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Historians Rank Obama 12th Best President

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And while I'm a liberal, Reagan deserves credit. Most liberals are unwilling to recognize the state of the US in 1979 versus the state of the US in 1988, and most of that has to do with Ronald Reagan. I feel like the liberal antagonism against Reagan, today, is similar to the Republican antagoism against Obama. Liberals will hold onto a few inconsequential issues and completely miss the bigger picture, for the sole sake of lambasting their opponent.

I do recognize the considerable increase in general the state of the U.S. by the end of the 1980's, but I don't want to give him too much credit. 2 things in particular had nothing or little to do with Reagan:

1. Adoption of Japanese Total Quality Control methods. The Japanese had established dominance over American industries by the end of the 1970's due to their embrace of a wide variety of total quality control processes that American companies were completely ignorant of. America at first blamed their lack of competitiveness on cheap Japanese labor. By the 1980's America finally woke up and realized that Japan had adopted some new technology and by the end of the 1980's America was well on its way to adopting these new processes and closing the competitiveness gap.

It can't be overstated how much America's lack of understanding Total Quality Control decimated American businesses. Entire industries had been wiped out because Japanese firms could produce products at lower cost and with a near total lack of defects. A well known anecdote is when Hewlett-Packard did business with Japan for the first time HP demanded a 2% defect rate, and the Japanese firm balked, but relented to win the contract. The Japanese firm sent them a 100% defect-free initial batch and separately sent them a batch containing 2% worth of parts they had to damage themselves. That was the first time HP realized they were hopelessly out competed.

2. Paul Volcker's Federal Reserve policy that ended the crippling inflation (nominated originally by Carter).

Reagan did a lot to restore America's confidence in itself after Kennedy's assassination, Vietnam, Watergate, Ford's pardon, and the stagflation of the 70's. I give him a lot of credit for setting the optimism of the era. Continuing deregulation certainly helped. Otherwise I do think he was the benefactor of being in the right place at the right time.


Reagan should be lower. His economic policy is a disaster in hindsight and opened pandora's capitalistic box. We're not even close to being done paying for his mistakes. They may actually undo the pillars that America has stood on for so long.

It's only by a stroke of luck we're not in a nuclear wasteland right now because of Reagan's tactics during the Cold War.

In a sense his strategy worked and forced Russia into an Arms Race they couldn't afford, but on the other hand if you read up on the Cold War it's incredibly scary to see how close we got to blowing each other up from radar glitches that looked just like missile's on their screen.


My bigger question is why would Reagan be so high on the list?

I suppose the disastrous effects of his policies weren't truly felt until years after he left office.
Moral authority must be incredibly weighted to have Reagan and Obama so up high


Reagan being in the top half of POTUSs is a joke. He may have been well intentioned, but he was a shitty president. Him an Dubya share the spotlight of being well-intentioned total idiots who destroyed many people's lives through their total incompetence and failure.


Reading through this thread, our ability to effectively sort through a list of significant people that stretches beyond ~16 years seems to be significantly handicapped. Seriously, it's a list of the best presidents in the context of American history, not necessarily in the context of yesterday. Andrew Jackson did terrible things that reflected on America at the time, Woodrow Wilson had horrible views that reflected on America at the time, and so on and so forth. All this should be considered, but any analysis that starts and ends with "was a piece of shit" is basically null and void.

Woodrow Wilson lead us through WWI, influenced the spread of intergovernmental organizations, and helped lay the ideological seeds for self-determinism and decolonization. Additionally, he had a massive impact on fiscal and monetary policy. Reagan and FDR are up there, partly, because they changed the course of our politics - Jackson did this x100. Being effective or influential don't necessarily mean completely rising above the sins of your times. These people all, to varying extents, reflected the good and the bad of the country they lead. This includes Lincoln, who was such a remarkable man that sometimes his presidency seems providential.

Looking at the past exclusively through the prism of an indignant presentism, what you see resembles fashion more than actual history.

As for Obama, put me on the "history will continue viewing him quite fondly for a long time to come" side. 12 doesn't seem too off.


Wilson also started the first system of mass media propaganda with the creel committee, rallied America go war to appease bankers which led America to financial disaster. Effectively crippled all socialist and radical movements in America. Privatized a ton of industries and oversaw some of the worst race riots with no conviction. There's a few progressive policies for sure but overall 👎👎


LBJ doesn't get the credit that he deserves for improving the social safety net since FDR.

Carter didn't, Clinton didn't and Obama did a "comprimise" with health insurance companies that may fall apart under Trump

LBJ's great society has added 10s of trillions of government spending in the years since, for what? A ~2-3% reduction in the rates of poverty, at best, if you consider the entire decrease in poverty rates a direct result of his programs(it isn't).

He gets credit for civil rights when he knew the political cost it would have, but just about everything else he did was 100% shit.

Both of the Roosevelts are ranked too high as per usual, Teddy was a war-mongering glory hound, and FDR was a quasi-fascist who continued and extended Hoover's policies of lengthening the great depression by government interference. FDR gets some credit for WWII, but still.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
People always say they dont want another civil war.
We all know that the Republican party only stands for thickening its pockets and oppressing others. They continuously lie, obstruct and break down American values and institutions on a constant basis. The red states continue to support them because of their hatred for progressive American values and minorities.

Yet everyone praises Lincoln, and guess what, he started a war, over these economic and social differences within America, and the country was better for it. It seems to be that a great president, at least according to American history, should start a war against his political opponents to better America.

Next democratic presidential should put his foot down on their throats and declare the entire party treasonous.


It pisses me off that Republican dysfunction and obstructionism is a negative of Obama. He can't help that he's black and people are racist ffs.


Seems like a good list. I'd probably put Kennedy and Regan lower, but wouldn't really have a place for Obama yet. It feels too soon. Certainly I'd put him in the top 15, but I don't know about the top 10.
It pisses me off that Republican dysfunction and obstructionism is a negative of Obama. He can't help that he's black and people are racist ffs.

foreign policy stuff can't be obstructed as much

that's what the president should focus on if congress is a lost cause, and i don't think Obama will be viewed too favorably there


How come he is only 24th for international relations? Like, he improved them massively over his presidency right? Is does this mean all foreign plicy in general?


No Scrubs
Reagan is going to drop further down as time passes and people are able to look at him with fresh eyes, I think.

Woodrow Wilson was a total piece of shit.

Why is he ranked so highly?

He created the Federal Reserve. As well as the Federal Trade Commission Act. Also the Clayton Anti-Trust Act. He also tried to curtail child labor. There's also the whole winning WWI thing.

Dude was a racist fuckface, but he did do some good things at times.
I think history most certainly will be kind to Obama and his perception will only get better with time:

1) Trump is so terrible, by the end even the worst of Obama's naysayers will think of obama years with glee.

2) Obama's global reputation will play a huge part. That dude is truly admired and loved overseas like no other potus so far.


I'm sorry, I just don't know if I can call the effect that Reagan's policies had on minority communities "inconsequential".
Yeah, every time I learn about structural problems with the American economy or bureaucracy the phrase "under Reagan" is never too far behind.


Reagan is too high and Obama should be in the top ten. Dubya and Jackson should be closer to the bottom as well, absolute vile pieces of shit.

Orange already has the last place locked down.

Bold One

The only ones I agree with is Lincoln and Ike, the rest is arguable.

Obama I reckon should be slightly higher, the lad made mistakes but he also inherited a clusterfuck of a mess of a country, economically, internationally and socially - eh sorted economy and social but fluffed international stakes but those were complex as F as a result of Bush's illegal wars which resulted in the Syria Disaster.


Maybe it could have also been different had FDR stuck with Henry Wallace as his running mate. Too bad we'll never know.

Not with Josef Fucking Stalin. The Labour party in the UK tried this after the war and had their own aircraft technology used against them in Korea.

There's a lot of nice things to say about Eisenhower, but his hands off approach to McCarthyism and enthusiastic injection of religion into the Republican party draw a straight line to what the party eventually became. He talked about the military industrial complex and appointed the CEO of General Motors as Defense Secretary.


And if I were to be honest, Reagan is overrated, he did a lot of harm that nobody talks about like fucking over the health care system.


Can't believe people actually come in to post things like "but he was a piece of shut".
That's middle school thought level.

I really doubt people are going to write a dissertation on all of the horrors that Reagan was responsible for on Neogaf. Calling him a piece of shit is just fine for an Internet forum.
Under Ronald "we did not sell arms for hostages" Reagan, Lyndon "look at my dick" Johnson, and Woodrow fucking Wilson?

Reagan sucks dick, but Johnson did get the Civil Rights Act and Great Society through. Wilson was sabotaged by an obstructionist Congress, bring his League of Nations was very important.
It seemed like he wa getting the most hate in this thread so I just assumed that's what you were talking about. Sorry if that's not the case.
I agreed with every negative comment on Reagan, I thought most of those comments and similar moral judgements were directed at other presidents.


Did somebody say Woodrow Wilson worship?
Woodrow Wilson lead us through WWI....
There's also the whole winning WWI thing.
He deliberately got us involved in that immoral bloodbath in the first place, along with invading Mexico. Much like LBJ and GWB he suppressed the truth and spread lies to justify it. He established a borderline totalitarian state that threw anti-slavery activists in prison, effectively seized control of the press and all industry, empowered the first red scare witch hunts, organized vigilante mobs to attack citizens who didn't do terrible things like buy enough war bonds.

Then when he had a debilitating stroke he not only allowed his wife to effectively become President but he still tried to get a third term. (11th in crisis leadership!) And this was after he had pissed off the rest of the Allies at the Paris Peace Conference.

Dude was a criminal.

These things always stick good Presidents low and horrific ones highly because they're Great Man wankfests. You can't score highly on "crisis leadership" if there's not a crisis.

Lincoln above Washington on Vision/Setting an Agenda is a joke. Everything depended on Washington's. Lincoln wasn't following any kind of vision, he was doing crisis management and never even lived to see any of Reconstruction including the restriction on slavery in the 13th Amendment passed. And 2nd for economic management? 3rd for public persuasion? What? 3rd for International Relations because he got lucky at Antiem and Gettysburg?!?

Harding oversees an economic boom that was U.S. only somehow and gets ranked 35th for economic management. Wilson leaves him with a global depression and gets 9th. Clinton does everything everyone is now complaining about justified or not (Glass-Steagall, NAFTA, etc.) leaving office as the Asian markets implode and dotcom bubble bursts and gets ranked 3rd.

How do you rank FDR first for International Relations when his major accomplishments were helping to destroy half the planet and all of Yurop with his primary allies being nations fighting for their life! I mean come on!

Wilson was sabotaged by an obstructionist Congress
lol wat, the American people didn't want the "entangling alliances" of the League of Nations that could commit them to another criminal slaughter. We still considered ourselves to be only dealing in the Western Hemisphere and Yurop was their own problem. (The "Roosevelt Corollary" and "Clark Memorandum" basically set this division in further stone as official U.S. policy until FDR.)

Wilson enacted almost every other form of his agenda.

Interestingly, the League refused membership to the Soviets and any other Communist state. Along with Germany initially. Asian and African participation was also limited by design. The U.S. couldn't have saved that mess.

I was confused about why there are only 43 listed, forgot Cleveland.


Plus it screws over the Bushes' nicknames for each other.
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