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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


I'm legitimately surprised by that... I haven't heard a single person talk about Paragon since it was releasing. Good for them, though.

Ketch confirmed as not a person.

That still seems like a ton for that game, to me. I figured HOTS was somewhere in that 750,000+ range. If HOTS used the same criteria, it would have to be considerably higher I would assume.

With the amount of cross-promotion they did their registered player should be pretty high (Hearthstone, Overwatch, Warcraft movie etc). Figure that since viewership is steadily growing on twitch, the gaming population should be on a positive trajectory but unless they have bad ass numbers I don't think we'll hear it. They were eager to tell everybody that wanted to hear it that Overwatch had a great growth phase recently.


For sure. Which will never happen, because until they surpass one of the big two they'll never let us know, no matter how respectable it might get.

I'm positive the player base is pretty healthy, but I would like to know just for curiosity's sake.


How have I been shitposting?

I'm not a fan of Baebel.
I don't think k1 saying he's the best is true.
I would play brawl for the foreseeable future after how QM has went the past few times we've played.
10 people comment was based on the thread in gaming.


How have I been shitposting?

I'm not a fan of Baebel.
I don't think k1 saying he's the best is true.
I would play brawl for the foreseeable future after how QM has went the past few times we've played.
10 people comment was based on the thread in gaming.

Don't you come back at me in thread after saying lol in a text message. I see u m8

And specifically I was referring to the like 5-10 word, one sentence snark. "Thing is bad" "shit on thing" and no follow up reasoning. That last one doe was def shitposting lol


Haha yeah, a little, but at least I wasn't serious.

I wish Blizz would release numbers. It certainly seems like we run into the same people quite frequently.


You might without me. I don't and we've played like 1200 games together on my main (2000 games total for it). I only have 4 people I've played 5 times or more according to hotdogs.

EDIT: It says you've played 3000 games and have played 90 different people at least 5 times a piece. How in the fuck? LOL, that makes no sense. It says you've played brian! and his brother 8 times. Weird. If you narrow it down by league, though, it says you've only played about 20 more than 5 times. The other 70 just disappear. Maybe that's a bug in the hotdoggie system somewhere.

Does stand to reason that the higher your MMR goes the more often you see the same faces though. Far less players as you go up.


ARAM skews that pretty hard, but I am talking regular games as well. A lot also have the same names, so I'm probably grouping a ton of people that aren't actually the same, too.


Mei, McCree and Mercy all suffer from just not having enough in their kits to translate.

That honestly haven't stopped some of the other character inclusions for some of Blizzard's other properities. I mean, The Lost Vikings are a good example of that.


ARAM skews that pretty hard, but I am talking regular games as well. A lot also have the same names, so I'm probably grouping a ton of people that aren't actually the same, too.

Yeah I think so. Sometimes we see players and you're like "dis fker again" and I'm like who? haha


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
they seem to be pumping out heroes much faster than back when I was playing :(


I should probably stop trying to play Kerrigan in QM, it's just not meant to be. It's always against the worst possible comps.


I should probably stop trying to play Kerrigan in QM, it's just not meant to be. It's always against the worst possible comps.
Ya Kerrigan is tough in quick match cuz she really needs support and a tank that will engage with you to be effective

Lucio actually looks like he will be an insane support for Kerrigan comps. That barrier is going to be nuts for her


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Well looks like Lucio is the next hero coming to the nexus. Looks like he's slated to be released onto a ptr Feb. 6th.
That's not Ana.

Oh well. If they have his speed aura that could be pretty cool so long as your teammates aren't chickenshits. Could be a nice alternative to Brightwing. I'm not really a fan of his Mt. Dew-type characterization but his voice isn't as grating as Sylvannas. I'll save my gold in case he's good.


Also, the lack of a recent players tab is maddening. I keep not reporting toxic assholes because I skip the stats screen without thinking.

Ya Kerrigan is tough in quick match cuz she really needs support and a tank that will engage with you to be effective

Lucio actually looks like he will be an insane support for Kerrigan comps. That barrier is going to be nuts for her
And everyone on the enemy team is ranged, lul.


bstep running away from the 4v2 to end the game is tilting me hard
sick gust from mac at the end, that was nt's last chance but mac was like nah


i feel like bstep went out of their way to go for the weirdest pick comp they could

secret behind the scenes comms:
caff: ok guys they are gonna do tass/auriel how do we punish the lack of cleanse
k1: i'll play tyrande!
caff: i'll play diablo
dream: i can follow up w/ sulfurus
mc: yeah ill dump even more dmg on it
apm: I'm monk!
k1: I can't wait til you get benched


It's nice to see a lot more Jaina/Chromie in the wake of the Li-Ming nerf to Calamity.

edit: lolol Dread loathes Tyrande. She's totally there to enable Chromie.


Good god that last comp from b step. Those health bar went instant 100 to 0. The minute anybody tried anything somebody died even with aegis.


i was really impressed w/ caff being patient w/ e, he would q someone and mac would aim chromie w right on top of them instead of waiting for the e, i saw caff stepping around in circles cancelling the e input at least 2 times


i was really impressed w/ caff being patient w/ e, he would q someone and mac would aim chromie w right on top of them instead of waiting for the e, i saw caff stepping around in circles cancelling the e input at least 2 times
Yeah, with both Tyrande/Chromie, communication is critical w/ that button. One wrong E can lose a teamfight.


Hey do you guys have some sort of group like discord? I'm looking for some more people to play hots with.


GFE is already transitioning from 4 flex to Khroen main tank most of the time.
I'd really like Srey to try a role swap. Tank isn't really working out for him.

I liked his Johanna back in the day and then Anub when that was around, but tonight especially was giving Erho a run for his money at worst NA tank. Not a good night for either of them.
I liked his Johanna back in the day and then Anub when that was around, but tonight especially was giving Erho a run for his money at worst NA tank. Not a good night for either of them.
Issue was he was forcing Johanna when she wasn't all too great and she still ain't. He was good on Anub that one regional but Glau was shotcalling at the time.
He's been at it in competitive for about a year now and he's never been particularly convincing as a tank. Srey doesn't land god moshes and he's not good at dictating pace. He can be a good disruptive in your face kind of tank player but that gets him caught out all too frequently.
From what I've watched on his stream I think he'd do much better as the off tank flex player. Shouldn't stop him from calling shots and might even help with delegating some of the burden.


Well, I feel like a dick. Decided to make a second account to see how fast you could make gold because my main account never had to level up to the level 40 cap. First game in QM we won 30-1.


Hey do you guys have some sort of group like discord? I'm looking for some more people to play hots with.

We do have a discord but no one uses it on a regular basis. Best bet is to hit up the neogaf channel in game of ask people to add you here. All of the regulars are split all across time zones in NA and then some are also EU so if can be hit or miss.


It's in the OP in the battletag list breh. Been there for more than year, probably, and we had a Mumble or Teamspeak (I forget which) before that I had paid for before that. The VOIP service got a good bit of use, but by the time we made the Discord it was mostly the regulars in here so it doesn't get used a lot.


varian saw very high priority in korea hgc, nvt on to something
Tank Varian is busted. I've been saying this for a couple weeks now. He can absolutely lockdown a hero by himself and it's silly

Sadly I think warbringer might be totally busted, they might have to rethink that one.


Tank Varian is busted. I've been saying this for a couple weeks now. He can absolutely lockdown a hero by himself and it's silly

Sadly I think warbringer might be totally busted, they might have to rethink that one.

Yep, been saying the same thing. 2.25 seconds on unavoidable CC is utterly ridiculous.

Also, how to tell its the weekend. go into unranked draft, and end up on Braxxis with:

Your team: DPS Varian, Abathur, Azmodan, Nazeepo, Medivh vs
Enemy: Alarak, Malfurion, Dehaka, Kael, Xul

And win.


to follow up on my post on the 2-3 nvt vs. tempo game and varian

Should be noted that he was picked to counter stuff like sanc and as wombo enabler in heavy self-sustain comps, nvt basically wanted to try out not having peel from a warrior and have players take care of themselves, opting for a tank that picks enemies out.

They...had mixed results

Cleanse doesnt counter taunt in high lvl play, cuz the teams know not to all in on a taunt when cleanse is up. If they can hustle out the varian after the cleanse it's a win for the varian because for some reason blizzard thought that making taunt a 14 sec cd (or whatever it is) was a good idea

there are two things im thinking about when it comes to single tank varian. 1. it means that you will have poor peel, meaning that your team needs to be able to take care of themselves to an extent, and 2. there is a lack of good 2nd warrior options w/ varian, meaning there are few warriors you would pick to make up for his deficits and still have decent dmg output. varian is absolutely an aggressive pick that is used for decisive moves. in the nvt-tempo game bkid had some good moments (locking down tyrael before he could sanc, getting cleanse cd and getting out, etc.) but nvt in the end were not as successful as they could be because they as a team lacked decisiveness.

Id still classify him as situational and worth more of a ban on the second wave and not the first
w/ his ability to cancel a lot of popular things (li ming on boe, tass, tracer, rag) he needs respect in the draft phase

oh hey bkb is playing for synergy


Does anyone have more than 0% winrate with a Cho'gall on their team?

As long as we are the Cho'Gall, yes. Actually hotdogs says I have a 57.1% winrate with Cho on my team and a 50% winrate with Gall on my team. I'm guessing the gap is when I've played one or the other in the pair.


As long as we are the Cho'Gall, yes. Actually hotdogs says I have a 57.1% winrate with Cho on my team and a 50% winrate with Gall on my team. I'm guessing the gap is when I've played one or the other in the pair.
So far I have 0% with him, and 100% against. But maybe it's just at this terrible MMR.


I'm surprised mine is that high. I definitely do not like having him on the team unless we are with friends and built a comp around him. He's a (rarely seen) cancer on QM.

EDIT: bkb stays losing. bad news bears of hots.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I cast purifier beam on someone just before stitches swallowed them so then my beam chased stitches. Should this be reported as a bug?
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