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"He had a handful of my ass.": Taylor Swift testifies in groping case against DJ

Guy is such a dumbass. He gropes a huge popstar on camera and thought he would get away with it. Lol at it being her rib when his hand was low as fuck.


Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.

So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?

This reminds me of the famous phrase: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that Taylor Swift do nothing."
Guy is such a dumbass. He gropes a huge popstar on camera and thought he would get away with it. Lol at it being her rib when his hand was low as fuck.

That's what I don't understand. Fucker really thought he would get away with groping a super famous pop star in public with cameras everywhere?

Who is he that he thought he would get away with that?
Guys, whether she has an ass or not does not erase the assault/harassment. I'm sure she doesn't think it's funny either.

Anybody can make a no ass joke about her, but the reason most people in this thread aren't doing that is because they recognize it isn't the right time or place.

Oh, I see.

It was almost subtle.


No Scrubs
Yeah, I don't even know what the defense is up to at this point as the case is pretty airtight.

I mean, that's his only shot. Given the picture there's no way he can win this on the merits, so they gotta go for a hail mary and just play dumb.


Just look at that picture. Does that look like a guilty man? Obviously this is a second picture taken right after the first one where the guy had his hand higher and he immediately started to lower his hand after the first shot and the second shot just happened to catch his hand when it was on Taylor's ass level!


But... What if he didn't? Devil's advocate of course

Just to go over details of the case, if he didn't that means, at the very least, Taylor Swift, her bodyguard and the photographer are lying about what they observed. It also either means Taylor Swift lied to her mother and members of her staff/team about what happened or they are all lying about having been told. It then means these same people, who are lying or were lied to, then either did send the photo to the radio station and lied to them or they didn't send it and the radio station is lying that they received it.

All of this lying and fabricating to accuse a man who claimed that Taylor Swift was actually assaulted, but just that it was his boss that did it and not him. According to him he only touched her ribs and her arm moved his hand when they crossed.


The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
This happened 3 years ago. It was never even known it happened up until he tried to sue her 2 years after it happened.
[Andrea Swift is a co-defendant in the lawsuit filed by David Mueller. Mr Mueller's attorney, Gabriel McFarland, asked why Swift's team didn't contact police.

"I did not want this event to define her life," Andrea Swift said. "We absolutely wanted to keep it private, but we didn't want him to get away with it."

Mr Mueller has sued Taylor Swift and others, claiming he was falsely accused and then fired over her allegation. He is seeking at least $3 million.

This is terrible, from her mom's testimony:
She said: 'One of the things I think that stuck with me [about that night] was that [Taylor] couldn't believe that after the incident, after he grabbed her, that she thanked him for being there.

'She said thank you. It was destroying her that she said that after someone did that to her. It made me question why I taught her to be so polite in that moment.'


'She said thank you. It was destroying her that she said that after someone did that to her. It made me question why I taught her to be so polite in that moment.'

This is like when you thank the cops for giving you a ticket and hassling you. Horrible feeling.
Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.



Why do people feel the need to let everyone know how much they dislike her before saying saying she didn't deserve this?

Seen quite a few "I hate her as a person but even she didn't deserve this" kind of posts.


Why do people feel the need to let everyone know how much they dislike her before saying saying she didn't deserve this?

Seen quite a few "I hate her as a person but even she didn't deserve this" kind of posts.

That tends to crop up. Some people don't appreciate just how shitty it is until it's been pointed out to them.

I used to do that even just a few months ago (regarding other people) but someone pointed out how much of a dick move that is and I took note.


That's horrible. Good on her for pressing charges.

Guy must have smaller hands than Donald Trump.


The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.

After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.


That's some straight up dangerous behavior. Like, if you like her that much, shouldn't you sympathize with her instead of only seeing her as a source of entertainment? These people are no better than grab ass man.
Well, maybe a little bit better still though, no?


The picture is damning but I wouldn't say it's definitive proof. I'm not defending him, just saying it's hard to crucify the man based on that alone. If she hadnt spoken up I never would have thought he was groping her. What a creep


Fail out bailed
Some of these replies... you shouldn't have to dig to the molten core of the earth in order to find a hot take.


never left the stone age
That quote about her taking blame for the guy's actions ring very true from what I've heard from women I know, it's fucked up and it makes me angry as hell.


There's no denying the photo evidence but the details don't really add up. She claimed his hand was under her skirt but the hem does not look lifted at the sides, I suppose its not impossible but it just doesn't look like it from the photo.
Didn't know you could shame women for being groped on GAF. A good chunk of this thread looks like it was pulled straight off 4chan. This is shit posters would otherwise get banned in seconds for.

I mean, what the actual fuck?


Didn't know you could shame women for being groped on GAF. A good chunk of this thread looks like it was pulled straight off 4chan. This is shit posters would otherwise get banned in seconds for.

I mean, what the actual fuck?

PM a mod about it and they might not get away with it.
The picture is damning but I wouldn't say it's definitive proof. I'm not defending him, just saying it's hard to crucify the man based on that alone. If she hadnt spoken up I never would have thought he was groping her. What a creep

In a suit like this, the burden of proof is called "a preponderance of the evidence", meaning if the evidence available points to a 51% chance or greater that what a party is saying is what actually happened, then you should rule in favor of that party.

It's easy to get this confused with "Beyond a reasonable doubt" but that only applies in criminal matters, not civil ones. And this case is a civil case.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
"Swift’s accusation has wrecked his career prospects and his name;"

That's not how this works...

"That parked car totally fucked up my car when I hit it. I'm suing the owner for everything she has."


Holy shit, this dude sued her? Seriously?

Like, you're obviously a jackass for grabbing her in the first place, but once you get fired for it... like, you got caught, man. Take it on the chin, keep your head down, and learn your lesson. Don't dredge this up on a national stage. This is not a fight you could ever win.

If your career wasn't ruined before it DEFINITELY is now. Just desserts I guess.
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