enjoy bell woods
In a nut shell 50, your right when you said it's not your plan it's gods plan. All I know is, his plan is gonna work out for his favor. To start off I want you to know if you don't already that this world is not about you or I at all. It's 100% spiritual. Also I want to start out saying I love you and I would die for you just like I would for anybody on earth. We are all GOD'S children. We are all his prize possessions. What GOD did is let the devil use very loyal people like myself cause he knows once he brought me back home, I would be loyal to him like king david was. GOD sent us in to learn the devil's tricks so we could turn around and beat him at his own game. GOD told me there will be many attemps made to kill you by the enemy. If you die the enemy wins. The enemy's here in spirit to lie, cheat, hurt, steel, and kill. I'm just here to tell you a few things and I have no idea what the plan is. All I know is the wrath is coming for the world, and if you don't come home to God, you will get killed by one of the bullets that keep coming your way, or something else and you will never see GOD cause he will harden your heart so you won't even want to see him. I just hope that didn't already happen. Who gets the story for your glory? yourself? your alive because of GOD and GOD only. GOD can change your heart not me. I'm just a messenger. Again, this life is 100 % spiritual. The devil sends evil spirits into people's minds to make them want to do harmful things to themselves and/or other people. For instance some fool shooting at you to kill you. Your a huge force for the devil right now. He's gonna put demons around you that tell you I'm crazy and that GOD is for punks or whatever it takes to convince yourself that your money, fame , and power are things you should worship. I don't know if you're supposed to live or get smoked only God knows the future. Like I said, I'm just a messager. GOD is telling me to tell you to come back to the kingdom. Or stay brain washed by evil spirits and get murdered. He loves you and nothing you've done can kill that love. Either you'll think I'm crazy, or listen to me and help me change the world around to glorify GOD. All I know is GOD told me to tell you He loves you and play time's over and it's time to come home. He said He's been with you keeping you safe this hole time. He's the reason why you took nine, not because your superman. He says those who feel like life is one event of torture after another will be blessed and will inherit many rewards in the kingdom of heaven if they turn their life around to glorify him. But I feel like he's telling me it's time for you to choose now. 50 I've been in this game for over a decade and I aint crazy man, I'm a soldier for God. I don't know if you've ever walked with God, before but i'm telling you in the last days he pours out His spirit so heavy to his soldiers. He communicates to us thru any means nessecary. Just do one thing for me and he'll prove it to you. Just say " God, I don't know if this fool is crazy, but if he's not, show me that your real more than you ever have. He loves us 50. No matter what we did to betray him. I love you man. I don't know what your thinkin right now, but if you say that to GOD, I garantee you will be calling me asking me how I did that because he will speak to you. Just look for things through messages that only he would know about you. It could be thru conversation with a kid or adult, or in the word, or from tv, radio, magazine, a billboard sign or whatever. Everything is His so He'll use anything to show you He loves you. I invite you to call me and I'll fly out to talk with you anytime you want. I am a soldier for christ and I will do this alone with or without you and I will win with him on my back. people are gonna stop laughing at the thought of God because these are the last of the last of days and He's gonna take over all this crap now. How many times have you heard of a dark metal band like Korn losing a member to God? I'm the first of many in the music game . I invite you to at least get some popcorn and sit back and watch what he does with me. 50 your the best out there in the rap game and a few months ago I was on your jock harder than any of these fools. Actually since before your first cd I had your back. You have the power to not only change history in the biggest way ever in music, but you have the chance to be GOD'S front line soldier. My kid looks up to me more than she ever has in her life. Do you think your son would benefit from everything you've done in the world if you died today? Or would he spend his life defending you? Just because you had a hard life , it doesn't mean that your son has to serve your sentence. Your a leader 50. How much balls does it take to stand up and say, I've been a lost soul and now I want to do what's right for my child or children. Your son will look up to you like you really are superman I promise. You've been in the hood and out. Are you happy? Does life make sense? It will all come together as it did for me when you go home to GOD. I heard all you do is stay in hotels by yourself. I don't know if it's true, but I was the same way for 2 years until I wanted to die. Then He made everything in my life PERFECT. YOU PROVED YOURSELF THE BEST. WHERE DO YOU GO FROM HERE? KEEP TRYING TO SMOKE FOOLS WITH YOUR RHYMES? SOMEONE WILL COME ALONG AND KNOCK YOU OUT WITH RHYMES ONE DAY. IT'S JUST HOW IT IS, YOU KNOW THAT. WITH GOD ON YOUR BACK YOU WON'T HAVE TO GO THRU THAT LOSS BECAUSE HE WON'T LET YOU FALL THAT HARD IF YOU COME TO HIM FIRST. Picture your mother and GOD up there saying, "Please Curtis?" I've been chosen by GOD. You would be like a GOD to the hole world not just some thugs. I had what it takes, do you? I'm here for you whenever you want to talk. GOD is real. Christ is real that's why GOD named the land Israel (Is- real). They are still waiting for their messiah it's crazy. I stayed in Korn for ten years cause I thought money was everything, but as Biggie said, "mo money , mo problems." I know your feelin me on that. people would lose their minds if 50 went to GOD. All these kids would follow you like they are me, but by the millions if you did it. I feel that GOD's telling me the shots will keep coming until you either die like the devil wants or you switch sides. HE SAYS WISDOM COMES THRU SUFFERING. Again He says He loves you no mater what, but if you don't come home to Him He will hide His face from you for ever. GOD's gonna claim this world thru me and other people. It's gonna be a win win situation for me because look who's got my back. If I die doing this, I don't care at all. Who has the power to take our loved ones, even our kids from us at any given moment? That's right. if your kid or my kid was in a coma, who would we turn to....that's right? If you live til your 80 who do you think you'll be wanting to talk to on your death bed? I'm not waiting till then. 3 months ago I was begging GOD to take my life because I couldn't do it. Instead He made me the happiest man alive and I'm becoming the best father on earth too.I USED TO BE AFRAID OF MY OWN SHADOW AND NOW I'M WRITING 50 CENT A LETTER FROM GOD. THAT'S A MIRACLE. What kind of life is that writing about smokin fools for kid's to listen to? I pray that the spirit of confusion be lifted from you everyday because you are contradicting your self wearing a cross and rappin about that stuff. All these hoods are here because God thought if things get really bad and our people start dieing left and right, they would start runnng to the Lord. instead we laugh at GOD, and fight each other until the death because we're too cool to come to the Kingdom. It's completely insane. I love you brother. I'm here to be a messenger to all that His return is just around the corner. I'm also here to show kids that this GOD thing can be fun and cool. I hate my money because I love it too much. The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil not just the money. Come on man call me up lets do this. If it's not meant to be then so be it, and i'll do it with my huge family in Christ which makes up at least 33% of this world's population. GOD is in control man, and with that said I fear nothing....... I can do anything now, because I'm not actually doing it......He is. This white boy from Bako is gonna take down gangsta rap because of one reason. your hurting people. You call it reality rap and I call it dwelling in negativity to make money. Is it worth seeing so many African Americans killing each other? With you and your "reality hood stories" around that will keep happining. Open Your eyes. Make the first move. Don't be scared to do what's right. Again......THIS IS FROM GOD AND IT'S ALL OUT OF LOVE. The key is OBEDIENCE.......NOW YOU CHOOSE. I fear no nobody and nothing but the LORD.