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"Hero" by Chad Kroeger is the best Super Hero movie song


It's not only a good song, but it also came out at the right time. Picture it, it's 2002, 9/11 still burned in recent memory but people are hyped for this new big super hero movie production, it's Spider-Man! It's set in New York! The preview teaser even featured the now gone Twin Towers! It's looking amazing, it's got amazing CGI (for the time), it's got famous actors in it! This is the kind of shit people needed to help bounce back, this is also the era where these movies have a song attached to them, so what would work for this uplifting view of America? Ironically in comes Chad Kroeger, a Canadian known for being the lead of hated band Nickelback but here he's teaming up with Josey Scott of Saliva, guitarist Tyler Connolly from Theory, and drummers Matt Cameron (Soundgarden) and Jeremy Taggart (Our Lady Peace).

And how does this go? Right away the video is like BAM, We're on the rooftops in Manhattan! We're splicing in well synced clips from the movie and promo material, we've got this nice building rock track accompanied by that backing orchestra lifting this track way beyond what it should even be! And the lyrics, this isn't some sloppy love note or jokey reference song, NO! The lyrics are about being your own damn Hero, don't wait for it! Hold on to the wings of those Eagles! The bridge come in with "Now that the world isn't ending, it's love that I'm sending to you" and that ending, "AND THEY'RE WATCHING US!", that zoom into Willem Dafoe's Norman Osborn as his minds turning to Green Goblin before focusing on Tobey's Spider-Man swinging around the city before finally matching up with the fading outro and showing him carrying MJ away.

This track is elevated due to the subtle notes of "Fuck you" and being American, coming out barely six months into 2002 and being way better than it had any right to be.


Lil’ Gobbie
Excuse Me Reaction GIF by Mashable
While not the best, its up there.

I also like Nickleback. I’ll see my way out now.
Get Out Goodbye GIF
Everybody loves to shit on Nickelback and whilst I agree they're not a traditional "rock and roll" band, I still enjoy some of their music. I downloaded "Hero" onto my Nokia 6230i and used to listen to it all the time. Their best song in my opinion is still "How You Remind Me".

I liked this one alot better

Strangely I found the studio version to be less enjoyable than Seal singing in public. This performance on SiriusXM craps all over the album release.



Gold Member
Everybody loves to shit on Nickelback and whilst I agree they're not a traditional "rock and roll" band, I still enjoy some of their music. I downloaded "Hero" onto my Nokia 6230i and used to listen to it all the time. Their best song in my opinion is still "How You Remind Me".

Strangely I found the studio version to be less enjoyable than Seal singing in public. This performance on SiriusXM craps all over the album release.

Check out the songs “Animals” and “Burn it to the ground.” On my gym workout playlist.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Yeah it's a good song, I actually miss when film's had Official Songs from the Movie.
Sony still does it, Ghostbusters Afterlife had one
Maybe the MCU Spidy will get a Hero song when he stops saving his own ass for a change.


"I am sooOo high."

Always thought it was funny how it "featured" a guy from "Saliva". Did anyone even know who that was?

Scotty W

I met the guy who recorded Matt Cameron’s drum parts for that song. Said he listened to the song one time, did the song in one take, and was out of the studio in 15 minutes.

By the way, the best Nickleback song is from their first album.

The best Chad performance is in this song.



I absolutely agree. Watching the movie for the first time in the theater, you finish the movie, and that song comes on with the credits, it's just the best way to finish the movie, jamming out to the song, watching the credits.


Its fine for what it is but nowhere near a masterpiece.
I'm still waiting for a hulk film where he tears through an Army Brigade to Metallica.
I met the guy who recorded Matt Cameron’s drum parts for that song. Said he listened to the song one time, did the song in one take, and was out of the studio in 15 minutes.

By the way, the best Nickleback song is from their first album.

The best Chad performance is in this song.

Are you talking about Hero? Why would someone need to record Matt Cameron's parts?


Never understood why Nickelback got so much hate, How You Remind Me and Hero were pretty good songs back in 02. Chad Kroeger was the Kurt Kobain of our time.


YCocG is so high, he made a thread
YCoCc is so high, he made a thread
Whoa but Gaf,
No GAF don't hear him

And they say everyone has an opinion,
It's just that sometimes they're wrong.
I'll hold onto the thread ignore function,
Watch as the threads fly aawaaaay, whoaaaa ohh woo ooooooh
I would go with Smashing Pumpkins “The End Is the Beginning is the End” off of Batman and Robin or even their remixed version for Watchmen before I would go with Chad Kroger. But to each his own. Rock on!
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