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Hey GAF, let's make an RPG Maker Game Competition!

Remember people, if you bought RPGMaker you can pretty much sell your game when you're done. As long as you're not using any copyrighted assets (Music, SFX, GFX from other games etc). Using stuff from RPGMaker is of course possible as well. So this might not only be a competition but also a jumpstart into game dev.
Just for the main characters. (THANKFULLY)

And that one only took a few hours :p (AGAIN Thankfully)
Are you doing emotions for them also or just the one frame?

I'm willing to do pixel art for my game but I might forgo portraits altogether. I have no full drawing talent!

Remember people, if you bought RPGMaker you can pretty much sell your game when you're done. As long as you're not using any copyrighted assets (Music, SFX, GFX from other games etc). Using stuff from RPGMaker is of course possible as well. So this might not only be a competition but also a jumpstart into game dev.

Yup, I'm intending to keep my game free for the course of the GAF compo but then look into making it a paid download game. I'll probably redo a bunch of the assets in that case to make them my own.

And I guess in the spirit of things, I'll post a shot of my base for adult males.. blown up to 200% so you can see the damn things

Animation is going to be a bitch :(


Are you doing emotions for them also or just the one frame?

I'm willing to do pixel art for my game but I might forgo portraits altogether. I have no full drawing talent!

No emotions. Not for this demo, anyway.

Even if I don't finish before the deadline. I will still finish this project. I'm tired of not finishing shit LOL


I'm entering since I will have a lot of time coming up after I move.

It'll be my first RPG using RPG Maker as I have never used the program (I purchased it and messed around with some settings before though).


So, I started my game's script yesterday, and then I composed what started as a battle theme, but morphed into a boss theme while making it, and seriously this thing is my musical masterpiece! I'm in if only to give this a home!

Is it ok if I use scripts I've made over the years? The game they were intended for has been in Development HEL-666 for so long that if I do make it, I'm gonna have my friend program an original engine and get that one on Steam or something.

And can I use tiles or whatever from commercial games? I'm going for a NES look and sound, so I feel it fits.

Here's the song, BTW (Don't worry, even though it's on Bandcamp, it's free. I only used that because I cant use Soundcloud.) https://danseminara.bandcamp.com/track/boss-class-villain


Maturity, bitches.
Yeah, I've blown up my sprites by 200% because I prefer them to occupy more of the screen while retaining a simple look. I think that's why I preferred 2k to the later versions, it had a smaller resolution so it automatically had that chunky look.

I know I won't win awards for best looking game (as seen by some of the examples already posted), but attempting to do my own graphics should make for a fun experience. I'm rather behind but at least I've started. Got quite a few characters drawn now.
So, I started my game's script yesterday, and then I composed what started as a battle theme, but morphed into a boss theme while making it, and seriously this thing is my musical masterpiece! I'm in if only to give this a home!

Is it ok if I use scripts I've made over the years? The game they were intended for has been in Development HEL-666 for so long that if I do make it, I'm gonna have my friend program an original engine and get that one on Steam or something.

And can I use tiles or whatever from commercial games? I'm going for a NES look and sound, so I feel it fits.

Here's the song, BTW (Don't worry, even though it's on Bandcamp, it's free. I only used that because I cant use Soundcloud.) https://danseminara.bandcamp.com/track/boss-class-villain

Re: scripts
I can't see why not. I know I'm sure using scripts other people wrote, I'm just going to credit the people who so kindly put them up for public use

Re: tilesets
edit: nevermind, don't use resources from other games without dev permission, like Dusk Golem said in the OP.

The song is so chippy, I love it.
You are free to use any available resources. Either make your own, use the resources from the RTP, or use resources from online. However, it should be noted that if you use outside resources, you must credit them, both in the game and when you submit the final game for the contest. This includes sprites, art, music, audio, scripts, and resources. If you use anything not from the engine itself or not created by you, you must credit them.

However, do not use resources from other games without the developers permission, and don't use music from other games (an exception will be made on using fan-recreations of .midi versions of songs).

Using external resources is great, breaking copyright law isn't.


That's a shame :(
Looks like NES sound and RTP graphics then...

I've already decided on 3 other songs for the game, one of which needs to be arranged for the NES, but this game is gonna have the best soundtrack in the contest bar none!

For the story, it's nothing epic, but it's exploring a theme that I see very much on the internet. It's got an interesting message and two fairly interesting villains. The main narrative is sorta Tales-ish with the first half building up cliches only to deconstruct the hell out of them in the second half and drive the point home.


Maturity, bitches.
Does anyone know how to edit a midi so it loops properly. I've read something about using anvil and inserting a midi event where you want the loop start point to be but I have no idea how to really use the programme.


Does anyone know how to edit a midi so it loops properly. I've read something about using anvil and inserting a midi event where you want the loop start point to be but I have no idea how to really use the programme.

I dug up a post about using Audacity or something since its easier to use. Haven't tried it yet on my end.
Interest'd in dis....just got gaf'd on thursday so I hope I get more posts by sept. If not I'd give up my prize I just need motivation to get something out there!


¡HarlequinPanic!;117863996 said:
Interest'd in dis....just got gaf'd on thursday so I hope I get more posts by sept. If not I'd give up my prize I just need motivation to get something out there!



he's Virgin Tight™
I'll bow out.

I tried to develop a few additional things but two big projects at work are holding me back too much and I won't have anything good. KInda sucks I was so pumped :(


I'll bow out.

I tried to develop a few additional things but two big projects at work are holding me back too much and I won't have anything good. KInda sucks I was so pumped :(

Whaaaat? You seemed to have a lot of progress really early on :( I've scrapped mine several times now


If it seems like too much work, then try to go even smaller. People aren't expecting masterpieces either. Also, even if you don't make the deadline for the competition, this thread will likely remain as a place where we can share creations. So in the end, take your time if you really want to make something ambitious.


I think, at least for me, the best way to approach this competition is by completing the whole game first using stock tiles and resources – just to make sure you're actually capable of doing it. If you've got time left then there's always the chance to go back and spruce things up when you've got all the basics down. Otherwise it's just so easy to waste hours upon hours just experimenting with all the different scripts and what not that floats around the web... And then you realize you haven't really gotten anywhere. I find that even going the "easy way" takes a lot of time, at least if you're new to RPG Maker (like I imagine a lot of us are).

Oh, and Aquamarine, please add me to the list of participants!
I think, at least for me, the best way to approach this competition is by completing the whole game first using stock tiles and resources – just to make sure you're actually capable of doing it. If you've got time left then there's always the chance to go back and spruce things up when you've got all the basics down. Otherwise it's just so easy to waste hours upon hours just experimenting with all the different scripts and what not that floats around the web... And then you realize you haven't really gotten anywhere. I find that even going the "easy way" takes a lot of time, at least if you're new to RPG Maker (like I imagine a lot of us are).

That's the approach we're taking as well. Sort of, let's get a game done to make sure we can in the time allotted and then go back and tweak it to what we want if we have the time.


That's the approach we're taking as well. Sort of, let's get a game done to make sure we can in the time allotted and then go back and tweak it to what we want if we have the time.

I think this is really what I need to do. Just get something done - not a perfect RPG or anything with a crazy battle system or parallax effects, etc... just something that works.


I'm also looking for anybody that would like to join in on my project?

What I'm looking for:
-Background artist: I'm not using any tilesets, or very few, but rather painting the backgrounds themselves so things look less square. It also helps with detail.
-Sound: Sound effects, custom made, or from free sources. But I have a pretty unique game idea, so I would like for it to have a unique set of sounds for things like menus and such.
-Battle system design/scripting: I don't wanna just throw something in, but right now I'm doing design by myself, so having somebody dedicated to building the battle system and testing it in each build would help greatly!

PM me if you're interested, lets make something awesome!

I'll bow out.

I tried to develop a few additional things but two big projects at work are holding me back too much and I won't have anything good. KInda sucks I was so pumped :(

Maybe offer services to another project, perhaps? It would be awesome to have more projects hitting by deadline. I'm gonna post mine whether or not it beats deadline or not. I'm not as interested in prizes for winning. I just wanna make something.


Just to be sure everyone gets in on my RPG Maker VX Ace giveaway, it's up on the Steam thread and has several hours to go before the raffle is complete.

I'm also interested in helping out. I don't have time to make my own but I wouldn't mind providing some art assets for someone.
Boy, spriting is tough! I'm working on the run animation for my adult male sprite. I haven't done the torso/arms yet, but the legs are moving in the 3-frame setup.


What do you guys think?

Just to be sure everyone gets in on my RPG Maker VX Ace giveaway, it's up on the Steam thread and has several hours to go before the raffle is complete.

I'm also interested in helping out. I don't have time to make my own but I wouldn't mind providing some art assets for someone.

Cool, very nice of you to offer! Hopefully people that need it will get in the raffle.

For the people here, what kind of art assets can you do?


Cool, very nice of you to offer! Hopefully people that need it will get in the raffle.

For the people here, what kind of art assets can you do?

I can do some pixel-art stuff, but the only examples I have are things I've done just for fun recently.


I'm competent with photoshop, I think, I don't know if these would be relevant. I've done these gifs where the first one, I made the character assets from scratch:


And some handdrawn backgrounds (click to enlarge):

(The first one in this row is actually done pixel-by-pixel using MSpaint):

And some other ones that are just more examples of editing/compositing/special FX (I left these as links because they're rather large gifs):


So I started playtesting the other day and realized I hate stock JRPG battle systems and stats. I also wanted each character to have a different playstyle and had an idea for a simpler "rock paper scissors" of stats I wanted to explore... So I've decided to consolidate the many RM stats into three main stats: BLOOD (HP), PSYCHE (MP, MAT, MDF), and MUSCLE (ATK, DEF).

All characters use BLOOD as their measure of HP, physical attacks test the user's MUSCLE (AKA atk) vs the opponent's (*0.6 or whatever), and special PSYCHE abilities test against the target's max MP.

I just started playing around with it, but already it seems pretty intuitive and allows for some interesting scenarios. I have one character who has really low muscle, for instance, but he has high blood so even though he takes a lot of damage per hit he can afford to, and his high psyche grants him access to draining abilities. One character has high muscle so they can afford to have less blood because they take less damage, but their low psyche score means they're more vulnerable to enemy magic. That character also learns "martial arts" skills that don't use up psyche but have their own unique effects and conditions.

The last character is pretty middle of the road and forgoes any extreme in the blood -> psyche -> muscle dynamic in favor of using powerful limited-use items. Incidentally, she's the only one that CAN use items of the three... Actually's she's probably the most blood-oriented of the three since she's the party healer (also the resident Heavy Weapons Guy).

Only time will tell if this system is a good idea or not, but either way at least I can say I tried to do something interesting.
Man, battle system stuff is a whole lot of work. Equipment, weapons, skills, classes, troops... all has to be created, and balanced. Glad I didn't neglect this stuff until later! I think I'm going to be using a lot of already-made assets for now, and try to balance the battle system using those.

I've got my intro, tilesets, character graphics, and a few maps made. I need to really hunker down and figure out what the heck I'm going to do with the battle system.


Thank you!! Pixel art is hard but I'm learning a lot.

Looking good, but you forgot the word "be" in that dialog. "The Lost will ___ drawn to your suffering." :)

Good catch! It's actually there, but it got cut off at the end because of the event script. Do you know of a better way to "clip" the dialogue at the right place? That little arrow is flippin' useless. I've had to go back and fix all kinds of dialogue.



Good catch! It's actually there, but it got cut off at the end because of the event script. Do you know of a better way to "clip" the dialogue at the right place? That little arrow is flippin' useless. I've had to go back and fix all kinds of dialogue.

Best way is to use the preview function, honestly. Annoying, but it eventually works.


I'm currently heavily debating whether or not I'll be able to make the project I've been working on by the deadline. Considering cutting it down and expanding on what I keep. Maybe my standard of quality is just too high. :(


I'm using VX Ace, how do I make change character parameters? I have

if $game_variables[31] > 99 then
  $game_actors[1].mhp = $game_actors[1].mhp + $game_variables[90]
  $game_variables[31] = $game_variables[31] - 100
  $game_message.texts.push($game_actors[1].name + "'s Max HP up!")

and it crashes on that second line. If I change the first $game_actors[1].mhp to a variable it works, but I can't change parameters that way for some reason. Any advice here?


You can't directly access mhp like that, but there's a built-in method to change parameters: add_param. The first argument is which parameter: 0 for MHP, 1 for MMP, 2 for ATK, and so on.

Thanks so much! It works great now! My game now has a working engine where you gain stats based on what you have equipped, sort of like Final Fantasy Legend 2, but not random.


Thanks so much! It works great now! My game now has a working engine where you gain stats based on what you have equipped, sort of like Final Fantasy Legend 2, but not random.

I see you solved the equip id issue too - good thing I refreshed before replying. Good luck with you game!


I see you solved the equip id issue too - good thing I refreshed before replying. Good luck with you game!

I did. It was dumb. I put armors where shields were so the equip menu looks right, so double handed weapons were forcing there to be no "shield" equipped and crashing the game.

Next thing is apparently disabling unequipping stuff so the game doesn't crash.

At least now the game has a title: Stratic Fable.


Everyone's stuff looks so good. I've been so fucking busy packing and getting everything ready for my move that I haven't been able to make any progress on my game. I know for a fact it won't be done by the deadline at this rate.
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