What's Taylor Swift's left hand doing in the picture?
Yeah, makes you sound like a pain in the ass to discuss with. But hey, your call.Seeing as how he continued his disgustingly toxic diatribe off a cliff, I think my meme response was more than fine. I'm sorry I didn't throw the .gif up instead.
Did you see the picture?
What's Taylor Swift's left hand doing in the picture?
That guys lawyer is so fucking scummy.
What's Taylor Swift's left hand doing in the picture?
Remind me to keep my hands in my pockets for photos from now on. I usually do small of the back touch.
He's making a "she has no ass" joke.
Wait, he said he 'thought he was touching her ribs'? What the actual fuck?
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Wait, he said he 'thought he was touching her ribs'? What the actual fuck?
Guy is such a dumbass. He gropes a huge popstar on camera and thought he would get away with it. Lol at it being her rib when his hand was low as fuck.
Damn, even with photo evidence, that's where people are at?
But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course
But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course
Oh, I see.
But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course
Yeah, I don't even know what the defense is up to at this point as the case is pretty airtight.
But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course
But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course
This happened 3 years ago. It was never even known it happened up until he tried to sue her 2 years after it happened.The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
[Andrea Swift is a co-defendant in the lawsuit filed by David Mueller. Mr Mueller's attorney, Gabriel McFarland, asked why Swift's team didn't contact police.
"I did not want this event to define her life," Andrea Swift said. "We absolutely wanted to keep it private, but we didn't want him to get away with it."
Mr Mueller has sued Taylor Swift and others, claiming he was falsely accused and then fired over her allegation. He is seeking at least $3 million.
She said: 'One of the things I think that stuck with me [about that night] was that [Taylor] couldn't believe that after the incident, after he grabbed her, that she thanked him for being there.
'She said thank you. It was destroying her that she said that after someone did that to her. It made me question why I taught her to be so polite in that moment.'
'She said thank you. It was destroying her that she said that after someone did that to her. It made me question why I taught her to be so polite in that moment.'
Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.
Why do people feel the need to let everyone know how much they dislike her before saying saying she didn't deserve this?
Seen quite a few "I hate her as a person but even she didn't deserve this" kind of posts.
Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Well, maybe a little bit better still though, no?That's some straight up dangerous behavior. Like, if you like her that much, shouldn't you sympathize with her instead of only seeing her as a source of entertainment? These people are no better than grab ass man.
But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course
Didn't know you could shame women for being groped on GAF. A good chunk of this thread looks like it was pulled straight off 4chan. This is shit posters would otherwise get banned in seconds for.
I mean, what the actual fuck?
The picture is damning but I wouldn't say it's definitive proof. I'm not defending him, just saying it's hard to crucify the man based on that alone. If she hadnt spoken up I never would have thought he was groping her. What a creep
Didn't know you could shame women for being groped on GAF. A good chunk of this thread looks like it was pulled straight off 4chan. This is shit posters would otherwise get banned in seconds for.
I mean, what the actual fuck?
I didn't know Nick Robinson posted here. You should apologize for this one too.But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course
A good chunk? Like a couple people? The key offender being banned already?
"Swifts accusation has wrecked his career prospects and his name;"
That's not how this works...