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Heist [Mafia] |OT| Snakes on a Train

No? But they still stood out to me. My D1 vote was Splinter. I'm still suspicious of him, but he's not my sole scum suspect.

See, my theory is that red will flip scum. But since I called you out earlier, you're bussing him good and early so as to avoid suspicion. Now Flux presented similar hypotheses, which I called dumb. Except in those cases it was scum doing it preemptively before there was even any major suspicion on them.


See, my theory is that red will flip scum. But since I called you out earlier, you're bussing him good and early so as to avoid suspicion. Now Flux presented similar hypotheses, which I called dumb. Except in those cases it was scum doing it preemptively before there was even any major suspicion on them.

who presented the hypothesis?

CrimsonFist (3)
FluxWaveZ .949
redhood56 .956 .963
redhood56 .963
Royal_Flush .1026

redhood56 (3)
CrimsonFist .961
CornBurrito .979
Ourobolus .1037

Ourobolus (1)
squidyj .976

FluxWaveZ (1)
*Splinter .994

No active vote for Day 3:

Day 3 ends:

6 votes for majority


That didn't stop people from posting them. I realized that that was a weird nitpick I had but I didn't participate in the early game shenanigans because some of it was useless
So what? Early game shenanigans are over?! That's not a weird nitpick, that's ignorance towards this game's limitations aka Power roles - at least at Day Three.


squidyj if Ouro flipped town, which of your other reads would that change?
I just asked myself this but for Flux flipping town. I get surprisingly little out of it, except maybe very slightly more scum on Crim/Corn.

On the other hand if Crim flipped town I'd be even more confident on Flux.

But then I'm more confident on Flux than Crim already. I don't know. I still need a closer look at Crim but I've been busy, will try and do it tomorrow.

My vote is currently on Sawneeks but that will have to change. Saw is scum but I can't see her being lynched today unless I find something solid against her (which is unlikely since she has barely posted).
CornBurrito has been banned until January 11th. I have contacted him to see if he would like an Outer Gafia thread where he can still post his thoughts and votes from. I will update you all when I hear back from him.

Carry on, thieves :)


redhood56 (3)
CrimsonFist .961
CornBurrito .979
Ourobolus .1037

CrimsonFist (3)
FluxWaveZ .949
redhood56 .956 .963
redhood56 .963
Royal_Flush .1026

Ourobolus (1)
squidyj .976

Sawneeks (1)
*Splinter .1059

FluxWaveZ (0)
*Splinter .994 .1059

No active vote for Day 3:

Day 3 ends:

6 votes for majority
Saw is scum but I can't see her being lynched today unless I find something solid against her (which is unlikely since she has barely posted).

I'm having this problem with Saw and Droplet. Neither have really posted enough to really go on. Lynching for inactivity could end up flipping either way though and I feel more confident in redhood being scum.

True, especially his most recent posts were weirdly defensive.

I've had him down as town but it's a gut read, I probably couldn't even justify it

His recent posts are making me gut read him as scum. I can't see a townie being that defensive. As I said earlier, his post felt like scum trying to rationalise a point to themselves.
CornBurrito paced about. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be. Arguing and murdering each other for money! The pettiness of it all, they were all blind! How could they not see what the real enemy was!

He squinted at the other thieves, busy arguing with themselves and decided that he needed to take matters into his own hand. With a resolve, he made his way onto the cargo coach where the cars were. He opened the door and then he started one of the cars, launching it expertly off the train, landing besides the speeding locomotive and outrunning the train easily.

The real enemy was out here, in GAF-world! He would show the others what really needed to be done! He would bring the train down!

He sped along the tracks until he could park his car in front of the on-coming train. The weight of the car SHOULD be able to hold this mad murder locomotive down. This idea seemed sound in his mind. What needed to follow would simply be a few rounds of bullets at the train’s face!



MODKILL: CornBurrito

Welcome CornBurrito!

You are A THIEF WITH HONOR. You are aligned with THE CREW.

You have always been a professional with principles and you stick by your people, through thick and thin. You hardly can believe it that some of your pals are actually considering killing you in the name of money and personal gain. The crew was sacred, is it not? After all, you risked everything together! How could they do this to you?! You will not let them get away with it.

You have the power to VOTE out a fellow passenger off the train during Day Phases with the command, Vote: <Player’s Name>.

Your train can be found here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1158386

Good luck!

You win when you’ve eliminated ALL TRAITORS.

“Woops. Did we bump into something?” The Client looked up momentarily out of the window.

Each person’s share is now: 1.5 INTERNET BILLION DOLLARS

Tunnel approaching in:

Remaining Passengers:

6 to achieve majority

Note: CornBurrito’s vote will remain counted where it was at for this Day Phase.



7 v 3 is the best case scenario right now.

If we mislynch today, it's 4 v 3. We are in LyLo right now.

For the love of god, turbo Crimson and let's NOT lose today.


Wait, counting is hard. 5 v 3 and not 4 v 3. Still, pretty much the same case, because it'll be easy for scum to get the majority vote on someone on D4 with 2 stray votes.


nothing is making me move my vote off ouro today. he is scum and he needs to be lynched, crimsonwave could be scum, but ouro IS scum. end of discussion.


Sawneeks what's the scum chat like, and can you say hi to flux for me?

Pretty quiet now that CornBro died. He was posting some sick ideas and #unnecessarygambits you will have to check out when the game ends.


Vote: redhood56

At least Ouro has been trying to 'help' Town and giving reads and will try to get something going but I can't say the same for Redhood. Also my gut read on Ouro has changed back into more of a Neutral feeling after our discussion last night, still not totally cleared, but not scummy like before.


Pretty quiet now that CornBro died. He was posting some sick ideas and #unnecessarygambits you will have to check out when the game ends.


Vote: redhood56

At least Ouro has been trying to 'help' Town and giving reads and will try to get something going but I can't say the same for Redhood. Also my gut read on Ouro has changed back into more of a Neutral feeling after our discussion last night, still not totally cleared, but not scummy like before.


redhood56 (4)
CrimsonFist .961
CornBurrito .979
Ourobolus .1037
Sawneeks .1086

CrimsonFist (3)
FluxWaveZ .949
redhood56 .956 .963
redhood56 .963
Royal_Flush .1026

Ourobolus (1)
squidyj .976

Sawneeks (1)
*Splinter .1059

FluxWaveZ (0)
*Splinter .994 .1059

No active vote for Day 3:

Day 3 ends:

6 votes for majority


Not like this :(
Was Corn your night-kill?
Ok, right now I think it may be better to just get this CrimsonFist issue out of the way because it will haunt us over and over again until we resolve it.

vote: CrimsonFist
I don't get this reasoning on Day 3 of all Days. With at worst only 2 Votes left, we can't just clean up the street for the possibility of a nicer view outside. (I'm well aware of your previous, repeated suspicions)

First off, as requested:

My extented "obvious"* scum-list


*Obvious means that I post my suspicions on the assumption that a player isn't faking town to perfection with some crazy masterplan. Because if I would do so, this will go nowhere. Still a thing to keep in mind when going through the thread.

Other thoughts

- Droplet seemed down, she commented on it. I believe her, obviously, but that also doesn't rid her of guilt. With her non-votes and such a very hard read, though. Would be a bummer if she's scum.

- Currently up on the chopping block are CrimsonFist, redhood56, Ourobolus and Sawneeks (the later two by 1 Vote each). 3 out of those 4 placed their Votes on redhood56, redhood56 himself placed his Vote on his competitor. If I assume Droplet is (hopefully) Town either they split their Vote fully or at least 2 Votes are on one person - probably not 3 on one.

- Went back to Day One to see who wanted to start early confusion in a game were that’s the number one key to winning on the scum side, but the whole “Do we post Scum-lists?” was started by Town, dead town by the way, and they were basically all in favor of not posting any.

redhood is scum (and therefore want Crimson dead)
Red obviously votes for Crimson.
Do Flux and/or Royal vote with him this early?

CrimsonFist is scum (and therefore want Red dead)
Crimson obviously votes for Red.
Corn is dead and confirmed Town – but his Vote is locked. So there are guaranteed 2 Votes on Red for the remaining Day. If squidyj & Sawneeks remain on their respective no-chance-at-being-killed target Red only needs 3 other Votes! This makes me at the very least very cautious.
If we assume there are 3 scum overall and two Scum that haven’t voted for Red yet – that tells me: They have either the power to Turbo him right now (which iss obviously tricky this “early” in the late-Day-phase) or either Ouro and/or Sawneeks are also scum and they don’t have the necessary muscle to move.

For Ouro and Sawneeks goes the same question as for Flux/Royal: Do they Vote with their companion this early?

Crimson & redhood are town
Well, fuck.
Probably split their Votes all the way through the bank.

What I take from this right now… I expect last hour changes again. At this point placing my Vote is therefore a bit tricky, and I should have done it way earlier.

This is all VERY speculative, but to consider moving into the last stretch of Day 3.

VOTE: CrimsonFist
It's a tie. We'll see where it goes from here.


What makes you suspect squid, Karu? I don't remember any other recent suspicion on him
You mean in general no suspicions on him? I mentioned him since the beginning. He doesn't come off as trustworthy at all. I don't really care if that's his usual shtick either.

He demands lynches and declares he won't move, he makes posts with just a Vote, nothing further (Don't care if it's explained by circumstances - referencing his Crimson-Vote after Flux' post on Day 2), his activity wildly varied after his successful unsuccessful lynch lead on Mazre.

That's enough to put him on my extended list.
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