Hari Seldon
What kind of gigantic fucking asshole could think they could grope someone in a fucking PHOTOSHOOT. Holy fuck what a shithead.
It's a countersuit, christ.
That's some straight up dangerous behavior. Like, if you like her that much, shouldn't you sympathize with her instead of only seeing her as a source of entertainment? These people are no better than grab ass man.
she's doing this is because people like you are the reason women don't step forward about sexual assault
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Do people not even consider that the no name DJ is the one dragging this out for publicity?
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
It's not dangerous if you're not trying to be a shithead.
Case and point:
therealist is proving their point:
"Swift was just another woman in a world that requires women to insist — to prove, over and over again — that their experience qualifies as truth."
Wow. You're terrible.
Post or don't post, but this stuff here, it'll get you banned.
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
...what? Are we getting into politics now?Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
I don't think she has to counter-sue. Just let the courts throw out the suit and be done with it. She already accused the man of sexually assaulting her, but opted not to press charges. The man got fired.
The matter of wanting $1 and an apology speaks to her trying to stand up for women, but I don't think that it's genuine. History shows that she will use anything to manipulate her fanbase into liking her more.
*smacks forehead*
It's a countersuit.
What does a completely unrelated political stance have to do with her being sexually assaulted?
You have to go now. Your planet needs you.
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Dig up.
Nah, only women do this. Those conniving wenches
What does a completely unrelated political stance have to do with her being sexually assaulted?
LmaoYou have to go now. Your planet needs you.
I understand that. I'm saying that based on her past behavior I wouldn't put it past her to counter-sue even if she had been exaggerating what happened.
I think his 'stache pretty much says it all lol
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
What does that have to do with anything?Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
The suing for $1 and demanding an apology, most definitely. It makes it seem like she's standing up for the principle when in reality I don't think she actually cares about the principle but just wants to manipulate that into increased fame and applause.
Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Do people not even consider that the no name DJ is the one dragging this out for publicity?
Wait, he said he 'thought he was touching her ribs'? What the actual fuck?
Imo things like this doesn't make you more right
No need for this shit, even if you don't agree with other people point of view
Wait, he said he 'thought he was touching her ribs'? What the actual fuck?
Butt ribs?
So because she may be a Right supporter it doesn't matter if a woman is sexually assaulted? In front of a camera no less, thats the example you want to give?Yet she was completely silent as the "pussy grabber" Donald Trump won the election over Hillary. She never supported Hilary nor she she ever denounce Trump like dozens of over pop stars did. I wonder why? Possibly because it might have alienated her country fan-base.
So is she really about the principles and standing up for her values? Or is she about maximizing her fame and fortune?
Hand is definitely in that area.
Damn, even with photo evidence, that's where people are at?After the kanye incident, I can't trust Swift anymore. She will do anything to prop up her image.
Hand is definitely in that area.
I'd believe her without this picture, but it should be open and shut with it. His hand is low as fuck.
Is this guy for real? He sexually assaults her all captured on photo and then has the audacity to sue her for millions of dollars. This guy is a predator that has zero regard for anything.
Hope he loses hard.
So he pinched her?