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Heist [Mafia] |OT| Snakes on a Train


Just a warning guys: on Saturday I cannot be as active as most people, but I should be able to post. This shouldn't happen again.


Just a warning guys: on Saturday I cannot be as active as most people, but I should be able to post. This shouldn't happen again.

Shouldn't be an issue as long as you are able to catch up and weigh in on any last minute stuff by 5 eastern on Sunday.


I hate to kick a man when he's down but...
I'll take this L. I just don't like voting early, but I see all of your points and it makes sense. Also flush has my attention because were weren't insulting each other(If i did I am sorry, I didn't mean to attack anyone)

Vote: Royal_Flush
red hood already has a number of accusations levelled at him by this point, and here he simply bends to the will of the majority. Not inherently bad but it suggests he wants to avoid the spotlight, not tread on toes etc.
First of all my of pc just crashed so I'm going mobile for 10 minutes. And I was worried that I was giving that impression, I wasn't trying to copy you. Flush's post came off as not wanting to be involved in early game talk. That's why. this is feeling very similar to Star Wars, oh well.
The first line here is more worrying to me. The day has only just started so there's no risk of him missing the opportunity to respond to anything. But he seems more worried that a slow response would be seen as suspicious and gives a pre-emptive excuse.

It's probably the main standout post to me. I think karu had a similar moment under even lighter pressure


Shouldn't be an issue as long as you are able to catch up and weigh in on any last minute stuff by 5 eastern on Sunday.
I should be back to regular posting with hours left on Sunday
I hate to kick a man when he's down but...

red hood already has a number of accusations levelled at him by this point, and here he simply bends to the will of the majority. Not inherently bad but it suggests he wants to avoid the spotlight, not tread on toes etc.

The first line here is more worrying to me. The day has only just started so there's no risk of him missing the opportunity to respond to anything. But he seems more worried that a slow response would be seen as suspicious and gives a pre-emptive excuse.

It's probably the main standout post to me. I think karu had a similar moment under even lighter pressure
First I realize that I can't avoid the spotlight now, as much as I want it focused on mafia I know that's not going to happen until I'm voted out( because the mafia probably love me right now, with all this attention on me) And I did see having a slow response as suspicious. But I see your point.


I feel these "next 4 lynch" lists could easily be co-opted by scum to help them make a "next night target" list.

I'm not going to hide my feelings on who I want to lynch, but I'm not going to just put them in a nice convenient list. Not yet anyway.
I... half agree with this. On the one hand we obviously need to give reads/discuss etc or we won't get anywhere, so I don't think we should be cagey about who we feel is suspicious (and to be fair, that isn't exactly what Corn was suggesting).

On the other hand, I can't see any benefit to top town lists. Sure it will be worth discussing when someone is up for lynch, but for now I think staring any amount of trust for someone is only going to get them killed.
Splinter comes in and

1. Kicks a man who is already down

2. Half agrees with me

3. Poses an easy question

Hrmm... men who take the easy road bore me. Excite me a little Splinter.


To be honest I was hoping my early inactivity would get more attention (since I was active right up until the start). It got mentions but noone pushed it enough to be unusual. Bleh


To be honest I was hoping my early inactivity would get more attention (since I was active right up until the start). It got mentions but noone pushed it enough to be unusual. Bleh

I mean it was mentioned by me and Cabot, both and you've currently got my vote. Not sure what else there was to be done beyond waiting for you to show up and see if you are going to start contributing. Which you have at least some what.


Okay cool. Let's get this started. I don't have any plans for the next few days beyond a company Christmas dinner tomorrow evening. Any one who hasn't said yet have a significant amount of time they will be preoccupied and not able to participate during this first day phase?

So we have a few people already posting thoughts on where scum will fall in terms of post count. Some suggesting policy lynches for low activity and others saying that scum will almost certainly not try to skate by based on the experienced player base.

Personally I think I have a bigger blind spot to low activity posters as I tend to have those I've engaged with and found suspicious higher in mind than those I haven't really engaged with at all. With no power roles to shore up that weakness, I am going to take a bigger stance on trying to make sure all are posting.

With that in mind, as far as I know Splinter hadn't posted since and start when I began writing this post so:


What are some of your thoughts regarding the chances of scum skating by on low activity?
I forgot this earlier, sorry.

Personally I don't put much stock in activity. Low posters tend to stay low regardless of alignment, high stay high. It's always possible for scum to slip through the game with low-middling activity, but since everyone here has played (multiple) games before they don't really get the option to drastically change their post volume - that would be obviously suspicious.

That said, I'm more worried about those low-activity posters at this point in the game. If someone like Corn/Cabot started flashing their scum tells at me I'd be more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt - I know I'd get plenty of further opportunities to analyse them


I mean it was mentioned by me and Cabot, both and you've currently got my vote. Not sure what else there was to be done beyond waiting for you to show up and see if you are going to start contributing. Which you have at least some what.
I was lamenting a failed gambit more than complaining about anyone else's performance. It would have been nice if an over eager scum tried to make a big deal out of my (couple of hours of) inactivity, but that didn't happen.


Really? Satisfied with that?

Squid would it kill you to give some reasoning with those names?

maybe not
maybe fuck yourself

that's a quote from The Departed just so you don't, you know, take it all personal-like

yall are like mushrooms to me

To be honest I was hoping my early inactivity would get more attention (since I was active right up until the start). It got mentions but noone pushed it enough to be unusual. Bleh

It was extremely noticeable, especially since I've played with you before. I didn't bother bringing it up because I couldn't really think of any good reason for why you'd go AFK on D1. I chalked it up to you being busy.


I was lamenting a failed gambit more than complaining about anyone else's performance. It would have been nice if an over eager scum tried to make a big deal out of my (couple of hours of) inactivity, but that didn't happen.


I see what you did there.

I forgot this earlier, sorry.

Personally I don't put much stock in activity. Low posters tend to stay low regardless of alignment, high stay high. It's always possible for scum to slip through the game with low-middling activity, but since everyone here has played (multiple) games before they don't really get the option to drastically change their post volume - that would be obviously suspicious.

That said, I'm more worried about those low-activity posters at this point in the game. If someone like Corn/Cabot started flashing their scum tells at me I'd be more likely to give them the benefit of the doubt - I know I'd get plenty of further opportunities to analyse them

Gotcha, that seems to be a fair position to take.

As far as Redhood goes, it seems to me that people who get a bit flustered and over defend themselves are always easy bandwagon targets for D1. I think its natural in the first game that he's played in for a while (he wasn't in a main season game, right?) to have some jitters/nerves. I get that's the whole point of pressure votes/prodding and there's not much else to go on, and right now its just people voicing suspicion versus voting, just my opinion on it.


This is only a weak feeling, but it's there so I'll mention it
There are players (none in this game) that I'd surely have no problem lynching early on, because I've completely disagreed with their thought processes in the past. I'm not trying to say this in a rude way, but I'd absolutely lynch whoever you feel is the laziest or dumbest player.
While I'm sometimes (/always) tempted to do exactly this on D1, the only time I actually made any attempt at it (that I remember) is Election - as scum. The problem with this line of attack (besides being quite aggressive and bordering on personal) is that it's a very easy way to appear highly active but doesn't actually help in the slightest with your own genuine scum hunting. In other words, a more tempting strategy for scum than town.


Back in business...

Went through the huge thread again.

- redhood as a target seems fine right now. Because of a lack of a better alternative, but nothing he said would warrant a kill right now. His little exhange with Capot is certainly one of the early highlights of the game.

- it's all fun and games but in regards to voting often and changing it up, it makes a later hunt for early hints for being scum within ones voting pattern rather difficult. Whoever does it, goes up my suspect-list at the moment.


I guess I'll be in your top suspects karu, because my vote will be a very fluid thing during my time on this train.

VOTE: Royal_Flush

Having slept on it, I'm still not good in how flush signed off. It seems too easy for scum to let the townies feel each other out themselves then come back later when he can digest the material.

I also want to vote squidy. Can I have that reason for lynching me right about now please.


The vote started out as a lark, he was the first person to post at the start of the day. His reaction of self vote was certainly curious. The content of his post I don't objectively disagree with but it seems a little odd to lead with to me. It's probably nothing but it's also strange that he capitalized "Traitors" in his first post. Ynnny does mention them but the way Flux puts it is like a proper name to our scum group.
I was looking through Mazre's posts as he seems to have avoided much attention so far. This is really the only point he's made, but I actually think he could be onto something. I know it's possible for this to be nothing - as Cabot was quick to point out - but at the same time this is an easy mistake for Scum to make. I remember Swamped did the same thing at the start of Dangan.

So I'm actually mildly suspicious of Flux now.

OTOH, Mazre has been blending (intentionally or not), and I'd like to hear more from him.
I'm on mobile for another few hours so that sucks... Will post something longer when I'm on a PC again.

Anyway, I don't entirely understand the problem? Is it because I said I'm going to bed? The way some of you worded it made it sound as being in a different timezone was a scumtell. Is it because I was a bit bewildered by the unusual aggressive start? I still am not sure if that had much use because this runs exactly back to the point I made prior: Scum, at least in my experience, usually don't go overly aggressive into confrontations so this whole business was imo most likely just a bunch of Townies butting their heads. I don't think this will work without calling the more quiet people out instead of going to the throat of another quiet person.

You kind of did with me after I signed out, so at least I don't seem to talk against walls, but it just looked (and still looks up to more recent posts) like a total mess of Townies going after Townies...
I can't speak for others, but I felt your "why are you all being so mean I am going to bed :(" comment was fake emotion. Acting victimized or miffed at town over minor infractions is something I think scum does.


Just depends on how much you value your vote. 1) See, if anyone receives a vote from cabot, that's just whatever. If someone receives a vote from me, they can be sure it won't leave them without major effort being put in or some fuck-up from other people...

2)You know what guys, I'm going to bed. I'll wade through this mess tomorrow when you are done insulting each others and look if anything scummy came out of it. Good Night.

I'll specifically point out exactly my problems with what you did.

1) I said a few times, what purpose does trying to sell your vote over mine achieve? my vote is going to be fast and frequent through the day phase, but I don't understand how that suddenly means it's of less value. It has the same purpose, ability as your vote. I just use it in a different way. I don't care for people who are willing to appear higher in some form of mafia societal ladder.

2) I've seen this before. Scum CB did this in Election, pretty much quoted events that happened, responded with 'lol, I'll let cabot sort this out' this is pure and simply experience based, when I see people who willingly say 'I'll come back later, let you fight it out first' I get flashbacks to Election with how CB played. Your point about seeing a bunch of townies infighting is credible, but hey, good townies should be infighting at this point in the game, it's usually one of the better ways to read someone's alignment.

I hope you now understand why my vote is on you.


He's kinda right on point 1 though. Just look at RNG voting to see how worthless votes can get.

If I want to question someone I expect them to respond without a vote. If they don't that's pretty scummy in my eyes and might convince me to put an actual vote on them.

If I do vote for someone, it generally means I'm ready to lynch them.


Different styles, I know when I see my name in highlight tags I wake up a little more than just reading the page bare.

It hasn't let me down yet, also I havent RNG'd at all. I've given reasons for every vote I've made so far.


About to hit the road for some holiday travel. Homework question for everyone else while I'm in transit. Who is in your blind spot at the moment?

For myself, I don't know much about Droplet, first game with her and unless I'm mistaken she has yet to comment on our proceedings (we're still in the first 24 hour window though) Additionally I know he's been here but anecdotally Burb hasn't made much of an impression on me so far.


I'd consider my blind sports to be Burb + Crimson.

For burb (ouro as well possibly), it's where does the friendship end and the mafia begin? I've learned with roy that I can't rely entirely on myself for reading friends, but I so far haven't been overly suspicious of him, seems to be as normal so far. He did ask for squidys 4 lynches, he gave them without any reason whatsoever and he just accepted that. That was weird.

Crimson, I said before. He got me good in Woof 2, didnt think he was scum until I was told. I don't see anything yet, but he hasn't been particularly in the forefront either.
About to hit the road for some holiday travel. Homework question for everyone else while I'm in transit. Who is in your blind spot at the moment?

For myself, I don't know much about Droplet, first game with her and unless I'm mistaken she has yet to comment on our proceedings (we're still in the first 24 hour window though) Additionally I know he's been here but anecdotally Burb hasn't made much of an impression on me so far.

Seeing as this is my second game, it would probably be easier to list people not in my blind spot, which would be Burbeting, CornBurrito, Cabot and FluxWaveZ. I can't say I've noticed anything overly odd about those four so far. Cabot in particular is acting pretty much the same way as he did in Woof.

As for people in this game, I feel like it's probably two early to say, Droplet so far seems to be the one who's left the smallest impression as you say. In general though most people seem at least more active than the lowest posters in Woof.


Crimson/Mazre, Droplet said at the start she'd be out for the first real day.

Fellow thieves: I will not be posting in or reading the thread on the first irl day, but will be present afterwards including during the first day phase.

Just a heads up.

Hoping she's back today.


Really? Satisfied with that?

Squid would it kill you to give some reasoning with those names?

I asked him to give them the list, and he did so. So in a sense, yeah.

Obviously I'm not happy that I'm in top of his scum reads, but based on this post:

I'm watching someone's posts with great scrutiny, you know who you are, or maybe you don't, whatever, you're probably scum anyways. I'll say more later.

I assume he is talking about me, and it sounds like he won't tell his reasoning for now, as he says that he will say more about it later. I would want to hear more why he thinks I'm scum, but I'm not going to kick him to spat it out, either. I will say though, that I can't really defend myself, until he elaborates more.


As for blind spots... I would say players, that I have no real picture on about what their playstyle is. When you have a somewhat grasp on how somehow plays, you can also find disperancies to behaviour from game to game. That makes players, that I don't have any solid picture on yet, are also blind spots. So for me:



I have only had the pleasure of actually playing with Burb from this game. Well excluding ONUW which I don't really count. So I'm approaching basically everyone blind. And I expect many will feel the same way concerning me. Although like I said earlier I think I tend to overlook low activity posters so I will try to self correct (although it seems that there will be fewer low activity players in general which is nice).


I have only had the pleasure of actually playing with Burb from this game. Well excluding ONUW which I don't really count. So I'm approaching basically everyone blind. And I expect many will feel the same way concerning me. Although like I said earlier I think I tend to overlook low activity posters so I will try to self correct (although it seems that there will be fewer low activity players in general which is nice).

Yeah but you seem to enjoy throwing a lot of drunk jokes my way, which is noted.

I can't speak for others, but I felt your "why are you all being so mean I am going to bed :(" comment was fake emotion. Acting victimized or miffed at town over minor infractions is something I think scum does.
What? The only way anyone interacted with me yesterday was in a factual way. (Like the your PR misunderstanding and the why-do-you-already-swing-votes-? from redhood. Even if you somehow missed the obvious hyperbole that "insulting" was, how did you get the idea I felt insulted? I think it's pretty obvious it was a pejorative label for the aggressive playstyle going on.

I'll specifically point out exactly my problems with what you did.

1) I said a few times, what purpose does trying to sell your vote over mine achieve? my vote is going to be fast and frequent through the day phase, but I don't understand how that suddenly means it's of less value. It has the same purpose, ability as your vote. I just use it in a different way. I don't care for people who are willing to appear higher in some form of mafia societal ladder.

2) I've seen this before. Scum CB did this in Election, pretty much quoted events that happened, responded with 'lol, I'll let cabot sort this out' this is pure and simply experience based, when I see people who willingly say 'I'll come back later, let you fight it out first' I get flashbacks to Election with how CB played. Your point about seeing a bunch of townies infighting is credible, but hey, good townies should be infighting at this point in the game, it's usually one of the better ways to read someone's alignment.

I hope you now understand why my vote is on you.
1. I'm just stating that my vote isn't as swingy as yours. That's a fact. I don't think I ever played with you, so my nearest comparison is Sorian and with him, he would just leave you alone as soon as he spotted something new. Both entrance and exit barrier for votes vary from person to person. As you may have noticed I have not yet cast a vote and will not do so until I find something that I think is scummy enough to potentially be basis for my final vote or until close to deadline, whichever comes first. As you are saying in you second post: Different playstyles. (I'll come back to this in my response to the next quoted post)

2. I understand this point and I won't argue with you there. I just didn't see a way to make a meaningful contribution when my dominant thought was "wtf is going on here?". Just very unusally aggressive, I wasn't prepared for this.

Different styles, I know when I see my name in highlight tags I wake up a little more than just reading the page bare.

It hasn't let me down yet, also I havent RNG'd at all. I've given reasons for every vote I've made so far.
Yes, it has some kind of shock value, that's certainly true. I just think it wears out if used too often. I think just putting the name in bold has a similar effect but without the fatalistic implication a vote has.

Btw, I disagree that your votes have a reason attached to them:
Hey Mazre,

Remember when I said I'd lynch you last?

VOTE: Mazre

I lied.

let's go, buddy.

VOTE: *Splinter

Hello, darkness. My Old friend.

ah well Kawl's got this chump covered.

VOTE: Ourobolus

That's how you spell it, right?
Later on you give some not very strong reason for two of your votes (Mind that it was like 30 minutes into the dayphase):
The reason I went for Mazre initially aside from the incredible usage of Arnie, was because out of the list, he seemed to me most likely to be the least active. In a game of reads and vote behaviour only, activity is paramount. A handsome bear once told me this in a fever dream.

I shall now move to Ouro who hasn't said anything yet.
The first vote that actually had a decent reasoning (altough the argumentation is you're "still not good") was the one on me. You do get that Ouro probably didn't feel pressured by your vote at all, yes?

Fake edit: Oh, I just re-discovered your post 125, in which you reiterate your reasonings. I'll give you Kudos for this, but still don't think any of those are worth a vote.

Sounds like you're seeing a lot of townies already. Any scum's on your radar at the moment?
I have an eye on:
redhood, because of how often he reiterates that he's town.
Ouro, because he checked in and didn't say anything useful yet.

I want to combine this with the recent question of who is under my radar (aka in my blindspot). These would be:

And here the opposite: People that behave other than I remember them, yet not in a particulary scummy way. It may be indication of scum looking overly Townie or just honest pro-town play:
Ty4on is more active than usual I think
Burbeting is trying hard to establish himself as a Town leader

And finally a list of people I think are Town:

I know all of these three people have contributed in some way or the other, yet I find myself not thinking about them at all. That list is part of but not identical with my list of people I don't have an early verdict on yet.

Squidyj is just doing squidyj stuff, isn't he? Everyone with this behaviour I would find highly suspicious, but he always struck me as some kind of backup Darryl.


I already played with

squid, Royal, Ty4on and Mazre

, so yeah. They might slip by just by having a recognizable name no matter their contribution. People that aren't as lucky are momentarily

Splinter, Droplet, Crimson and Flux

- but again I'm talking about perception in the moment. when it comes to going through the thread again, I'll probably recognize answers from these guys. Making that connection with a cast full of unknowns takes a while, though.
I have an eye on:
redhood, because of how often he reiterates that he's town.
Ouro, because he checked in and didn't say anything useful yet.

I want to combine this with the recent question of who is under my radar (aka in my blindspot). These would be:

And here the opposite: People that behave other than I remember them, yet not in a particulary scummy way. It may be indication of scum looking overly Townie or just honest pro-town play:
Ty4on is more active than usual I think
Burbeting is trying hard to establish himself as a Town leader

And finally a list of people I think are Town:

I know all of these three people have contributed in some way or the other, yet I find myself not thinking about them at all. That list is part of but not identical with my list of people I don't have an early verdict on yet.

Squidyj is just doing squidyj stuff, isn't he? Everyone with this behaviour I would find highly suspicious, but he always struck me as some kind of backup Darryl.

The bolded parts go together. Sorry, I included the other lists later on and missed that the second part of the blindspot comment slipped below them.


Thanks for that, Flush. Again, my point was less about which style of play is 'better' and more of the way I read your post it seemed like you were downplaying my style over yours. My vote will come and go, yes, but it will be solid when I feel certain. Until then, I will use it as I have in every game I have played.

As for your points about my reasoning, I was going to link the post where I covered all bases, but you found it already. I won't say these are strong reasons, but its early days. It will never be strong at this stage. The point I made was in response to Splinter talking about RNG, I obviously havent hit a random number machine for these votes.

Ouro's check in was mostly useless (love you buddy), and I was aware of this, so yeah he's on my radar currently. I feel kind of good about Mazre just now, I thought he'd be quite quiet, but he's contributed and he's actively looking to forward discussion (talking about blind spots) so for now I don't see any real worries.

My gut tells me redhood is just excited to be back in a game of mafia after 8 months or however long ago Star Wars was. I'm applying the logic of me in Archer, my first game here. I was desperate to let everyone know i was town as soon as possible, so i could get down to having people trust me and going for the scumhunting.

My logic is flimsy because obviously this isn't redhood's debut, but I feel an 8 month gap, I could see myself being almost as excited as a new player again. I've also noted that redhood was ordinary in SW and had quite a lot of heat through his time there, so it may just be a player that can come off as scummy to some people. I'll be focusing on him as the day phase progresses.

Burb I can't entirely take my own read on at face value, but I don't see this as Burb trying to force his way as town leader. I don't want to really defend him here, this is more a 'seems like normal Burb' comment, and I'm not suspicious of him for this reason. This is his style of play.

I don't know Ty too well (I guess we can add him to my blind spot list!) so I can't yet comment, he hasn't stuck out, for better or for worse.

Flux is a slight town lean to me just now, he seems more to be like what I remember from Woof 1 rather than Woof 2. Early days, but yeah, currently positive vibes.

VOTE: squidyj

Slowest OMGUS burn ever, I guess I'm just waiting for him to explain a lot of what he's been feeling so far, he's offered lots of opinions and light reads but without much justification. Don't make me quote a Rectify gif to force you.



First things first
What do you mean with policy lynch?

Fake edit: Okay Google answered my question. Sure.

I don't know you, never met or spoken to you. The silent one someone brought in on the last second. You ain't fooling me, sir!


what's lylo? I get it from context, but still, just to be clear ;-)

So as someone who came out swinging with a vote what's your feelings on the difference of opinions between Cabot and Royal Flush? You voted early which leans towards the Cabot method, but also listed out 4 people who are suspicious of while not moving your vote off of your original target as well.


So as someone who came out swinging with a vote what's your feelings on the difference of opinions between Cabot and Royal Flush? You voted early which leans towards the Cabot method, but also listed out 4 people who are suspicious of while not moving your vote off of your original target as well.

Kawl, bringing this post up reminded me of something Karu said this morning.

- it's all fun and games but in regards to voting often and changing it up, it makes a later hunt for early hints for being scum within ones voting pattern rather difficult. Whoever does it, goes up my suspect-list at the moment.

So, I kind of feel his actions are at odds with what he's saying here. He voted on you early, and then he chastises anyone who's going to change their vote constantly through the phase. I mean his reason to vote you is not strong?

Were you planning on sitting on this weak vote for most of the day?


Kawl, bringing this post up reminded me of something Karu said this morning.

So, I kind of feel his actions are at odds with what he's saying here. He voted on you early, and then he chastises anyone who's going to change their vote constantly through the phase. I mean his reason to vote you is not strong?

Were you planning on sitting on this weak vote for most of the day?
To change the vote early on several times. Not Voting early on in general. There's a difference ;-)

and @ kawl:
Karu said:
- it's all fun and games but in regards to voting often and changing it up, it makes a later hunt for early hints for being scum within ones voting pattern rather difficult. Whoever does it, goes up my suspect-list at the moment.
Should answer your question.


Were you planning on sitting on this weak vote for most of the day?
Maybe i should also adress this, heh.

Well, for the time being sure. Since I consider most reasoning on Day One weak, that shouldn't be all that surprising. I'm following the game and my shedule let's me participate over an extended period of time - which I did in my estimation so far - during Day One so there won't be "Ooooops, too late to change my vote!" situation.


Apparently Droplet is in this game. Say hi drop

You too Ouro, where are the over-keen look-how-town-I-am D1 plays?
I'm well aware I've been quiet. I'll be able to post more later today. My work training will finally be over and I can focus on this.

Yes, Cabot, my post didn't have much substance. But really, it was a whole 2.5 hours after day start - you want me to write a dissertation?

I'll get a large post like I did D1 of GAFia up once I get a better read on some people.

(In class now, so, short post).


To change the vote early on several times. Not Voting early on in general. There's a difference ;-)

and @ kawl:
Should answer your question.

Eh seems to be sitting in the middle of the two positions and doesn't make much sense to me. A weak vote on little reasoning doesn't provide any use in going back and looking at voting patterns either. Cabot provides multiple (possibly superfluous) data points to look at later while prodding people, Royal provides one strong data point of who he find a suspicious every day. You say votes that dilute the benefit of analysis are scummy and move people up your suspicion list, but I don't see how your first vote is useful.

But you've put forth your logic, so fair enough.


Yes, Cabot, my post didn't have much substance. But really, it was a whole 2.5 hours after day start - you want me to write a dissertation?

Why was this even a question? Of course I do.

Seriously though, theres 'not much substance' and then theres oh look cabot voted on me he threatens me in steam chat !!!!!!!!! lol!!!!!! HEART

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