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Have you ever felt bad for killing a bug?

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I did tonight. There was a pretty large cricket in my room, so I tossed a towel on it like a net and stepped on it several times. After lifting up the towel, it wasn't moving so I figured he was dead. I picked it up in a paper towel and figured I'd drop it in the toilet to flush it. I sort of had to use the restroom anyway, so I dropped the paper towel and then urinated without really looking. I then went to flush the toilet and saw that it was still alive and trying to swim, and I basically had no other option but to flush at that point.

So I stepped on it and badly hurt it. Then pissed on it. Then flushed it down the toilet to drown.

I literally feel like a monster, and really regret not killing it quickly or taking the paper towel outside. :messenger_frowning_
Depends on what side they're on...


Real talk, that book lead me to learning how to raise bug armies to do my bidding.

It's a bloody war I wage in my garden every year. I am their overlord.

Planting Dill for instance attracts parasitic wasps which then feed on tomato worms and other pest insects. I literally have no issues with tomato worms. Ever.
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If its a fly or whatever Ill give it a few chances to get out the window, followed by me forcing it out of the window.

If it's a fucking spider or some crawly little shit I end its life quick and painless.

I don't feel bad in a soy way, I just don't think hurting something for no reason other than I want it out of my sight is a valid excuse.
If its a fly or whatever Ill give it a few chances to get out the window, followed by me forcing it out of the window.

If it's a fucking spider or some crawly little shit I end its life quick and painless.

I don't feel bad in a soy way, I just don't think hurting something for no reason other than I want it out of my sight is a valid excuse.
Flies are the only things on earth I torture if I find them inside the house. I pull off their wings and throw em in the garbage. I freaking hate flies.


Unconfirmed Member
Not in the least. They outnumber humanity like a kajillion to one. They can afford to lose a few.
Having said that, I did once kill a squirrel with a pellet gun and felt horrible afterwards. But now I know and I decided I'd
never hunt an animal unless I was starving.
Depends on what side they're on...


Real talk, that book lead me to learning how to raise bug armies to do my bidding.

It's a bloody war I wage in my garden every year. I am their overlord.

Planting Dill for instance attracts parasitic wasps which then feed on tomato worms and other pest insects. I literally have no issues with tomato worms. Ever.
dude that's badass. Makes me want to start gardening.

Dark Star

Cockroaches? Wasps? Fire Ants? Mosquitoes? Flies?


Most flying insects/bugs I usually throw my flips flops at TBH. I'll open a window and give it a chance if it's not ugly and disgusting (so I guess butterflies, ladybugs and bees are the only ones I'll tolerate lol)

I try my hardest not to kill spiders, because they're actually pretty cool. I rarely see them in my house, but if I do, I just pick it up in a plastic cup or whatever and let it outside. Spider webs are beautiful and necessary.
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I hate no bug more than roaches and one time I was on campus waiting for a peer when I saw a giant roach in the distance. It was just eating whatever crumbs it could find on the floor under a table. Yes it was gross, but at the time I was just like "huh, it's just trying to survive." Few weeks later a big ass roach came into my apartment, mind you, I previously had a roach phobia (even had nightmares with those fuckers) and instead of killing it I just shooed it out the door with my shoe. Couldn't bring myself to kill it.
Many years of dissociation later I look back at that and can't even fathom how I could do that, I'd rather die than risk a roach crawling up my pant leg. I murder every bug that moves on sight.


i hate being around bugs yet i make my best effort to avoid killing them, but yes, sometimes there is no choice and i feel like a lovecraftian creature.


I avoid stepping on ants when I'm outside.
Even those tiny red mites that are seen crawling on benches, I feel bad if I put a small object that could crush them.
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I generally don’t kill them. There’s one type of invasive and cannibalistic spider I will kill, and I also kill moths that eat wool. So no I don’t feel bad for killing those, but I would for the bugs that aren’t on my shit list.


I have a clear plastic cup and a hand fan from a star trek game I got at pax.

What I do is when a bug chills on a wall I'll use the cup to trap him against the wall then use the fan to wedge under the cup the peel the cup from the wall as I keep the fan tight as a lid and walk outside and toss the bug out from the cup
I expected you to flush before you piss.

That Cricket must be on steroids to take a stomping like that and being pissed on.

Mozzies can die though as they spread diseases.
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This reminds me of a story that happened while I was camping with my then sister and law and her kids...

One of her kids was playing with a scarab looking bug at the bottom of a tree for a while and my son was playing with a huge stick, I think he was either optimus prime or some other autobot in his head. He approached the tree with his stick and his cousin shouted at him not too hurt the bug, so what did my son do? He proceeded to crush that bug with about 10-15 hits while furiously screaming "die decepticon, die!". It was quite a sight to see and I couldnt just refrain myself not to burst into laughter.

His cousin proceeded to run into their camper and cry for a while, I felt bad and had to do my dad's job and explain to my son that he couldnt do this shit and it was wrong but deep down inside me i couldnt stop thinking it was hilarious :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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I try not to kill them, Buddhist principles and all. But I'm a hypocrite because when it suits me I kill them. For example, we had some woodworm in the bedroom and I hated the idea of that, so they didn't last long when they were crawling up the wall. And as a kid I was full on into killing bugs.

But I aim to not be bothered by them, for whatever reasons, but baby steps innit. I try to rescue them in a cup mostly, and usually do. Pisses off my wife who'd rather squash them.


Most bugs, yes.
but cockroaches, I will kill every one of them which enters my house.

We also have these fuckers in Florida.. and thankfully I've never seen one inside but I'd kill it in a second.
I woke up with an itch on my foot that I couldn't satisfy by scratching. Some critter must have been gnawing on me all night. :p

I generally won't kill bugs - I set them loose outside if possible. I don't follow that rule 100% of the time or with all bugs necessarily to be honest though. If I do kill, I always make sure to do it quickly - with as much compassion as possible. I take no delight in causing any suffering.


No feelings at all when I kill them. They deserve to die.
However I won’t kill the “good” bugs like a lady beetle or a butterfly.


Not intentionally. I generally capture any critters I find in the house using the old glass and piece of cardboard method and put them out the window. I've had the odd situation where shit went wrong though. I was recently was trying to capture a spider in the bathroom and he suddenly sensing the glass looming above him he made a mad dash break across the bathtub straight into a residual pool of water from the shower. :messenger_grimmacing_



I’ve never felt bad. I don’t even hesitate on killing flies, mosquitoes, and cockroaches.
But I usually just leave others alone or guide them out. Like spiders, they’re cool.

Karma Jawa

I’ll try to get flies and spiders out of the place, but if it takes more than 30 seconds I’ll kill them.

I’m no Mark Chapman. That guy took it too far.


I did tonight. There was a pretty large cricket in my room, so I tossed a towel on it like a net and stepped on it several times. After lifting up the towel, it wasn't moving so I figured he was dead. I picked it up in a paper towel and figured I'd drop it in the toilet to flush it. I sort of had to use the restroom anyway, so I dropped the paper towel and then urinated without really looking. I then went to flush the toilet and saw that it was still alive and trying to swim, and I basically had no other option but to flush at that point.

So I stepped on it and badly hurt it. Then pissed on it. Then flushed it down the toilet to drown.

I literally feel like a monster, and really regret not killing it quickly or taking the paper towel outside. :messenger_frowning_

At least you have compassion op.
Anyway, same will happen to all of us, at least figuratively. So it all evens out in the end.
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