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Hitman: Absolution - Q&A Part 2

It's that time again... :(

What other tricks will we be able to use to throw off police and guards?
Hitman is going to have a few tricks up his sleeve but it’s going to be up to you to use them well. If you figure out how to play the AI well, you can use a lot of things to cause distractions to get the job done without them suspecting anything.

Based on the audio from the demo that's now been posted, is the actor voicing 47 a placeholder, or will he be playing 47 in the actual game?
The voice heard in the audio is the final actor.

Nick, could you please confirm or deny the existence of a "tag and kill" mechanism in Absolution? (which was mentioned in a GameInformer article)
I cannot, no. We’ll get into more details on gameplay features later on.

Ok, what about the music of this game?? Is it going to be orchestral, or electrical?? Or will it be Heavy Metal?
It’s a mix of a lot of things and it’s going to be fitted directly to the experience in a way that’s never been done in a Hitman game before. You can check out Jesper Kyd and Peter Peter’s previous work to get a basic idea about how they do things but keep in mind that we’re obviously doing things our way.

Will there be more maps than in Blood Money? It was so short game.
The game is pretty long. I’d say it’s about the average length of other Hitman games but since we’re not done with the game yet, it’s tough to estimate exactly. Replay also plays a large part in terms of how much time you spend with the game.

Will the targets have bigger background stories?
Yeah. Keep your eyes open. You’ll likely get to know some of them before the game comes out.

Will there be missions large enough for using a sniper Rifle like previous Hitman installments?
I think it’s safe to say that the sniper rifle will be making a lovely comeback.

Besides some usable props as weapons, will there be a big selection of firearms and upgrades for all of them?
It works a little differently this time around but Hitman will have a nice variety of weapons throughout the game.

With no Map screen this time round how do we find our target, do you have find them and then visually verify them by the clothes they're wearing, they're accent, etc.
It depends a little bit from level to level but overall, yes, you need to be a little more hands-on this time around.

Will they continue using the Blood Money formula? (5 fully customizable weapons)
We’ll be talking more about weapons later on, I believe.

Do you have to buy your ammo between missions?

How many guns can you carry in your suit? (5 revolvers and 4 smgs like in past games or have they developed a proper inventory this time?)
That’s not gone through final design yet. It’s not going to be everything you see but choices will be made available to you, which is a big part of the game, so you will have access to more than two weapons at the same time. You will not have an inventory like the one in DX: HR, for instance.

Can you keep the melee weapons you find in levels?

Currently, you can only have one melee weapon at any one time and, depending on the levels, some will likely be able to be carried over to the next one.

Are we able to retrieve blueprints of buildings, since ICA isn't providing satellite images for 47 anymore?
Not currently, no.

When can we expect the next 'media wave'?
Very soon!

Will the multiplayer mod (if there is one) be coop or player vs player oriented?
Who said anything about multiplayer?

Will the cinematics run on the game engine or will they be pre-recorded videos like for the 2 last games?
It will be a combination of both.

Will 47 still work for an organisation, or will he just be a fugitive throughout the game?
That remains to be seen.

Will blood affect disguises at all? Like if I shoot somebody in the chest or slit their throat, will the disguise I can get from them be bloodstained?
No, not currently, but being messy will leave traces around that guards or civilians will react to.

The 'big name' games such as Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire and Halo have all had DLC's released on the Marketplace and PSN shortly after the game was released. At this moment in time is there any word on a Hitman DLC?
No, we’re not in a position to talk about DLC yet. We’re still trying to finish the main game.

Have there been any discussions about the Achivements/Trophies that will feature in the game. Obviously there will be some but has there been a discussion on what any of them could be? (I know this is a longshot but its worth asking)
Sure, but we’ve not locked them down yet. There will some tough ones in there.

All of the missions take place in the United States which at first I was annoyed about but if it comes out looking good then I don't mind, my third question is how much variety will there be in the missions? I for one loved 'A New Life' because it was a simple hit in a guy's house which for me was a lot more realistic than going into the White House and killing somebody.
The team is going for a lot of variety, which was also what was demonstrated at E3 – going from a quiet stealth element in the library to a more high-paced chopper scene, back to stealth with the hippies and finally some tense disguise gameplay with the cops. The ambition is to create a lot of variety like that so that there is a good flow of different experiences throughout the game. Mind you, within those scenes, options are available for you to play differently than what we showed.

Do the guards have more ways of reacting to illegal/suspicious things happening? In previous Hitman games their reaction has mostly been shooting me in the face and asking no questions.
Yes, the AI has been reworked from the ground up, which means it will be able to do a lot more. We’ll be covering AI fairly soon so stay tuned for more on that.

Will the enemies know 47 is in there in most of the levels? In previous Hitman games the enemies (Requiem and some others being exceptions) didn't have a clue he was there... Until it was too late and 47 was far away. So can we just walk in the suit like any other person without cops shooting us in other levels than what was shown in the e3 demo? To me part of the charm has been just walking in the suit, scanning the area, at my own pace, before finding a disguise and getting the job done.
That depends on the level. The E3 demo showed a level where Hitman was on the run – it’s not going to be like that all the time, of course. There will be levels where you will go in and nobody will know you and you can go totally old-school Hitman on those.

Will we be able to kill people we are supposed to not kill? Like if there is a person we are supposed to protect, can we still kill him? Of course this will result mission failure, but that's the point. If you can't actually fail yourself, there's no risk, there's no tension.
You will be able to fail, yes.

Will there be location-based damage on 47 or the NPC's? Will we see people limping because of a shot to the leg?
I’ve not seen that implemented, no.

Will Guards have limited ammo? Because so far, all the guards have unlimited ammo for their guns.
They’ll keep firing until you’re dead.

Can we still choose to knock people out, rather than killing them? Will syringes/chloroform make a return?
You can, yes. There are multiple ways of taking out enemies.

This is an important one will the sniper rifle suitcase return? and will we be able to use a sniper method on any mission like in blood money for example or will it be restricted to certain sniper foucsed assassinations?.
Yes, the sniper rifle is in the game. The suitcase is also there but it plays a slightly different role this time around. And while you could potentially use the sniper rifle on a lot of levels, some are more suited than others.

Will we have the freedom to finish each contarct the way we please (sniping,bomb,accident,) or will there be special methods in each mission for diversity?
That depends a little bit on the levels. Some levels are very open and free while others are a little more narrow in terms of what you can do – either because of size or location (e.g. using a sniper rifle inside a small building isn’t really all that effective). You will always have the choice of gameplay style ranging from silent assassin to madman to whatever fits you in-between.

With instinct you’ve mentioned earlier that it can be turned off in higher diffeculty levels yet the developers said that we need to use it to do hitman like skills like blending and such so please can we know what exactly is instinct, how can we use it and such things?
We’ll talk a lot more about instinct later on. If you don’t want to use it, you don’t have to but it will likely make the game more challenging if you don't. Blending in is one example.

Still not sold and it's depressing to see it confirmed that the VA for 47 in the trailer is the VA in the final game. :(


question: do i really have to bother planning out routes and being stealthy? is there a fps mode? can i level up???
Nick, could you please confirm or deny the existence of a "tag and kill" mechanism in Absolution? (which was mentioned in a GameInformer article)
I cannot, no. We’ll get into more details on gameplay features later on.

andherewego.gif :(


are there any middle-eastern people or black people that i can kill? will the game have rap music in it?


What a pointless Q&A. Most of the things they answered we already knew and the questions that actually mattered got the "We don't want to enrage the fans more" response.
Will we be able to kill people we are supposed to not kill? Like if there is a person we are supposed to protect, can we still kill him? Of course this will result mission failure, but that's the point. If you can't actually fail yourself, there's no risk, there's no tension.
You will be able to fail, yes.


...stupid Q&A with dumb questions and pointless answers.


Is it gonna be a dumbass game? Yes.
But i found Splinter Cell Conviction a fun action game, so i think i'll enjoy this anyway.
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