• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.

Hey everyone

How much is neogaf worth?


Maybe also create a toggle for gold members to see ads if they want to. I dont mind the ads since theyre not crazy intrusive, would be happy to keep them on if it helps


A lot of these suggestions are good but basically are all how to get more income from the members we have. Which is valid, but what's needed is a way to drive more traffic to GAF and then convert those views into members.

This page right here

is the most valuable internet real estate we have and it's not being utilized at all. GAF needs to be more than just a forum, it's needs content that can be shared and linked back to and I think hosting curated and user generated articles here could be a solution. We all know the state of "Gaming journalism" right now with it's agenda driven news. Hosting articles and video content here that stays on topic and away from the news cycle clickbait could make it a destination for enjoyable content to read like there used to be. Weighted to gaming but that content could be anything from sports, TV or cooking.

At the bottom of each content is a link to an associated topic to discuss that content. Over time you'd get a conversion from readers to members and you would also get views on the ads. If there's enough traffic the algorithm isn't going to ignore that eventually.

We have enough members posting their own content here already to drive views for themselves, time for some quid pro quo.

It's time to evolve and be more than just a forum. I've got more thoughts on this but TLDR is approaching.


Gold Member
A lot of these suggestions are good but basically are all how to get more income from the members we have. Which is valid, but what's needed is a way to drive more traffic to GAF and then convert those views into members.

This page right here

is the most valuable internet real estate we have and it's not being utilized at all. GAF needs to be more than just a forum, it's needs content that can be shared and linked back to and I think hosting curated and user generated articles here could be a solution. We all know the state of "Gaming journalism" right now with it's agenda driven news. Hosting articles and video content here that stays on topic and away from the news cycle clickbait could make it a destination for enjoyable content to read like there used to be. Weighted to gaming but that content could be anything from sports, TV or cooking.

At the bottom of each content is a link to an associated topic to discuss that content. Over time you'd get a conversion from readers to members and you would also get views on the ads. If there's enough traffic the algorithm isn't going to ignore that eventually.

We have enough members posting their own content here already to drive views for themselves, time for some quid pro quo.

It's time to evolve and be more than just a forum. I've got more thoughts on this but TLDR is approaching.

I agree.


Gold Member
I'm no content or internet expert, but I purposely logged out to see what the sign up process is.

On the home page, there's a sign up bubble in blue.

If you're in one of the thread tabs, there's a sign up box and link at the top of the page. This is hard to see.

Regardless, to get more sign ups, would it be more enticing for guests who've never signed up or people new to GAF to sign up if you instead had a Login/Password kind of box in plain view to tempt people to right away input their email and password to make a new account?

Kind of like this which is my CIBC account where it's in plain view on the home page. It kind of tempts you to make an account by enticing log in info.



Gold Member
You're someone I had in mind that I know can write quality content.
It’s kind of bringing GAF full circle, but building out the homepage to host that sort of content could be a lot more heavy lifting than what’s being looked at right now. But it’d be worth it. GAF could be as big as Kotaku or Polygon but fill the void of gaming coverage that isn’t polluted by politics and virtue signaling.


It’s kind of bringing GAF full circle, but building out the homepage to host that sort of content could be a lot more heavy lifting than what’s being looked at right now. But it’d be worth it. GAF could be as big as Kotaku or Polygon but fill the void of gaming coverage that isn’t polluted by politics and virtue signaling.

Honestly creating a gaming collective tied to NeoGAF would be a clever idea. Blog posts, videos etc could go a long way since most gaming publications are garbage now a days.

Whitelisted GAF on my adblockers :messenger_ok:


Gold Member
It’s kind of bringing GAF full circle, but building out the homepage to host that sort of content could be a lot more heavy lifting than what’s being looked at right now. But it’d be worth it. GAF could be as big as Kotaku or Polygon but fill the void of gaming coverage that isn’t polluted by politics and virtue signaling.

It's the no-politics that makes it great.


Gold Member
Neogaf Tournaments *drops mic*.

*picks mic back up* Why not do a tourney with NeoGaf competitors? People could wager site specific currency that they would buy with real money...kinda like chips at a casino. Integrate it with the Twitch function on the site. It could be a scheduled thing for fun, or two or more members could try and settle a score...a gentleman's competition of sorts.

One guy would be all like "Bloodborne's better than Dark Souls 3"...then I'd be like "Oh no you di'int!" then I challenge him to a 1v1 on Elden Ring...first to 4 or somethin. After I win I be like "Aww yea, see if you hadn't been playing Bloodborne so much, maybe you woulda had a chance on Elden Ring!" End it all with a proper "bruhahahahaha".

This suggestion kinda got away from me. I'm literally just spitballin' pay me no mind. *Places mic on the ground gently and sneaks out the back door".


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
What about branching out? A Neogaf YouTube channel with daily neogaf roundoup? Plenty to talk about here = plenty to put on a vid. Make it spicy and don’t hold back. Look for volunteers happy to profit share perhaps.

Edit : some ideas; member tournaments, member showcases, industry interviews, expo visits, reviews, rumours. Whatever.

More exposure there, healthier forum here and vice versa.
To expand on this, how about a podcast? Make it like a weekly magazine. Drive people to the site, plug sponsors, if it makes money it can subsidize and maybe even eventually pay for the site. Cover gaming news, interview developers, talk about community thoughts, opinions, and questions about gaming.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I didn't even think about the fact that Ublock blocks stuff on more than just YouTube. GAF is whitelisted now.
I've still never clicked an internet ad though. So I don't know how much my eyeballs are worth.


I hate to say this, but the only reason Gaf is still around is because of how long its been around for. Gaming forums are a dying form of communication.

Most communities now thrive in Discord and places like that. What really hurt Gaf were all the original SJW mods back in the 2015/2016 years that breeded degenerates. Forum got bigger then it was split and sadly
ReseteEra happened.

But even their original creator sold the cucks off for a lot of money and played them like a fiddle. That forum will die sooner or later.

This is really what hurt gaf. I am not sure if there is a way to bring back new users.
Discord is an absolutely horrible forum replacement.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great* chatroom/IRC replacement, but with that comes the issue that any conversation tends towards temporal. And I think that's just a UI issue that no one has found a solution too. You either have chat or forums.

I'm part of a forum that recently got shut down by the owners. Thankfully, they gave us some warning (in the end). In the migration discussion, we looked at what options we had. Discord just wasn't up to it, as a forum, a place with some sort of sense of permeance, just wasn't there.

Reddit shares similar issues as like chatrooms, it always gives priority/most importance to new content.

*shitty Electron apps aside
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Gold Member
Yes, but that method only hurts the site in the long run. If he could just be banned from commenting on Xbox threads instead of the whole site, (and same applies to all other banned members despite their affiliations) then the site could really grow and mature.
That would work if gaming was segregated into platforms. But GAF isn't.

An option is to just ban the guy in Gaming, but the vast majority of console warriors only care about posting in Gaming. I don't post in Communities often, but I do in OT. All the well known warriors over the years (banned or not) almost never post in those tabs. Some probably never have once.


Gold Member
As an outsider looking in I think GAF needs to broaden its reach and exposure.
A gaming podcast called "Gafcast", a twitter presence and maybe even articles written about the industry. Reviews of games, industry leaks etc.
Stickied threads do get attention.

What if in each of the tabs, Evil or mods create a good topic to discuss every two weeks. Or pick a new thread a user made which seems like a good discussion to sticky.

I dont do podcasts, discord or even have a Twitter account. I'm old school forum only kind of guy, but if GAF expands to other media which a lot of people do now, Evil and gang can also make those topics a focal point where they can also say to check out GAF and post there too.

Pick topics that can lead to lots of discussion as it's broad enough for mass appeal. No point doing a Colecovision Memories thread as only people who gamed in 1984 would give a shit. It'd be broad enough for lots of personal opinions, maybe a bit baity, maybe really baity. Heck if Evil or the mods want to have fun having a topic for laughs like one of them says "Zelda is overrated because of these reasons". So come at me and prove me wrong! It could be a fun thing to do..... assuming people dont go ape shit and take it too seriously. In the OT tab it could be a sticky related to Movies or How to Buy a Car.
Gotta get some of em twitch streamers to post here and promote on stream but I guess the younglings dont use forums anymore? Turned off adblock on my samsung phone regardless.


Would be cool to have a purge voting system for when old posts come up.
Nothing is more annoying than posts from 2015 being bumped up, and it's not even remotely relevant anymore.

Vote to auto purge old irrelevant posts like news or "X, Y, and Z announcements"


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Are tiers still being thought on? I will probably sign there too, but Im curious about what will be the rewards
Open to suggestions if there's anything you'd like to see! Our service differentiation is centered around Gold subs at the moment but we can add stuff for Patreon too.


Is there a official game release calendar where members can sign up for OT and Review thread creation? Maybe a little bit of structure can help.

Sorry feel a bit like a clown commenting about the runnings on a forum knowing jack compared to the veterans here.


Open to suggestions if there's anything you'd like to see! Our service differentiation is centered around Gold subs at the moment but we can add stuff for Patreon too.
Ok ok, just wanted to know : D
If I come up with anything interesting I will definitely suggest it here.

I dont know it this have been sugested allready but, maybe some interviews with developers? From AA(A) to indies.

Or anything that can gives people outside the industry some insight of how videogames work.
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Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
This forum made money hand over fist for many, many years. There was no investment or development on anything at all for many, many years.

Bummed to hear about the current situation. I’d be interested in reading the financials.


This forum made money hand over fist for many, many years. There was no investment or development on anything at all for many, many years.

Bummed to hear about the current situation. I’d be interested in reading the financials.
Yeah, I also see investment as the only long term solution. Donations from users is a Band-Aid solution.


Gold Member
The main hang up I've had with buying gold has been credit card being the only method of payment. I don't put my card info into many places. If PayPal were an option I would have paid long ago.

Anyway, I'll make some time this week to buy a prepaid card and buy some gold.


I realize I had adblock on. Disabled.Apologies. Perhaps a warning above would help people be mindful of it.
Same here. Maybe if rewards/achievements/points are tweaked that could be added there: to reward users to disable adblock (plus other actions you want to encourage users to do).


The main hang up I've had with buying gold has been credit card being the only method of payment. I don't put my card info into many places. If PayPal were an option I would have paid long ago.

Anyway, I'll make some time this week to buy a prepaid card and buy some gold.
I am not sure if you use credit cards, but many offer virtual card numbers so you don't need to worry about that kind of stuff. If you are in the U.S. and have good credit, send me a message and I can send you an invite to one where you can set up virtual numbers and their UX is pretty amazing too.

As for suggestions, I think creating original content (articles, videos, interviews) will definitely help. I know we have a discord server but I am not sure if that is officially run but you could probably look into monetization options there. You could also allow people to have signatures here for a one-time cost or a low subscription fee or just make that part of Gold? (they don't need to be huge).
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Gold Member
Open to suggestions if there's anything you'd like to see! Our service differentiation is centered around Gold subs at the moment but we can add stuff for Patreon too.

Could we use Patreon for Gold, to circumvent the card-only payment method on the site?

So I sub to the 5 dollar Patreon, but still get Gold on the forum? Basic verification process like corresponding e-mail addresses or something [provided you see that in Patreon]. Neat integration of Patreon, users get a "Patreon member" tag or whatever.

This is sub-optimal from a time-and-effort point of view considering this requires manual inputs from an admin level from Patreon to Gaf, but this process could be automated fairly easily I'd reckon.

Again, just brainstorming.
Console/GPU tracker with referral links?

Have you looked into direct advertising partnerships? Could be better than adsense. Might be a possibility with how focused the subject matter of the forum is. 🤷‍♂️

I've seen Razer and Zotac do partnerships with streamers, seems like you'd have a shot (though maybe I am underestimating what you are earning from Adsense and overestimating what you could get with direct ads).
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I know part of what's special about custom tags under usernames is that they're earned rather than bought - but would a short term solution be something as simple as say $50 for buying a custom tag. Still keeps it pricey enough to feel "special" but also offers a cash incentive to help boost the bank account?

I like the idea of opt-in adverts for Gold Members too. Every little helps.


Gold Member
I’ll sign up for gold after dinner. Hybrid back at office hybrid started!

I’m hoping all the chips everyone is contributing from gold to unblocking ads helps.
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