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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


Yeah tilting ppl in lane was a huge part of the game in league, esp. at lower levels. You camp someone and let them take their own team down. At higher levels ppl can usually recognize the camping, give the lane up/remedy the camping, and do stuff on the other side of the map. I kind of miss the strategy that bigger maps allow actually lol, tho it wouldnt translate well to hots since the only resource is exp


When the Ball Lightning does work and then you hit that Lightning Fury just right:



Glad to know the grass is the same toxic green on the other side. Laughing at some comments in there that they try to purposefully tilt one player on the enemy side to help in a win.

They have strategies to tilt a key player and then side with him when he takes it to all chat. It's kind of amazing that people can take such free advantage of their opponents just by making them mad in the game. And can you imagine trying to explain to your tilted teammate that he is being manipulated into throwing the game? They're mostly talking about lower rank players but still.

Lol. The original poster comes back and says "this is not what I wanted people taking from this thread".


Even if it was a stomp, I would have been happy to play against grand masters and pro players.

We faced em twice. All things considered we did okay. Wiped em a few times. I outdamaged Grubby on Cassia in one game and he beat me by a bit in another. Considering the games only lasted like 10-12 mins I felt good.


Yeah, it wasn't that bad, granted we were on central US. We were doing pretty well in fighting, but they had us in map control both games.


Anyone know how much XP it takes in 2.0 with the new progression to level a hero at lvl 10+, compared with the ~4.6 million XP on live?
Has Blizzard said anything about the character loot box thing yet?

I'm fine with the loot box cap but not getting the character box for hitting 10 kinda tilts me.


^ I saw her on there when I logged onto PTR yesterday. /shurg

So the lvl transfer is not 1:1 though right? Like if I have a level 5 hero currently it stays at lvl 5 in 2.0.

The level xp curve is supposed to be flattened/reduced, so yes, hero levels will change for your heroes. At low level it looks like not by much though. Here's the pic they used in the videos:


We don't seem to have the hard numbers yet though, other than what people can determine for themselves on the beta.


So the lvl transfer is not 1:1 though right? Like if I have a level 5 hero currently it stays at lvl 5 in 2.0.

It's been all over the place regarding that, and in this thread a bunch of times. A level 10 hero before 2.0 will be a level 15 hero after. A 20 hero will be a level 55 hero after. We don't know the rest. All we know is no matter how the EXP changes, your heroes won't lose any levels due to more EXP required in the sub level 5 range (for example, level 3 on live is easier to get than level 3 on PTR, but they will keep you at level 3 anyway if you are there).

re: levels on PTR, the ones I have and can see look like this:

level 1 - 200k
level 2 - 300k
level 3 - 400k
level 4 - 500k
level 5 - no clue
level 6 - no clue
level 7 - 750k
level 8 - 1,000,000
Just started playing a little bit and I think I've already found my favourite heroes in Tyrael and Lt. Morales.

Both follow my personal philosophy on how to win in MOBA games online (
"Keep your idiots alive"
) and they do that extremely well.


Just started playing a little bit and I think I've already found my favourite heroes in Tyrael and Lt. Morales.

Both follow my personal philosophy on how to win in MOBA games online (
"Keep your idiots alive"
) and they do that extremely well.

Try malf if u like that feeling, lots of moments like that with his e and he's very active with scouting drone, cleanse, ice block, and bolt.


Listening to the latest THH I tend to agree. He's an armor dispensing machine and if you dare lay hands on the guy he gets armor too and not the specialized kind either it covers both kinds of damage.


It's been all over the place regarding that, and in this thread a bunch of times. A level 10 hero before 2.0 will be a level 15 hero after. A 20 hero will be a level 55 hero after.

Where does this come from?

edit: ah, found it. That sucks... removes even more opportunities for me to lvl up my heroes for loot. Would rather they just stay the same level.


Just adding the armor passive to live uther would have been broken, cant imagine it with reworked talents. Kinda sad they are trying to make holy shock a thing, but i guess they are adding cdr talents in...


Played Cassia quite a bit yesterday and the day before (like 20 games in QM on PTR). Got her to level 8. I really like her. My thoughts:


  • Lightning Fury has lightning animation, plus it's not terribly hard to stack +
  • Damage is decent, and depending on your front line/whom you're facing you can top the charts +
  • Titan's Revenge is an interesting 20 talent with 2 more range. If you go Ball Lightning and play in pleb leagues, though, the damage coming out of the infinite Ball is hard to pass up because people clump so much +
  • War Traveler talent at 7 is very useful utility wise +
  • Fend ability is neat ++
  • Against certain comps you are a bit of a juggernaut for a ranged assassin ++
  • Wonder Woman skin +++++
  • Ball Lightning hilarity at 20 ++++++


  • Avoidance makes you amazing against AA, but to compensate for that 65 armor spellcasters legit rip you a new one. Not sure the juice is worth the squeeze just yet in regards to her overall health vs what it would be with a little less armor baked in -
  • It's a little early to say for sure, but Valkyrie having a 90 sec CD versus Ball Lightning's 60 sec makes it feel worse than it should in regular play. Grubby has said on stream we would only see Valkyrie in competitive due to it's utillity, but in regular games (thus far) Ball Lightning gives grande value -
  • Talent options not seem that great at several tiers, but particularly at level 1. Q talent at one is way easier to stack than the W talent (and more useful). --
  • Fend is very fun to use and can be useful for wave clear, but it is also hella quirky and certain movement abilities (or movement obstacles like Entomb) can cause it to basically ping pong your hero around the area --
  • Blinding Light is clunky af to use in conjunction with your abilities thanks to the delay unless you can basically be in melee range --
  • Blinding Light has no damage --
  • Roots and stuns = riparoni and cheese for you. Even more so than other heroes due to your trait ---
  • 4.0 range. It's twice as much as HOTS 2.0, but in reality not much better than a long melee attack like Skeletal Swing ----

I do wish she had a bit more range baseline, or at least wasn't punished so severely by mages. The random comp nature of QM leaving you with no front line or no AA heroes to go against makes her easily countered, but when the comp lines up...wowza. She's quite enjoyable for me, though.

edit: ah, found it. That sucks... removes even more opportunities for me to lvl up my heroes for loot. Would rather they just stay the same level.

That's pretty much the entirety of the vet loot box reward cap complaint. They can't give you all the boxes you would've earned, but you also don't have the opportunity to push through those lower levels to earn them anymore either.


Azmodunk Brawl is complete trash because players don't understand the stacking.

edit: this is one of the worst they've ever done.


Azmodunk Brawl is complete trash because players don't understand the stacking.

edit: this is one of the worst they've ever done.

That's a hell of a statement cause some of them have been borderline torture. Not surprised, though. Just glad it's a new one.


Azmodunk Brawl is complete trash because players don't understand the stacking.

edit: this is one of the worst they've ever done.

What mistake are people making? The optimal strategy to me just looked to have every azmo on your team dunk the same lane simulataeously?
Try malf if u like that feeling, lots of moments like that with his e and he's very active with scouting drone, cleanse, ice block, and bolt.
Yep, played as Malfurion too and really love the guy. The supports in this game are REALLY fun to play as compared to Dota 2 where it was incredibly rare to find a carry that could take advantage of the support you provide.

Trying to unlock Uther now, he might very well be my favourite. His moveset reminds me of Omniknight from Dota 2, my favourite hero in that game.


What mistake are people making? The optimal strategy to me just looked to have every azmo on your team dunk the same lane simulataeously?
That might be the issue, if there's one team coordinated on it it just snowballs. In both games the other team had a few moving as a pack and the TFB stack just snowballed out of control. (I only play solo so....)


What mistake are people making? The optimal strategy to me just looked to have every azmo on your team dunk the same lane simulataeously?

I think it's just people don't recognize the optimal strategy, or even sometimes want to win the game. They just want the gold as quick as possible. Then there's the coordination issue due to how weird the MM seems to be in there.

Nothing can be as bad as mage wars..... /shudder

Chromie and Nazeebo ftw feelsbadman

Trying to unlock Uther now, he might very well be my favourite. His moveset reminds me of Omniknight from Dota 2, my favourite hero in that game.

Uther is about to get a rework that people who attended the Heroes 2.0 summit imply will make him extremely strong again. So that might be a good chance. He's basically turning into a bruiser who can heal, which is sort of what he should have been all along.


Yeah, I love Azmodan and I love dunking but this is pure slurried shit. At the start unless you are co-ordinated you fall behind really rapidly, and then later on dunks just instantly kill people. This is their worse brawl by far, even worse than Hammer time. The only good thing about it is the fact you only need 2 games to win.

What a complete fuck up.


Our second game we went in as a three stack, and chained dunks. We hit 1000 damage when the enemy team was at 400. I'm sure that game was a lot of fun for them in every way,


Another episode of the Reddit reporter but #theydidthemath on xp, chests rewards and hero progression. It's neat and gives the big picture without any doubts.

So his base TLDR is that to min-max your crate drops come 2.0, don't play any heroes that are currently below level 8 until 2.0 hits.

Makes sense based on his math, but tints changes that for me. Unless I'm mistaken, we currently believe any tints you currently have access to you will still own when 2.0 hits, but any you don't you'll need to get via shards or loot chests.


So his base TLDR is that to min-max your crate drops come 2.0, don't play any heroes that are currently below level 8 until 2.0 hits.

Makes sense based on his math, but tints changes that for me. Unless I'm mistaken, we currently believe any tints you currently have access to you will still own when 2.0 hits, but any you don't you'll need to get via shards or loot chests.

Nope. When you get a hero, you unlock all three base tints for that hero now. None are tied to levelling or unlocks from chests.

Obviously, bought skins and master skins are different, but even if you wanted to buy all 3 master skin tints under the new system I still think you are better off waiting rather than wasting 10K gold on them.


Nope. When you get a hero, you unlock all three base tints for that hero now. None are tied to levelling or unlocks from chests.

Obviously, bought skins and master skins are different, but even if you wanted to buy all 3 master skin tints under the new system I still think you are better off waiting rather than wasting 10K gold on them.

Ah, I misunderstood I guess. Thanks for the clarification. I guess I saw the tint variants for the paid skins and assumed the base skin tints worked the same.
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