Beat it. Great game, one of my favorites of the year. Make sure to back up your saves before activating the ending, there's a hard point of no return/save wipe which is kind of annoying. I managed to restore mine but it took some tinkering.
I will say the game did get a tad too easy and repetitive by the end, I was planning on liberating every station and doing every defector on the map but I don't know if I have it in me. While I think the starmap/skilltree is a cool idea, I got to the point where I was purposefully ignoring the shops most of the time because I found it more fun and interesting to just roll with what you pick up aboard ships and mystery crates (though it's admittedly tough to ignore a rechargable stealth shield and key cloner for <30 drops...). I also would've liked more job options - typically I'm always just picking from the highest or second highest paying jobs because it's not worth doing the other ones. Considering you can leave and re-enter the station to refresh them, it's pretty arbitrary to only have 6 or however many.
I could list some more gripes but they're all relatively minor compared to how much I enjoyed it, legitimately some of the most fun I've had with systemic/emergent gameplay. It's consistently impressive and surprising how flexible the game is built and what you can do in it. I'd be there day one for an expansion with more mission types, enemy/ship variety, new tools, etc.. I wonder what will come out of the workshop because judging by the game files it seems pretty open for modding.
How much time did it take?