I have no hype for tomorow
well, except to see Alur rage about all the crap he got in his free loot boxes.
No raging. Bragging and boasting and possibly teasing you EU guys maybe.
Sucks you guys are screwed for this. I thought for sure at least this update would be universal.
I feel like double jump should be pretty good, i kinda rationalize shingan in that it is a great spike and higher dmg on genji would help make enemies prioritize him more and i feel like genji needs to be offtankish and in the shit to be successful, otherwise you are just weakly poking and finishing
I play him passive lyfe all the way. That's not true, but I rarely dive into an actual team fight until there's a hero I can finish or a setup is put down for my ultimate. I don't know how you could reliably play him as an offtank. Your W only lasts 1.5 secs and it has a pretty long cooldown. You'd have to use your other skills to dodge instead to engage and finish. I don't see that as a valuable use of the hero or his intention really on a regular basis. You can draw the aggro, but it will negate your ability to finish, and if you don't have heals your just kind of out of it because that deflect is so paltry.
I think he's meant to be a poke/harass hero like Tracer or Zera who functions a bit more like Valeera in that he can't really 100-0 someone on his own reliably, but paired with other damage he ensures no heroes ever escape or survive the engage. I find his poke damage to be alright, actually. It's not great but if you do as you suggest and play a little forward to draw aggression you can get some good damage in with your AA added in to the Q spam.
Playing him that way racked me and my team up a ridiculous amount of kills. Like I was saying the other day, I average like 4.0-5.0 KDA as a player on most heroes. Milly averages like a full kill and a half more than me per death. On Genji last I looked my KDA was 13.51 in ~30 games playing from outside and then finishing my own kills or others.