HBO has five potential Game of Thrones spinoffs in development [GRRM & Bloys updates]



I'm starting to get the feeling they will greenlight two of them and go the Fear/Walking Dead route to capitalize on year round Thrones.

But it's also HBO and they're usually good about these sorts of things. I'm so uncertain!
They couldn't even make one good show and now they're making four more?

Damn, I miss the old HBO.
Isn't there better ways to ask for attention than begging for it on gaf for people you'll never meet in real life?

Four sounds like a lot, HBO needs to chill. I'll wait until the trailer of the first one before I make any sound judgement. Reading that journal from GRRIM, dude is never finishing WoW lmao


semen stains the mountaintops
Make it so one airs at the start of the year and the other at the end. Nonstop Ice and Fire, babbbyyy! 💦😩


I would've gone at most 2 spinoffs, Robert's Rebellion and the leadup to it and way back to the time of the Children of the Forest and their War with the first men (the origin of the White Walkers).


Four shows seems bit excessive. But eh, I'll watch em.

Think of it like animals that give birth in batches. Its not expected all will make it.
My bet is 2 get through to fulls seasons and are around for a few years.
Maybe a third has a pilot that leaks and nothing more.


Isn't there better ways to ask for attention than begging for it on gaf for people you'll never meet in real life?

Four sounds like a lot, HBO needs to chill. I'll wait until the trailer of the first one before I make any sound judgement. Reading that journal from GRRIM, dude is never finishing WoW lmao
They aren't making four shows. They're developing four (or maybe five) pilot scripts and then going to make just one of those into a show.


Think of it like animals that give birth in batches. Its not expected all will make it.
My bet is 2 get through to fulls seasons and are around for a few years.
Maybe a third has a pilot that leaks and nothing more.
Now I want them all to come true! You should have said spiders or something.


Hunky Nostradamus
It's really strange that they both keep on bringing this up in public.

Yeah, I don't really understand what the deal here is. GRRM clearly wants people to know there are 5, for some reason. But why?

Originally, he said:

GRRM said:
We have added a fifth writer to the original four. No, I will not reveal the name here. HBO announced the names of the first four, and will no doubt announce the fifth as well, once his deal has closed. He's a really terrific addition, however, a great guy and a fine writer, and aside from me and maybe Elio and Linda, I don't know anyone who knows and loves Westeros as well as he does.

It sounds a bit like he's trying to make this happen because the person writing it is a close friend?
Blackfyre would be a great name for the show. The Blackfyre Rebellion is a pretty good story to tell.

I'd really love to see something to really expand the world though. Shadow Lands, Asshai, Yi Ti, Sothoryos. I think something like Aegon's Conquest, or The Doom of Valyria is likely. Aegon and his sisters traveled the world on their Dragons, exploring Sothoryos as well. It'd be cool to see.


You know what, i'm not one of those book snobs who shit all over the show on a regular basis, but with Season 7 HOLY CRAP! the quality of the writing declined a lot, it's like D&D are trolling Martin and the audience.

If the quality of writing in the spin offs it's going to be like season 7 i would not like to watch them.


I haven't watched S7 so I'm not going to go into any of the threads, but I'm just curious if it was any good
Every time this guy writes an update it sounds pompous as fuck to me.

I can't tell you what the shows will be about (well, I could, but I won't)

We have added a fifth writer to the original four. No, I will not reveal the name here.

GRRM strikes me as the kind of guy who would go out of his way to have the last word, no matter what. Jesus.


It sounds a bit like he's trying to make this happen because the person writing it is a close friend?

Probably the gruesome twosome at, they can't get enough of sucking on the GRRM money teat with the lore books

We're not doing Dunk & Egg. Eventually, sure, I'd love that, and so would many of you. But I've only written and published three novellas to date, and there are at least seven or eight or ten more I want to write. We all know how slow I am, and how fast a television show can move. I don't want to repeat what happened with GAME OF THRONES itself, where the show gets ahead of the books. When the day comes that I've finished telling all my tales of Dunk & Egg, then we'll do a tv show about them... but that day is still a long ways off.

That imagination GRRM has...eyes are bigger than his plate

I haven't watched S7 so I'm not going to go into any of the threads, but I'm just curious if it was any good

Being past the written books and firmly into GRRMs outline notes the tempo of the show does increase dramatically, which is a bit of an issue in terms of people seemingly skitting about Westeros with abandon but if you're able to suspend your disbelief in that regard it's not bad. There are a couple of egregious parts, but at the same time they balance it out with some great set pieces and for the most part, the writing of the characters is still decent, again with a couple of exceptions. Not stellar, but not terrible.

Hari Seldon

I wish they wouldn't do this.
Just end Game of Thrones the right way. No need for more shows in this universe

The massive hordes of people cancelling their HBO subscriptions are probably why they are doing this. They need something to fund all of the prestige shows that no one really watches but win awards.


Neo Member
It's going to be the first men.

But I would like one to take place on the other side of the world. So far that westros is a legend heard through tales.
As unlikely as it is, I wish we would get a miniseries on the Valyrian civilization, the wars with the Ghiscari, and the cataclysm all the way up until the departure of Aegon. Aside from the general idea that they were the most advanced civilization in the world and fell into ruin, there aren't a whole lot of details about what went on there outside of some of the extended animation legends and lore stuff.


I wish they wouldn't do this.
Just end Game of Thrones the right way. No need for more shows in this universe

Thrones makes them a fuckton of money. There is no way in hell they will pass up an opportunity to build of it. I don't agree with a sequel, but prequels would kickass.


The more this is talked about the more of a "Caprica" vibe I get. Totally expect to be let down.


I think their best bet would have to be a story about the Doom of Valyria.

According to the wiki, it was a "a cataclysm of an unspecified nature".

We would know that the Doom was coming - just like we knew that the WW would cross the wall eventually - but the details of the cataclysm would be the big twist/reveal.
Dance of dragons
Blackfyre rebellion
The last hero + CoTF vs the great other

Though the third would only work as a miniseries, these are what I would like to see.


I think it would be cool to do a totally original character driven story that sort of takes place along side some of the major events. Some random farmer or merchant with a family to raise, trying to survive the chaos, sending his sons to war, that sort of that thing.
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