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Have I never been arrested because of white privilege?

The thing i really like about this post is that you manage to make an argument using statistics that don't exist can't be proven. You then mix it with your opinion and then attempt to pass it off as a fact. It's silky smooth and I can see why it would work with the people in this thread.
Nope, I never claimed that was real statistics but if you want that, we can easily play that game my man and I can actually give you real statistics from the FBI and other government websites to strengthen my argument. It's nice that you didn't address any other points I made though.
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No I wasn't but being cuffed and interrogated for stuff that's amazingly clueless on their part was tiring.
I can understand that but is sounds like bad cops to me, but thank you for admitting that you weren't charged and Im really sorry that happened to you. Those cops should be fired imo.


Not that I'm particularly surprised by this thread but, it is par for the course for the usual nonsense that is on neogaf. The only thing to really say in response to this thread is ignorance is bliss. For those who have the privilege to do so, travel and see how things are done in other parts of the world. It'll provide some much needed perspective for how backwards things are in the states.

I've noticed that people really love to attack certain social issues on GAF

But they're commonly way too timid to actually just flat-out start a dialogue about it in an actual conversational thread.

It's always little sideways giggle threads. And people are real quick to "JUST A JOKE BRO DONT POST IF U DONT WANT IT, WHY U SO MAD CANT WE HAVE FUN" at the first sign of dissent.

Honestly, it's really telling, and it's the kind of thing that makes racial issues in America so difficult to combat.

Americans literally revel in their decision to be willfully ignorant.

Yet, i'll get ALOT of quotes and words thrown at me if I stop to point out that this dumbass thread is literally no different from the plenty of ResetERA threads where people point out a female character wearing a skirt in a videogame and circlejerk around how much they hate it.

But, just like "White Privilege", people absolutely hate being told to look at themselves.

So, par for the course.
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I've noticed that people really love to attack certain social issues on GAF

But they're commonly way too timid to actually just flat-out start a dialogue about it in an actual conversational thread.

It's always little sideways giggle threads. And people are real quick to "JUST A JOKE BRO DONT POST IF U DONT WANT IT, WHY U SO MAD CANT WE HAVE FUN" at the first sign of dissent.

Honestly, it's really telling, and it's the kind of thing that makes racial issues in America so difficult to combat.

Americans literally revel in their decision to be willfully ignorant.

Yet, i'll get ALOT of quotes and words thrown at me if I stop to point out that this dumbass thread is literally no different from the plenty of ResetERA threads where people point out a female character wearing a skirt in a videogame and circlejerk around how much they hate it.

But, just like "White Privilege", people absolutely hate being told to look at themselves.

So, par for the course.

Its hard for one to be honest with themselves. To question your beliefs and values to see how you acquired them is a battle with one's self. Are they truly yours or were they thrust upon you? Is what I believe even true? Why do I believe what I believe? These are truly tough questions to ask one's self but, they are entirely necessary to self discovery. I'd argue that most people go through life never truly knowing who they are. They instead spend their time adopting the beliefs of others for a variety of reasons ranging from a desire to belong to childhood indoctrination to etc.

In my opinion, the process of routinely questioning your beliefs is essential and anyone who fails to do this can never achieve the best version of themselves.


In a general sense I actually agree with a lot of what I've seen you say on here. But the above is just a lazy generalisation. And I say this as someone who isn't American.

Well, I live here.

This is a general truth, but I feel like this rings true for Americans because so many current issues today have been made "US vs THEM" issues solely based on the idea that people have convinced themselvs nobody should be forced to feel accountable for anything they don't want to.

Accountability is one thing America as a country does not partake in.


Well, I live here.

This is a general truth, but I feel like this rings true for Americans because so many current issues today have been made "US vs THEM" issues solely based on the idea that people have convinced themselvs nobody should be forced to feel accountable for anything they don't want to.

Accountability is one thing America as a country does not partake in.

Isn't that just people though? Is it so specific to Americans? Sounds like something that happens all over the world.


I'm very visibly latino and lived in a few different countries and visited multiple others. Am I proviledged? Or is it because I don't steal shit, scam people or do sketchy shit and get in trouble with police? The whole blm thing is ridiculous, it's an economic issue, not a racial one and it always will be.
I agree its more economic and not being retard to do stupid shit than anything else.


Bar/restaurant alcohol inventory. A lot of times if we dont get to an alarm quick enough the alarm sets off and the police are automatically notified.
Now I’m more confused. How was your coworker “unfairly targeted” when the police show up? Was he the manager on duty, so they needed to talk to him? Or the most senior/oldest looking? When I worked retail and the police showed up for alarms they always went to speak with the person they thought was in charge, which happened to be my Hispanic or black managers. And it was always short, light hearted conversations.
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That sounds about white.


When I first learned how to drive, I got into an accident. Wasn't my fault and was completely the fault of the asshole who took the turn.

Cops questioned me and I totally didn't have my wallet. One of the cops allowed me to go home and get my wallet and show him that I actually had a license.

If that isn't White Privilege, I don't know what is.


When I first learned how to drive, I got into an accident. Wasn't my fault and was completely the fault of the asshole who took the turn.

Cops questioned me and I totally didn't have my wallet. One of the cops allowed me to go home and get my wallet and show him that I actually had a license.

If that isn't White Privilege, I don't know what is.
Car accidents are not a criminal matter. I know some departments only take accident reports if there is a crime, like DUI, or if there is a major injury. Insurance companies have to investigate on their own.


The thing I really like about this post is the classic "if its true for me, then its true for everyone". Toss in some more hasty generalization and post hoc ergo proper hoc and you've got yourself a wonderful concoction of logical fallacies.

So, care to refute? I mean, I am very open to the idea of the brutal US police killing poor black victims every day, can you show me how they start their day with plans to kill a black person? The latest killing involved officers that wouldn't look out of place in a United Colors of Benetton ad, so can other races join the activities as well?

Not at all. On a side note, the idea of democracy only works when the population is educated enough to make sound decisions that are in their best interests. Unfortunately, the current state if the country is one where a majority of the population are under educated due to the inherent financial barriers to education. The USA in its current state is nothing more than a banana republic similar to those found in South America and Africa. The vast majority of the population is getting squeezed economically and unfortunately, they continually make political decisions that further exacerbate the problem. Truly sad.

Ah, the US as a banana republic (those no longer exist, btw). Have you ever visitied another country that isn't wealthy? I have a feeling you are very young since you are making those comparisons.
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In 2000, I walked through the streets near Times Square in Manhattan with a south american friend of mine who had lived in german for a long time.

We talked german, and when we walked by a black lady who gave out leaflets for some kind of martial arts school or something, and she yelled after us "IHR SCHAISE DEUTSCHE. FUCK YOU DEUTSCHE SCHEISSE.". We didn't do anything to her, or treated her bad or something. We really just walked by.

That was the only time I experienced Racism myself.
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Two things can be simultaneously true:

1: there are racist shitty cops all over the place

2: pragmatism dictates that when dealing with someone who has a monopoly on the use of force, including lethal force, you should be as compliant as possible. Even as a white person I experience anxiety when interacting with the law, but at the end of the day they’re just people too

That’s not me saying this is the way it should be, but it is the way it is.

If by compliant you mean letting cops search everything and answer every question then nah. I'll pass on that.
Want to post a serious long essay but deleted it. All I really want to say is, nothing is ever so black or white. In every sense of those words. World is complicated place. Must live with uncertainty. Gotta be honest with self, but considerate of others. Seek new perspectives. Stats and facts easily twisted. Too easy to think parts represent whole, self represent all.

No way to know truth, especially in our times. Can only ever know self. Even then not whole self. Best improve what you know, than meddle in what you don't.

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
If by compliant you mean letting cops search everything and answer every question then nah. I'll pass on that.

I wouldn’t say that’s what I mean at all. I would never consent to a search without a warrant. However, if an officer asserts probable cause and forces the issue then you don’t really have a choice and you can fight it in court. I wouldn’t try to fight the cop though.


I’ve never been arrested, but I’ve had cops flat out lie to my face about why the pulled me over. “Your tail light is broken”, it wasn’t.

Happened twice, once late at night, once very early in the morning.

The night time one, it was dark, he probably thought I was black.... the daytime one... well my car was black so he’s probably just that prejudiced.

Can the SJWs in this thread let me know if I am telling this right? Wouldn’t want to commit a thought crime.


I'm pretty sure me and a couple friends got driven home by cops before, but I must've been pretty drunk because I cannot for the life of me remember the details.
I’ve been pulled over like 15 times in the last couple decades of driving. Even though I’m white I don’t take anything for granted when the guy approaching me has a gun. I flip the lights on in the car, hands on the steering wheel unless I need to get them something, etc. I’m also just flat out honest.

“Do you know why I pulled you over?”

“I rolled through that stop sign.”

The last time I was pulled over I was asked if I saw the no U-turn sign. I did. I said so.

“Well, why’d you do it?”

I had been driving 5 hours and had 7 more to go and knew the freeway entrance was back that direction and I could make the turn.

I’ve got one speeding ticket the whole time I’ve been driving...maybe because I’m a big white guy, but I also don’t give any excuses for a cop to fuck up my day. Maybe that makes me a bitch but I still got all my front teeth

I've been pulled over loads and though there is no lethal force in this country, it's still the same. They hold all of the power and the shittier coppers use that power to make you bend and squirm.

The second you are honest and put your hands up (not always figuratively) you disarm their power, they have nothing over you because you've admitted it. Sure, you may wind up with a ticket, a fine, a slap on the wrist, but it's quicker than the alternatives.


Once I was walking near a lake, just going on a late night stroll, minding my own business. All of a sudden a cop comes out of nowhere, and starts asking me what I'm doing. So I let him know I'm just going on a walk to get some fresh air and clear my head and I was about to head home soon. He kept going on about me not supposed to be out by myself late at night and that it was dangerous. I said ok, I'll head back, have a good night officer. As I was turning around to go home, he said "I have one more question for you." I turned back around and said, "yes sir?" He then asked me, "do you happen to have $3.50?" At that point I realized he was actually the lach ness monster dressed up as police and told him to get out of here and leave me alone, I don't have $3.50.


I've been arrested. And I am Italian-American. Obviously this stems from systemic anti-Italian racism, the same reason Columbus statues are being vandalized and ripped down.

DM me to join my new group, PLM, Paisan Lives Matter. You must be FBI and we have to be able to trace all your relatives back to the old country.
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