LOL damn it! Mob. The mob with a bunch of young white girls and a bunch of large black men standing behind them daring you to deny you are a white supremacist.Which mod? Nepenthe?
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LOL damn it! Mob. The mob with a bunch of young white girls and a bunch of large black men standing behind them daring you to deny you are a white supremacist.Which mod? Nepenthe?
I’m an SJW in real lifeLOL damn it! Mob. The mob with a bunch of young white girls and a bunch of large black men standing behind them daring you to deny you are a white supremacist.
Not that I'm particularly surprised by this thread but, it is par for the course for the usual nonsense that is on neogaf. The only thing to really say in response to this thread is ignorance is bliss. For those who have the privilege to do so, travel and see how things are done in other parts of the world. It'll provide some much needed perspective for how backwards things are in the states.
I’m an SJW in real life
25% of the reasons why I love gaf and come to gaf is Cunth's threads.Not that I'm particularly surprised by this thread but, it is par for the course for the usual nonsense that is on neogaf. The only thing to really say in response to this thread is ignorance is bliss.
Or because I’ve never broken the law?
25% of the reasons why I love gaf and come to gaf is Cunth's threads.
If you don't get it, you don't get it. Nobody is forcing you to post in said threads.
Racism is everywhere
Same thing to me, having prejudices on someone for some stupid reason, being the color of your skin or the location where your mother expelled you doesn't change the result, i was discriminated and treated in a different way for a made up reason based on stereotypical stuff.That's xenophobia not racism. Italian isn't a race it's a nationality.
Same thing to me, having prejudices on someone for some stupid reason, being the color of your skin or the location where your mother expelled you doesn't change the result, i was discriminated and treated in a different way for a made up reason based on stereotypical stuff.
Is that another italian stereotype?Does your mum still do everything for you?
I've been a gringo Mexican resident for 4-years now. You can practically flip a cop the bird out here or pay petty money to get out of a ticket; ethnic Mexicans here do the same...I don't see any difference/privilege. I lived in Illinois 28-years and had many friends of different races...none of us had a criminal record aside from minor traffic violations. IMO (and likely for many others) this all boils down to politics in humanities (a.k.a...B.S.)just go and travel around the states? sounds pretty privileged
Not that I'm particularly surprised by this thread but, it is par for the course for the usual nonsense that is on neogaf. The only thing to really say in response to this thread is ignorance is bliss. For those who have the privilege to do so, travel and see how things are done in other parts of the world. It'll provide some much needed perspective for how backwards things are in the states.
I hope he was docked at least one point.I nut tapped my brother in law (an LEO) once while “sparring” and he handcuffed me to his railing for 30 white privilege disappeared in that moment.
I hope he was docked at least one point.
you sure it's not because they know he's the adult in the roomEvery time we have to interact with police at work they always walk up to my co worker who is Puerto Rican and talk to him instead of me.... I feel bad for him for being unfairly targeted.
Nice Ad Hominem. Go learn whom the phrase the special one refers to and then try again.imagine the privledge involved with naming yourself “ the special one”
as the kids say, “yikes”
This is even better. A generous mix of false equivalency, hasty genralizations with a hint of begging the claim.I'm very visibly latino and lived in a few different countries and visited multiple others. Am I proviledged? Or is it because I don't steal shit, scam people or do sketchy shit and get in trouble with police? The whole blm thing is ridiculous, it's an economic issue, not a racial one and it always will be.
So why are you here?Nice Ad Hominem. Go learn whom the phrase the special one refers to and then try again.
This is even better. A generous mix of false equivalency, hasty genralizations with a hint of begging the claim.
The thread in its creation is an either/or logical fallacy. Then again, one doesn't come to Gaf for rational discussions. Such things no longer exist on this site.
Nice Ad Hominem. Go learn whom the phrase the special one refers to and then try again.
Mainly to point out this terrible attempt at comedy. It's neither funny, nor particularly insightful. It's essentially low level intelligence pandering to low level intelligence. It's kinda sad tbh but hey, its a free country soSo why are you here?
He's also 6 ft tall so im sure height plays a role in it to, but no doubt in my mind race was a factor with every sure it's not because they know he's the adult in the room
reasons being what, seems like you are drawing from feelings not factsHe's also 6 ft tall so im sure height plays a role in it to, but no doubt in my mind race was a factor with every encounter.
This is even better. A generous mix of false equivalency, hasty genralizations with a hint of begging the claim.
The thread in its creation is an either/or logical fallacy. Then again, one doesn't come to Gaf for rational discussions. Such things no longer exist on this site.
What kind of job do you have that you are interacting with police?Every time we have to interact with police at work they always walk up to my co worker who is Puerto Rican and talk to him instead of me.... I feel bad for him for being unfairly targeted.
Mainly to point out this terrible attempt at comedy. It's neither funny, nor particularly insightful. It's essentially low level intelligence pandering to low level intelligence. It's kinda sad tbh but hey, its a free country so![]()
Nice counter argument. Sorry we use common sense here. 9/10 times treat a officer with respect and he will do the same. Doesn't matter what skin color you are, you give a cop attitude you will piss him off. It's a damn shame people have forgotten to treat cops with respect. Also, Im white and a white cop gave me a ticket for "texting while driving" when I was just changing my songs in the car. Still didn't argue with the cop and went about my business.Not that I'm particularly surprised by this thread but, it is par for the course for the usual nonsense that is on neogaf. The only thing to really say in response to this thread is ignorance is bliss. For those who have the privilege to do so, travel and see how things are done in other parts of the world. It'll provide some much needed perspective for how backwards things are in the states.
Bar/restaurant alcohol inventory. A lot of times if we dont get to an alarm quick enough the alarm sets off and the police are automatically notified.What kind of job do you have that you are interacting with police?
I was just sharing my anecdotal experiences. But according to stop and frisk data in NY the majority of people that were stopped were black and latino. being what, seems like you are drawing from feelings not facts
Well, mission accomplished. Don't hang around on my account.Mainly to point out this terrible attempt at comedy. It's neither funny, nor particularly insightful. It's essentially low level intelligence pandering to low level intelligence. It's kinda sad tbh but hey, its a free country so![]()
you fumingMainly to point out this terrible attempt at comedy. It's neither funny, nor particularly insightful. It's essentially low level intelligence pandering to low level intelligence. It's kinda sad tbh but hey, its a free country so![]()
But were you ever brutalized or charged with breaking the law? Did they let you go every time?I've been arrested many times because I'm mixed raced. In a 99.9% white town any incident I looked suspicious. Still happens at airports even if I got all the Nexus cards, papers etc.. I've been handcuffed so many times because of that while no crime ever comitted. The crime is just to look suspicious!
The thing i really like about this post is that you manage to make an argument using statistics that don't exist can't be proven. You then mix it with your opinion and then attempt to pass it off as a fact. It's silky smooth and I can see why it would work with the people in this thread.Nice counter argument. Sorry we use common sense here. 9/10 times treat a officer with respect and he will do the same. Doesn't matter what skin color you are, you give a cop attitude you will piss him off. It's a damn shame people have forgotten to treat cops with respect. Also, Im white and a white cop gave me a ticket for "texting while driving" when I was just changing my songs in the car. Still didn't argue with the cop and went about my business.
The thing I really like about this post is the classic "if its true for me, then its true for everyone". Toss in some more hasty generalization and post hoc ergo proper hoc and you've got yourself a wonderful concoction of logical fallacies.But it isn't a false equivalence, I thought only white people need to check their privilege, I am a Latino man, I am a victim as well, am I not? Or do I have to look up where in the totem of oppression I am at?
It's a relatively simple issue, really. The US has a lot of guns, a lot of black people are impoverished, crime arises in those areas and with the amount of guns that easily reach those groups, the police interacts a lot with that group. With the amount of guns that exist in the US, violent interactions will inevitably happen.
Should police brutality be addressed? For sure, yes, absolutely. Should black people be less stand offish? Maybe, that'd help as well. Are police out there hunting black people? No.
As much as this is an asshole thing to say, a person dead every year in a country of more than 300 million doesn't mean that black people are being hunted, it's just the unfortunate consequence of having a lot of criminals in a certain part of the population, which happens to be black.
But no, let me walk down the streets, cry, scream and burn a few cars while I do that.
Not at all. On a side note, the idea of democracy only works when the population is educated enough to make sound decisions that are in their best interests. Unfortunately, the current state if the country is one where a majority of the population are under educated due to the inherent financial barriers to education. The USA in its current state is nothing more than a banana republic similar to those found in South America and Africa. The vast majority of the population is getting squeezed economically and unfortunately, they continually make political decisions that further exacerbate the problem. Truly sad.Im sure you would like to fix that