I really feel like I may be the only one who liked The Pacific over Band of Brothers. Granted the first time I watched it I did feel it was much below BoB and I was disappointed. However on re-watch I viewed it as it's own entity and now whenever I watch Band of Brothers I feel it's missing something The Pacific has. Maybe I just felt the brutality of war and it's effects on men as shown in The Pacific was of greater impact to my psyche then the brotherhood among soldiers in BoB. I really can't put a finger on what it is I see but the trauma soldiers go through is much more thoroughly portrayed in The Pacific. Australia where they dated women who then broke up with them because they expect them to die, the R&R island Leckie went to, the sheer horror on Pelilu and Oki, and the biggest and most powerful scene when Sledge breaks down crying while dove hunting after it's all over. Sure BoB is one of my favorite mini-series; don't get me wrong, but at least in my opinion I think they went above and beyond on The Pacific.
I don't see how this will top either of them but I know now to take it for what it is and not a "sequel" trying to dethrone the other. Take it as the homage it really is. I really am excited.