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Have you ever seen a U.F.O. ???

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JoshuaJSlone said:
But if dozens of others independently saw the elephants, they were caught on radar, and then the media reported that they were likely swamp gas?

I find hilarous the orignal story about the swamp gas theory, it was Dr. Allen Hynek who at the time was working for the US air force in the Project Blue book, he was the one who came up with the gaz swamp theory to debunk many UFO sightings, the funny part is he admited that the whole Project was formed not to do a serious study of the UFO phenomena but to debunk it, and now there are many books from this guy about UFO's where he's conviced something really is happening, he died in the 80's i think, after being Spielberg's consultant for the 3rd encounters movie.....


Tagged as I see fit
human5892 said:
I'm no Christianity expert, but isn't that one religion that would have trouble explaining aliens, as the Bible makes no mention of God creating other beings in other worlds besides ours?

As possible testament to this fact, my ex-girlfriend's hardcore born-again Christian parents thought that the notion of aliens was Satanic and anti-God, and when I asked her why she said it was because of the reason I stated above.

Without taking sides on this view...does the bible specifically mention monkeys?


Queen of Denmark
JoshuaJSlone said:
But if dozens of others independently saw the elephants, they were caught on radar, and then the media reported that they were likely swamp gas?
Then it would point to the elephant being a secret government project. (begins to regret the elephant analogy)
TheOMan said:
Without taking sides on this view...does the bible specifically mention monkeys?
I don't know -- I've never even read the thing front to back. I was just relating what those people said.
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