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Have you ever seen a U.F.O. ???

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Have you ever seen a ufo? Share your experiences and your feeling about the subject.
Do you believe in aliens?


Unconfirmed Member

I believe aliens exist, but I don't believe there are otherworldly visitors to this planet.

Ill be back later to tell stories about my encounters.


Grandma's Chippy
Yes, twice...well at least twice I couldn't explain it. Once I even got a picture :)

And yes...I will look for that picture.


i was looking at the sky and i saw a huge like sivelr blimp looking this so i tried to follow it and a tree got in my way i moved back and the thing disappeared just poof no where in the sky. thats my story i know its lame but ive seen one was cool though.


Part of me wants to see one, but the other half doesn't. I guess that half feels if I see one, I would be abducted or something. That's a constant fear I have.
On a clear night nowadays if you look up at the stars and are away from a lot of light polution you can see loads of satellites crossing the sky. I remember seeing maybe 2 a night back about 18 years ago. Now you'll see one every 10 minutes almost.

do you really need more proof?
I saw one back when I was in Jr. High, around '91 - '92. I was at my grandmother's and walking my uncle back to the house(he had been drinking) and I remember looking up to see this saucer shaped object in the distance. I double taked and noticed that it wasn't a helecopter or blimp, it didn't make a sound, and had some lights under it. I just grabbed my uncle and got back to the house as soon as possible. I didn't mention it to anyone for a long time.

As for other things, I remember seeing a triangular shaped object glide through the sky a few years ago, though that one didn't really give me that sense of 'ohh shit' that the other one did, so I figure it was something of the government's


Ive always been scepticle of any abduction stories or that aliens are here type of things, that doesnt mean it doesnt intrest me or that I havnt seen any "unidentified" object.

Its rediculous to think that there is no other intelligent life out there, of course there is, but visiting us? I doubt it. Any UFO that might actually be of alien orgin would most likely be a recon device, before any visititations. Then again, we dont understand gravity, time or space, maybe we are being visited and science has yet to develop enough to know.

Anyways, Ive seen several odd things, but one really stood out. I was out on my grandmothers land night fishing in a pond, and noticed a light in the woods that caught my attention. Its alot of land, and noone around, I had a friend with me and we both saw it. It eventually got closer and above the trees, and was lighting the whole area up. It made NO noise, and had several lights, even one blinking which led me to say it was the helicopter looking for weed crops. It got really close and made no noise , no distubance to the trees or us, so thats when we said its no helicopter and freaked out. Neither of us saw any physical object, just a bright light with several blinking ones, it was prolly 100 -200 ft away, but was lighting the area around us up. About two minutes later it headed by us and disappeared out of view, and we hauled ass out of there.


ManaByte said:

Im gonna have to pull the bullshit card on Lear.

These guys always have intresting stories but manage to blow it with far fetched BS sometimes.

Bob Lazar's story is the most intresting, but since it has to do with lear Id say BS as well.

Its the same with Mels Hole, he came out with a cool story, disappears for years, returns to Art Bell and tells about another hole he found in Neveda where a fucking black seal came crawling out and talked to them telepathicaly, he blew it on that one.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
I remember driving home late one night with my girlfriend at the time. And were talking in the car at about 3am in the morning... all of a sudden I saw a bright green light (before I hear any jokes... I was on the freeway and there were taffic lights) that looked oddly like a star.. but it moved then just vanished.. I would say I saw it for like 5 or 6 seconds... I thought it was just late and I turned to my ex-gf and asked her if she saw it as well. She stared where I saw the green light wide eyed, like a deer about to get run over by a truck. And she said yeah I saw it, what do you think it was?(in her Japanese accent)

To this day I am not sure what I saw....


Blackace said:
I remember driving home late one night with my girlfriend at the time. And were talking in the car at about 3am in the morning... all of a sudden I saw a bright green light (before I hear any jokes... I was on the freeway and there were taffic lights) that looked oddly like a star.. but it moved then just vanished.. I would say I saw it for like 5 or 6 seconds... I thought it was just late and I turned to my ex-gf and asked her if she saw it as well. She stared where I saw the green light wide eyed, like a deer about to get run over by a truck. And she said yeah I saw it, what do you think it was?(in her Japanese accent)

To this day I am not sure what I saw....

If you all wanna see some ufo footage well go to www.rense.com of course it has some BS and wacky stuff but some of these videos do seem very strange, also i remember seeing a documentary about nasa transmissions and in one of the leaked transmissions was the trip to the moon where one crew said these words "Alien Space ship", i think after this trip the Nasa sound transmissions were canceled to the public. Speaking about Nasa transmssions there's a Documentary of one guy who managed to capture several footage of many Nasa missions with his own dishes,its called The secret Nasa Transmissions and he managed to record incredible amount of hours of these missions, and let me say that Nasa knows more about this theme than they made you believe.......
It was late one night and I looked out my window (My window overlooks a lake)...and I saw this set of lights float slowly by...and I figured it was a plane or something...but a minute later, it happened again...and then again...

I was confused, I don't know what it was...so yes, I have seen a UFO...


Queen of Denmark
I've never seen any, and I doubt very much that any alien crafts have ever been here. I do believe that intelligent life -- or at least life of some kind -- resides elsewhere in the universe.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
human5892 said:
I've never seen any, and I doubt very much that any alien crafts have ever been here. I do believe that intelligent life -- or at least life of some kind -- resides elsewhere in the universe.

Yeah. And I love how so many people claim to have seen UFOs and/or have been kidnapped by aliens for decades, yet not one picture or video has ever been shown to prove it. It's always some backwater town where it happens, or there's a government conspiracy to cover it up. Right. If there were actually aliens that landed, we'd know about it. Why the hell would it stay covered up? :p

I'm sure many of us have seen UFOs, though. It's not hard to believe you saw something flying and couldn't tell what it was; could have been a helicopter, plane, glider, etc. And we've all seen plenty of aliens before, too...the illegal kind. :)


Queen of Denmark
Lyte Edge said:
Yeah. And I love how so many people claim to have seen UFOs and/or have been kidnapped by aliens for decades, yet not one picture or video has ever been shown to prove it. It's always some backwater town where it happens, or there's a government conspiracy to cover it up. Right. If there were actually aliens that landed, we'd know about it. Why the hell would it stay covered up? :p
Exactly. Plus, we have hundreds of thousands of various sky-monitoring devices out there every day -- commercial and military planes, radar dishes, satellites, etc. -- some of which exist for the sole purpose of monitoring airspace for anything unidentified. Unless an alien craft was employing some kind of technology that somehow made it invisible to radar and the sight of the people working the machines, yet visible to the backwoods hick who saw the ship, I seriously doubt alien craft could be coming and going to our planet as they please.

And that's not even to mention all of the logistical questions alien visitation opens up, such as why they haven't tried to contact people in a more meaningful believable way (i.e., in the middle of New York City).


Lyte Edge said:
Yeah. And I love how so many people claim to have seen UFOs and/or have been kidnapped by aliens for decades, yet not one picture or video has ever been shown to prove it. It's always some backwater town where it happens, or there's a government conspiracy to cover it up. Right. If there were actually aliens that landed, we'd know about it. Why the hell would it stay covered up? :p

I'm sure many of us have seen UFOs, though. It's not hard to believe you saw something flying and couldn't tell what it was; could have been a helicopter, plane, glider, etc. And we've all seen plenty of aliens before, too...the illegal kind. :)

I agree, theres zero evidence.

Id also have to say the US Government, or any for that matter CANNOT keep a secret, theres just no way more than one person can cover something up, this applies to any conspiracy theory or alien cover up.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
ced said:
I agree, theres zero evidence.

Id also have to say the US Government, or any for that matter CANNOT keep a secret, theres just no way more than one person can cover something up, this applies to any conspiracy theory or alien cover up.

Not to mention that if you really want to get into it, there's no reason TO cover up an Alien landing. I could see the government wanting the technology for themselves, sure, but there's absolutely zero reason to hide existance of aliens from the public.


Lyte Edge said:
Not to mention that if you really want to get into it, there's no reason TO cover up an Alien landing. I could see the government wanting the technology for themselves, sure, but there's absolutely zero reason to hide existance of aliens from the public.


Well, Lears explanation was were being farmed ala "The Matrix" just not quite like that. The government gets technology and the 18 different alien species get to abduct us. Thats where his story went downhill and you have to pull the BS card on him.

The only concern I could ever think of is religion. The discovery of an advanced alien species, would most likely prove there is no "god". Being that 90? % of human beings believe in some sort of god or afterlife, and alot if not most governments are based upon this to somewhat control thier people, could cause some problems.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
olimario said:
I have seen a lot of shooting stars, though.

and I bet you didn't know what exactly was burning up in the atmosphere did you? So you in fact have seen an unidentified flying object.


I will be forever baffled at the notion of the existence of aliens disproving the existence of god.


levious said:
I will be forever baffled at the notion of the existence of aliens disproving the existence of god.

I said "most likely".

I mean a species advanced enough to travel here, will know whether there is or there is not a god. They would have to understand gravity, space and time. They would know how life began and how it evolves (if it does).


Queen of Denmark
levious said:
I will be forever baffled at the notion of the existence of aliens disproving the existence of god.
I'm no Christianity expert, but isn't that one religion that would have trouble explaining aliens, as the Bible makes no mention of God creating other beings in other worlds besides ours?

As possible testament to this fact, my ex-girlfriend's hardcore born-again Christian parents thought that the notion of aliens was Satanic and anti-God, and when I asked her why she said it was because of the reason I stated above.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
still doesn't make sense to me. Oh well.

And I'm not "religious" or christian, but I'd like to think that the concept of a supreme being and/or life after death is far beyond the level of intelligence needed to understand things such as gravity, space, and time.

edit: and there's a big difference between someone who is believes strongly in their religion and someone who's a fundamentalist (nothing not contained within the bible is valid). If we're talking about fundamentalists, there's a lot of things that could crumble the foundation of their beliefs.
Well whatever you think about this matter im in field that believes US and other country Governments know more than they're saying, what about those plane pilots who keep seeing strange stuff only to be silenced by the air line companies???Some of these sightings come out because they're always recorded, and many times the radar back them up, the most weird thing which is usually common in true UFO sightings by credible pple, mind you, there's always fradulent cases, is the way these things move, like going at ridiculous speeds and then stoping completely or doing 90 degrees curves, im tell you these governments know more than they make pple believe......
Lyte Edge said:
It's always some backwater town where it happens
Well, not really. But I think we'd all agree it would be easier to pull off a kidnapping and return in a more secluded area.

Right. If there were actually aliens that landed, we'd know about it. Why the hell would it stay covered up? :p
Well, if we knew why it was staying covered up... it wouldn't really be covered up.

Even Dennis Kucinich gets more mainstream coverage and credibility than anyone claiming anything serious about UFOs.


My neighbors were playing with a water balloon launched, and something flaming went flying by. I couldn't identify it.


Queen of Denmark
Bluemercury said:
Well whatever you think about this matter im in field that believes US and other country Governments know more than they're saying, what about those plane pilots who keep seeing strange stuff only to be silenced by the air line companies???
Assuming these stories are true, it might be because sometimes what they have seen is secret government technology (see pretty much everything having to do with Area 51).
JoshuaSlone said:
Even Dennis Kucinich gets more mainstream coverage and credibility than anyone claiming anything serious about UFOs.
Probably because most people claiming to have seen UFOs have absolutely no proof, and those who do have proof usually point to a blurry, inconsequential photograph that easily could've been doctored.

If I claimed to have witnessed a large, six-legged purple elephant walk by my window just now, but had no proof of it -- or at most a picture with an indistinguishable purple smudge -- why would any respectable newspaper want to cover my story? The same logic should be applied to UFO stories, and usually is; it's just that since aliens are things other people thought they have seen at one time or another (despite the lack of any evidence) they sometimes get more credibility than they deserve.
human5892 said:
If I claimed to have witnessed a large, six-legged purple elephant walk by my window just now, but had no proof of it -- or at most a picture with an indistinguishable purple smudge -- why would any respectable newspaper want to cover my story?
But if dozens of others independently saw the elephants, they were caught on radar, and then the media reported that they were likely swamp gas?


You know most UFOs weren't alien spaceships but government spy planes being tested, hence the coverup, right?
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