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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Nome said:
Quick list of stuff that annoys me that I haven't really mentioned yet... none of these in particular irks me heavily (other than interface stuff), but the combination of all of it makes me want to puke.


Yeah, this stuff frustrates me to hell and back. Especially when its DICE. Its like, you've been making Battlefield games for 10 years. How are you making such dumb decisions.
It does make me slightly happier though, that these I think are mostly very small things. There isn't anything in the game that is incredibly broken or really horrifying.

Also, you hate it. But the fact that there IS a button for manual squad joining, IS BLOWING MY MIND. I've been hating on that all week.


Elec is safe enough but can easily get stuck in a bad situation or left behind later on if he doesn't get early farm. He's not bad but if someone wants to try tank heroes I'd just recommend going Kraken instead because he's so much better all-around


farm on an elec just isn't scary.

delirium got a farmed elec against us once in an IH, and yeah, he was tough to kill, but by the time we had to go kill him, rest of his team was dead. what's the point of having all that hp if you're one of the last targets?


As long as we're on the subject of griping out interfaces...

Nome: why no re-connect button? Also, when you buy items on the courier and it's greyed out, you can't see whether or not the item is re-sellable for full value because the icons overlap each other.

edit: oh god the grammer


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Advice for playing support (read: ward bitch):

1) To start, buy 2 wards (1 if someone else can afford to). Give one to whoever's going top Legion/bot Hellborne so they can counterward the pull (assuming you don't have some other method of counterwarding)

2) Other items depend on your hero. You want at least 90g worth of regen. Get Mana Battery if you think your lane is going to be super spammy, get Guardian Ring and build it into a Ring of Sorcery if your lanemate has mana problems. Get one/two minor totems with what you have left, or you can opt for another potion.

3) If your lane mate is taking heavy damage, give your regen to him. It's more important that he stays in the lane.

4) Focus on denying and harassing.

5) Pull, if you can, but only if your lanemate can safely farm without your presence. If they are getting heavily pressured, then skip the pulling and stay and try to alleviate some of it so they can get in hits.

6) Try to get flying courier before your mid needs to buy bottle. It can be a bit difficult because you will be surrendering your last hits to your lanemate whenever possible, but if you get an early gank, or if you're getting farm only because your lane mate can't risk himself, then upgrade.

7) Ward either rune before 2 minutes so mid can grab the first one if they need to. If they are up against a blinker, feel free to camp the rune in order to steal it from the opposing mid.

8) I don't have a list of ward spots but there are a few obvious positions. There are the cliffs on HB side overlooking top rune, the cliffs on Legion side overlooking bottom rune. There's the high cliff near HB's base, at top, and the high cliff near Legion's base, at bot. Other locations will depend on the teams' strategies/overall situation of the game. If you're not sure where to ward, ask, or give the wards to someone else.

9) When you play a hero like Dsham or Nymph, there are two options for skill builds. You can level heavy babysitter, heals, restores, shields, that stuff. You can also level support/ganker. Your choice will depend on whoever you're babysitting, adapt your build to suit their needs. Again, ask if you're unsure.

10) If your lanemate can handle the lane by himself, and your mid is having trouble, try to get a gank in on mid (assuming you have the appropriate skills) rather than staying in the lane when you're not absolutely needed.

11) If you know that mid is an exceptionally good player, and that the people in your lane aren't, you should be on the look out for potential ganks, especially when scouting out runes for your mid.

I don't know how to play counterwarding mind games so someone else will have to answer any questions about that.
Halycon said:
Advice for playing support (read: ward bitch):

1) To start, buy 2 wards (1 if someone else can afford to). Give one to whoever's going top Legion/bot Hellborne so they can counterward the pull (assuming you don't have some other method of counterwarding)

2) Other items depend on your hero. You want at least 90g worth of regen. Get Mana Battery if you think your lane is going to be super spammy, get Guardian Ring and build it into a Ring of Sorcery if your lanemate has mana problems. Get one/two minor totems with what you have left, or you can opt for another potion.

3) If your lane mate is taking heavy damage, give your regen to him. It's more important that he stays in the lane.

4) Focus on last hitting and harassing.

5) Pull, if you can, but only if your lanemate can safely farm without your presence. If they are getting heavily pressured, then skip the pulling and stay and try to alleviate some of it so they can get in hits.

6) Try to get flying courier before your mid needs to buy bottle. It can be a bit difficult because you will be surrendering your last hits to your lanemate whenever possible, but if you get an early gank, or if you're getting farm only because your lane mate can't risk himself, then upgrade.

7) Ward either rune before 2 minutes so mid can grab the first one if they need to. If they are up against a blinker, feel free to camp the rune in order to steal it from the opposing mid.

8) I don't have a list of ward spots but there are a few obvious positions. There are the cliffs on HB side overlooking top rune, the cliffs on Legion side overlooking bottom rune. There's the high cliff near HB's base, at top, and the high cliff near Legion's base, at bot. Other locations will depend on the teams' strategies/overall situation of the game. If you're not sure where to ward, ask, or give the wards to someone else.

9) When you play a hero like Dsham or Nymph, there are two options for skill builds. You can level heavy babysitter, heals, restores, shields, that stuff. You can also level support/ganker. Your choice will depend on whoever you're babysitting, adapt your build to suit their needs. Again, ask if you're unsure.

10) If your lanemate can handle the lane by himself, and your mid is having trouble, try to get a gank in on mid (assuming you have the appropriate skills) rather than staying in the lane when you're not absolutely needed.

11) If you know that mid is an exceptionally good player, and that the people in your lane aren't, you should be on the look out for potential ganks, especially when scouting out runes for your mid.

I don't know how to play counterwarding mind games so someone else will have to answer any questions about that.
A few changes:
Part of 4 is bad advice.
Focus on harassing and lane control. If a creep falls below 50% hp hit it a few times to pull the lane backwards and keep it close to your tower. You should never be competing with the carry for CK. There's nothing more frustrating as a carry than to have to fight your support players for last hits.

In regards to five, never pull the lane unless it's double stacked. If it is double stacked and your carry(or lane mate) is having a hard time, just pull the lane and leave it to get denied and return to the lane, this takes about 5~10 seconds.

If you're not harassing you should pop into the jungle to stack up the nearby creep camps.

Don't wait to ward the rune until the 2:00 minute mark, it can backfire.

If you've succeeded in the lane and won it, there'll be a point where the carry won't need your support to survive. When this occurs don't just sit in the lane leaching exp, leave it and go apply pressure on some other part of the map.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I meant to write "focus on denying" actually.


Spawn times and Stacking:
Normal creeps spawn every minute. To stack, hit the creeps once at around xx:55 and then kite them away so the spawn point is "empty" at the minute mark. Times will vary slightly depending on whether they're ranged, how many creeps are already stacked, whether you are melee or ranged, how fast your attack animation is. Creeps will not spawn if any of the following are within 400 units from the spawn point:

1) Heroes
2) Creeps
3) Wards
4) Gadgets from spells
5) Hero/Creep Corpses

5) is especially important as if you clear the jungle too early without pulling them out, the resulting corpses can block a spawn.

Ancient creeps (the big spawns) spawn every evenly numbered minute mark. There are two cases for stacking ancients. For the dinosaurs, all you need to do is hit them at XX:55 and pull them away. For the dragons, however, you should pull them a few seconds earlier, around XX:53 (maybe 1 or 2 seconds earlier for melee heroes). This is because all of the dragons are ranged, so they will launch an attack first and wait for the animation to finish before chasing you, which eats up extra time. They also have a bad habit of blocking themselves, again, a consequence of having long range.

Pulls can happen twice very minute, once at around the XX:17 mark, and another at the xx:47 mark. Again, times will vary depending on numerous factors. Timing is also more strict on bottom Legion, because of the extra tree blocking vision (I have no idea why this is there, it is a clear advantage for HB).


Ultimoo said:
elec is such a bad hero, just get a better tanky hero anyways. he's only good as a hard jeraziah counter really.
Ultimoo said:
farm on an elec just isn't scary.

delirium got a farmed elec against us once in an IH, and yeah, he was tough to kill, but by the time we had to go kill him, rest of his team was dead. what's the point of having all that hp if you're one of the last targets?
you are so bad


Halycon said:
1) To start, buy 2 wards (1 if someone else can afford to). Give one to whoever's going top Legion/bot Hellborne so they can counterward the pull (assuming you don't have some other method of counterwarding)

I dunno if it's still there, but I learned the hard way that you can't just buy two and split them with someone [why isn't this possible?]. You gotta buy one, pass it on, and then get the second. Also learning things the hard way: Kraken trying to charge into trees to escape, much to Alumnus' amusement. I remember Phandy's perpetual lane pull too, lol


Conceptor said:
I dunno if it's still there, but I learned the hard way that you can't just buy two and split them with someone [why isn't this possible?]. You gotta buy one, pass it on, and then get the second. Also learning things the hard way: Kraken trying to charge into trees to escape, much to Alumnus' amusement. I remember Phandy's perpetual lane pull too, lol

I wish I knew how that happened.
It was something to do with the archer. He would pull the creeps, and they would run back and then pull back out again. And it happened at the same time as a camp respawn, and then another time when the creeps walked past so they got vision and pulled. I swear I got 3 camps from it and 3 lane pulls, all in a row.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Self pulling pulls.

Truly the mark of a master support player.
My support starting build is usually 2 wards, 2 minor totems, one runes of blight, one health pot, and two mana pots. I will usually forgo chalice and get a power supply.

Harass from the trees if you can; it reduces creep aggro and limits enemy vision of you.

Always always carry a TP once everyone hits level 6. I've made Blood Hunters cry when I survive their ult+silence+Codex and TP to safety.


More BF3 stupidity...

-A jeep driving at full speed will knock a tank off the road if they collide. The jeep of course will be unharmed.
-The first version of every pistol you unlock is the one with the tactical light attached. Thanks, DICE!
-Flares have shorter cooldown and infinite stock than anti-air launchers. It's impossible to shoot down a helicopter/jet 1v1.
-If you go prone on the edge of a cliff, you can aim downwards. However, the 3rd person prone animation doesn't account for downwards aiming because it's physically impossible. So if you approach a prone player from beneath, they can aim and shoot at you despite the animation showing them aiming straight ahead.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Nome said:
More BF3 stupidity...

-A jeep driving at full speed will knock a tank off the road if they collide. The jeep of course will be unharmed.
-The first version of every pistol you unlock is the one with the tactical light attached. Thanks, DICE!
-Flares have shorter cooldown and infinite stock than anti-air launchers. It's impossible to shoot down a helicopter/jet 1v1.
-If you go prone on the edge of a cliff, you can aim downwards. However, the 3rd person prone animation doesn't account for downwards aiming because it's physically impossible. So if you approach a prone player from beneath, they can aim and shoot at you despite the animation showing them aiming straight ahead.

I've noticed that for this one, in order to beat the flare cooldown you have to reload and starting locking on to them right away. I've taken down quite a few jets/helis, but it is possible.

Also, sometimes it's worth it to lock on and wait until the blow their flares.

Either way, the cooldown for flares seems a bit too short.
Sorry Nome I am going to have to call you out.

Jeep can only knock off tank if no one is driving it. If someone is driving the tank (ally or enemy), even if they are stationary, when the jeep collide and impact, it will usually flip / explode, whereas tank will only receive little damage.

Flares doesn't have shorter cooldown than anti-air launchers. It is only the case if you cant keep up with its movement (usually the case with people that know how to fly a jet).
All it takes is 1 missle to disable heli/jet, and u don't even need to follow up, unless you really want the kill.

If the cooldown was increased, jet and helicopter becomes USELESS. A squad of 2 engineers will instantly take down a jet or helicopter no matter what.


No, call me out, I'm obviously new. Good to hear that flares aren't as imba as I thought. The jeep/tank thing though, pretty sure I saw people in both. I was in the jeep that knocked the tank off the road, and 90% sure both were occupied at the time of impact. That's a minor thing though.

ALSO, I threw a med pack at a wall and the entire wall collapsed. I guess it took too much damage or something.

EDIT: Thanks a lot for anti-air tips. Killing every jet/heli I see now!


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Nome said:
No, call me out, I'm obviously new. Good to hear that flares aren't as imba as I thought. The jeep/tank thing though, pretty sure I saw people in both. I was in the jeep that knocked the tank off the road, and 90% sure both were occupied at the time of impact. That's a minor thing though.

ALSO, I threw a med pack at a wall and the entire wall collapsed. I guess it took too much damage or something.

EDIT: Thanks a lot for anti-air tips. Killing every jet/heli I see now!

You obviously don't know what they put in those things then. Anvil? Standard in every military first aid pack.
Anyone in the KC area? A company is flying me out for an interview on the 10th and 11th, putting me up at the Hyatt. Gonna be bored on the night of the 10th, if anyone is in the area would be nice to grab dinner/a few beers.


jeremy70583 said:
Anyone in the KC area? A company is flying me out for an interview on the 10th and 11th, putting me up at the Hyatt. Gonna be bored on the night of the 10th, if anyone is in the area would be nice to grab dinner/a few beers.
A few huh?


Lone_Prodigy said:
MrMr you should write a Midwars guide.
It's pretty much don't get ahead of your teammates in lane so you don't get caught out by Devos, Gaunts, Fluxs, etc. (I've seen too many heroes die simply because some squishy melee hero wanted a last hit about 200 units away from the enemy team) and support aura items are godly such as Astrolabe, Abyssal Skull, Ring of the Teacher, Ring of Sorcery, Nome's Wisdome, etc. Oddly enough I've won 80% of my games as Empath, for example, by going Nome's Wisdom and Astrolabe on her first before anything else, just because the regen early game is so good. When it comes to hero picking though, the usuals such as Devo, Flint, Amun-Ra, etc. are all good, any heroes that aren't single target dps, such as Dark Lady, Madman, are great in Midwars. Also, contrary to popular belief you can actually win a midwars with the instant respawn on and with everyone at level 25, it's called focusing the buildings, who knew! In any Midwars you play, always focus on hitting the towers when there is little risk to you or your team, too many times I have witnessed a team sitting back after a quad kill just because they're scared of that last enemy hero alive.

Damn I want a single lane map.
My favourite Midwars hero is Moon Queen because she's equally effective against buildings and heroes due to her passive and her multi-strike. I usually get Whispering Helm first to capture neutrals and send them to the enemy jungle (really useful for Post Haste later).

I remember one Blue-Pink game where 5 Accurseds were destroying us 5 Puppets but kept fountain-diving for kills instead of going for our base. As a result we got ridiculous farm and won (Symbol of Rage counters Barbed Armor so well).


Mid Wars Guide:
MrMister said:
It's pretty much don't get ahead of your teammates in lane so you don't get caught out by Devos, Gaunts, Fluxs, etc. (I've seen too many heroes die simply because some squishy melee hero wanted a last hit about 200 units away from the enemy team) and support aura items are godly such as Astrolabe, Abyssal Skull, Ring of the Teacher, Ring of Sorcery, Nome's Wisdome, etc. Oddly enough I've won 80% of my games as Empath, for example, by going Nome's Wisdom and Astrolabe on her first before anything else, just because the regen early game is so good. When it comes to hero picking though, the usuals such as Devo, Flint, Amun-Ra, etc. are all good, any heroes that aren't single target dps, such as Dark Lady, Madman, are great in Midwars. Also, contrary to popular belief you can actually win a midwars with the instant respawn on and with everyone at level 25, it's called focusing the buildings, who knew! In any Midwars you play, always focus on hitting the towers when there is little risk to you or your team, too many times I have witnessed a team sitting back after a quad kill just because they're scared of that last enemy hero alive.

Damn I want a single lane map.

Don't play midwars


Sorry, couldn't resist.


Fuck this game. Seriously. I've never been more resolute about anything in my entire life.


Tomat said:
What happened?

edit: in that particular game, I was at one point 3 or 4 levels higher than anyone else and over 375 gpm at 11-1. My team then proceeds to continuously feed and run in 1 by 1 until scout and cthulu get farmed. We manage to push two raxes before losing one, and then ra and rampage go on another feeding spree. Rampage would charge people all the way across the map and take it all the way to their fountain. Literally. People like that just don't deserve my radiant glow.

Ultimoo said:
we carry you to 1400 and this is how you treat us
Don't worry, I managed to get myself under 1300 again. Even when I go 11-1, I can't win a match.



Steam said:
One thing everyone will tell you is that Dota is a game that’s more fun with friends. Because of that, we wanted to make sure everyone we invited could bring a couple of friends – so everyone who receives Dota 2 will be given two extra copies that they can hand out to whomever they’d like. You’ll find your extra copies in the Steam section of your Steam account’s item inventory, and you can use the Steam Trading feature to give them to your friends.

Does existing DotA2 players get keys as well?

If so...


One for Swag (since he's always using it) and one for me? (just cause)


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Guesong said:
Does existing DotA2 players get keys as well?
One for Swag (since he's always using it) and one for me? (just cause)
I'd imagine they would, I wouldn't mind one of the keys (played a fair bit myself) or might be best to just random the key(s) off to people who voted.


Ikuu said:
I'd imagine they would, I wouldn't mind one of the keys (played a fair bit myself) or might be best to just random the key(s) off to people who voted.

Sounds fair.

One for me and one for a random!

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