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Here's a question for you gumshoes

Which franchise/genre have there been more games based on;






I was thinking about this today and I have no fucking clue.


I don't think there've been that many games based on women of Britain going to factories during WWII. Star Wars probably wins by default.


Tag of Excellence
MobyGames rings up 117 entries for Star Wars. Of course this includes ports of the same game.


EDIT: In the long run Star Wars will probably be the number one category for any game to be based on if it isn't already. I don't see Star Wars becoming stale for a few more years (or ever depending on who you ask).
There've been Star Wars games since the beginning of time, so...

On the other hand, ever since Saving Private Ryan reminded people that war is bitchin', war games have been cranked out like concentra--er, happy camps.
WWII fo reals

there's all those turn based war games with barely a GUI to speak of from way back, that no-one on these forums hs probably even heard of. This recent crop of WWII themed FPS's and Mech laden tactical games is only the tip of the iceberg.

I'd bet that even the civil war has more games than Star Wars


Tag of Excellence
ArcadeStickMonk said:
there's all those turn based war games with barely a GUI to speak of from way back, that no-one on these forums hs probably even heard of.
You mean like Tigers in the Snow, Computer Bismark, Kampfgruppe, and the famous PANZER GENERAL?

SSI rocks the WWII house.

I'm almost positive that WWII has had more games for it, mind you I'm also grouping in adventure games and other genres that deal with WWII.
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