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Heard a dude fappin' over Xbox Live DoA

So after reading the "DOA IS TEH FUNN0RZ!!!!! REALLY" thread below, I decide to go online with my shameful copy of DoA:U and see if the comp is really that amazing. I join a lobby, and there's about three people in front of me. Everyone is kinda talking -- okay, mostly they're just shouting stupid catchphrases at one another like "SAN ANDREAS!!!!!!!11" followed by a chorus of "YEAH!!!!111" or talking about how their Jann Lee is gonna work everyone in this white boy faux-ghetto accent -- but I'm not sure how that's any different from the average arcade save that I don't hafta smell their unwashed stink or shitty cologne.

Anyway, it's almost my turn, when the guy who steps up to play the apparently reigning Jann Lee mash spammer calls up Lei Fang as his character in lingerie gear. Over the mike we all hear "whooooooooa, haven't seen THAT before" and then the match starts. About thirty seconds later, it starts:

"nnnnn, nnnn"
"nnnnn, nnnn"
"nnnnn, nnnn"

then SOME dude spoils it by yelling "HAW HAW HAW YER MIKE IS ON YOU SICK BASTARD"

to which we get the shrill response: "wuf, FUCK my mike is on????????"


Yep, welcome to DoA. I also lost to the masher, if ayone cares. :(


bitwise said:
..except that this was more than likely someone just joking around.

Maybe the joke is funny to a group of 12 year olds, but it's just offensive when people just want to get online and PLAY without dumbass shit like this. Boo.


Sadly this isnt the first time i've heard someone do this on XBL. I was playing some people that i knew in PGR2 and a few of them (male and females) stoped racing and i'm like hold up people wtf. Then all i heard was this one guy, someones's "FRIEND" going back and forth on the edge of the raceway which makes your controler vibrate. After the first 4 minutes i kicked both of them after telling them to take it to a private room. They are now living with each other (2 guys and one girl) Which is just freaky.

Worst thing i've ever heard on XBL is the guy on the shitter though that was disgusting.


bitwise said:
..except that this was more than likely someone just joking around.

Yeah, let's think about this for a second:
"Ha ha, I made everyone I connected to on Live think I was jerking off to DoA girls. THE JOKE SURE IS ON THEM!"
duckroll said:
Maybe the joke is funny to a group of 12 year olds, but it's just offensive when people just want to get online and PLAY without dumbass shit like this. Boo.

welcome to online gaming....

if you dont want to experience shit like that, you try to find or play with people you know or make buddies with people you meet who seem cool and then just play with them.

stupid shit like this happens in all online games.


duckroll said:
Maybe the joke is funny to a group of 12 year olds, but it's just offensive when people just want to get online and PLAY without dumbass shit like this. Boo.

Yeah, don't get in the way of us hardcore eAthletes!


You appear to be the first person to think listening to people fap on Xbox Live is pretty sweet, so yeah!

+1 fap


Gold Member


Lies... I don't believe this post.. perverts don't play games!


Although years back I did join a server where some guy and a "girl" were cybering in Q3A. omgwtf!?


Gold Member
One time in SWG we caught these two girl characters cybering. Upon checking their account information, they were both guys. I wonder if they knew that?
ManaByte said:
One time in SWG we caught these two girl characters cybering. Upon checking their account information, they were both guys. I wonder if they knew that?

Christ, that was another guy? Does this mean I'm gay?

Jeff Garcia, I'm all yours.


Gold Member
Another funny one.

One time in EverQuest this woman petitoned and was panicing because another player was running around the zone bragging that they cybered. It turned out the other player was her son's friend. A GM responded to the petition and talked to the bragging player to cut it out. However, upon checking the logs they really did cyber. No wonder she was panicing when she learned it was her son's friend.


I love it when a girl comes into a game of Socom 2,usually a few of the guys will start trying to sweet talk her,then ones that were yapping mysteriously shutup (fear of girls I assume),its quite funny.I remember one time a dude team killed a chick and he was apologizing to her for like the rest of the match like it was the end of the world or something.

I also grow tired of dumbasses talking about how blazed up they are and one dude the other day was bragging about being on his 7th beer at 1PM in the day time,real winners all around online :D


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
.... and this stuff makes Xbox live GOOD?



I'll stick with my online-less GC



I dunno whats worse. The dude fake fappin or the fact that this post was made complete with quoted sound effects.


Society said:
What is worse. Jerking off to a video game? or Jerking off while your friends are in the room?

I see nothing wrong with this whatsoever and demand to be removed from your newsletter.


Headset communication is the reason I don't play online games on a console. There is nothing fun about talking to strangers that take anonymity as if it were a "be an asshat" pass. Keyboard only for me, thanks.
People have been fapping for years, why should DOA be any exception? :p Like some already note -- I tend to dislike having my headset on. In fact, half the time, even though I've got the headset on my head, I don't bother saying anything to the online players. Over half the people playing online take their anonymous opportunity to be an idiot.


That means you're not doing it right!

On the flipside of all of this, I was playing PGR2 with my brother last night and we entered a room of europeans. It was awesome, one guy was like a comedian and talking about the most random stuff, it was hilarious.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
one of my friends favorite passtimes is to come over and be an asshat on live.

Funny thing is, after a while of him being an asshat, other people seem to start LIKING it. It's quite amusing, normally I don't talk at all when I play live.
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