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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Sanjay said:
Stun kill :| out the lane with minus money to the enemy from killing them.

Just bring hp and mana pots.

What you do is Beh stun one, best scenario trapping him from his other teammate then follow up stuns from Myrmidon then Lego taunt, GG.
the point of the lane is to get an early tower and shut down the carry top; you need healers to keep legio going


bzm said:
the point of the lane is to get an early tower and shut down the carry top; you need healers to keep legio going

I don't see how what I said makes it so that the tower can't be taken early. If your skipping the lane and are getting kills, the bot tower will automatically be taken. Why heal when you can kill is my point if your tri laning.

Double lane sure Lego and Shaman is good but if your going to tri lane with Lego, you might as well own the lane.
First time Magmus game was pretty rough. Would of preferred to use him in a public game first but overall I think it went pretty well.

Especially, that *ahem* "intentional" failed ult at top. I think that really disrupted the enemy team's morale and single-handedly led us to win the game! :p

Also, can't remember if I said this in-game, but sorry to Haly. I did not know.


Round 2 of BF3 tonight lads, lets all get on the same team and pub stomp the other side :D yesterday was fun.

Funniest moment was hearing Freakinchair, "I think I'm going to jump from here alumnus" I think to my self I should look up at that bridge that I'm near and there I see a guy contemplating whether to jump off or not, I quickly aim and shoot him and then freakinchairs like oh fuck someones shooting me I'm jumping!

Died in mid air poor soul.


Sanjay said:
Round 2 of BF3 tonight lads, lets all get on the same team and pub stomp the other side :D yesterday was fun.

Funniest moment was hearing Freakinchair, "I think I'm going to jump from here alumnus" I think to my self I should look up at that bridge that I'm near and there I see a guy contemplating whether to jump off or not, I quickly aim and shoot him and then freakinchairs like oh fuck someones shooting me I'm jumping!

Died in mid air poor soul.

And then I preceded to jump down after him and kill you. Good times.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
PoorFate said:
Also, can't remember if I said this in-game, but sorry to Haly. I did not know.
It's fine, man, I'm not really anal about it at all!


Had a lot of fun also playing bf3 with hongaf. I'm ready for some more. Hopefully less rage. I was doing pretty decent today. Need more unlocks


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Is BF3 just more of BC2 or does it change some fundamental stuff?


Halycon said:
Is BF3 just more of BC2 or does it change some fundamental stuff?
BC2 with...
-worse maps
-more camping
-even WORSE interface
-more bugs
-awful progression system that forces you to grind EVERYTHING

It'll tide me over 'til MW3 -_-

The interface in particular bugs me. It's astounding that such a high-profile game can have one of the most unintuitive, headache-inducing, awfully designed interfaces known to man.


From a game design perspective BF3 is disastrous.
They added some awful mechanics--lasers and tactical flashlights being the worst. Both will blind you if an enemy points them at you; problem is, this also works if an ally points it at you, AND will work if an ally is simply running around with the light on, since the running animation dictates that at some point, the light will point at you. It's extremely frustrating and is absolutely awful on the eyes.

The map design is really bad as well. There are three or four conquest maps plagued with tunnel syndrome, where the middle capture flag is just a huge choke point (usually a tunnel, lol) that causes players to camp on each side and fire rockets and grenades at the other side. There's no action whatsoever on these maps, and anyone that tries to push the pace just gets mowed down.

DICE really played up the whole progression system when they marketed the game, and it's awful. They did it Black Ops style, with each gun having its own set of unlocks. Problem is, this isn't Black Ops, and each side has their own set of starting guns. So if I unlock something for my Assault class rifle on the Russian side, I don't have that unlock when I play on the American side. It's stupid, it's trite, and it forces you to grind everything out.

Low point of the game for me: shooting the back of a Growler IFV (it's basically a Jeep with a gun on it) with a RPG-7 from 10 feet away, and not destroying it... only disabled it. The guy mounted on the back then turned and killed me.

High point of the game for me: watching two enemy jets do a somersault in an attempt to catch an allied jet, only to collide mid-air and explode.

7/10 from me. Great graphics, superb engine, and it's the first game that's ever made me say "wow" out loud, but the core game is just fucking awful. I enjoyed BF2 and BFBC2, but this is just a huge step back in terms of design.


I like bf3, i agree the interface is weird, and the camping. But the maps are so big, if someone is camping "q" them and hope a chopper takes them out.


At least the grind here is SIGNIFICANTLY less painful than the BC2 grind. That business was masochistic. I too hate the fact that starting weapons are side dependent, but I think that idea was going on the fact that eventually you'd unlock them for either side; again a small niggle that is quickly bypassed after unlocking your first team independent guns. The enormous co-op grind necessary to get the last unlock also seems ENTIRELY pointless. Why do I need to play the co-op campaign 5 times with each class to get their last unlock. What is the point. In what way does that serve me. It isn't even remotely fun after the first time.

Camping is as camping does. Really it's an offshoot of most of the maps being terrible. I think a lot of that also has to do with familiarity. I find myself getting less whiny about maps as I get used to them. But by in large there are no camping spots that are both outstandingly effect and unflankable, so really it's no worse than in any other shooter. Bazaar is still a tunneled piece of shit. I know everyone complains a fuckton about Metro too, but I consistently find myself having fun on it for whatever reason.

Interface is whatever. For the limited amount of time I'm forced to interact with it it does what it does, nothing that has significantly affected my gameplay either way (although OHGAD MENU HELL when you just want to switch from silencer to heavy barrel - come on now). Battlelog bugs out with alarming frequency, but what it lacks in reliability it makes up for in convenience. I was less than enthused with the browser based idea at first, but the convenience of it is nice and once the issues are worked out I would hope it becomes a good standard.

Laser pointers are okay - easy to spot at a distance, especially in low light conditions, and when pointed directly at you they don't COMPLETELY blind you - but the flashlights all around are beyond ridiculous. That a tiny ass light attached to a pistol blinds me worse than the fucking sun in broad daylight is completely unacceptable. The intensity needs to be reduced. Also yes, vehicles are ridiculous in normal mode servers. Especially tanks. Especially if they have all the unlocks turning them into a mobile corpse factory. But I generally on play hardcore (w/ map spotting), so I find most vehicles manageable for the most part (trololol EOD botting tanks)

I believe the core of the game to be good, just with some questionable decisions speckled here and there, and ultimately nothing that isn't fixable. I'm having a good time anyways.

Also give mortars ammo. Like seriously who the fuck thought infinite ammo was a good idea.

Neckbeard said:
Am I missing a joke here, or is a new tribes coming out?

If only there were some way to search a large, interconnected digital information database for easily answerable questions. But who knows, it's probably just a joke.


I get pm's about it regularly.

Then I'm like, you know what? I really should do that.

Then I look at it and remember that it's a fucking ocean of BBcode that took an embarrassing amount of time to complete and quickly find something to distract myself with.

But really I should update it. I still play DS in TMM constantly. Mostly mid too. And it's the rare occasion that I lose mid with shaman; he's such an effective solo (and snowballs well to boot) and it's SO EASY to bait people into hilarious heal bombs, and I'm more than happy to learn people on the finer points of how healing wave works. I still roll oldschool hideless build too. Getting rank 3 entangle at level 5 is absolutely necessary. That people don't anymore blows my mind. His offensive potential is absolutely brutal for most heroes to deal with.

EDIT: And here would lie the problem with me updating it, since almost every time I play shaman it's this weird semi-carry/support amalgam (in that I mean I still go for nomes/mek/pushstick as core, but as long as you stay ahead of the level/gpm curve the items are essentially carry tools on DS). He's a badly stigmatized "support" hero that is capable of so much more than buying wards, but few people would be willing to see it that way since they watch honcast and are pro and want to build pro builds whatnot.


Protip for guide editing:
Use Firefox or IE (Chrome doesn't work).
Go into your forum CP, set your editing to WYSIWYG instead of the normal text editing.
Voila! Now it's like MS Word, no BBCode to deal with.

Alternatively, edit your post, go to advanced editing, then hit the A/A button on the top right.
I like BF3, hater is gonna hate :D
When you move on to MW3 there will be twice as much grinding, and twice as much camping.
The only problem now is maps. Few maps are completely one sided when it comes to Conquest/Rush mode, but not impossible to win. Other than that, no problems for me.


I figured out PuppetYuber's secret to ownage.

-blind enemies
-blind allies just by existing


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Nome said:
I figured out PuppetYuber's secret to ownage.

-blind enemies
-blind allies just by existing

That's the most efficient use of the flashlight.

On the note of Battlefield, lets talk about how weak the SMAW (anti-tank weapon) is.


Tomat said:
That's the most efficient use of the flashlight.

On the note of Battlefield, lets talk about how weak the SMAW (anti-tank weapon) is.
As I mentioned in my previous post, it fails to kill even a jeep with a rear shot. That is fucking sad. Well, I used an RPG-7, but same thing.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Nome said:
AS I mentioned in my previous post, it fails to kill even a jeep with a rear shot. That is fucking sad.

Took me three shots from the front on a stationary jeep before it went up in flames. Blew my mind.

As for tanks, usually a good shot from behind will disable it, but good look actually taking it down. Anti-tank mines barely any better.

On another note, the Stingers are -alright-, they do the job since disabling an air vehicle effectively destroys them as soon as they hit the ground. Flares reload pretty damn quickly though.

Also, didn't see your last post, my bad. Will read it now.


Just finished reading it. It's pretty depressing, but more or less true. I'm still having some fun with the game, but it feels like a step backwards in a couple of ways. DICE has an amazing track record, and have made some great decisions design wise in their previous games. I can't help but wonder why they did some of the things they did for BF3.

I think it's a good game, but it's also could use a good bit of an improvement. I hope I continue to enjoy the game as I get better and get used to the things that annoy me right now.

Do you still enjoy the game despite it's flaws?


Halycon said:
Write a condensed version!

Go mid. Typically start 2 acolytes/2 minor totems/runes. Out CS with high base damage and rushed ROTT (which I rush straight into a Nomes - yeah, even before boots - typically I'm pretty passive in the lane until I get at least the ROTT). Maintain lane dominance without being overbearing. The creepwave is your shield and sword; if they don't know it going in they'll find it out quickly enough. Keep that in mind when positioning yourself in lane and when your wave is dying. It's very hard to get a solid upper hand on shaman 1v1 (such that it pushes him out of cs range) if he keeps himself positioned well, and even harder to push him out completely between runes and wave.

Entangle (for 9s CD)

Crushes melee all day every day. Tougher to pull off on ranged heroes but with creep dragging it isn't hard to get them into trouble either. Even if you aren't outright beating them you can at least keep each other at arms length and have a CS war. Typically I only have serious issue with heavy ranged nukes that don't need to get closer than 600 units for anything. As long as you manage your creep wave and position in it correctly you're set. Even if they know it's coming it's hard to avoid completely, especially if they're at all reliant on their auto attack for damage.

Mostly magic damage? Steam boots. Mostly physical? Plated. Mostly physical but you're boot stomping hardcore and want to carry like a boss? Steam boots. Typically follow straight into push stick. Sometimes mek. Depends on heroes and how bad I need the pushstick to chase. If someone else is getting mek you can skip it np. Stormspirit is good. Hexstick is better. Necro is also good.

Offensive clouds > defensive clouds for the most part, but try to hit as many people as you can. Only cloud once the other team is pot committed to a fight as most of the time it'll scare them off otherwise. Remember that hide also gives you +damage and can be appropriately used as such for damage and not just ass saving. Wave is an effective nuke for pretty much the entire game, and only gets easier to hit as creep waves get larger and team fights have more friendlies involved (65879148 - 18m45s gameclock 1100 damage instagib heal wave what's up). Don't forget that it heals too tho.

Halycon said:
Joe showing us that hermit lifestyle.

Was a duty day. Can't leave base. Baw.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Haly's babysitter guide:


Etc etc.


Tomat said:
Took me three shots from the front on a stationary jeep before it went up in flames. Blew my mind.

As for tanks, usually a good shot from behind will disable it, but good look actually taking it down. Anti-tank mines barely any better.

On another note, the Stingers are -alright-, they do the job since disabling an air vehicle effectively destroys them as soon as they hit the ground. Flares reload pretty damn quickly though.

Also, didn't see your last post, my bad. Will read it now.


Just finished reading it. It's pretty depressing, but more or less true. I'm still having some fun with the game, but it feels like a step backwards in a couple of ways. DICE has an amazing track record, and have made some great decisions design wise in their previous games. I can't help but wonder why they did some of the things they did for BF3.

I think it's a good game, but it's also could use a good bit of an improvement. I hope I continue to enjoy the game as I get better and get used to the things that annoy me right now.

Do you still enjoy the game despite it's flaws?
It's still pretty fun. But BF games are really hit or miss for me. If I'm doing OK, it's a blast, but if I fall into even the smallest slump I feel like giving up. I'm quite amazed as how they could go from BFBC2, which was an excellently designed game in many ways, to this shitfest (designwise).

PuppetYuber said:
do you have low mouse sensitive nome?

most of the time if you spawn behind your squad, u wont get blinded by ally flash light.
I set my mouse sensitivity kinda low yeah. Correct, if I spawn behind, I don't get blinded, but if I am facing the moving ally from any direction other than behind I'm getting blinded often. It's beyond annoying.

There's this rule in game design--give power when it's apparent (paraphrased). Basically, if you're going to give players an advantage, it should be very clear to the player that it's an advantage. The flashlight thing breaks this rule completely, because the player wielding the light sees no direct influence from it, but everyone around him is affected negatively. It pisses me off, because I can just imagine some designer saying "Hey guys, you know that really god-awful feeling where you look at a really bright light, and it rapes your eyeballs and burns your brain? Let's put that into our game!" There is literally NOTHING in any game I've played until now that infuriates me as much as tactical lights, if only because it's extremely displeasing to the eye. Luckily not too many people use it, but could you imagine if every single player used it? Every player AWPing in Counterstrike was an annoyance, because the AWP was a powerful gun in the right hands, but EVEN IF the tactical lights were completely worthless in BF3, the fact that they are such a visual annoyance should validate their removal. Even as I'm writing this, I'm getting a bit of a headache because of the game we just played together. And I'm not mad at you for using it, but I'm mad at DICE for putting it in their game. Their entire game seems to have been designed for eye rape. Operation Metro is probably the worst out of all of them, especially in the part of the map where you're inside the building, but you can see outside, and the camera "realistically" is adjusted to a dim light so all you see outside is just PURE WHITE. Ugh.

But yeah, sadly I'll probably continue playing this game until Arkham City and MW3 are released for PC.
It is "tactical". :D

The only reason why I always have it on is because I usually play Rush mode. That flash light gives huge advantage when rushing objective. Also, there is nothing else better to equip on the third slot; surpressor weakens your gun, and heavy barrel increases recoil by a lot.

Honestly, it doesn't bother me that much anymore. The first time people used that pistol with tactic light completely threw me off, but now I am just used it to.

It really only works on active players, recon and campers usually give their location away when they equip tactical light and forget to turn them off (same with lazer sight).


MrMister said:
All this talk is making me glad I didn't buy BF3 because of Origin, now I see the core game is horribly designed.

You've never played it so you don't see anything. You're forming an opinion off of the opinions of people who have actually played the game, and it's pretty obvious all those opinions don't agree.


JoeMartin said:
You've never played it so you don't see anything. You're forming an opinion off of the opinions of people who have actually played the game, and it's pretty obvious all those opinions don't agree.
Or I push $60 to EA so I can form my own opinion and say it sucks and they still have my $60. This is why they invented reviews! I'll gladly take your opinions over the reviews though.

Rather just stick to BC2 or BF2 if I want to play some Battlefield.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
HoN isn't nearly spammy enough to support a Dominion-like map.

They'd have to lower cooldowns and damage across the board.


MrMister said:
Or I push $60 to EA so I can form my own opinion and say it sucks and they still have my $60. This is why they invented reviews! I'll gladly take your opinions over the reviews though.

Rather just stick to BC2 or BF2 if I want to play some Battlefield.

If you're happy with BC2 and BF2 be my guest. But don't go around telling me the game sucks when you haven't even played it. That's just poor form.

PuppetYuber said:
The only reason why I always have it on is because I usually play Rush mode. That flash light gives huge advantage when rushing objective. Also, there is nothing else better to equip on the third slot; surpressor weakens your gun, and heavy barrel increases recoil by a lot.

The problem is that it's devastatingly blinding at ranges and lighting conditions it shouldn't be. I can understand it in metro, walking through a doorway into a dark room and having a flashlight shoved into your face 2 feet away would fuck you up. But in the middle of a field on Caspian, from 20 feet out? Come on now. That shit would barely register.

The suppressor is invaluable for raiding points in CQ, don't show up on the minimap just from firing. Heavy barrel is questionable, especially once you're used to the bullet drop for your primary, but I'll still take it from time to time. Still roll with a suppressor the vast majority of the time. I spot/kill plenty of people just from muzzle flash alone. And tbh I don't really notice the damage loss.

Also fuck flashlights.


Kapura said:
Mr bf3 recieved positive reviews almost across the board.
Yeah I know, that's why I said I'd rather hear from you guys, Nome being one of the first to hear from. I retract my saying that BF3 sucks, but after reading a lot of opinions of GAF and elsewhere, my view of the game from the outside is more diminished than before it released.
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