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Heist [Mafia] |OT| Snakes on a Train


Be wary of assuming that one side of a vocal and vigorous fight is town. I don't want to say it would be very easy but it would be easily plausible for two scum teammates to manufacture an argument between themselves, we lynch one of them who turns out to be scum and the other one coasts toward victory. In a game like this it's all the more dangerous as we don't really have investigative roles, or roles that tamper with a night kill.

I guess what I'm trying to say is my top scum are


and I believe in a world where they are all scum together.


Right, sure. I forgot to ask but I need you to explain exactly where/how it became so obvious that Ty is town.
#1: Me realizing that Ty4on flipping scum or town would tell us just as much as CrimsonFist doing the same.
Ty4on flipping scum would tell us just as much as CrimsonFist or Cornburrito flipping scum, i.e. that at least 2 of the 3 are Traitors. A town flip for any of those who switched votes would tell us just as much as Ty4on flipping town, i.e. practically nothing except for the obvious info we'd get from any lynch from an active player.

I'm not having this be WW2 all over again. We're lynching one of those two.
Ty4on flipped town. A whole lot of good that did for us, huh? Except, squidyj was talking about how none of the flippers are likely to be scum, and CrimsonFist is still somehow one of his top scum despite this.

#2: Realizing squidyj stating that none of the flippers are likely to be scum if Ty4on is town was nonsense.
And I really like this narrative you guys have got going on that if Ty4on flips town, everyone who switched votes in the final minutes are suddenly less suspect. It's a really nice way to make sure people pay no attention to those who switched votes at the last minute after you make a push for Ty4on to be lynched and he possibly ends up flipping town.
I didn't buy it then, and I don't buy it now.
Mazre and Ty4on were the top lynch targets for D1. Mazre was lynched, so then the primary target would become Ty4on. if the story that Ty4on flipping town sticks, everyone who voted him at the last minute is suddenly ignored from D3 onwards because of an end-of-D1 gambit.

#3: The stupid vote shift shenanigans at the end of D1 made me realize Ty4on wasn't an enemy, but the targets were actually among the flippers.
Gotcha, but I want to make one thing clear:

Yesterday's events has decreased my scum read on Ty4on significantly. Like I said (and which you also pointed out, so I'm not sure why you're reverting your argument):

I think there's a good chance Ty4on flips town, and then shit will really get messy. It's why I've been more focused on those who switched votes at the last minute, and particularly you.
You posted my list at the end of your post, so how is this even a question? I think Crimson is scum far, far more than I think Ty4on is. So yes, you misunderstand. I think there's a good chance Ty4on is town, and we end up wasting another day lynching him. And when we do, like I said before, the whole thing will turn into a mess because of the various kind of attention he's gotten. I'd rather lynch Crimson and go from there, than lynch Ty4on and do the same.
Simple: I'm convinced Crimson is scum, while I'm not convinced Ty4on is. I'm becoming increasingly worried that this focus on Ty4on is wrong, and that if we end up lynching him he'll flip town. A waste of time and, like I said before, it'll result in a whole lot of confusion. I bet I'd end up being the primo target for a lynch if Ty4on ends up flipping town, for example.

Basically: the behavior of others and the D1 vote shifts made it evident to me Ty4on wasn't scum.

I guess what I'm trying to say is my top scum are


and I believe in a world where they are all scum together.

Alright, I'm out. For a game that was touted to be full of veterans, you guys are sure doing a bang up job. A+.
Be wary of assuming that one side of a vocal and vigorous fight is town. I don't want to say it would be very easy but it would be easily plausible for two scum teammates to manufacture an argument between themselves, we lynch one of them who turns out to be scum and the other one coasts toward victory. In a game like this it's all the more dangerous as we don't really have investigative roles, or roles that tamper with a night kill.

I guess what I'm trying to say is my top scum are


and I believe in a world where they are all scum together.

F off with this theory. Town has been doing so trash that scum wouldn't need a dumbass gambit like that.


  • Karu
    - I don't have any reads on Karu. Like Droplet, he hasn't made much of an impact in the game. He mentioned that he had some suspicions at the end of Day 2, but didn't go into it, which is concerning. He said he was on mobile which I can understand, but hopefully he goes further into it.
    I will be away in a bit. So won't be able to change anything last minute. Hope you figure it out this time, lol. :D
    Just on my phone right now.. But lol. Curiously awaiting the results. Why this always has to be decided on the last hour, I dunno. Well, I have my suspicions obviously, but still. Kinde frustrating.
I was with friends drinking (At the time it must have been... around 10pm over here, 1 hour left til the Day ends) - so yeah, as I was aware of that beforehand, I placed my Vote on Ty4on and couldn't participate anymore other than restating the fact that I won't be able to make any changes and stating my curiosity towards the results.

This might come off as defensive, but since I got almost no heat on me anyway I feel safe to do this regardless: I find it very curious that you bothered to quote anything from me. Not because that's not an legit strategy in general, but in a post full of reads it seemed awfully out of place. Any reason? I mean, it's not even like your read of mine was unique in that particular list as you have wrote something similiar about squid.

While I'm on few heat-lists i'm admittedly also on no town-list (at least that's what I assume), so it's a fair assessment to maybe draw attention to me - maybe I'm a coasting scum-player? On the other hand, though, it's also a nice, subtle way to shift the current discussion that has way more meat on its bone to another perceived non-entity.

squidyj said:
so.... Ouro is basically 100% scum at this point yeah?

Vote: Ourobolus
Why not CrimsonFist again? Anything changed from your last hour Vote the Day before? - without further explaining at the time.


Ugh, hell if I know off the top of my head. I'll check back and try to see whatever circumstances it was that made me more convinced that Ty4on was town than not.

But let me ask you this: why does this matter? If I knew Ty4on was town and wanted to distance myself from him, then so what? I had nothing to do with his lynch. I openly stated several times that I DID NOT want to lynch him. You guys lynched him anyways. Point your questioning regarding his death somewhere else, because I sure wasn't responsible for it.
I'm not saying you were responsible for his death. I'm saying you have intentionally distanced yourself from his death, and you repeating that you were against his death only reaffirms that.

You were an early supporter of Ty's lynch, but by the time it came around you were actively against it. So yes it's 100% important where this change of opinion came from.


Ouro has suspected me since D1. I know this because he said so on D1. Several times. And then a few more on D2. And already I think in D3.
Now I love the attention, of course, but it's getting a little weird. It feels like Ouro isn't interested in anything else that's happening in the game, he just pops in every now and then to remind us that he's still suspicious of me.
Apart from this, he also seems a little overconfident that everyone else is town:
Crim v Flux? Nah, clearly two townies fighting each other. Pay no attention to their petty reasoning, lets lynch this Splinter fellow instead! Red hood acting strange? Nonsense! He's just an eccentric! Splinter is the real menace! Etc etc (I don't actually remember what he's said about red hood)

I didn't say Crimson and Flux were definitely both town, just that it's a possibility. And while I think you've stepped up a little bit since D1, your initial posts just really stand out to me as scummy. You aren't the only one on my radar, karu and Flux are up there as well. And yes, redhood and cornburrito's quick turnarounds yesterday regarding CrimsonFist also stand out to me.


IThis might come off as defensive, but since I got almost no heat on me anyway I feel safe to do this regardless: I find it very curious that you bothered to quote anything from me. Not because that's not an legit strategy in general, but in a post full of reads it seemed awfully out of place. Any reason? I mean, it's not even like your read of mine was unique in that particular list as you have wrote something similiar about squid.

No, it's just I remembered thinking those posts were weird at the end of the last day phase and I didn't have the time to really do anything about it before day end, so I included them there.
First point I want to make: There is no way on earth Flux is Scum and Crimson isn't. This gambit would make Karkador in NX look like a beacon of sanity. I also don't think that Flux and Crimson are Scum. That's more likely than the last scenario but still completely unnecessary. Especially because that always would end with a dead scum that maybe could just have coasted along anyway. If there was serious initial heat on Crimson and then Flux swung himself into a leading position in that train, I maybe would buy the "both are Scum" scenario, but not like this. Way to unnecessary. That means of course that I think Flux is Town. That doesn't mean I'm as confident as he is about Crimson's alignment, tough. I think he very well may be Scum (Flux is quite convincing actually), but so may Redhood (he still doesn't move a lot of stuff forward) or (after a small gap) Ouro (squidyj kind of has a point) or Karu (who also doesn't give many fresh impulses).

And for the lazy tl;dr people: I just said my top scum are Crimson = Redhood > Ouro = Karu.

I guess I should respond in more detail to Flux's accusations yesterday, but I don't really disagree with a lot of what he posted. I don't feel like I have much to go on, and don't really like making strong accusations when I'm don't feel confident in them myself. In a game like this with no power roles, the only people who should be able to confidently say who is scum and who is town are the scum players, especially when thus far, we've only lynched townies.
Is this "Yeah, I know I totally look like Scum but please don't lynch me because I'm not, kthxbye"?

Going to be a bit risky on this.

VOTE: redhood56

I feel I'd know at least one other scum if you flipped scum.
Why the sudden change of heart? You didn't have redhood in your latest "Top 3 Scum" list and also haven't mentioned him since then afaik.

Fantastic. Thank you for the exercise.

redhood56 is not scum. More like Xamtheking 2.0.

CrimsonFist is scum. Can we lynch him already?
Were you just bored or are you going insane?

Red hood v the world (ft CornBro)
Suddenly a wild red hood appeared, prompting a brief repeat of day 1. I have conflicting concerns here:
1) I have no idea as to red hood's alignment, and I'm worried that if he is scum after all we won't find out until it's too late.
2) I need to go back and double check the order/timing of events, but it feels like shade was thrown at red to divert the thread from Crim v Flux. I think Corn started it this time, which doesn't help my feeling on him. Possibly scum Corn pushing town Redhood to save scumbuddy Crim?
In scenario 2, I would want to return to this after resolving Crim v Flux, but thanks to point 1 I'm worried about the encroaching Lylo.
Scenario 1 is not urgent if your most likely alternative is Scenario 2 in which you say that Flux is Scum. If you lynch a Scum Flux today the LyLo is postponed one day phase and you can get Redhood lynched after this. There is no problem here, just going by logic you'd gave to go after Scenario 2.

So I'm not going to be the main target of a vote today. I'm not going to let us waste our damn time with this crap; we actually don't have the time for it anymore.
I mean, I agree that you are a terrible target right now, but why do such bullshit like the RPS game then? You keep focusing discussion back on you.

Because apparently I'm paying attention and knew Ty4on was town when everyone else didn't.

If my goal was to distance myself from a Ty4on lynch, then why is it that I never removed my vote on him on D1? When D2 came, it became more and more evident to me that Ty4on was town, while everyone was somehow convinced that it was Mazre vs. Ty4on and one of them was scum. Instead, I decided to focus on someone I KNEW was scum, but no one else seems to give a shit.

How comes I'm not distancing myself from CrimsonFist like I did for Ty4on, if that's what you think I did and I had this knowledge he would flip town because I'm a Traitor? Crimson was close to being lynched on D2, so wouldn't I want to stop focusing on him if I didn't want to assume responsibility of what he flips as?

It's contradictory. And it's because it makes no damn sense.
Because you didn't want to be associated with the Mazre lynch?

Be wary of assuming that one side of a vocal and vigorous fight is town. I don't want to say it would be very easy but it would be easily plausible for two scum teammates to manufacture an argument between themselves, we lynch one of them who turns out to be scum and the other one coasts toward victory. In a game like this it's all the more dangerous as we don't really have investigative roles, or roles that tamper with a night kill.

I guess what I'm trying to say is my top scum are


and I believe in a world where they are all scum together.
I don't buy it. (As already said in the beginning)

While I'm on few heat-lists i'm admittedly also on no town-list (at least that's what I assume), so it's a fair assessment to maybe draw attention to me - maybe I'm a coasting scum-player? On the other hand, though, it's also a nice, subtle way to shift the current discussion that has way more meat on its bone to another perceived non-entity.
Welcome to my heat list. I just realized you're doing the same you did in NV: You are completely flying under the radar with my mind constantly thinking of you as "Yeah, I guess he could be Scum, but I rather go after XY first". I'm watching you.
Lots of meaningless cheap interaction between the two. And an odd defense over a single vote.

Welcome back to: Lynch a theif of honor!
We have flux going after Crimson( which I agree with so Vote: Crimsonfist )
Ouro will probably be providing some long ass posts no one will bother to read
I will continue to be awful at this

But wait we would like to welcome the special guest of this episode Me!
Q: are you town?
A: of course!!!!!!!( pssst this is a joke)
Q: You seem easily convinced to lynch someone, why?
A: that's because I'm naive!!!!
Q: your top scum?
A: well I bodly predicted Crimson was mafia so I think he will is scum. I'm in mobile so in to lazy to go back to the predictions.
Q: Fibal question, will the town win the game?
A: my magic eight ball says: NO.

Your posts are pretty great, that was a joke :)

I'm sorry but I don't follow, what does separate lines have anything to do with anything?

I don't know if Flush's voting tool takes it into account or not, but typically putting votes on a separate line is standard practice here.

so.... Ouro is basically 100% scum at this point yeah?

Vote: Ourobolus

Can you explain to me the reasoning behind this instead of a " he's scum right guys"
Lots of meaningless cheap interaction between the two. And an odd defense over a single vote.

I mean, yes, this is cheap meaningless interaction, but hardly "Lots of" it. Also, that's not more a defense of Ouro by Redhood as my question for you was a defense of Redhood. If you hadn't voted for CrimsonFist yesterday pretty late, when it was unsure if he or Ty4on would by lynched, I'd say you're trying to stir the lynch away from Crimson. But you did, so I don't entirely know what to make of this...
I mean, yes, this is cheap meaningless interaction, but hardly "Lots of" it. Also, that's not more a defense of Ouro by Redhood as my question for you was a defense of Redhood. If you hadn't voted for CrimsonFist yesterday pretty late, when it was unsure if he or Ty4on would by lynched, I'd say you're trying to stir the lynch away from Crimson. But you did, so I don't entirely know what to make of this...

I feel confident red is scum. If he is, I also believe Ouro is scum. I also don't think either of them being scum rules out Crimson being scum.


Welcome to my heat list. I just realized you're doing the same you did in NV: You are completely flying under the radar with my mind constantly thinking of you as "Yeah, I guess he could be Scum, but I rather go after XY first". I'm watching you.
I disagree, but considering what I wrote I obviously anticipated such comments, no prob, heh.


So Mr. Burrito, one of the posts you quoted me was one asking squidy to clarify his post, how does that make me scum? Squidy dos not give a reasoning until after I quoted him. Are you trying to say I'm protecting Ouro? That could be true but then why am I voting for Mr. Fist? That make no sense mane.
So Mr. Burrito, one of the posts you quoted me was one asking squidy to clarify his post, how does that make me scum? Squidy dos not give a reasoning until after I quoted him. Are you trying to say I'm protecting Ouro? That could be true but then why am I voting for Mr. Fist? That make no sense mane.

Yes I think you may have been protecting Ouro.


Wanna hear Droplet's reaction to the going ons. Sawneeks, too. squidyj is also awfully quiet which was already mentioned prior to Day Two lynch. redhood posts are "whatever" almost all the way through.

red, Ouro and squidyj are still on my extendet suspect list. flux' case against Crimson is/was interesting. I'm not a big fan of bully-style convincing the rest, though, so I'm still on the fence.
This might come off as defensive, but since I got almost no heat on me anyway I feel safe to do this regardless: I find it very curious that you bothered to quote anything from me. Not because that's not an legit strategy in general, but in a post full of reads it seemed awfully out of place. Any reason? I mean, it's not even like your read of mine was unique in that particular list as you have wrote something similiar about squid.

While I'm on few heat-lists i'm admittedly also on no town-list (at least that's what I assume), so it's a fair assessment to maybe draw attention to me - maybe I'm a coasting scum-player? On the other hand, though, it's also a nice, subtle way to shift the current discussion that has way more meat on its bone to another perceived non-entity.

You sure you meant to type that part out? Because that reads like scum rationalising something to themselves before posting it.


You sure you meant to type that part out? Because that reads like scum rationalising something to themselves before posting it.
Yes, that was fully intentional to preface any answer me being defensive. Nobody would have batted an eye on his read as far as the thread went afterwards. ;-)
Ok, right now I think it may be better to just get this CrimsonFist issue out of the way because it will haunt us over and over again until we resolve it.

vote: CrimsonFist

CrimsonFist (3)
FluxWaveZ .949
redhood56 .956 .963
redhood56 .963
Royal_Flush .1026

redhood56 (2)
CrimsonFist .961
CornBurrito .979

Ourobolus (1)
squidyj .976

FluxWaveZ (1)
*Splinter .994

No active vote for Day 3:

Day 3 ends:

6 votes for majority


Wanna hear Droplet's reaction to the going ons. Sawneeks, too. squidyj is also awfully quiet which was already mentioned prior to Day Two lynch. redhood posts are "whatever" almost all the way through.

red, Ouro and squidyj are still on my extendet suspect list. flux' case against Crimson is/was interesting. I'm not a big fan of bully-style convincing the rest, though, so I'm still on the fence.

To be honest it's hard to find anything very substantial to go off of right now. Once we nail Scum it might become easier but at the moment this is much harder than I originally thought. :/

On Crimson v. Flux I actually believe this is Mazre v. Ty4on round 2 and that both of them are Town. If it ended up coming down to it I would trust Flux over Crimson only because I'm having a bit of trouble reading Crimson's style. However, I really don't think either are Scum are we are wasting our time here and the Day will most likely end up being between them both.

Ouroboluls/Redhood: I've already stated I'm wary of Ouro and my opinion hasn't really changed on him since. It feels like he is coasting along and not taking much involvement, something a Scum member can get away with seeing that there are no investigation PRs. I'm wary to say 'let's throw him off this train' because I'm not fully confident in my feeling but I wouldn't be surprised if he flipped Scum. Redhood is falling into the same area of 'might be Scum?' because of his persistence of saying he is a Townie long after the joke has lost its' charm and for the fact he has not really given anything substantial over the past few Day phases. No real contributions to discussions and hardly anything else of substance. The longer this keeps up the more wary I become.


Wonder if Ouro is going to avoid voting for the main person again.
I'm out with family atm so I'll come back to the other stuff later, but just quickly here - if it's Crimson, no I won't, because I think he is town. I'm well aware that doesn't seem to be the popular opinion.


To be honest it's hard to find anything very substantial to go off of right now. Once we nail Scum it might become easier but at the moment this is much harder than I originally thought. :/

On Crimson v. Flux I actually believe this is Mazre v. Ty4on round 2 and that both of them are Town. If it ended up coming down to it I would trust Flux over Crimson only because I'm having a bit of trouble reading Crimson's style. However, I really don't think either are Scum are we are wasting our time here and the Day will most likely end up being between them both.

Ouroboluls/Redhood: I've already stated I'm wary of Ouro and my opinion hasn't really changed on him since. It feels like he is coasting along and not taking much involvement, something a Scum member can get away with seeing that there are no investigation PRs. I'm wary to say 'let's throw him off this train' because I'm not fully confident in my feeling but I wouldn't be surprised if he flipped Scum. Redhood is falling into the same area of 'might be Scum?' because of his persistence of saying he is a Townie long after the joke has lost its' charm and for the fact he has not really given anything substantial over the past few Day phases. No real contributions to discussions and hardly anything else of substance. The longer this keeps up the more wary I become.

intredasting. I think a vote between crimson/flux at this time is a big mistake and that the right person to lynch today is Ouro. I'd want to return to those two later on and I'm wary of anyone who's just like "hey yeah these two, these are the votes, nothing we can do about it"

Right now I'm the only vote on ouro. I feel like people seem to be coming around to reading him as scummy which is.... interesting, when nobody seems to be willing to vote on him.


Everyone is scummy today :/

This post especially:
To be honest it's hard to find anything very substantial to go off of right now. Once we nail Scum it might become easier but at the moment this is much harder than I originally thought. :/

On Crimson v. Flux I actually believe this is Mazre v. Ty4on round 2 and that both of them are Town. If it ended up coming down to it I would trust Flux over Crimson only because I'm having a bit of trouble reading Crimson's style. However, I really don't think either are Scum are we are wasting our time here and the Day will most likely end up being between them both.

Ouroboluls/Redhood: I've already stated I'm wary of Ouro and my opinion hasn't really changed on him since. It feels like he is coasting along and not taking much involvement, something a Scum member can get away with seeing that there are no investigation PRs. I'm wary to say 'let's throw him off this train' because I'm not fully confident in my feeling but I wouldn't be surprised if he flipped Scum. Redhood is falling into the same area of 'might be Scum?' because of his persistence of saying he is a Townie long after the joke has lost its' charm and for the fact he has not really given anything substantial over the past few Day phases. No real contributions to discussions and hardly anything else of substance. The longer this keeps up the more wary I become.
This is all repeats of other people's opinions, and some of it doesn't even seem valid any more.

"Ouro is coasting" made a hell of a lot more sense back on D1. Right now I can think of several players far more guilty of this: Sawneeks, Droplet, Karu, Redhood, maybe Corn (I don't understand what he's doing today). I'm suspicious of Ouro for the reasons given earlier, but to accuse him of coasting is lazy parroting.

Red hood stating he is town... So what? It's a joke, how does the joke getting stale somehow make it scummier? I don't like how little we get from red, but to keep bringing up this nonsense point against him is again lazy.

There's nothing new in this post, and there's no strong stances taken either. Several people are labelled as "maybe scummy", but not enough to vote for them.

And again the Flux/Crim debate is just brushed aside as "probably town". No explanation for this opinion.

My top suspects have been all over the place today, but right now I'm thinking:
Crim or Flux (or Corn?)


so you strongly disagree with the idea that ouro is coasting but place him in your top scum, care to articulate why you believe he is scum?


It feels like Ouro isn't interested in anything else that's happening in the game, he just pops in every now and then to remind us that he's still suspicious of me.
Apart from this, he also seems a little overconfident that everyone else is town:
"Crim v Flux? Nah, clearly two townies fighting each other. Pay no attention to their petty reasoning, lets lynch this Splinter fellow instead!"
This, plus his end of D1 voting which didn't sound very consistent.

There are valid points to be made against Ouro, but Sawneeks mentioned none of them, and just repeated that old "coasting" line as if that was the best lead we've got.


He's mostly sidestepped the big end of day brawls, when he posts a lot of content a lot of it is recap.

It seems pretty clear to me that he's trying to avoid getting drawn into certain circles through his voting and his reads.
He's just all around a very scummy guy.
As another example, this is a post I agree with. You clearly explain your suspicion of Ouro and you didn't even mention coasting (unless we have very different ideas of what that entails).


Sorry for inactivity. Heard some bad news that kind of killed my enthusiasm for everything and thought it wouldn't be fair to post without my heart being in it. Catching up.

To answer Ouro (and anyone else?), the admittedly not so great reason I only unvoted was that I intended to place another vote later. That obviously didn't happen because I didn't really get any scum vibes from Ty or Flux, so I didn't feel comfortable voting for them, and...well, Sawneeks voted for Ty before I decided I would vote on Crimson, so I couldn't vote to tie the vote. As I said, it's admittedly not a great reason, but I hesitated too much to put in the vote beforehand. I'm clearly not really convinced Crimson is scum, but of any of the suspicions I had prior, he hasn't really done anything that makes me think he's not.

I am uncomfortable with the idea that we're continuously getting two people down to the wire, but I have to take responsibility for that as well since it's probably a fault of inactivity, which I'm clearly contributing to.

I'll try to get more specific thoughts in after I read more closely into the thread.


Finally free from Christmas, at least until next week. It's exhausting.

I don't know what to tell you, CornBro and Sawneeks - I spent most of the last day phase arguing with Flux over lynching Crimson, and I left my vote on whom I felt was more likely to be scum.

Anyway - people I would not have any issues voting for at this point:
redhood56 - hasn't contributed anything of any value, mostly just chimes in to say he is town. Was with CornBro in immediately being convinced by Flux's long post about Crimson, without stating much other than "yeah, that makes sense, sure."
CornBurrito - Still a flip-flopper, and I didn't like how he basically did the same thing as redhood with the whole Flux/Crimson thing.
karu - same boat as redhood. hasn't really posted anything useful, and acted really weird when I called out his posts from the end of D2.
FluxWaveZ/*Splinter - I've beaten this dead horse enough.

With that said, I don't see what the hell redhood is doing today. It feels like someone trying to gain credibility by "protecting" another player (even if it is me).

Vote: redhood56


intredasting. I think a vote between crimson/flux at this time is a big mistake and that the right person to lynch today is Ouro. I'd want to return to those two later on and I'm wary of anyone who's just like "hey yeah these two, these are the votes, nothing we can do about it"

Right now I'm the only vote on ouro. I feel like people seem to be coming around to reading him as scummy which is.... interesting, when nobody seems to be willing to vote on him.

I agree 100%. If Ouro ends up flipping Scum I'm going to be way more wary of the folks who are homing in on Flux v. Crimson as the only option here.

Everyone is scummy today :/

This post especially:

This is all repeats of other people's opinions, and some of it doesn't even seem valid any more.

"Ouro is coasting" made a hell of a lot more sense back on D1. Right now I can think of several players far more guilty of this: Sawneeks, Droplet, Karu, Redhood, maybe Corn (I don't understand what he's doing today). I'm suspicious of Ouro for the reasons given earlier, but to accuse him of coasting is lazy parroting.

Red hood stating he is town... So what? It's a joke, how does the joke getting stale somehow make it scummier? I don't like how little we get from red, but to keep bringing up this nonsense point against him is again lazy.

There's nothing new in this post, and there's no strong stances taken either. Several people are labelled as "maybe scummy", but not enough to vote for them.

And again the Flux/Crim debate is just brushed aside as "probably town". No explanation for this opinion.

My top suspects have been all over the place today, but right now I'm thinking:
Crim or Flux (or Corn?)

You're calling me out on this when Squidy literally just did the same thing on the previous page?

He's mostly sidestepped the big end of day brawls, when he posts a lot of content a lot of it is recap.

It seems pretty clear to me that he's trying to avoid getting drawn into certain circles through his voting and his reads.
He's just all around a very scummy guy.

I am being horribly lazy today but at least call out others on their BS as well.

I was also wary of Ouro back on Day 2 for the same reasons and said so here. I understand I'm guilty of the same thing and haven't been contributing almost anything this Day phase but this isn't some new opinion I'm parroting, I've felt this way since I joined the game on Day 2.

I don't have any specific evidence of this either. I just feel like Ouro is coasting by and that most of his posts are just enough to keep him afloat but I can't point to any specific one and say 'look! this is it!'. If you want some evidence all I can provide is this:

Most of Ouro's early Day 2 posts are questions towards players that were tied in the last minute vote scramble but he doesn't follow up with any of them and let's them slip. What he does follow up on are accusations against him for his end of Day 1 actions and this constitutes most of his early posts. While defending yourself isn't Scummy, what I find interesting is how Ouro let his other 'leads' fall away and never went back to them while this was going on.

The other bulk of Ouro's Day 2 posts are his counting up of the Day 1 votes and his interpretations. His first main post with all the vote counts is pointed out to be incorrect and the next handful of posts are Ouro fixing his mistake. This isn't Scummy either but the vast majority of his posts come from this entire situation and it makes it look like Ouro posted far more info than he actually did. His conclusion is his vote and list:

For now, my top Scum are (honestly, in no particular order):

But that's it. I don't have any concrete post or evidence that says Ouro is Scum, it's why I haven't thrown my vote out at Ouro yet. It's a gut read and it's all I have right now.

For Redhood his whole 'i'm a townie!' is pretty much the only thing he has going for him right now. No contributions to Town, no substantial Scum Hunting, and a couple of bandwagon votes. The only reason people didn't vote him out Day 1 was because no one believed Scum would actively bring attention to themselves with the 'I'm a Townie!!' shtick and let him slide. If I were Scum and that aspect was the only thing keeping me alive I would keep it up as well.

Flux I gave my read on him here and during Day 2 I stated I felt neutral towards Crimson and that hasn't budged much. I won't say I Town-read Crimson because I know how he can play a convincing Scum but at the same time he isn't acting like he was in Werewoof 2 and is far more open and relaxed this game. It's why I think he might be Town, but that's like a 50.333% read though.


Most of Ouro's early Day 2 posts are questions towards players that were tied in the last minute vote scramble but he doesn't follow up with any of them and let's them slip. What he does follow up on are accusations against him for his end of Day 1 actions and this constitutes most of his early posts. While defending yourself isn't Scummy, what I find interesting is how Ouro let his other 'leads' fall away and never went back to them while this was going on.

They answered my questions later in the day - except for you when I asked questions later in D2, but you got to it at the beginning of this day. The answers were "definitive" enough that I didn't feel like I needed to keep following them up. CornBro said he wasn't keeping track of votes, and *Splinter gave his opinion later.

The other bulk of Ouro's Day 2 posts are his counting up of the Day 1 votes and his interpretations. His first main post with all the vote counts is pointed out to be incorrect and the next handful of posts are Ouro fixing his mistake. This isn't Scummy either but the vast majority of his posts come from this entire situation and it makes it look like Ouro posted far more info than he actually did. His conclusion is his vote and list:

I'll admit that my voting thing was a trainwreck. I was being really dumb that day for some reason. No excuse for it.


Hit post when I thought I was done.

Flux I gave my read on him here and during Day 2 I stated I felt neutral towards Crimson and that hasn't budged much. I won't say I Town-read Crimson because I know how he can play a convincing Scum but at the same time he isn't acting like he was in Werewoof 2 and is far more open and relaxed this game. It's why I think he might be Town, but that's like a 50.333% read though.

This is why I feel like Flux and Crimson being the focus of today is not a great move and it's why I dismiss it. I honestly think both might be Town and we will end up wasting today and even possibly the next Day phase on this mess if we continue following it. I'm not going to dismiss the idea that Crimson might be Scum but, given the current evidence, I'm not convinced he is. Flux is probably Town and I would legitimately be surprised if he flipped Scum.


EDIT: That's not to say I did or didn't believe their explanations, just that I didn't think pressing them further at the time would yield anything useful.


They answered my questions later in the day - except for you when I asked questions later in D2, but you got to it at the beginning of this day. The answers were "definitive" enough that I didn't feel like I needed to keep following them up. CornBro said he wasn't keeping track of votes, and *Splinter gave his opinion later.

EDIT: That's not to say I did or didn't believe their explanations, just that I didn't think pressing them further at the time would yield anything useful.

Fair enough.

Though what do you plan to get out of your Redhood vote? Pressuring someone and questioning them I understand but you just kind of voted against him and except...what? You didn't even pose a question at all so I'm not understanding your reasoning for that vote.

I'll admit that my voting thing was a trainwreck. I was being really dumb that day for some reason. No excuse for it.

No worries. Whether you end up Town or Scum it was an honest mistake.


Though what do you plan to get out of your Redhood vote? Pressuring someone and questioning them I understand but you just kind of voted against him and except...what? You didn't even pose a question at all so I'm not understanding your reasoning for that vote.

I've grown tired of the schtick. redhood has posted practically zero information this game, something I've (an others) noted since I started posting my reads. I don't like the idea that he somehow decided to start defending me for whatever reason earlier, and he's been quick to change his votes without explanation at all. He has "bold predictions" that don't have any reasoning behind them - I know he's posted them before in the Star Wars game (though I don't remember if they were true or not), but they don't actually provide anything useful. If he's scum, he's just skating by without actually doing anything.

I don't really have a question for him other than - does he have anything, at all, to contribute?


I mean, I kinda posted my reasoning in the post with my vote, too.

Okay I never defended Ouro, all I did was ask squidy the reasoning behind his vote. That's all.

True, but it just seemed weird because you haven't really jumped into any of the major conversations so far.


I mean, I kinda posted my reasoning in the post with my vote, too.

True, but it just seemed weird because you haven't really jumped into any of the major conversations so far.
If it was true then why did you say I was protecting you in the first place? And the 2 major conventions recently have been Crimson vs flux and me and you.
For Me and you I dont know why I'm being accused of protecting you
And for Crimson vs flux, I have to go with flux currently because he seems real passionate enough if Crimson flips town he's going to look real bad. Aso flux convinced me with that long ass post.


If it was true then why did you say I was protecting you in the first place? And the 2 major conventions recently have been Crimson vs flux and me and you.

I mean I perceived it that way. If that wasn't your intent, my apologies. I just hadn't seen you as confrontational in any of the major conversations so far, in any of the days, so jumping in to question squidy seemed odd to me.


I mean I perceived it that way. If that wasn't your intent, my apologies. I just hadn't seen you as confrontational in any of the major conversations so far, in any of the days, so jumping in to question squidy seemed odd to me.
Yeah I understand that, but squidy jumping in on you with no context in the post seemed scummy to be so I questioned
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