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Have you seen the Rumble Roses intro? No? Well here is your chance!


Bounce, bounce... sweet lord, could this be the first wrestling game I'm interested in? Coupled with the somewhat positive multiplayer comments from the other thread, sure looks like it. I even liked the intro music! :D

(What's the song btw?)


all I know is that there is a new hotpants queen in town. The Rave Racer girl has finally been dethroned.
Ya, the asian chick, and cowgirl were hot :):


aoi tsuki

mrklaw said:
all I know is that there is a new hotpants queen in town. The Rave Racer girl has finally been dethroned.
Reiko was never about hotpants for me, unless you like the Jun Kazama, minimal ass look. It was all about that smile for me.
It's unfortunate that they didn't use the David Lee Roth original Yankee Rose, but oh well. Probably one of my favorite CG intros this generation, aside from obvious reasons, it's just eye candy! One thing that has shortened my tolerance for CG in games is how developers waste my time trying to use it as a narrative tool. Don't care. Don't care. Stop acting all artsy people.

Hopefully CG will be dead within two console generations. Supplanted by real time cinemas using the game engine.

Meh, that's neither here nor there.

Akari Uchida is my new hero. Unlike other developers, he doesn't come across as some pretentious twat claiming his game is for all audiences, or that he "wanted to make a game for his children" like certain developers that shall remain nameless.

He seems to recognize it's shameless exploitation attached to a fun game, and makes no apologies or pretentious B.S. ("Durr, they're my children") up to cover it.


Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I'd like to get a soundtrack for this game. Or at least the RR version of Yankee Rose and Reiko's intro theme. :)
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