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Hey guys, Xbox fucking sucks


works for Gamestop (lol)
It's true. I mean the console can't even do sparks properly. Who the hell wants a console that doesn't have bright sparks?


xBRICK. hulking peice of crap. and WTF is with that ugly green jewel on its back? its like CRYPTONITE bitches! stay away from me! aaarrrccck! its HORRIBLE!


Console Market Analyst


Bzchan was stupid and got shocked by his Xbox and well i agree this is the fourth time in a week i've been shocked by the damn thing. But maybe its cause i'm loosing brain cells or something?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
AniHawk said:
For crappy soundtracks everywhere!

While I have not exactly heard a whole lot of it, I recall the Blinx soundtrack actually being somewhat decent. I believe Sega Wavemaster actually did the music...


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Wario is drunk! Everybody take 10 steps back...and then run like hell. Soon he will start posting about games at full price.


Wario64 said:
It's true. I mean the console can't even do sparks properly. Who the hell wants a console that doesn't have bright sparks?

Turn on the fun-shading. It's in the dashboard options.


being watched
Doesn't the PS2 have all those Light / particle FX hard-coded into the hardware? Yeah I played the PS2 version on a koisk and was impressed with the particles and sparks...but let's face it, the old beast needs 'em when you have the PS2 shitty display output.

And no amount of sparks are going to save PS2 owners from probably the worst soundtrack to ever to grace a driving game. EA TRAX blows the big one...even Namco have taken to using name bands for their driving games. THIS PRACTISE MUST STOP IMMEDIATELY! I don't want to burn rubber to fucking Pennywise or cunts like Ash.
Speaking of Wreckless, whats Bunkasha up to? Are they still around? I was waiting for Wreckless 2 but I guess it wont never happen...unless...its a Xbox 2 launch game. Wreckless with more and better levels, gameplay mode without time limits and other improvements would rock so hard. The original is still the best game to showcase xbox games to casual non-gamers. Nightime levels are simply breathtaking.


Being drunk myself, this topic is eerily appropriate. (and kids, just because you're drunk doesn't mean you have to type like an idiot).
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