Alpha Centauri
5-mans in QM are one of my annoyances too. We sometimes do it too but we don't make try hard comps. Granted it doesn't happen all the time but they should restrict 5-mans to unranked draft. Team League matchmaking might even get better if there were more people playing it...
Yesterday, me and 2 friends queued for QM to warm up. Our first match we get queued against a 5 stack running cho'gall + auriel. They literally A.I bot lane pushed us on Sky Temple for the first 3 mins and got a keep at the 5 min mark. To add to the cheese, Auriel took resurrection and they bypassed mid fort to kill the keep. Despite all that, we clawed our way to victory. It was the roughest QM I've had in a long time, but the payoff was worth it. I've been on the losing end of them too, but I still don't think 5 mans should be restricted in QM.
Let's ignore queue-time ramifications. While 5 stacks obviously favor the 5 man team that is coordinated, that can be somewhat alleviated by matching them against higher MMR parties. Doesn't the game already do this? I'm pretty sure it does for TL at least.