This is how everyone feels when they try vr.....tell me how much you have played after a year lol
Playing since 2017 lol. Not everybody drops it.
From my side the fact that VR has been on the market for so much time being shocked with OG PSVR nowadays is almost a joke.
If OP went with “Holy shit VR is amazing” I would buy that but OG PSVR nowadays? Not so much
It shows very few people have actually put on a headset. Those people will be blown away the first time they use VR, it doesn't matter if it's a 7 years old headset or the latest, it's still a paradigm shift regardless.
Sadly, for some people the novelty of VR wears off fast. For me it took around 2 weeks and I was never back since.
Why is that? Not enough games appealing to you or some other reason?
Yep totally agree with that. I own both OG PSVR and an Oculus Quest 2 headset and I can’t recall last time I played with any of them.
Same question as above. I just can't understand why stop using it when I have a big chunk of VR games that I haven't played through yet.
I own a PSVR2, Meta Quest 2 hooked up to a high-end PC with a 4090, and an original PSVR1 and I play VR games daily and can't get enough of them.
I've been an avid VR gamer since 2016 and it's extremely difficulty or next to impossible to go back to certain genres of games that don't have VR (driving or flying games).
I love VR and maybe some people get tired of VR but myself and most of my friends are just as excited or even more excited for VR games than we are for regular pancake games.
I wish my RL friends got into VR, just one and it's on a tight rope. He already dropped it 6 months ago, and only now I pushed him into coming back for Dungeons of Eternity. (He loves games with loot and multiplayer)
Try Skyrim, it is really great. Some (a lot actually) locations are jaw dropping.
It puzzles me why companies don't invest more in VR. When the investmen is made and VR is done right, VR games surpass non VR games by a mile.
I don't get how come there isn't a Dead Space VR game by now. An aliens game would be great too.
What a waste...
In a just world Dead Space and The Last of Us games would be right there alongside Village and RE4 remake with full VR modes included.
I find OG PSVR is actually a great place to get your VR legs.
Because of camera tracking, most games makes you face forward and some are seated experiences too.
Thus teaches you not to try and walk about everywhere which I think helps combat sickness and just understanding VR in general.
Whenever I put someone fresh into my Rift S they either end up falling over or they end up twisted and confused. Even though you have full 360 movement it's still best to face one direction and use your controllers to move much like you would a regular game or a PSVR game.
OP you are in for a treat when you upgrade. It only gets better
With world wobbling and 60fps games reprojected to 120, PSVR is like "Intro to VR, hardest difficulty": If you stuck with it and developed your VR games through it, nothing else will faze you.
VR is the only thing i can't have that makes me jealous.
It's still too expensive for my broke ass
Two years ago I was on the same boat: No way to earn enough disposable income for a newer PC or even a new console. I would still be if I didn't get lucky and landed a stressful job with a less than ideal pay, but it's better than nothing. 2 years later here I am with a decent PC and a Quest 2. We just have to keep going no matter what life throws at us.
Where there's a will, there's a way. We're talking about the same company that shove entire PS2 into PS3 to insure backwards compatibility. Well, maybe not the same company, old Sony is nothing like the new Sony.
No joke. When I got my Oculus and put it on the first time my mind was blown. But after a couple of weeks I couldn't be even asked to get it out of the little box and onto my head. I guess it's just not for me.
Assetto Corsa in VR was cool!
Did you go back to flat racing games after that? I find I can't play them anymore. I was a huge fan of the Forza Horizon series but I just can't get into it, not when I have to get in front of a TV to play it.
I've had VR for a decade now going right back to the Kickstarter dev kit. I'm on like my 5th or 6th headset. But we all know most people just play it for a bit then it sits there
And I wish I could understand why is that with most people and why very few of us stuck with it and swear by it like a cult. Are our brains wired different?
I mean if you are gaming on 10 year old tech I guess anything would impress you lol. Probably be blown away by a recent iphone gaming.or GeForce now.
Oh and pornhat vr
Like I said to a poster above, if it's your first time using the tech you will be blown away regardless. Imagine traveling back 20 years to the past and showing one dude an iphone 1 and secretly showing another dude an iphone 15, they would be equally shocked.