Watch the American coverage of the Olympics this year and you will note it is all American centric. It will only focus on American atheletes and American games. Watch coverage from another country such as Canada for instance and they will be discussing the big news in Volleyball where Argentina meets China.
trippingmartian said:Politics aside, I happen to like America. I just have a problem with a country that doesn't address their own issues like poverty and unemployment and instead fronts a multi-billion dollar war against a country that has done nothing for the betterment or detriment of our society. The US govt should care for their own poor and their war vets a little better. And also consider heeding UN counsel in the future.
I think gullible is a better word suited to Americans than stupid. Or perhaps apathetic.
Hehe, you must be Swedish.nubbe said:How can Finland be so damn high?
They are all alcoholics for crying out loud!!
Socreges said:For instance, two 20-something girls that I met did not know who John Kerry was.
trippingmartian said:Politics aside, I happen to like America. I just have a problem with a country that doesn't address their own issues like poverty and unemployment and instead fronts a multi-billion dollar war against a country that has done nothing for the betterment or detriment of our society. The US govt should care for their own poor and their war vets a little better. And also consider heeding UN counsel in the future.
I think gullible is a better word suited to Americans than stupid. Or perhaps apathetic.
How did you figure that?Socreges said:Hehe, you must be Swedish.
Milhouse31 said:some fule to the fire ( a little bit old but better than nothing )
Come to Sweden, we have sex.Raoul Duke said:I care and am probably moving out of the country anyhow sometime in the next year. Canada or perhaps Germany.
Reading Literacy
2. Canada
15. United States
Mathematical Literacy
6. Canada
19. United States
See, this is why us Canadians always chuckle at the constant reminders that you guys could invade us anytime you want. You wouldn't be able to read the road signs, you'd miscalculate the distance to our capital, and I don't know how you'd fuck up scientifically, but I'm sure you'd find a way!OECD/PISA Study:
Scientific Literacy
5. Canada
14. United States
You're actually pretty far off the mark, I think. Self-interest is no mystery. The international system now serves to maintain self-interest by cooperation amongst states. Because 'peace' is desirable for the security of each nation, they work together to achieve it for themselves. For instance, America argued to the UN that the invasion of Iraq was necessary because Saddam possessed WMDs which threatened all nations. Simply stressing the state of the Iraqi society would not have been convincing enough - what do they care?3) The UN is a great idea, but in real life, it's not practical. Sure, we all like to believe that people all over the world with different backgrounds could come together to bring peace and harmony to all mankind. Unfortunately, that's never going to happen. To many egos and self interest there.
Socreges said:You're actually pretty far off the mark, I think. Self-interest is no mystery. The international system now serves to maintain self-interest by cooperation amongst states. Because 'peace' is desirable for the security of each nation, they work together to achieve it for themselves. For instance, America argued to the UN that the invasion of Iraq was necessary because Saddam possessed WMDs which threatened all nations. Simply stressing the state of the Iraqi society would not have been convincing enough - what do they care?
Leon said:Americans don't care because they don't need to care. Their country is just so goddamn fucking huge that it kind of constructed a protective shield around it not only militarily, but especially culturally. Their country's culture is so important (I'm not arguing the quality of that culture) that the people can (culturally) live off the American lifestyle alone, which gives them absolutely no incentive to ever leave the country, whether it's physically or otherwise. They don't NEED to leave. They don't need to know. They don't need to care.
1 Billion Chinamen. A holy war breaking out on the world's oil reserves. Rogue nuclear weapons possibly in the hands of people who hate our imperialistic, retarded foreign policy.Meier said:This is the truth right here. America is the epicenter of the world -- everything revolves around it whether foreigners like to admit that or not. If you live in America, the dominant country of the world, why be concerned what someone on the other side of the world thinks about you? It's irrelevant and pointless. Chances are they'll be coming to visit our country much sooner than we'll be going to visit their's.
You're saying it's irrelevant to care what other people think of American citizens, given practical Americanization of the world. TRUE. But I hope you don't think it's irrelevant to be so intellectually isolated.Meier said:This is the truth right here. America is the epicenter of the world -- everything revolves around it whether foreigners like to admit that or not. If you live in America, the dominant country of the world, why be concerned what someone on the other side of the world thinks about you? It's irrelevant and pointless. Chances are they'll be coming to visit our country much sooner than we'll be going to visit their's.
myzhi said:Is anyone really suprise that Americans are ignorant of the world? That's human nature. All you have to do is go back and look throughout history. Any nations and/or entity that was dominant at the time were ignorant of other cultures.
How could I live in a fairy land when I gave you a completely realist perspective? My post is hardly even opinion or personal perception - it is far closer to fact than your doom and gloom bullshit. I tried to give you a straight-forward answer, but you'd rather dispute the finer details.myzhi said:First, what is peace? It means different things to different nations. In US, it could be defeat of terrorism and stop spread of WMD. In Syria, it could be defeat of US by spreading terrorism. France could be trying to stop / equal US power around the world. And, etc. Throw in self interest that may have nothing to do with peace, an everything is off the table. Sorry, but you seem to live in a fairy land.
Bailey's Dad said:That seems to be the general view from the rest of the world. Well maybe not stupid but ignorant. How do you feel about that and do you care? Im not saying you should even care Im just curious.
You kind of missed his point. Obviously some of the greatest minds have come from America. And continue to. Yet the GENERAL impression is completely different, whether accurate or not.Seth C said:Yeah, that's why we invented pretty much EVERYTHING that keeps the modern world running. You know, things like electricity, the light bulb, automobiles, radio, microprocessors, airplanes. Unimportant things no one needs, really.
German, and Edison bought the patent for the light bulb from a Canadianthe light bulb
French for steam powered, Germans for gasoline poweredautomobiles
Pretty muchradio
Theory, as well as gliders, came from a brit, but I'll give it to youairplanes
Socreges said:You kind of missed his point. Obviously some of the greatest minds have come from America. And continue to. Yet the GENERAL impression is completely different, whether accurate or not.
You didn't say any of that before. I wouldn't have bothered addressing you otherwise.Seth C said:And I'm saying that, given the reality of the situation, the general impression is flawed. It's not like everyone in the country is as stupid as those featured on Leno's "Jaywalking." Maybe others think we are glorifying people like that. The reality is the majority of the country is laughing at our "stupid" people just as much as foreigners are. The simple fact that this question was asked says so many things about the ignorance of at least one person, whatever country he or she is from.
Drensch said:1. The average American is very busy and is either too busy to get good info, or must take it as they can get it or from dubious sources.
Seth C said:Fine maharg, then add telephones to the list, and I'll take Edison on "practical incandescent light bulbs."![]()
Nope. Canadian. Or German. Or Italian. Depending on who you ask.Seth C said:Fine maharg, then add telephones to the list, and I'll take Edison on "practical incandescent light bulbs."![]()
Socreges said:Nope. Canadian. Or German. Or Italian. Depending on who you ask.
I'm afraid that, through your efforts, you are only giving the topic-starter significant evidence.![]()
Wolfy said:A recent poll published in German weekly newspaper Die Zeit, found one in five Germans believe Bush orchestrated 9/11 as a pretext to further his aims of world domination.
And no, I'm not stupid.
Seth C said:It's in dispute. According to that very site, Bell is listed as "Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone."
Mike Works said:See, this is why us Canadians always chuckle at the constant reminders that you guys could invade us anytime you want. You wouldn't be able to read the road signs, you'd miscalculate the distance to our capital, and I don't know how you'd fuck up scientifically, but I'm sure you'd find a way!
Belfast said:We also have a lot more people, conveniently skewing the numbers in the "study."