An actor's currently equipped equipment is stored in $game_actor.equips[x], x being which slot (0..4, weapon, shield, head, body, accessory). It will return nil if there is no item equipped in a slot, so you can check for the existence of an equipped item in a particular slot with
if $game_actors[1].equips[x]
#-->true if slot has item equipped, false if nothing is equipped
and you can also get info about the item in the slot, like the id, name, price, description, etc. (check RPG::Armor, RPG::Weapon, RPG::EquipItem, RPG::BaseItem in the help manual or output $game_actors[x].equips to see all the properties you can access), for example
p $game_actors[1].equips[0].name
#-->"Super Sword"
You can either use $game_actors[x].equips[y] where x starts at 1 and uses the actors as defined in the database, or $game_party.members[x].equips[y] where x starts at 0 and uses the actors in the party. Also keep in mind an actor may have a 2-handed weapon which disables slot 1 (shield). It doesn't change the order of the slots, though, it will just return nil for slot 1. Game_Actor should have a handful of methods for finding out various infos about that.