• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Hey everyone


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Support from our members will allow us to get development going again and continue to improve the site. No plans to do something like the SA model, which cut off their inflow of new users and created an insular community with numerous problems.


Gold Member
They are as much a gaming forum as we are an international spy organization. Not at all.

Will Ferrell Lol GIF by NBA


Faith - Hope - Love
arnold schwarzenegger predator GIF

We've got this, everyone! ❤️

has been a huge source of positivity for me and I can't thank you and the staff enough for keeping things going all these years, EviLore EviLore . I'm in for the yearly Gold subscription and made a Patreon account to chip in some more there. As bills get less tight, I'll try to contribute more. :)
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Gold Member
So working for the Red Cross or St. Jude's is a fate worse than death. Noted.

I said nothing of the sort because one is an honest-to-goodness charity/medical organization, and the other is a research hospital...both of which have additional ways to earn revenue money, along with unique tax designations, both foreign and domestic.

But, of course, you knew that. So why be so disingenuous?

And yes, running a video game forum and having to beg your userbase for donations is a fate worse than death, especially when there are ways to properly monetize it.
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To be of any use in terms of improving or reinstating ad revenue we'd need to know specifics about the ad partner, what they changed when GAF traffic didn't etc. In terms of cost savings we'd need to know specifics about hosting config and basic metrics e.g. storage required, backup routine, data in/out, concurrent users avg, peak concurrent users/seasonal trends. There's a wealth of different industry folks doing this sort of management and analysis here in our GAF members. A lot of it is probably already covered by your tech team anyhow. So it's really about two things; 1. return to levels of historic revenue from the same members or traffic and 2. grow the revenue through marketing or organic growth.

I assume you're using LAMP tech e.g. PHP/Linux based hosting on a cloud provider and physical server/data usage isn't where your costs are being eaten up. Seems most of GAF is text based and external links for image/GIF traffic etc. There are peak load times that spike your costs e.g. game awards, E3 etc. but are requirements for attracting new members/search traffic as well as keeping the members happy when they're most active.

As for ad systems there is a litany of ad reseller and management platforms embedded in GAF, perhaps part of one or two major platforms or tools you use but it's hard to get a grasp on what is actually being used for any meaningful assessment. Disclaimer: I'm not huge in the ad space by any stretch of the imagination but I've managed some large accounts for clients, nothing like a forum with ad revenue though.

Obvious one? What does your ad partner say about the change and drop in revenue, your account manager should really work to restore what was before, at least a large portion of it, at the very least help you course correct moving forward to improve revenue in their new framework.

In terms of GAF features I ask myself what would get me to spend more on GAF? Things like -
  • a schedule feature for avatar changes would be cool e.g. E3 dates I want this avatar on this from/to date
  • animated avatar(s) for payment or levels of gold/patreon
  • paid support/tickets e.g. approve GAF members willing to help others with tech problems and profit share
  • paid gaming support/tickets e.g. any GAF member can connect with another with expertise in finishing games (this would need a rating system, proven history with said game etc, likely more of a marketplace to pay for gaming assistance/hints/walkthrough etc)
  • approach partners with mutual benefits for paid subs e.g. gamepass or playstation+ (whatever its called) so you get a discount when buying them together, same could go for online shopping or steam etc (buy GAF gold and get a random steam gift)
  • paid links to member content e.g. pay to list your YT channel or TTV right in a relevant thread
  • digital marketplace e.g. mini etsy but GAF gaming centric
  • integration with platforms/gamertag profiles e.g. show what games you own, what trophies/achievements you have etc right in your avatar space (top 10 or so)
  • refer a friend, get a friend to sign up to a paid Gold/Patreon and get 25% off your own sub (get 3 signed up and get yours free for life)

Improvement ideas -
  • avatars include more information by default, can be opted out of e.g. country flag icon of poster, first language spoken icon, reactions levels achieved (shit poster vs valued member)
  • there were rumours years ago that the best reply posts were moved to being the first reply in threads, bring that feature in where mods push the great content and replies to the top of the heap early in a thread life (keep the original reply post in the thread flow too)
  • discord integration for LFG right in threads or avatar areas
  • streaming integration clickable below avatar
  • GAF nights, free nights and perhaps paid nights to get trophies, achievements, rank progression e.g. a new section in the forums specifically for this
  • expand the following features, sort of a real time dashboard of who you're following and what they're posting e.g. a single page where the top 10 replies from followed posters are visible and AJAX reply-able right then and there
  • GAF suggestion box with a small prize
  • featured member monthly thread e.g. online interview about what they're playing, where they post on GAF, what they go going on
  • good merch, see https://youngbloods.co/ for merch done right by a good YT channel e.g. great designs, things you actually wear/use (just give your merch more of a gaming specific flavour instead of random promotional products with a logo on it)
Joke idea -
  • GoFundMe from GAFfers to run ads specifically on Resetera -
    • Feel like you're not being heard?
    • Do they have stress disorder before they hit that post reply button?
    • Did y'all know y'all forum was being sold from under you?


Gold Member
  • animated avatar(s) for payment or levels of gold/patreon

I'll take that, plus give me an option to buy temporary avatars and custom titles for other members.

  • paid gaming support/tickets e.g. any GAF member can connect with another with expertise in finishing games (this would need a rating system, proven history with said game etc, likely more of a marketplace to pay for gaming assistance/hints/walkthrough etc)

This is an interesting idea, too.
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°Temp. member
I have an idea - avatar bets. Two users can upload avatars of their choosing, select a condition, and select a day.

On the selected day, whoever is wrong has their avatar changed to the one that the other person selected for a week.

A mod would probably have to get automatically pinged by the system on the selected date and then they can make the call on who was right.

You could even have a group avatar bet, like “I avatar bet that Sony buys Capcom next week!” And then anyone who wants in can jump in. Then once the date comes around, a mod can select an avatar of their choice and everyone who was wrong has to wear it for a week.

You could either:
A. Make this a GAF Gold feature, or
B. Make it cost like $1 to place an avatar bet

This would not only raise money for the site but also be fun around E3 and console launches.
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Gold Member
We could put up some affiliate links that users could click on for, say, GreenManGaming, HumbleBundle, or other legitimate game vendors with affiliate programs. GAF would get a percentage of sales without any cost to users. Was something we did a long time ago.
Do this. That way when I make the unhealthy and spontaneous decision to buy a handful of games I won’t touch for years, I’ll at least be supporting this great site.

Mr Moose

Made sure my adblock was off for this site, didn't see any ads, checked what was allowed on NoScript, didn't see any still. Fucked around a bit and finally see ads :messenger_heart:
Would be down for Patreon.


You can be culturally right-wing on NeoGAF, which is rare enough it seems worth supporting
To identify with any "wings" at all is inherently propagandized; and I really suggest you abandon that level of political-identity, for your own good. In the long-run, you'll probably appreciate that you didn't identify with any particular label too strongly.
But the fact that I can even say that at all, without being banned and/or praised, is worth supporting.
And that this type of comment came up in this very thread - in the first place - is proof that this type of medium should continue to exist.

I joined this forum in 2007, which means it has been something I've enjoyed for nearly half of my entire life.
If I can keep coming back to something for that amount of time, and enjoy it thoroughly for the duration, then I don't have any problems donating some money.
I don't think that asking for donations is the end-all solution, but I feel like I'm probably not alone in thinking that the occasional ask might not be remiss.
Perhaps this type of option could be a temporary solution?

EviLore EviLore , I wish I could offer some suggestions, but I have nothing better to offer than what is already posted in this thread.
All I can say is that I've seen a whooooooole lot of trolls, which is undoubtedly annoying; but I've also seen some seriously-good ideas.
If you give this thread a proper read, I honestly think you'll find some pretty good options.

I like the ideas of integration with streaming sites, so that posters on GAF could get Twitch tie-ins, or other stream tie-ins.
I like the ideas of integrating with other popular sites, so that GAF becomes a side-node for other services like GAAS or streaming-services.
I like the idea of opening GAF to hobbies other than video games, though that would undoubtedly require some moderation adjustments (Maybe even a name-change?).
I like the ideas of tiers of service. I'm not quite sure if I agree with tiers of threads (IE: Politics) being tied to services, but that is something I would be willing to discuss (Not that I assume it's up to me; but I feel that that type of thing is worth a discussion).
And I like lots of other ideas.

Hopefully this thread has given you some ideas, rather than disappointment.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
If possible, get a Gold sub. This will do a lot more to keep the site going than whitelisting ads, particularly as long as these advertising issues I mentioned in the OP remain. I’ll continue attempting to resolve the problem this year, but it highlights how precarious leaning on a single revenue source can be for the site. With a robust mix of ads, gold subs, Patreon, and affiliates, things will be much more stable.


Gold Member
If possible, get a Gold sub. This will do a lot more to keep the site going than whitelisting ads, particularly as long as these advertising issues I mentioned in the OP remain. I’ll continue attempting to resolve the problem this year, but it highlights how precarious leaning on a single revenue source can be for the site. With a robust mix of ads, gold subs, Patreon, and affiliates, things will be much more stable.

Got a gold sub this morning, glad to do what i can! 😎💪🏼



How will mods be able to resolve conflict of interest if they have to ban someone who contribute financially to forum.

Dr Bass

Quick idea.

Allow Gold Members to turn ads back on in case they want to support via ads while still donating directly.

Maybe too small to make a significant difference but just an idea.
The thing I would recommend the most is already mentioned, selling f software/games. Getting the momentum on good games being available for fair cost could mean a pretty steady income stream.

I would recommend against using the ”bad” key vendors however, instead opting for good relationships with companies.
a patreon is definitely something i'd contribute to. i've paid for a year of gold but would be happy to give more money. as for gold, maybe new perks and multiple tiers? maybe something like a $3 and a $7 tier. you could keep a single standard price but give people the option to pay more... or a pay what you want option. if someone can only do $2 then that's fine but if someone wants to pay $10/month they can.

maybe an official podcast/youtube channel? or a front page to the site with news articles/ads etc. instead of "neogaf.com" taking you to forums it would take you to the home page and the forums could be at "forums.neogaf.com". just as an example, macrumors which has articles and then you click the forum link. their articles on the home page are just really thread posts. we have OTs here and people put a lot of effort into them. we could promote big news / game release posts to the home page. it wouldn't really need to be hiring someone to investigate news and write articles. could do that but we have a great community here and it'd be cool to focus on that. i get why politics were banned on the site but i still think they are important to share. they could be restricted to the homepage and have no comments allowed.

although i am on this site every day i think it'd be cool to get a round up of news every week from either a podcast/yt video or a simple home page.
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The way I see it, the community here IS the driving force for the content. There should be more done to highlight what a good bunch of posters there are here rather than say at ResetEra. Perhaps a push for more community driven content would really help drive engagement and new sign-ups because this is the only place where you can engage with it. Hell, we have David Jaffe and Karak Karak here, should there not be some sort of content that's only for Patrons or Gold Members with those guys?

Without the community, there is no content. That's why a push toward more community driven events, be it an official NeoGAF podcast with round-ups of the week, a thread dedicated to the best posts, threads or artwork/memery and maybe some NeoGAF tournaments every now and again?

The whole USP of a forum is who posts there.


Gold Member
Been here for a long time, and loved this place before I was even accepted into the forum. I continue to use the forums every day and enjoy my time here and interactions with others.

I've subbed to gold to try and do my bit. Keep up the good work!


Why have your CPMs gone down, Evilore?

Can you sell direct ad space to publishers? Do takeover deals with gaming publishers and such
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This has always been the only site I have ads enabled.

I would reach out and offer to unban older accounts that kneejerked to Resetera but have since left there.


I have an idea - avatar bets. Two users can upload avatars of their choosing, select a condition, and select a day.

On the selected day, whoever is wrong has their avatar changed to the one that the other person selected for a week.

A mod would probably have to get automatically pinged by the system on the selected date and then they can make the call on who was right.

You could even have a group avatar bet, like “I avatar bet that Sony buys Capcom next week!” And then anyone who wants in can jump in. Then once the date comes around, a mod can select an avatar of their choice and everyone who was wrong has to wear it for a week.

You could either:
A. Make this a GAF Gold feature, or
B. Make it cost like $1 to place an avatar bet

This would not only raise money for the site but also be fun around E3 and console launches.
Just go the whole mile, let's start Neogaf Fight club!!
have to use your bloodied face as avatar if you loose.


advanced basic bitch
I'm just curious as to why traffic went down. It seemed thing things were moving in a positive direction for some time then it fell off again.
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I'm just curious as to why traffic went down. It seemed thing things were moving in a positive direction for some time then it fell off again.
I'm not sure whether the removal of the politics board was anything to do with it, speculative on my part.

Always found it odd to come to a gaming forum to discuss actual politics and not from a gaming perspective.
I don't get why forums have declined so much. I much prefer neogaf for laidback discussion about games than reddit or discord.
i love forums. they are the only place i post online. i have different forums for various interests. gaming, tech, sports, etc. i did post on Reddit for a while but it's so toxic and if someone doesn't like what you say then it will be downvoted and disappear. discord i tried but it's not really for me.

i get that they aren't as popular as they used to be. i've been posting on them for about 20 years now so maybe i'm getting old.
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Could a tiered subscription service be easily implemented? Like pay more per month to get added bonuses/incentives? Like you have GAF Gold, but could Silver and Platinum packages be offered?
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