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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Na really is just full of bad teams right now, can't recall a game that didn't involve a needless throw. Still enjoy watching it tho

Hah, yeah that was what I was going to say. I couldn't watch too much this weekend, but the part that is the most reminiscent of HL to me is the actual play/throwing/decision making.
Tbh bkid really stands out as a weak link to me, tho ofc everyone on the team has been having their own shitty play of the game. Na really is just full of bad teams right now, can't recall a game that didn't involve a needless throw. Still enjoy watching it tho
He's a bit prone to try and make plays like Zuna used to be. There've been real clownfiesta games in EU aplenty as well, games are very swingy right now.


Like pretty much every game feels like a coin flip, dread's not allowed to say this on air though

I could like point out that constantly running fan-hypercarry comps against t8 is a poor strat for their team, but no it really was the coin flip in the end. Khroen was a beast on li ming in the boe game though

He's a bit prone to try and make plays like Zuna used to be. There've been real clownfiesta games in EU aplenty as well, games are very swingy right now.

Bkids the man, but im fairly certain he is thinking of doing at least 3 seperate things everytime he does something, his only decent character right now is varian, and what, you press e and then r. His etc in particular gives me anxiety

At least bstep seem pretty good now, mac just needs to get more consistent, and idream needs to not completely whiff rewind combos w/ zera


Illidan is fine but it blew my mind when bw went cleanse instead of shield. Not feeding over and over before 10 also really helps that comp, but it was gfe not respecting freedom.


The people in that Kaelaris reddit thread talking about Dread are puzzling to me.

People seem upset that he calls the shit drafts/shotcalling for what it is. I don't quite get it. He can be a bit negative (or even petulant), but the alternative is to blow sunshine up these team's asses for not drafting or playing logically.

I prefer actual analysis as to the sugarcoating but I have wondered how some of these teams and players (for example, Kenma/NVT and Glaurung) feel about Blizzard's anointed analyst just taking a shit on them all the time.


Ppl in the scene are a bit salty at dread cuz 1. He doesnt understand what they are trying to do and 2. They are sensitive and read their own reviews (never read ur own reviews). Im disliking dread a lil more these days just cuz listening to him is super awkward, but i cant really hate on an awkward dude sounding awkward so w/e. I doubt there is real salt for dread in the pro scene, but both tempo and gfe take things he said kind of personally.


To be fair, they don't understand what they are trying to do either. Summed up the team that couldn't explain why they were drafting Zul'jin over other heroes. Or that game where GFE drafted Medivh, then didnt use his portals offensively *at all* despite getting an early keep opportunity.

It does feel sometimes like he knows the game better than most NA teams even though he doesn't even play properly anymore. Individual heroes might have changed but the meta fundamentals & shotcalling principles stay the same and sometimes they just seem to be totally lacking on the NA side.
It just looks like you don't even have to directly counter Illidan in draft anymore.

Dread's negativity is not good. He doesn't need to sugarcoat it but he's bursting into laughter a bit too much. His job is to make it entertaining for others not find some personal enjoyment in it.

Wasn't amazed by bstep once again but I've not seen the GFE freedom series so don't really know what they are capable of.


Id say dread one of those ppl who arent comfortable unless they know what's going on. The zuljin stuff was hilarious:

Dread: "so please explain why zuljin and why braxis"
Freedom: "dunno why, we hate zuljin"

That was awesome lol

W/r/t bstep, they are drafting smarter and playing more tight. It seems like they shifted focus to k1pro harder too, plus they arent letting mac do solo lanes unless it is a soak safely solo lane


One thing I do miss about not being able to observe games in the client is the fact we can't see what is happening in the solo lane. I really, really wanted to see how the hell Wubby was doing so insanely well solo lane versus Ragnaros in Fnatics games this weekend. That's a match up that I cannot make work at all, but he was utterly crushing him in lane, to the point where he was taking down structures...


I'm honestly a little disappointed by NA. It's gotten to the point that I just don't really watch their time slot anymore. It seems like they just run around like headless chickens most of the time. There are some nice moments here and there to enjoy but at this point, I just wait for the highlights and pour my watching time all over the EU series. I've yet to watch KR vods though but I'm sure there are some good times too in there.

From the few matches I've watched, Dread is usually on point with his comments and can't help but feel awkward like him when there are so many throws. One thing for sure that I agree with him is that NA doesn't know when playing from behind. EU teams tend to make power plays within the window they have to force an error from the other team instead of waiting for them to slip up which they won't in EU.


Haven't tried to watch the VODs, I forgot that Blizzard had uploaded them. I more meant the ability to observe the matches in the client as they are happening, so that you can listen to the casters but be observing another part of the map.

I assume the VODs will work in the client, would be dumb if they didn't.

EDIT: Korea is scary to watch, their team fighting potential is amazing. They seem to have a fairly similar meta to Europe, with a higher priority on Zariya I think.


Sharing the replay files could be a pretty fun thing to do from blizzard. Not sure how the logistics would work but maybe at season 2 after we can click on teams on the HGC website for more info and such.


Sharing the replay files could be a pretty fun thing to do from blizzard. Not sure how the logistics would work but maybe at season 2 after we can click on teams on the HGC website for more info and such.

I thought they had made the VODs available publicly but can't find them anywhere now.

One good thing about the NA scene - it's really nice to see Glaurong doing well. He's finally expanded his hero pool, and he;s always an enjoyable character when interviewed.

(Is he the only real Medivh player in NA at the moment?)
Udall tried it out for some time on streams and I think once in competitive.

You can find the replays on masterleague.net but when I downloaded one I got an error message in Hots.

Glau's Zeratul is real hit or miss and Illidan more hit than miss. He has to pop a defensive VP much too frequently and makes very risky plays unnecessarily.


Udall tried it out for some time on streams and I think once in competitive.

You can find the replays on masterleague.net but when I downloaded one I got an error message in Hots.

Udall's Medivh was terrible. He lost them the game - all he did was play him as a support, with everything being used defensively. Dread was tearing his hair out at one point - they got an early punisher that was threatening Keep, and he was expecting to use the portal to jump behind the gate top get kills. Instead all Medivh did was hang around shielding people. They didn't get the keep, and from that point onwards basically lost the game.

Medivh is *really* hard to play well, and it feels like only ADRD and Glaurong have put the work in to learn him. Snitch occasionally plays him as well and that's pretty bad...


Yeah adrd plays a great medivh, glaurung a little stingy with the portals imo

I dont remember where you can get the replay files but you can watch them on the ptr, maybe masterleague.net has them
Snitch's Medivh is different to how he's usually played but that seems to be by design. He sometimes doesn't even go for master's touch.

Udall appears to be struggling a bit with the inclusion of fan and how he definitely took over the carry position.

Did Misfits or Dignitas pioneer the portal in with Punisher playstyle? I think it was Dig and that it didn't even work out since they were playing asians or something.


Saw dig doing a great portal in play like you described, though i wouldnt really describe things like that as original necesarily, it's his kit. It's weird, i remember a lot of western teams following korea in focusing a side wall down during obj pushes but it kind of seems like everyone stopped doing it


Did they ever explain why they made the HGC one patch behind? Seems like a waste. If they don't want the new hero just soft ban him/her/it.


It's not just the new hero. It's major reworks like the Tassadar thing, other changes like how Sonya emerged after a couple tweaks, etc.

It's pretty standard for esports, they just never did it before.


In general you get a bad sense of a team's prowess if you have them switch off patches theyve been training hard for

I thought nvt was knocked out but they actually have a very small chance of being in a tiebreaker if everything aligns for them (spoiler: with how they have been playing itd have to be a miracle), if i were them id give up all the info i have on the other teams to nt to try to make this happen, though nt has a low incentive to win any of their games next week

If nvt somehow makes it through itd be a great heel narrative due to the patch change, ppl will be really pissed off

A scenario where srey gets a blank email with gfetssecrets.doc attached, he opens it and it's just gibberish plus "play varian every game" and "let zuna carry"


If they weren't so gat damn abhorrent in their behavior, or were at least funny when they did troll, it wouldn't be so hard to root for them. But Kenma bitching and being salty when he's a C tier player, along with the roster swaps, coupled with their owner and PR guy just straight not understanding how business works/how to present yourself to the public/make money/do anything competent with social media in that regard, etc.

Like they just consistently feed more into that narrative while providing nothing redeeming for even people who were fans (such as myself) to come back to. They don't even win consistently anymore, which is the final nail in the coffin. It's like they want to be Bill Laimbeer and the "Bad Boy" Pistons but they just aren't good at it.


Yeah they totally remind me of tsm season 2/3 in that regard, except nvt talks less shit. Always the underdog even when favored, unfortunately for nvt tho they dont have nearly the same drive, infrastructure, or bromance that tsm had


Another shit game, I start turning it around because my Valla Q build is doing work, we kill the entire team so I say we should go for boss, Varian and Nova follow me, the other two leave, whatever, there's plenty of time. Varian starts taking a camp, whatever again, I help him so he can start helping sooner, we go to the boss. When we're almost done they both leave because the objective is active, and 5 seconds later the entire enemy team comes, they steal the boss and gg.

Next match, a 34 minutes shitshow, both cores are like 40% so there's only one push left. The majority of our team respawns so we start going to their core, the enemy team spawns a garden terror, our Artanis decides he can outdps them alone so he goes straight to the core, we try to stop a 4+terror team, we obviously die and gg. Artanis: "bd gg"
Another shit game, I start turning it around because my Valla Q build is doing work, we kill the entire team so I say we should go for boss, Varian and Nova follow me, the other two leave, whatever, there's plenty of time. Varian starts taking a camp, whatever again, I help him so he can start helping sooner, we go to the boss. When we're almost done they both leave and 10 seconds later the entire enemy team comes, they steal the boss and gg.

Next match, a 34 minutes shitshow, both cores are like 40% so there's only one push left. The majority of our team respawns so we start going to their core, the enemy team spawns a garden terror, our Artanis decides he can outdps them alone so he goes straight to the core, we try to stop a 4+terror team, we obviously die and gg. Artanis: "bd gg"

First game sounds like hell but the second game, Artanis made the right call imo. You're not gonna defend a 30 minute plant when the cores are already low, heck you would have a hard time with a full health core.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
For the first game I totally understand. Hate it when teams don't realize what small windows for action you have.

For the second game, Artanis may have had the right idea? Clearly he was too early if they were present at their core to kill him, but if you stayed out of sight and let them run at your core a little, but while they were still a ways off jump on theirs, it's possible you could have knocked out that undefended core before the terror could touch yours. I'd definitely put hope in that move before thinking I could stop a terror + full team at my core with only 40% on it.


First game sounds like hell but the second game, Artanis made the right call imo. You're not gonna defend a 30 minute plant when the cores are already low, heck you would have a hard time with a full health core.

I tried to convince them twice to go to their core when we were all up and the enemy team wasn't, and it would have been game, but they ignored me both times. Artanis left alone when our team had 3 people dead.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
That changes things a bit. If the enemy was dead, you definitely should have been hitting their core. Artanis probably wanted to go before and waited for others to start moving there but then no one did, so he just got tilted from how stupid your team was being and decided going alone to try was better than condemning yourself to a loss by being spineless with everyone else.


And another game, two people didn't touch the objective literally once and kept pushing a lane for the whole game, even when they were attacking our core. The rest of the team won the immortal race and then just left him to do something else every single time. What the fuck is going on, am I in elo hell?

That changes things a bit. If the enemy was dead, you definitely should have been hitting their core. Artanis probably wanted to go before and waited for others to start moving there but then no one did, so he just got tilted from how stupid your team was being and decided going alone to try was better than condemning yourself to a loss by being spineless with everyone else.
Artanis decided to throw a few minutes earlier, he was spamming pings nonstop and "bg"ing already.


People calling games early really irritates me. I can be incredibly negative going into a game based on the draft, but I always try my best until the end. Seeing people give up early is so frustrating when the game has such ridiculous comebacks available. I think we've seen sub 5% core health come backs in every single major tournament - we had another just yesterday!


And another game, two people didn't touch the objective literally once and kept pushing a lane for the whole game, even when they were attacking our core. The rest of the team won the immortal race and then just left him to do something else every single time. What the fuck is going on, am I in elo hell?

Dunno, are you? Depends where you're at on the ladder.

By and large, though, this kind of stuff your describing happens in waves to nearly everyone at every MMR range, it just happens more often at lower ranges. And then sometime later this week you'll rattle off 5-8 wins and think nothing of it. Just how it goes.

I'd suggest taking a break. You sound frustrated and that isn't going to help the situation (speaking from experience).


I've never done it, but yeah, for some people it does. For me I still know it's there so I'm more curious about what's being said than I am concerned about what gets said.


No, this is QM. I never even tried ranked yet. I need to go up the MMR before I even touch it, I don't want to get grouped up with these people.


I'd suggest taking a break. You sound frustrated and that isn't going to help the situation (speaking from experience).
I am tilted, but I'm still playing relatively well. I just don't understand why most of my teams are completely unaware of the objective, pings and chat.


You're basically playing right around starting MMR. The players you're with are either (A) new or (B) as bad as new players. It's super rough. Been there before myself on one of my smurfs and it took forever to climb out.

Your best case scenario is to gut it out in Quick Match for a bit longer and nail down three to five heroes that you can play exceptionally, and at least two heroes in each role you can play at a decent clip. Preferably heroes that are strong in the meta, of course.

Once you're familiar with everything relating to those few, jump into HL (or even unranked) and just milk those 3-5 heroes in your placements and as you climb up. If you are better like you believe, you will end up significantly better in MMR in those modes than you are now in QM. Your games will be better. The people you play with will be dumb less often. So on and so forth.

The key is to make sure you are ready before you make that leap, though. Getting trapped in your QM MMR range in HL will make what's happening to you now seem like a fun day at the office once you have these people drafting and banning in your games.

EDIT: It's also worth nothing your MMR is still in the "placement" stage in QM. You're still having wild swings in your MMR growth or loss. You can still turn it around provided you do so before about 50-75 games.



I am tilted, but I'm still playing relatively well. I just don't understand why most of my teams are completely unaware of the objective, pings and chat.

I've had a similar loss streak like you've shown but now I'm on a 5 match winning streak. Just focus on getting better yourself. It's the only constant you have in your matches.


New InDev video is up. Phew my wallet is safe !


That's the truth.

It really helps if you enjoy the hero you're playing too. Some are naturally worse in QM than others, unfortunately, so it's just one of those things you have to live with.


New in dev is up. They kind of mailed it in on Lucio's skins IMO. Even the ribbit skin only has one of the two versions you can get in OW. The white is there, but the gold appears to be yellow on the third tint?

Also that one third tint of Lucio looks like he's the Predator or something.

And isn't that Flames of Judgement charger already in game? I guess it's just updated model?


I like Lucio's Master skin a heck of a lot more than Tracer's or Zarya's. But yeah, that was a pretty light in-dev video, all things considered.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist

I'm glad Blizzard seems to have learned "slighty more armor-y armor that mostly looks the same" is not what people are interested in paying real money for. Skins have been sooo much better than the earlier days.
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