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Here is the director shortlist for Bond 25.

Please keep Nolan the fuck away from Bond. Last thing I want that man to do is get stuck on an already established IP. Keep making new IPs GOATlan. Villenueve is shitting gold atm, so he's the safest bet. I'd like him to do it through a reboot than now though tbh
Nolan won't get "stuck". He'd do it exactly as long as he'd want to, just as he did with Batman. And during his run with Batman he did The Prestige and Inception anyway.


Villenueve is really doubt. But if Warner does get Bond outright and wants a reboot? I'd legitimately be shocked if it doesn't go to Nolan. It's literally the exact scenario Nolan would want, and WB would be ecstatic at the idea of one of their brands (Nolan might as well be one of their top three brands next to DC and Potter) directing another one of their biggest brands again.

Nolan wants to do a Bond movie, though. And if his home studio gets the distro rights -- and especially if that BMD rumor pans out, and Broccoli and Wilson are looking to sell the franchise to WB (or whomever) altogether -- than the likelihood of Nolan actually doing it goes way up.
Well Nolan is more probable than Villenueve who looks to be locked up due to Dune for a good while. It is conceivable that Nolan directs a reboot after this movie but a lot of things would have to go both his and WB's way. I doubt though that a Bond movie will be Nolan's next film.
Please keep Nolan the fuck away from Bond. Last thing I want that man to do is get stuck on an already established IP. Keep making new IPs GOATlan. Villenueve is shitting gold atm, so he's the safest bet. I'd like him to do it through a reboot than now though tbh


Edgy-gaf is always hilarious shook shortly after Nolan releases a movie, it's hilarious.
"Edgy-gaf" is liking one acclaimed director over the other?


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, Villenueve is not directing this, at least it's not likely since Dune is his next (dream) project and we don't know (I think) when he would start beginning production.
"Edgy-gaf" is liking one acclaimed director over the other?
Difference between liking one and describing the new hot director as obviously superior like it's some common statement (it isn't).

Nolan won't get "stuck". He'd do it exactly as long as he'd want to, just as he did with Batman. And during his run with Batman he did The Prestige and Inception anyway.
Yeah, he generally gets to do what he wants but no way would I want him to do more than 1 max. I don't even want him to do one so he can focus on new IPs, but him doing multiple Bond movies sounds terrible.


Haven't seen Baby Driver yet, have ya?

I have. That movie is more fun than it is emotionally raw like Bourne has been, and how Craig's Bond has tried to be.

Every actor change is effectively a reboot, even if the prior changes had some minor semblance of a shared continuity.

And didn't the last one uh... do very well? Unless you're not referring to Casino?

Casino did well, but then Quantum was critically derided, Skyfall threw out the plot threads of Quantum for a soft reboot and then Spectre attempted to resolve the dropped stuff from Quantum in a better way but floundered even harder than Skyfall did and left a bad taste in everybody's mouth. The reboot was an attempt to break the ties from decades of previous movies, wasn't it? Within four movies they ended up retconning much of that stuff back in.
I'd much rather Nolan do his thing instead of directing Bond. The bond director if ever really matters, it's mostly a yes man journeymen who gets the job, even though the producers have approached or considered some big names who've even turned it down (like in the case of Spielberg), or who they didn't want to give complete creative control with (like Tarantino proposed Casino Royale B&W film).

I doubt the director they get in the case is anyone of real note.


is this a real post
It's hard to discuss movies seriously on this gaming centric website. As much as OT wants to distance itself from Gaming it's more and more like it everyday. Movie review threads citing RT percentages - mirror the gaming meta critic obsession. OT marvel fanboys vs D.C. fanboys = sony vs ms garbage

if you want to discuss movies on gaf be ready to talk a lot about tomato percentages, comic book movies and star wars movies


This is the most I have been uninterested in a Bond movie ever, after all the talk of Gillian Anderson or Idris Elba playing Bond, they go back to the worst Bond ever.
Pretty much up for any of the directing choices. They're all solid directors. It's the writers they should be more worried about.

While they've been hit and miss so far (I'm with the camp that says Skyfall is a good film), its worth noting that both Quantum of Solace and Spectre didn't exactly have the smoothest production cycles. If Bond 25 can be made without issues, they should be able to turn in another solid script.

Birth.Movies.Death dropped a rumor in their recent Bond update that suggests EON is strongly considering selling itself to a studio once this one is done.

Warners might be (if this is playing out correctly) putting itself in a position to buy Bond outright.

Which is probably why all the Nolan speculation has been all hot & heavy the last week.

Variety seems to think WB is closest to landing the distribution deal

If WB gets it, then a Nolan Bond has got to be in the cards. November 2022, 60th anniversary. It lines up too well.

Gonna add to this bit and note that if Warner Bros. gets the Bond distribution rights and then EON Productions themselves, that would give them carte blanche to acquire MGM.

MGM (through United Artists) co-owns the the copyrights/trademarks of Bond as well as the video distribution rights to the films, which is undeniably MGM's most valuable asset. Warner Bros. also holds the rights MGM's pre-1986 film library and has been co-producing and distributing a hefty amount of MGM's recent films (such as The Hobbit trilogy, Creed, and the upcoming Tomb Raider film).

Getting MGM also allows Warner Bros. access to the film/television library of other studios MGM's acquired over the years, such as the aforementioned United Artists, Orion Pictures, Polygram, and the pre-1994 Castle Rock Entertainment library (that studio of which has been a longtime Warner Bros. subsidiary).
lol Villenueve isn't new
He's gotten big very recently on his last few movies so yeah he is new to the game as a big game director.
I'm a huge Nolan fan but Villenueve is a better director. It's not like I'm remotely implying either are even close to average but Villenueve is much better at the execution aspect than Nolan.
Ville needs a few more top tier movies to stack up to Nolan's resume for me, but he's done enough unique (good) work to make himself one of the best in the game right now.
Gonna add to this bit and note that if Warner Bros. gets the Bond distribution rights and then EON Productions themselves, that would give them carte blanche to acquire MGM.

MGM (through United Artists) co-owns the the copyrights/trademarks of Bond as well as the video distribution rights to the films, which is undeniably MGM's most valuable asset. Warner Bros. also holds the rights MGM's pre-1986 film library and has been co-producing and distributing a hefty amount of MGM's recent films (such as The Hobbit trilogy, Creed, and the upcoming Tomb Raider film).

Getting MGM also allows Warner Bros. access to the film/television library of other studios MGM's acquired over the years, such as the aforementioned United Artists, Orion Pictures, Polygram, and the pre-1994 Castle Rock Entertainment library (that studio of which has been a longtime Warner Bros. subsidiary).

This is a really good point I hadn't considered. Thanks for this.

edit: Shit, can you imagine Warners archivists going to work on the Bond catalog for blu-ray?
Skyfall is in no way a mediocre film. I don't get that. Never have. Mendes made a good movie. Is it a great one? Nah. But being a damn good one puts it in Bond top 5 territory.
He's gotten big very recently on his last few movies so yeah he is new to the game as a big game director.

Ville needs a few more top tier movies to stack up to Nolan's resume for me, but he's done enough unique (good) work to make himself one of the best in the game right now.
That's a weird subjective qualifier, especially since Villeneuve's first feature length film came out the same year as Nolan's... And after October, Villeneuve will have made 5 straight films with famous hollywood actors.

tl;dr Villeneuve isn't a hot new director by any stretch of the imagination.


He's gotten big very recently on his last few movies so yeah he is new to the game as a big game director.

Ville needs a few more top tier movies to stack up to Nolan's resume for me, but he's done enough unique (good) work to make himself one of the best in the game right now.
Villenueve has released five films since 2010, four of which have gathered critical acclaim (Enemy being the exception). His sixth film is this year with Blade Runner. Arrival last year got an an Oscar nomination for BP. Nolan has released seven films since 2005 (Batman Begins), including Dunkirk. Villenueve isn't just some flavor of the month or year and has a pretty established library at this point.


Was getting caught part of your plan?
Never heard of Demange.

Villenueve is a great pick as always, although I'd rather see him do more new things.

I've never watched a Mackenzie movie but I've heard good things about him.


Skyfall is in no way a mediocre film. I don't get that. Never have. Mendes made a good movie. Is it a great one? Nah. But being a damn good one puts it in Bond top 5 territory.

Skyfall's damn good though. I just don't know what the fuck they were thinking with the hacking scene


Skyfall is in no way a mediocre film. I don't get that. Never have. Mendes made a good movie. Is it a great one? Nah. But being a damn good one puts it in Bond top 5 territory.

I personally just found it boring. I didn't think it used the "Bond is dead" to very great effect, it got rid of a great portrayal of M in favor of a more forgettable one, the villain was uninteresting and didn't chew up the scenery like Mads Mikkelson did in Casino Royale, nor was he someone you loved to hate, like Lena Headey in Game of Thrones. It also had some Dark Knight Rises style coincidences (how would he know Bond would be in that exact specific location at the exact specific time that would allow him to blow the charges and let the train crash?), but I don't really hold that against it since all movies break down if you start pulling them apart like that.

I think one of the most compelling arguments against it is one I read a while ago: while more forgettable, Mathis's death scene in QoS was far more emotional and heart wrenching than M's death in Skyfall, despite the fact that M was a bigger character who had more time to gain empathy with the audience.

Edit: Oh god I forgot everything about Q. Again, Hollywood logic and all, but trying to deconstruct a foreign computer without air gapping it? Seriously?
I personally just found it boring. I didn't think it used the "Bond is dead" to very great effect, it got rid of a great portrayal of M in favor of a more forgettable one, the villain was uninteresting and didn't chew up the scenery like Mads Mikkelson did in Casino Royale, nor was he someone you loved to hate, like Lena Headey in Game of Thrones. It also had some Dark Knight Rises style coincidences (how would he know Bond would be in that exact specific location at the exact specific time that would allow him to blow the charges and let the train crash?), but I don't really hold that against it since all movies break down if you start pulling them apart like that.

I think one of the most compelling arguments against it is one I read a while ago: while more forgettable, Mathis's death scene in QoS was far more emotional and heart wrenching than M's death in Skyfall, despite the fact that M was a bigger character who had more time to gain empathy with the audience.

What the fuck? Like.. No. It wasn't. I found that scene really, really well-handled. Seeing Bond start to cry at her death was incredibly effective given the inherent stoicism of the character.


I never would've thought anyone would accuse Javier Bardem of *not* chewing the scenery in Skyfall, lol

Warner Bros daydreams about getting Nolan to direct everything that comes through them. I'm not convinced Nolan, at this point, would want to deal with all the strings that would come with a Bond film.

With the number of times Nolan has talked about Bond (particularly his most recent comment, where he mentioned talking to Broccoli and Wilson about it over the years) I'd be surprised if he didn't actually know what he'd be walking into, in terms of creative control, when doing a Bond film.


What the fuck? Like.. No. It wasn't. I found that scene really, really well-handled. Seeing Bond start to cry at her death was incredibly effective given the inherent stoicism of the character.

I very much felt the opposite. I felt M's death was drawn out and I was just waiting for the movie to be over by that point.


That's... Not what scenery chewing means.


That's (a good) example of scenery chewing.

my bad, then. I always took scenery chewing to mean "any scene that actor is in you can't they just dominate the scene and you can't take your eyes off of them."


my bad, then. I always took scenery chewing to mean "any scene that actor is in you can't they just dominate the scene and you can't take your eyes off of them."

Scenery chewing usually does mean the actor dominates the scene, but not often in a good way, lol
my bad, then. I always took scenery chewing to mean "any scene that actor is in you can't they just dominate the scene and you can't take your eyes off of them."

Chewing scenery typically means moving around, gesticulating, yelling, mugging, being very animated and forceful in the performance. Yes, it's attention getting, but it's also basically saying "to hell with subtlety lets get THEATRICAL with this shit" and just basically playing to the back of the room at all times.

It's kinda self-conscious/self-aware but also not giving a fuck. I don't know that Daniel Day Lewis in that gif is "chewing scenery" either. Although maybe his "DRAIIIINAGE" scene would count.

Kevin Spacey in Superman Returns? That's a decent example. Spacey in most shit, really.

The gif you posted is Mads Mikkelsen barely moving anything. That's not chewing scenery. Hell, he basically is scenery during the poker game.

Cake Boss

Villeneuve is our only hope to a Jame Bond movie getting close to Casino Royale quality again.

And lol thinking that Skyfall is as good as Casino Royale, I needed a good laugh for the day.


Chewing scenery typically means moving around, gesticulating, yelling, mugging, being very animated and forceful in the performance. Yes, it's attention getting, but it's also basically saying "to hell with subtlety lets get THEATRICAL with this shit" and just basically playing to the back of the room at all times.

It's kinda self-conscious/self-aware but also not giving a fuck. I don't know that Daniel Day Lewis in that gif is "chewing scenery" either. Although maybe his "DRAIIIINAGE" scene would count.

Kevin Spacey in Superman Returns? That's a decent example. Spacey in most shit, really.

The gif you posted is Mads Mikkelsen barely moving anything. That's not chewing scenery. Hell, he basically is scenery during the poker game.

As far as Bond is concerned, the all-time champs of scenery chewing are almost all from the Brosnan run. Johnathan Pryce as Elliot Carver was a campy delight, but then you've got Toby Stephens as Gustav Graves and oh god, bleach my brain once more.

Louis Jourdan in Octopussy is another good example of that, but that's less because they wanted something more over the top and more because that's pretty much Louis Jourdan in a nutshell.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
I can't see Nolan taking over a Bond that has so many pre-existing threads, including Daniel Craig.

My guess is it'll be the one after that with a new actor.


Chewing scenery typically means moving around, gesticulating, yelling, mugging, being very animated and forceful in the performance. Yes, it's attention getting, but it's also basically saying "to hell with subtlety lets get THEATRICAL with this shit" and just basically playing to the back of the room at all times.

It's kinda self-conscious/self-aware but also not giving a fuck. I don't know that Daniel Day Lewis in that gif is "chewing scenery" either. Although maybe his "DRAIIIINAGE" scene would count.

Kevin Spacey in Superman Returns? That's a decent example. Spacey in most shit, really.

The gif you posted is Mads Mikkelsen barely moving anything. That's not chewing scenery. Hell, he basically is scenery during the poker game.

Ah, so someone hamming it up is considered chewing the scenery, whereas someone drawing the audience's attention but not being over the top, that's not chewing scenery.


Ah, so someone hamming it up is considered chewing the scenery, whereas someone drawing the audience's attention but not being over the top, that's not chewing scenery.

Correct. Chewing scenery generally has negative connotations, though that's kind of YMMV thing. Like, Sharlto Copley in Elysium is clearly chewing as much scenery as the movie can throw at him, and for some people, it was a good thing, but I found him to be absolutely insufferable with how over the top he got. Then you might have something like Amanda Donohoe in The Lair of the White Worm, who is devouring the entire movie whole anytime she's on screen, but since it's a Ken Russell film, that is exactly what they're going for in the first place.


Tears in the rain
my bad, then. I always took scenery chewing to mean "any scene that actor is in you can't they just dominate the scene and you can't take your eyes off of them."

It was used by in theater days, to describe peformances so over the top that the actor or actress was about to actually chew on the scenery on stage.
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