What kind of crackpot list is this? First, people need to read up on LBJ past the Vietnam war, which was Kennedy's war in the first place. LBJ is remembered for the Greater Society and Civil Rights. He got passed the Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Increased Welfare, and on and on. Second, both Reagan and JFK should be MUCH lower. JFK's greatest accomplishment is getting shot in the head and Reagan was a scumbag whose economic policies harmed this country for years and whose foreign policy was an equal disaster which could likely be blamed for the current shit show of the Middle East. Oh and Eisenhower above both? The FUCK did he do besides golf?
People keep saying he's mediocre, likely because he didn't pass enough major bills to his name like "Obamacare." But, you realize an effective Presidency is more than that? Why do you think George Washington and Lincoln are ranked so high? Washington set the precedent for the entire Presidency and Lincoln saved the Republic. Obama kept the country from economic collapse, pulled us out of two foreign wars, killed Osama Bin Landen, all the while passing through the largest overhaul of America's healthcare system since LBJ's Greater Society.