This is the sequel to Blood Money people hoped Absolution was going to be. The levels are huge multi-layer sandboxes brimmed with myriad ways to take out your targets, as well as a huge amount of additional challengesGuys.. this wasnt really on my radar.
I have 1 game to choose. Had Titanfall 2 on my mind for a while, but this game is $10 cheaper on PSN and ... it sounds like there is a LOT of content.
I play OW, Rainbow 6, and Battlefield so I feel I have more than enough for MP games for a while.
Is this game really enjoyable in terms of level design, finding a ton of secrets, creativity, etc? Is the A.I REALLY bad, or is it ok? (Will they plainly see me doing something and ignore it?)
I hated Absolution because it felt like A.I had super vision. THat got frustrating. I really want something where I can discover a bunch of random neat stuff, and Id love to get lost in a level.
Is it a good combination of puzzle/adventure/discovering stuff?
The AI is good. They aren't automatically alerted if you're spotted, you'll be asked to leave if you found trespassing, etc.