I'd like to know if my brothers and sisters of NeoGAF have any experience with the practice of meditation. Here is where you share your experience.
The activity of mindfulness is what meditation is.I think mindful activity is more important and more valuable than meditation.
The activity of mindfulness is what meditation is.
Meditation just compliments that and reinforces a positive outlook and approach to life.I think mindful activity is more important and more valuable than meditation.
Quiet spot free of active distractions is all you need. Take deep, slow breaths, relax, observe yourself and your thoughts as they flow in. By letting go you can become less of a slave to your own thoughts and reactions and anxieties, work toward a more proactive and deliberate headspace.I'm going to give this a shot for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. Does anyone have any recommendations?
Do you actually sit alone in a room, legs crossed indian style? Do you set a timer on your phone? What does the practice actually look like?
I do not believe in meditation myself [...]
I don't believe that it on its own is any kind of miracle solution to major problems. It of course allows people to better focus their thoughts and is good for problem solving, but anything beyond that I think it is a glorified placebo. People want it to be the solution to their specific problem and therefore believe that it grants them what they want. Especially when it comes to managing stress or anxiety. It acts as release valve for mental stress/anxiety sure, but that is not unique to meditation. In the same way that prayer and worship will alleviate mental stress in a religious person meditation does the same for wat
I think smoking weed and playing something like Gran Turismo has the same healing effect on me.
I don't believe that it on its own is any kind of miracle solution to major problems. It of course allows people to better focus their thoughts and is good for problem solving, but anything beyond that I think it is a glorified placebo. People want it to be the solution to their specific problem and therefore believe that it grants them what they want. Especially when it comes to managing stress or anxiety. It acts as release valve for mental stress/anxiety sure, but that is not unique to meditation. In the same way that prayer and worship will alleviate mental stress in a religious person meditation does the same for others.
Meditation is just another outlet for a person to try and manage the chaos that is life. Some people read books, some people go to church, some people drink, some people snort coke out of belly buttons, etc etc. Its all the same in the end. Its a coping mechanism that allows people to get through the day. Which is why I have no problem in people doing it. When they become advocates and try to convince me that its the better way though I get annoyed.
Agree to disagree.Just because some people have used it as a crutch or get out of jail free card from the stressors in their life doesn't mean it's just a coping mechanism or a placebo. Meditation has very real, very researched, physiological benefits beyond the obvious psychological ones. It's just like exercising in that meditation is taking advantage of a mechanism of our physiology in order to achieve very real and measurable positive results. It's that simple. You mentioned reading and that actually IS comparable in that reading puts you in a similar state as meditation for similar reasons.
Comparing drinking alcohol and snorting coke to meditation is intellectually dishonest. There's being skeptical and then there's being obtuse.
Hate to break it to you, but you can even meditate while walking.That's why I added activity. I've found doing something that's mindful is better than simply sitting doing nothing.
Quiet spot free of active distractions is all you need. Take deep, slow breaths, relax, observe yourself and your thoughts as they flow in. By letting go you can become less of a slave to your own thoughts and reactions and anxieties, work toward a more proactive and deliberate headspace.