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History Buffs

So, since I graduated in History (2017), I have only now started reading a little about the subject again, even though I am finishing a completely different course (Psychology). In summary, what is your favorite period in history and what articles, videos or books would you recommend about the time/person/event?

For me is Rome, so like a good nerd I'm gonna suggest a great playlist on YouTube (from Historia Civilis):

Love this stuff.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Looks like I'm thinking about Rome again all of a sudden

ridley scott gladiator GIF


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Hello fellow History scholar.

My all time favourite period is actually England and France during the 14th and 15th century. Especially the Hundred Years War and the War of the Roses.

If I were to recommend a book from this period it would be Lord Jonathan Sumption's epic history of the Hundred Year War. It's five epic tomes covering the whole history of the conflicts (it wasn't actually one war). The first book was released in the late 90s and the last book, Triumph and Illusion, has just been released this year.


I also love Roman history, especially the Empire and Byzantium years. There are so many books written about Rome and I have so many in my library that it's hard to pick one, but if I were forced then I'd go for Byzantium by Judith Herrin that covers the history of this stage of the Roman Empire. If you're going to pick this up then you have to pick up the £75 Folio Society version.


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Hello fellow History scholar.

My all time favourite period is actually England and France during the 14th and 15th century. Especially the Hundred Years War and the War of the Roses.

If I were to recommend a book from this period it would be Lord Jonathan Sumption's epic history of the Hundred Year War. It's five epic tomes covering the whole history of the conflicts (it wasn't actually one war). The first book was released in the late 90s and the last book, Triumph and Illusion, has just been released this year.


I also love Roman history, especially the Empire and Byzantium years. There are so many books written about Rome and I have so many in my library that it's hard to pick one, but if I were forced then I'd go for Byzantium by Judith Herrin that covers the history of this stage of the Roman Empire. If you're going to pick this up then you have to pick up the £75 Folio Society version.


Fun fact: A Song of Ice and Fire books (Game of Thrones) is heavily influenced by the War of the Roses.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Fun fact: A Song of Ice and Fire books (Game of Thrones) is heavily influenced by the War of the Roses.

Yeah, you can tell by reading it. Rob Stark is Edward IV. House Stark is House of York. House Lannister is House of Lancaster. Talisa Maegyr is Elizabeth Woodville etc etc.

In fact, almost every event not including magic or other fantasy elements is based on historical people/events.

ASOIAF is basically the best bits of history combined with a fantasy lick of paint.


Gold Member
I have studied a bit of ancient and mediaeval history, but my main focus in on XX century history.
In the last few years, I have studied a lot more about WW1. An event that for a long time, I though it was boring, compared to WW2 and the Cold War.
But it is actually very interesting and extremely important for world history. Probably more than WW2 and the Cold War.
The advances made during WW1 are staggering. Be it in military tactics and equipment. To politics, economics. Geo-strategy. Etc.


Yeah, you can tell by reading it. Rob Stark is Edward IV. House Stark is House of York. House Lannister is House of Lancaster. Talisa Maegyr is Elizabeth Woodville etc etc.

In fact, almost every event not including magic or other fantasy elements is based on historical people/events.

ASOIAF is basically the best bits of history combined with a fantasy lick of paint.
Admittedly I haven't read War of the Roses entirely. Was the Red Wedding based on something real or similar? That was brutal. Reading in for the first time I was flabbergasted lol


Gold Member
"The rest is history" is a GREAT podcast for casual history dives into a myriad of topics. Super digestible, very entertaining, and they cover a ton of stuff over 300 eps so far.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Admittedly I haven't read War of the Roses entirely. Was the Red Wedding based on something real or similar? That was brutal. Reading in for the first time I was flabbergasted lol

It is based on two historical events, but not from the War of the Roses. The Red Wedding is based on two events from Scottish history.

The first is the Black Dinner in 1440.

The second is the Massacre of Glencoe from 1692.

"The rest is history" is a GREAT podcast for casual history dives into a myriad of topics. Super digestible, very entertaining, and they cover a ton of stuff over 300 eps so far.

Agreed. Amazing Podcast. Dom and Tom are amazing!


I haven't been into history so much recently, but Dan Carlin (if just for his Genghis Khan series), and The Rest Is History are fantastic.

As is History Hit, even though they can be more of the popular side of it. They upload good chunks of their content to YouTube for free as tasters.

As to question posed:

That's hard to say. I used to obsess over Roman. When I was around 12 I was obsessed with feudal Japan - samurais, daimyos, and all that good shit. Then it was Genghis Khan.

Age of Empires got me into all sorts of different parts of history, especially Age of Empires II.

Right now though, I'd have to say the British Empire, particularly the early 19th century. Though the Meiji era of Japan has peaked my interest too.
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Is the Tom Holland in the "The Rest Is History" podcast THE Tom Holland of "Rubicon" and "Persian Fire" fame? If so, I probably really need to take a listen to it since Rubicon is peak narrative history.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Is the Tom Holland in the "The Rest Is History" podcast THE Tom Holland of "Rubicon" and "Persian Fire" fame? If so, I probably really need to take a listen to it since Rubicon is peak narrative history.

I can confirm it is that Tom Holland. He co-hosts with fellow historian Dominic Sandbrook.
IDKFA I love me some IVth Crusade stuff if you are into that. What the Venetians did to the Greeks is insane. Also mandatory:


Another topic of History I studied is WW2. Got to read a lot about the Wehrmacht; nothing good came about it:



I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Wow. Alright, then!

I've sampled many history podcasts and I can say hand on heart The Rest Is History is the greatest history podcast out there.

Tom and Dom have fantastic chemistry. The podcast is interesting, funny and never a dull slog like most history podcasts.

I'm pissed about this thread as I've been wanting to create a history one for the longest time on NeoGAF. Once the Roman Empire one popped up and I saw the positive response to it, I knew I wanted to make one on all aspects of history. I was about to submit mine at 1AM on Monday the 25th, but my introduction paragraph seemed weak and I wanted to rewrite it. I'm pondering whether or not if I should submit my selections here or still create my thread anew, even though there's no need for it. Fuck you PlayofSparta PlayofSparta !!!


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I'm pissed about this thread as I've been wanting to create a history one for the longest time on NeoGAF. Once the Roman Empire one popped up and I saw the positive response to it, I knew I wanted to make one on all aspects of history. I was about to submit mine at 1AM on Monday the 25th, but my introduction paragraph seemed weak and I wanted to rewrite it. I'm pondering whether or not if I should submit my selections here or still create my thread anew, even though there's no need for it. Fuck you PlayofSparta PlayofSparta !!!

I've also always wanted to make a history thread, but I'm just glad we finally have one. You can still make one. Perhaps make one on a specific historical subject. Maybe open up a historical debate?

Also submit your selections here. What historical periods really get you throbbing? Do you enjoy all aspects of history, or are you into a specific area such as warfare, politics etc.
I have a PhD in History and I'm not doing anything with it because academia is bullshit. It's a hermetically sealed dick sucking contest. The moment I finished my thesis defence I was done. I'm sitting on a rather precious archive and I would rather wipe my ass with it than publish one single thing.

Ironically, as I was working through this bullshit I gained a new appreciation for the era I hated the most - that between the second siege of Vienna and 1848. But ancient history and prehistory is what I like the most.
I will donate my work and archive to an author I trust once I finish putting it in order. Then she can put me in the thank you section in the book and I'll be free of the academic demon.
What makes you think that?
I exclusively interacted with corrupt fossils and their pets of various age. It's almost sad when the dinosaurs won't abandon their posts and the lackeys are middle aged lol.
I had the pleasure of interacting with people who put their names on papers they had nothing to do with and witnessed all sorts of exploitment methods. Rectors, deans, teachers and assistants - it's a wash. They have little real world experience, they love their useless bureaucracy and they're all about internal cliques and politics. They're all bad mouthing and sabotaging outsiders. France, Germany and Eastern Europe - it's all the same. I hope Putin fucking glasses every university on this continent and sends drones to every dick sucking student and assistant's homes.

The race for highly-rated journals and the peer review process are pure wankery too. They're focused on banalities and god help you if you're discovering something new kek

Might be different for like physics or whatever but humanities is rotten to the core.


I'm a big fan of monetary history. Fascinating how all big civilizations start to debase their currency to keep paying the massive costs of Empire which always ends in their ruin.
I'm a big fan of monetary history. Fascinating how all big civilizations start to debase their currency to keep paying the massive costs of Empire which always ends in their ruin.
Numismatics. Always had a thing for ancient coins and love learning about the different denomination names. "Shekel" is probably the most famous in my opinion.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I exclusively interacted with corrupt fossils and their pets of various age. It's almost sad when the dinosaurs won't abandon their posts and the lackeys are middle aged lol.
I had the pleasure of interacting with people who put their names on papers they had nothing to do with and witnessed all sorts of exploitment methods. Rectors, deans, teachers and assistants - it's a wash. They have little real world experience, they love their useless bureaucracy and they're all about internal cliques and politics. They're all bad mouthing and sabotaging outsiders. France, Germany and Eastern Europe - it's all the same. I hope Putin fucking glasses every university on this continent and sends drones to every dick sucking student and assistant's homes.

The race for highly-rated journals and the peer review process are pure wankery too. They're focused on banalities and god help you if you're discovering something new kek

Might be different for like physics or whatever but humanities is rotten to the core.

Wow. That's certainly a take.

I can't say I've heard of these issues in the UK. I do agree that a PhD isn't what it's made out to be. I'm actually glad I didn't pursue mine, but only because it would have been wasted in my career path.

I love European history. Anything from the year 1000-1700 I can't get enough of. Love me some Bernard Cornwell.

Have you read his Harlequin trilogy set during the Hundred Years War (I pretend the awkward 4th book, 1356, doesn't exist). That's peak Cornwell.


Have you read his Harlequin trilogy set during the Hundred Years War (I pretend the awkward 4th book, 1356, doesn't exist). That's peak Cornwell.
Yes! A few months ago and I loved it. I actually did enjoy the 4th book too, even if the ending was a bit rushed.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Yes! A few months ago and I loved it. I actually did enjoy the 4th book too, even if the ending was a bit rushed.

I think that's why I'm not a fan of 1356. Robbie also had a shit arc in that book and deserved a better ending. The whole book felt like an afterthought.

I'm hoping he does go back to that period. A book or series about John Hawkwood and the White Company would be fantastic.


I think that's why I'm not a fan of 1356. Robbie also had a shit arc in that book and deserved a better ending. The whole book felt like an afterthought.

I'm hoping he does go back to that period. A book or series about John Hawkwood and the White Company would be fantastic.
I haven't read it yet, but he has another standalone book that takes place about 60 years after the Grail Quest books called Agincourt. It's on my to read list. I'll get to it eventually. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azincourt_(novel)


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I haven't read it yet, but he has another standalone book that takes place about 60 years after the Grail Quest books called Agincourt. It's on my to read list. I'll get to it eventually. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azincourt_(novel)

I've read that and can confirm it's fantastic. It's so good I've read it twice.

The historian Dan Jones has recently had a go at writing historical fiction with a trilogy set during the Hundred Years War. The first book, Essex Dogs was released last year. Possibly one of the worst books I've ever had this displeasure of reading. He needs to stick to history.
I'm pissed about this thread as I've been wanting to create a history one for the longest time on NeoGAF. Once the Roman Empire one popped up and I saw the positive response to it, I knew I wanted to make one on all aspects of history. I was about to submit mine at 1AM on Monday the 25th, but my introduction paragraph seemed weak and I wanted to rewrite it. I'm pondering whether or not if I should submit my selections here or still create my thread anew, even though there's no need for it. Fuck you PlayofSparta PlayofSparta !!!
calm down brah we all love History here.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins

Though he's winning as not even history freaks like IDKFA IDKFA have visited my thread XD!

Haven't noticed it yet. I'll check it out now.


I've checked it out and although an interesting idea, I'm not sure how it competes with this thread as it's a different idea entirely.

If you really wanted to compete you should have called it 'History nerds' or something similar and gone with the same theme. Then let the hive mind if GAF decide which thread rules supreme as our official history thread.

The loser has their thread deleted and is shamed with some random tag to be agreed by members.

Now that's a competition.
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My favorite Hardcore history podcasts.

Thor’s angels - Roughly about the fall of Rome and Germanic tribes. The Romans describing the Germans was probably my favorite part. "Twilight of the Æsir" is the sequel. I still need to listen to it.
Ghosts of the Ostfront - (WW2)
Blueprint for Armageddon - (WW1)
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Haven't noticed it yet. I'll check it out now.


I've checked it out and although an interesting idea, I'm not sure how it competes with this thread as it's a different idea entirely.

If you really wanted to compete you should have called it 'History nerds' or something similar and gone with the same theme. Then let the hive mind if GAF decide which thread rules supreme as our official history thread.

The loser has their thread deleted and is shamed with some random tag to be agreed by members.

Now that's a competition.
Both threads are similar in terms of their content, just that mine has a small restriction to avoid people spamming selections and making smart ones instead. They really have to like a particular period in time thanks to the two submission limit. Doesn't matter as this thread is going strong and mine is failing. Goes to show that I should have submitted on Monday 25th and then rewrote the paragraph at a more suitable time. It pays to be first.


I love US History, specifically from 1585 with the founding of Roanoke to 1877 when Grant left the White House. I love it so much that I specialized in it and have taught it for almost 20 years. The state is looking at changing the Social Studies curriculum to the American Birthright, which is all sorts of problems, but for now I love being able to read about it and teach it!


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Both threads are similar in terms of their content, just that mine has a small restriction to avoid people spamming selections and making smart ones instead. They really have to like a particular period in time thanks to the two submission limit. Doesn't matter as this thread is going strong and mine is failing. Goes to show that I should have submitted on Monday 25th and then rewrote the paragraph at a more suitable time. It pays to be first.

This is a general history thread. Your thread is still valid and there is room here for more history related threads. This doesn't have to be the only history thread on GAF.
Interbellum Germany is my favorite history subject. I am also a big fan of Dutch 17th century.
Dutch were wild in the 17th century. If I believe they attacked Brazil just to get some gold and succeed lol. Portugal was good at trade but warfare with a european nation nope. I also kinda wish I knew more about the dutch puppet state of napoleon, the Batavian Republic.
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