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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


They should be, but that's usually not how it pans out. Just gotta look at how many people only played like 1/2/3 heroes repeatedly now to see that.
He's just all around flex from the heroes he played recently.

In HGC he played Valla, Dehaka, Medivh, Tracer, Artanis and Ragnaros so far.

For the Qualifiers he also had a Zeratul, Thrall and Illidan game.

He wanted to play Illidan more than what was needed for the comp and he still hates playing Thrall. Didn't look convincing on Ragnaros and Artanis.


Well GFE is a team full of flex players apparently but casters haven't talked about roles really. It seems murky nowadays.


I think the GFE mold should be the way of the future, but someone has to actually win that way first I guess.
It all depends on how convincingly the players will be able to play the tanks available.
Khroen and Equinox have been doing a decent job at sharing the tank role from what I've seen but it has the potential to be figured out and exploited in drafting.
I know Misfits have been experimenting every now and then with switching up the support player for a game or two, not sure how serious that was though.

Hope we're getting 3 bans soon.


looks awesome, cant believe he can wall ride, tho it doesnt seem to be anything besides an extra animation from the video?
looks like he's another lock on character like tracer


looks awesome, cant believe he can wall ride, tho it doesnt seem to be anything besides an extra animation from the video?
looks like he's another lock on character like tracer
For him it makes sense cause he's all about the super high mobility.
I'm excited for Lucio. I usually gravitate toward support because I feel like I don't make an impact as assassins, etc (i.e. bad). I agree though the animations seemed a little... Off. His kit should be very predictable, but I'm curious how they'll translate certain things into HotS.



EDIT: Skills and talents https://www.destructoid.com/heroes-of-the-storm-s-next-character-is-overwatch-s-lucio--416540.phtml

This one seems fun:

1 (1)
[E] Maximum Tempo
Quest: Kill 5 enemy Heroes while Speed Boost is active. Reward: Increase Amped Speed Boost to 60%.

These two also seem p neat. Maybe Can't Stop, Won't Stop would be good on a map like Shrines or Cursed Hollow or something where there's more walls.

13 (5)
[Trait] Can't Stop, Won't Stop
You cannot be slowed or rooted while you have the Wall Riding Movement Speed bonus.

13 (5)
[Trait] Hard Style
Gain 25 Armor while you have the Wall Riding movement speed boost, reducing damage by 25%.

Late game healing power:

16 (6)
[W] Bring it Together
If your aura is currently affecting 2 or more allies when you cast Amp It Up, Crossfade's Healing Boost is increased by 40% for the duration.

The 20's are interesting too.

20 (7)
[R2] Nonstop Remix
The duration of Reverse Amp is paused while it effects 2 or more enemy Heroes.

Curious what the CD on this would be:

20 (7)
[E] Synaesthesia Auditiva
Casting Amp It Up removes all Stun, Slow, and Root effects from nearby allies, and all Slow and Root effects on Lúcio.


he looks pretty broken
it's cool how easily overwatch characters can keep their feel in heroes
they even gave you a talent for when you're defending koth and just circling around on a pillar nonstop w/ the wall talents, like when I think about builds they all translate to how ppl play lucio in ow, that's pretty cool


Same. I love Lucio, though. I mained him in OW to get to rank 60+ in the first season cause I suck otherwise and he was broken. His kit seems to have translated exactly in function, though it remains to be seen how it feels.

The second ult is interesting as well. An ability that does the inverse of whatever aura is on your team to the enemy?


his ms is (was? haven't played in a while i feel like it probably got nerfed) op in overwatch, and you can use it kind of similarly in heroes but 1. there's mounts in this game, 2. you don't have to aim in this game, 3. reinhardt isnt in the game yet, so it'll be interesting to see how a ms focused character turns out in heroes. if this guy existed in league or dota he'd 100% be op

also not really related but medivh is so fun. when i read his kit i was a little dissapointed in his q being super generic, but when you take his kit as a whole it's really great. you get a button for dps, a button for protection, a button for mobility, and a button for cc, like I feel like I am playing fucking simon says when I play him. it sucks a little that he has no talent diversity but the base kit is so fun to play. medivh cheats! is hilarious. def worth the 10,000g


his ms is (was? haven't played in a while i feel like it probably got nerfed) op in overwatch, and you can use it kind of similarly in heroes but 1. there's mounts in this game, 2. you don't have to aim in this game, 3. reinhardt isnt in the game yet, so it'll be interesting to see how a ms focused character turns out in heroes. if this guy existed in league or dota he'd 100% be op

IIRC they've nerfed his move speed on more than one occasion now and he still gets played a lot. Move speed OP. We'll see if it's OP in this, but can see it being really great for teamfighting, then switch and amp it up to heal just like Brightwing's old (D) talent.

EDIT: The real question is what the master skin and paid skin are. Frog skin? Brazilian soccer skin? Both? Maybe the hockey skin? Hopefully they don't just add more armor to him and his master just makes him becomes the toad/frog in different variants.


Considering the great job they did with Zarya's skin I'm optimistic about his skins. Although weirdly I'm not too hyped about Lucio coming to the nexus since I've played so much of him in OW because nobody there wants to play support. His kit looks cool and his translation looks on point but it all depends on what numbers he'll be given.
Unless im not reading it right it looks like lucio wont have a cleanse until level 20. Other than that he looks like he is going to be quite good.


I don't need no stinkin' cleanse in Quick Match. On a serious note, though, I rarely even see it used properly at Diamond in HL/UR/QM/anything, so it would just hurt higher up if true. Would bet if it's an issue it gets added eventually, though, based on Blizz's track record.

He also may not be a solo support in the traditional sense. Really depends how much that aura puts out when it's not amped.


Well, definitely glad for another support. I was thinking of buying Rehgar next but looks like I'll just save for Lucio. I bought Morales' master skin and Zul'jin on a whim the other day, I can never just save gold.


Pretty shocked at the amount of people who either (A) flatly don't want OW heroes in HOTS or (B) think they translate poorly to the game and don't fit the style.

I feel like they pretty much nailed Zarya and Tracer (particularly Zarya, whom is so close you can actually get better at one version by playing the other as many have attested), and Lucio's kit seems to port very well.


Pretty shocked at the amount of people who either (A) flatly don't want OW heroes in HOTS or (B) think they translate poorly to the game and don't fit the style.

I feel like they pretty much nailed Zarya and Tracer (particularly Zarya, whom is so close you can actually get better at one version by playing the other as many have attested), and Lucio's kit seems to port very well.

It just makes me think that they could add Mei and that'd be amazing but also extremely obnoxious.
Gaf, I could use some people to play with. Haven't played in about a year and my friendslist is only overwatch and wow players lol. btag: plbelanger#1923


Mei gonna be obnoxious no matter what game she's in. A MEI ZING
In all seriousness, are there any characters in Heroes of the Storm that focus on Area Denial & Distruption in a similar fashion to Mei? I know Jaina and her Ice Wall & Tassadars Ult are similar to Mei's, & her block exists already as a talent on several heroes.


In all seriousness, are there any characters in Heroes of the Storm that focus on Area Denial & Distruption in a similar fashion to Mei? I know Jaina and her Ice Wall & Tassadars Ult are similar to Mei's, & her block exists already as a talent on several heroes.
Mei, McCree and Mercy all suffer from just not having enough in their kits to translate.


In all seriousness, are there any characters in Heroes of the Storm that focus on Area Denial & Distruption in a similar fashion to Mei? I know Jaina and her Ice Wall & Tassadars Ult are similar to Mei's, & her block exists already as a talent on several heroes.

you mean like how mei defends points? ...probably rexxar, it's pretty different though, but he's the closest to the whole i iced myself on the point doesnt that make you angry feeling
In all seriousness, are there any characters in Heroes of the Storm that focus on Area Denial & Distruption in a similar fashion to Mei? I know Jaina and her Ice Wall & Tassadars Ult are similar to Mei's, & her block exists already as a talent on several heroes.

Kaelthas phoenix, Zeebo zombies Tyrande starsfall Gazlowe blackhole


I never should have waded into the other thread. The OW promo was a failure that barely anyone took part in?


Yep, typically the perspective is "whatever is wrong with it, we're gonna talk about that and only that" and "if there's not anything majorly wrong with it, we'll shit on it anyway".


I never should have waded into the other thread. The OW promo was a failure that barely anyone took part in?

I ejected as hard as I could when I saw that. The few times I've played overwatch after the promo, I've seen plenty of Genji's running that promotion skin.


Well quoting that stat as a free to play title is not very indicative. This stat however I think is more useful:

There were 832,000 active players in January, up from 650,000 in November before the release of Monolith. There are also 44% more players playing each week - meaning more players are playing more often.

They still don't specify what active means but that's a nice ratio still. Good for them since they put a lot of effort into it. I'm also wondering where HoTS is currently sitting activity wise.


Maybe like 10, tops.

You're on a shitposting storm lately.

Well quoting that stat as a free to play title is not very indicative. This stat however I think is more useful:

They still don't specify what active means but that's a nice ratio still. Good for them since they put a lot of effort into it. I'm also wondering where HoTS is currently sitting activity wise.

That still seems like a ton for that game, to me. I figured HOTS was somewhere in that 750,000+ range. If HOTS used the same criteria, it would have to be considerably higher I would assume.

I'm legitimately surprised by that... I haven't heard a single person talk about Paragon since it was releasing. Good for them, though.

Same, that was kind of my point. I thought it was the "ded gaem" everyone always used to joke about HOTS being. I heard so much bad stuff about it that I got a beta invite pretty early and just never tried it out. I'm glad it's doing pretty well. Nothing wrong with options in my book.
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