What an amazing and fun game. Every time I get to a boss I have this huge smile on my face.
Yeah, the game gets a big thumbs up for getting me to laugh out loud and smile at the references and goofy humor, but especially the enemy monsters and their names and bios. Arkedo's love for the absurd and retro is much appreciated.
For anyone who plays the demo, if you think it feels like a pushover or is too light on depth, you should know that the boss fight starts right after the demo ends and, from there, it goes much deeper down that (ha!) rabbit hole with crazy funny shit, like the Island where you force defeated baddies into servitude, researching new powerups, mining you extra cash flow, and other stuff. You divvy up the preferred workload in a simplified XCOM or Civ style. Of course, new powerups and abilities come shortly after demo's end.