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Hello Americans. Are you really all stupid?

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That seems to be the general view from the rest of the world. Well maybe not stupid but ignorant. How do you feel about that and do you care? I’m not saying you should even care I’m just curious.


I care and am probably moving out of the country anyhow sometime in the next year. Canada or perhaps Germany.
most of us are sadly, the few that arent shake our heads in dismay and try as we might we wont ever be heard, but we are preparing ourselves

*signs up for more german language classes next semester*


No, from my experience, Americans are not necessarily any dumber than other people. I'd say they're more closeted and ignorant. Just so.. isolated. And vexingly indifferent to the fact.


America = Electronic Arts!

Some may feel our leaders are "stupid" based on our recent miitary actions, but America has the greatest economic system and it doesn't hurt either that we can freely speak our mind without being stoned to death.

US > all!!!

All IMHO of course :)


A recent poll published in German weekly newspaper Die Zeit, found one in five Germans believe Bush orchestrated 9/11 as a pretext to further his aims of world domination.

And no, I'm not stupid.


I think it would be more accurate to say that most people in general are stupid rather than most Americans are stupid.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Cerebral Palsy said:
No, the entire Unitied States is not filled to the brim with George Bush Jr. clones. The people you speak of are called the Republicans.

And yet, Americans must divide people into groups all the time. You're either republican or liberal! You're either majority or minority! You're either with us or you're with the terrorists!

*Stabs eyes*


well not really...yet
Stupidity is rampant amongst the whole world not just limited to America. But i would agree that Americans are indeed rather (willfully?) ignorant to the world outside of them and really couldnt care less.


DeadStar said:
Stupidity is rampant amongst the whole world not just limited to America. But i would agree that Americans are indeed rather (willfully?) ignorant to the world outside of them and really couldnt care less.

Thank you for saying it in a way that I'm far too tired to express.

way more

I don't think we are dumber then any other nation, a couple of winners and a whole lot of losers. As for education I like how we put more value into creative thought, although it doesn't seem to help anything.


I could care less what they think. The fact that anyone would even make such a blanket statement about all Americans (or any other people) shows who is really ignorant.
There are stupid people all over the world, you ignorant fuck. Shut up.

I don't care how you worded it. I won't take shit from some idiot with a superiority complex, no matter how kindly he phrases his question. I may not love the people who run this country, but I still love this country.


I don't know how available it is outside the US, but go see if you can find On Paradise Drive by David Brooks. That might provide you with some answers. That's not to say that I agree with a lot of things people in this country do, but they aren't inherently bad people, nor are they dumbfoundingly stupid.
No. I wish people would quit with the stupid generalizations about Americans. For the record, only the people in the South are stupid. Damn hilbilliies dragging us down.

Justin Bailey

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Ninja Scooter said:
No. I wish people would quit with the stupid generalizations about Americans. For the record, only the people in the South are stupid. Damn hilbilliies dragging us down.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Ninja Scooter said:
No. I wish people would quit with the stupid generalizations about Americans. For the record, only the people in the South are stupid. Damn hilbilliies dragging us down.

Last time I checked, the White House stands in the northern part of the United States.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
mjq jazz bar said:
You probably don't know the first thing about American politics, DopeyFish. Fuck off.

Like it's any different from any other part of the world. Politics IS politics.
DopeyFish said:
And yet, Americans must divide people into groups all the time. You're either republican or liberal! You're either majority or minority! You're either with us or you're with the terrorists!

*Stabs eyes*

Please, don't call me an "American." I hate being divided into groups.
Ah, isn't it great being the focus of the world's attention? Why are there no "Bolivians are stupid" threads?

Because no one gives two shits about the Bolivians.

Sometimes I wish I lived in a country that wasn't the de facto ruler of the planet.


Justin Bailey

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mjq jazz bar said:
There are stupid people all over the world, you ignorant fuck. Shut up.

I don't care how you worded it. I won't take shit from some idiot with a superiority complex, no matter how kindly he phrases his question. I may not love the people who run this country, but I still love this country.
Yeah, I detected a little backhanded insult there. Let him be stupid in his own little world if he wants to.



what americans are is FAT




I really don't see why it is a big deal, claims of American ignorance/arrogance.

99.99999% of the population of earth will never go to another country than their own. Let our leaders deal with the 'lesser thans' from other countries.


Stupid is a horrible choice of words.

But, many do think Americans are ignorant. This is incorrect as well.

American's aren't ignorant people by nature...most don't choose to ignore facts or reality, most Americans embrace these things (truth, reality, facts).

IMO, what is occurring is that Americans are spoon-fed selected information by the media. Plus, the media is ratings/money driven, and so the information given to Americans is not necessarily what they need to hear.

Owners of the media have their own political objectives and they use the media they own to project these ideals.

The government is able to use the media as a tool. This applies to all countries, but the difference is that in recent cases the American media reported everything said by the Whitehouse as fact.

There are ignorant elements to American society...Fahrenheit 9/11 brought these people out of the woodwork but for the most part Americans are open-minded...they just aren't being shown both sides of the story when it comes to international politics.

You can't expect anyone, American or otherwise, to research these topics. Therefore I rest the blame on the media, which exploits Americans to their bidding. We have this problem in Canada too (the Asper family), but at least it's offset by the CBC.

What American's really need is the CBC :)
Ha, this reminded me of a poll the Daily Telegraph did a while back in Britain. Something like 1 out of every 10 thought Adolf Hitler wasn't a real person.

Stupid fucking morons are everywhere.


There are ignorant people everywhere, Bailey's point is that the perception is that the US is predominately made up of ignorant people.

He can use the polls showing the belief that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 as proof. My point is that you can't blame the people, it is not the case that they are avoiding evidence that clearly shows that he had nothing to do with 9/11 and was for many years a target himself, of Al Qaeda. It's just that this information was never presented to Americans in the first place.
I agree with what the media feeds people is what they eat up. This year is a great litmus test of that fact. Watch the American coverage of the Olympics this year and you will note it is all American centric. It will only focus on American atheletes and American games. Watch coverage from another country such as Canada for instance and they will be discussing the big news in Volleyball where Argentina meets China.

Yes, the US is a big powerful country (whos' currency is as low as it has ever been in god knows how many years) but the world is bigger and more interesting that what resides within its borders. I think I'm basically just talking to people who are not so ignorant on here anyway. To be interested in Video Games alone is to see a world that encompasses at least Japan, North America, and Europe.


im getting sick of this shit all the fucking time.

we are not stupid
we are not ignorant to the ills of the world

we just dont care


Warm Machine said:
I agree with what the media feeds people is what they eat up. This year is a great litmus test of that fact. Watch the American coverage of the Olympics this year and you will note it is all American centric. It will only focus on American atheletes and American games. Watch coverage from another country such as Canada for instance and they will be discussing the big news in Volleyball where Argentina meets China.

Yes, the US is a big powerful country (whos' currency is as low as it has ever been in god knows how many years) but the world is bigger and more interesting that what resides within its borders. I think I'm basically just talking to people who are not so ignorant on here anyway. To be interested in Video Games alone is to see a world that encompasses at least Japan, North America, and Europe.

and why wouldnt the media focus on american atheletes and sports, since they have to appeal to a *GASP* american audience.
Politics aside, I happen to like America. I just have a problem with a country that doesn't address their own issues like poverty and unemployment and instead fronts a multi-billion dollar war against a country that has done nothing for the betterment or detriment of our society. The US govt should care for their own poor and their war vets a little better. And also consider heeding UN counsel in the future.

I think gullible is a better word suited to Americans than stupid. Or perhaps apathetic.


we are not stupid
we are not ignorant to the ills of the world

we just dont care

That means your heartless.

I have this idea (just based on personal experiences...that's all) that Americans (and people in North America in general) are emotional thinkers...full of heart. I wouldn't agree with your assesment as a generalization of all Americans. Damn, I've been on a posting spree...time to get back to work.


Bad Art ™
some fule to the fire http://www.conway.com/ssinsider/snapshot/sf011210.htm ( a little bit old but better than nothing )

Reading Literacy

1. Finland
2. Canada
3. New Zealand
4. Australia
5. Ireland
6. Korea
7 United Kingdom
8. Japan
9. Sweden
10. Austria
11. Belgium
12. Iceland
13. Norway
14. France
15. United States
16. Denmark
17. Switzerland
18. Spain
19. Czech Republic
20. Italy
21. Germany
22. Liechtenstein
23. Hungary
24. Poland
25. Greece
26. Portugal
27. Russian Federation
28. Latvia
29. Luxembourg
30. Mexico
31. Brazil

Mathematical Literacy

1. Japan
2. Korea
3. New Zealand
4. Finland
5. Australia
6. Canada
7. Switzerland
8. United Kingdom
9. Belgium
10. France
11. Austria
12. Denmark
13. Iceland
14. Liechtenstein
15. Sweden
16. Ireland
17. Norway
18. Czech Republic
19. United States
20. Germany
21. Hungary
22. Russian Federation
23. Spain
24. Poland
25. Latvia
26. Italy
27. Portugal
28. Greece
29. Luxembourg
30. Mexico
31. Brazil

Scientific Literacy

1. Korea
2. Japan
3. Finland
4. United Kingdom
5. Canada
6. New Zealand
7. Australia
8. Austria
9. Ireland
10. Sweden
11. Czech Republic
12. France
13. Norway
14. United States
15. Hungary
16. Iceland
17. Belgium
18. Switzerland
19. Spain
20. Germany
21. Poland
22. Denmark
23. Italy
24. Liechtenstein
25. Greece
26. Russian Federation
27. Latvia
28. Portugal
29. Luxembourg
30. Mexico
31. Brazil
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