dark10x said:You are wrong, actually. The fact is, I know of people that will vote for Bush for different reasons. Many people that will vote for Bush are doing so not because they support him, but because there isn't really any good choice. For example, Kerry was found to be the most liberal senator in 2003 with his running mate coming in at #4. Once he ushers in more of his people, we could start to see a bunch of bullshit laws getting passed.
I don't even know if I should vote this year because I don't want either side to win. That's the problem, many people don't want either side to win...but end up voting for one of them simply because they they might prefer one of them. The difference between voting for Bush or Kerry is like deciding whether to eat dog shit or cat shit. Don't ever believe that voting for Bush means that those people blindly support him.
John Kerry... a liberal - HAH. OH NOE! NUMBER 1 LIBERAL SENATOR! DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! This is the same guy that actively campaigned for some of the measures within the Patriot Act. This is the same guy which doesn't seem to be advocating any form of universal health care coverage. This is the same guy whose proven time and again that the only issue in the Senate on which he really seems to vote with his heart = Veteran's Rights.
I say the problem is that there is no such thing as a liberal senator anymore. It's not that John Kerry won't pass as you say, "bullshit laws". I don't see the status quo changing, but if Kerry is elected I will expect to see more fiscal responsiblity and hopefully no proposals for crazy amendments that won't pass or appeals to the fundamentalist Christian Right.