business, my strp son has a Christmas thing my wife wants to go see and she wants pictures

I strap on my photographers rights card, put in my beanie look in the mirror, i think im dressed nice. I have an extremely long beard, and some wild locks coming out of hat, button up shit, i grab at the the time my 5d markii with the 24-70 2.8, and the 50 1.2 the school is behind my house , we walk as are others. As I get to the school entrance I have 3 cop cars, the superintendent, principal all out there, right away, the superintendent screams at me for bringing what looks like a weapon? The cops are telling me im making others feel uncomfortable, im laughing saying you fuckingbguys lol, I said listen number onebif I was some pedo, or casing the school WHY would I bring this camera set up? I'd just shoot it all with my iPhone like all these mindless fucks? Handed the coos my rights card. They knew I had done nothing nothing illegal but I somehow made i guess parents uncomfortable because ready for this, the cop pulled me aside and said my beanie, beard, and the camera, I kinda you know ate making them uneasy? I said what, I seriously didn't know what he was talking about. Then it dawned on me. I said yo im fucking italian lol, you fucks think im of Arab Muslim decent. I ssid you know what fuck all I f you, im embarrassed, im seriously just i cant, I yold my sife to go, they weren't budging, I had sone words with the superintendent and walked home , that shit stung man, I was shaken from adrenaline, mad, upset.

I said holy shit I wonder if this is how black people feel. Cause I know, I was profiled, for a fucking beard, hat, and camera.

I feel like there's a game they play. The cops. I respect them but their are some ignorant ones that have no right yo wear a badge.

Plus get over the profiling, it doesn't work, I don't care what stats they have. If im driving 20k worth of coke in my car, im sure as fuck not dressing like a gangster.

Sorry for the long read or typos. Im on the s20 ultra and its impossible to type one handed.
2: pragmatism dictates that when dealing with someone who has a monopoly on the use of force, including lethal force, you should be as compliant as possible.

That's the thing I never understand in many cases. They've got the gun and the (socially recognized) authority. In the worst case, the most that should happen is that you get arrested to be dealt with later if you comply. So just yield in the encounter/be passive - live to fight another day. (I know there are exceptions, sadly.)

But you see individuals straight up rebelling. I don't understand it. The cops don't hand down judgments, they only make arrests. Shut your mouth, and make your arguments in court if necessary. (Not that that's a guarantee of justice either, however.)


I've never been stopped by the police. Ever. I could be drunk walking around smoking at night or after midnight, anything, I never had trouble whatsoever. I'm tall and wasn't always fat...

It kinda makes me worry though, do I look like such a fucking looser that even the police goes like "nah, no way, fucking nerd is no threat"... I'm mean, they'd be kinda right but it strikes me it's so obvious.
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