Tameem Antoniades was smart to take his money and run when he did. Ninja Theory is absolutely fucked and nothing can save them now at this point.
I thought it was funny when he left before the game's release, that's never a good sign. He knew it was shaping up to be a disaster and he abandoned ship as soon as he could. Now he's living his best life with all the money he probably got from MS

I gather somewhere along the line Tameem started hated being under Microsoft's thumb. Remember when Phil talked about giving teams total freedom, letting them do what they wanted unchecked. Antoniades probably loved that along with the money MS was throwing at the project. Things started going sour, starting with Redfall, and Microsoft started to tighten the screws on teams and he decided to bail after his commitment was complete. I don't think he saw Hellblade 2 as a disaster as it's probably his baby after all.
Here is a quote taken from the Game Developer website: (Concerning being bought by Microsoft)
At the time, Antoniades said the deal was "totally unexpected" and "not something we were really looking to do," but would ultimately enable the studio to take "bigger creative risks."
"We want to make our own games our own way, and not be told what to make and how to make it, and above all we want to protect our team, our culture, and our identity," he said.
What's funny is looking at the party animal picture you would never think he would have had the sensitivity to portray Senua as he did. I feel he seems more like the guy who probably shaped Nariko. But if Senua is indeed based on Kai, then it makes sense after all. (Both Heavenly Sword characters).