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Homefront |OT| of The Greater Goliath Republic


I'm bound and determined to get my moneys worth out of this stinker. Just finished it on Guerilla difficulty. Egad that was an exercise in frustration. The AI is more or less completely scripted but is perfectly capable of putting every single shot directly into your noggin the second you appear, through the tiniest of cracks. Cover doesn't work right, either.

I really, really wish I'd put my money towards Crysis 2 instead.


the game is crap with a capital C in single player mode. Its four hours long if that and there is no connection with the game or story. You totally feel like you are going through the motions and the game does pick up at the end but then it finishes. Has an ending worse than halo 2....

its like ok you want to make a sequel sure, but there is no guarantee this will happen and i am sick of developers saying oh it has a shit ending because a sequel will tell you all. How abuot fucking no. Do movies do this (aside from those guaranteed to have a trilogy) no they fucking don't and when you go into a movie that does it you know it will have that kinda ending and don't mind

Also four hours is fucking ridiculous. I am on the side of game length does not matter but sorry four hours does, especially when the story is so bad. I have a theory. When hollywood writers write game stories, tehy turn out shockingly bad. There was so much potential for homefront but instead they f'd it up big time.

There is many shocking moments in the game you don't give a total shit about at all. A kid watches his parents get shot and starts crying, you don't care. Why? because the game hasn't been the atmosphere or environment where you would want to care. Its shocking and has shock factor but other than that meh. It is purely in there to prove they can do it. It's like the No Russian of HomeFront and it fails miserably to convey the same feeling. No russian made you feel sick inside and depressed, this just makes you go eh.

Multiplayer is very good but the single player is so so bad. It had so much potential, it had such a great premise but they screwed it up something chronic. It's a real shame and you can't help but think that if an established development team and publisher put together the game it would be much better.

What it does prove is that Kaos cannot do good, immersive single player games and they need to just focus on multiplayer, which they are very good a


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
John Walker at Rock, Paper, Shotgun put up his review of the single player and nailed it far more eloquently then I ever could.

John Walker said:
Homefront is barely a game. I’m drawing the line here. It’s an interactive cutscene with occasional shooting galleries. So far has the Call Of Duty Copying gone that it is believed the ideal game is one in which the player is barely involved. In Homefront, for the majority of the game, you feel like an unwanted irritant. It’s hard to capture quite how much this game seems to hate you for wanting to be involved, and the extent to which it goes to ensure you rarely are.


That was a hilarious edit, btw. I was planning on quoting that exact same sentence. That's the game in a nutshell: one giant script, from the set pieces to the AI.
Really sad this game ended up the way it did. As primarily a single player gamer I just can't justify the 4 hr campaign and lukewarm impressions.

Would definetely get into multi for awhile but by all accounts us Aussies are getting terrible lag. Not to mention all the random crashes, lost stats etc .

Thankfully crisis 2 seems to be getting decent impressions so I'll hold off on a new game a little longer.

Sadly this will probably be the end of Laos studios as I doubt thq is impressed with homefronts performance.


Sinatar said:
John Walker at Rock, Paper, Shotgun put up his review of the single player and nailed it far more eloquently then I ever could.

KAOS are stupid if they think this is going to become a franchise to compete with MoH or CoD with a campaign this short. They can say "we're just matching what the current compeitotrs do" but CoD's campaigns used to be long. Even CoD4 was pretty substantial. MW2 and Blops were short but it didn't matter from a market perspective because the brand was already established and they were just building on top of the previous games. This is the Homefront franchise's first game and at 4 hours it'll make zero impact on the collective gaming mind. It'll be forgotten just like Frontlines' was.
Please keep this one alive on the multi front, PC crowd! KAOS would have been better off doing the multiplayer-only thing, as I think it's their forte. Money would have been better spent that way.
Even with all the bugs, I still think MP at its core is a good time. REALLY need to fix the weird wall penetration--half the time you can't shoot through wood, and then you're shot/killed through a brick wall. Not sure what's going on there.

The ground drones REALLY need to get their pathing fixed. I spawned one inside of an empty shipping crate, and couldn't drive it out of the crate because the elevation change from the crate to the ground made it bug out. Same thing happened when I spawned one inside a house--couldn't go down the stairs.

And the AT drone is hit or miss. I actually thought it was by DESIGN that the rockets aren't visible when fired--I know it's a bug now, but I just assumed they were firing out the back or top of the drone. Little did I realize they're SUPPOSED to be firing out of the giant forward facing barrel, ahaha.

Please patch ASAP, Kaos. Fast post-launch support will keep this game alive.
Good to read, Snrub. I feel really sorry for Kaos. Bit out of their depth with this one, and I believe the THQ publicity effort was a burden they simply couldn't bear with any great positive outcomes.


Heh..I'm on Chapter 3 and I am enjoying the game. Guess that's because I rented it from Gamefly and can send it back whenever and didn't drop $60 bones on it. I was set to buy this game (as I've been doing a lot lately -- even on games I wasn't sure about), but decided to put an end to just buying new shit and signed back up for the 3 game plan from Gamefly.

The situation with Homefront shows me that I made the right call !


Turns out that when the auto save failed on me it completely lost my progress. It recognized I had beaten the first three chapters (their names were grayed out in the chapter select), but wouldn't let me do anything but new game. I traded this in over the weekend at Gamestop. Lately I've been trading in games to Amazon but they aren't taking in any copies of Homefront 360.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Multiplayer is great when you can get into a match and stick with that group of people. There is so much to do. If I am having a bad game capturing points or killing I can switch to spotting and still help the team a ton. I wish Call of Duty and BF would take some tidbits from Homefront and give the player more options on the battlefield other than taking points or killing. It's nice to be able to pick out snipers on that giant map with all the hills with your Recon drone and see your teammates take them out and then take a point.


Deadly Cyclone said:
... I wish Call of Duty and BF would take some tidbits from Homefront and give the player more options on the battlefield other than taking points or killing. ...

In BFBC2 you get points for healing, riding in a vehicle, providing ammo, spotting and repairing. It's not uncommon for me to outscore my friends that get twice as many kills as I do. Are you not including BFBC2 or is there something more to what you're saying about Homefront?


Digged around the files for the maps that are not used yet.

Found some maps/minimaps. Hard to see much without objects. Still here you go:


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
jkanownik said:
In BFBC2 you get points for healing, riding in a vehicle, providing ammo, spotting and repairing. It's not uncommon for me to outscore my friends that get twice as many kills as I do. Are you not including BFBC2 or is there something more to what you're saying about Homefront?

No, you are correct in those aspects, I was meaning more along the lines of drones and the like.


Sinatar said:
John Walker at Rock, Paper, Shotgun put up his review of the single player and nailed it far more eloquently then I ever could.

Just saw some footage and I noticed something. What it think was forgotten in trying to copy Call of Duty is that CoD pushes and pulls you through missions so fast you don't have time to try and do something the game doesn't want you to do. I think I finally understand why the infinite spawning is used now. At least in the current games from what I've seen of them and played of them. Those games are scripted as can be but done in the right away. It's why CoD doesn't have many open environments for you to mess around in and is essentially a corridor shooter yet doesn't get knocked for it.

While a game like Halo is a bit more open it isn't as scripted I believe. Though it's been a while since I played the games. You get objectives to do but you are left alone to make your way to them at your pace until the game requires you to be apart of a certain event. The Metroid Prime series is like this as well where you are left to make your way to a location until you trigger an event and even then it's up to you figure out how to deal with it. While along the way they design the area in such a way that there is nothing for you to screw around with, taking away some frustration. Then there is a game like Bad Company 2 where you aren't pushed as much but you have more freedom to deal with things due to being able to destroy just about anything and everything.

From what I can gather from the level I saw (I think it's some shopping center area) Homefront makes the mistake of putting you in situations where it seems you'd logically should be able to do something but can't. It doesn't push you fast enough from scripted event to scripted event to stop you from even considering there might be something else might be doable or should be doable.

How enjoyable or unenjoyable the game might be I don't know as I haven't played it myself. I can deal with the above if know about it going in. This just seems like it could be a problem for some, especially if it wants to compare itself to CoD. While I'm not a huge fan of CoD there is more to it then just it's setting and that it has scripted events.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Multiplayer is great when you can get into a match and stick with that group of people. There is so much to do. If I am having a bad game capturing points or killing I can switch to spotting and still help the team a ton. I wish Call of Duty and BF would take some tidbits from Homefront and give the player more options on the battlefield other than taking points or killing. It's nice to be able to pick out snipers on that giant map with all the hills with your Recon drone and see your teammates take them out and then take a point.

agreed...although it does not do as much with regards to classes and such nor look as good as BC2....I am having MORE FUN. there are so many ways to play and contribute.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
OK time for some more in depth impressions.

SP - some really rushed/amateurish/lazy development here. The game is littered with areas that look like little nooks and crannies that I can get to but can't, compounded by the fact that they look just like areas that you CAN get to. For example a jump that is a certain height, if I can't make it then it must be a matter of inches or something. Other times there were literally objects at shin level blocking my way. I think it was like a door on the floor and that was blocking me off. Thats just shoddy and annoying.

Enemies, firefights and encounters in general are poorly scripted. First of all, this whole scripted vs unscripted argument feels like bullshit. Every game scripts events and firefights. Thats why games don't descend into MP-like mayhem. COD gets scripted shootouts down to a Tee. People can get all elitist about it as much as they like, but no other games do it better. Halo gets thrown up as a go-to example, but that's an easy answer that hasn't been thought through. Some elites stand there staring forward doing nothing until you get them in your sights and then they start ducking and diving like a bunch of clowns. That's completely surreal, they're psychic meditative aliens are they? My point is understand what you're criticising before you criticise it.

but Homefront doesn't match up to either of those. Locations are badly put together, bland and uninteresting. I can't be bothered exploring if you can even call it exploring.

The dialogue and mission design is weird. One of the early encounters has the AI team mates shout "pick up those grenades" and I don't know if I was being an idiot or what but for the life of me I couldn't find any grenades until I'd killed the enemies and picked theirs up.

Then you get to an area where I literally just stood still and watched enemy after enemy jump over a fence and die. It was like a weird little glitched enemy spawn. It was a complete nonsense thing for someone to do, run behind a fence, climb on top of something like a car, climb over the fence, land, die. Then another, then another. It's just lame. That pretty much sums up the whole SP game for me. Shoddy, outdated design, clumsy scripting and almost like a token gesture. Shame since the scenario they've created feels well thought through enough that they ruin it by drowning it in apathy.

Multiplayer - ok. It can entertain me a little. I never really get the adrenaline rush that I do from COD, but then nor do I get the same rage. I get a feeling of apathy to be honest. My performances have been middling without really knowing what I've been doing. In contrast to COD where even as an expert I get annihilated if I have a bad game, in this game it seems like I can walk around like a semi zombie and still finish mid table.

I'm not gonna try and understand why but to sum it up in a sentence I would say I constantly feel detached from the action. Like the fight is always happening elsewhere.

Will be swapping for Crysis 2 but will keep giving it a chance in the meantime.


Can`t beat the Humvee part near the end of the game in SP...the last 2 levels has some of the worst gameplay and co-op AI I have seen in a game in a long time,time to bring this back to Blockbuster before I snap the disk in pieces...
Ricker said:
Can`t beat the Humvee part near the end of the game in SP...the last 2 levels has some of the worst gameplay and co-op AI I have seen in a game in a long time,time to bring this back to Blockbuster before I snap the disk in pieces...

Just shoot the goliath and hit X the moment the game tells you to so the missiles don't get you. It took me 3 tries. In case you don't bother to finish it, as soon as the goliath is destroyed you switch to an AC130 and rain down missiles on some tanks. Once that's done the game ends right there with you still on the bridge.


kaizoku said:
Then you get to an area where I literally just stood still and watched enemy after enemy jump over a fence and die. It was like a weird little glitched enemy spawn. It was a complete nonsense thing for someone to do, run behind a fence, climb on top of something like a car, climb over the fence, land, die. Then another, then another. It's just lame. That pretty much sums up the whole SP game for me. Shoddy, outdated design, clumsy scripting and almost like a token gesture. Shame since the scenario they've created feels well thought through enough that they ruin it by drowning it in apathy.

lol. I rented the game and at first I thought it was pretty cool, the SP. Then I came to that point quoted above. It was like they kept spawning and jumping over the fence, they just kept coming and coming and it was not until I got closer to the fence it stopped. The game had so much f'n potential, but it was like they focused too much in MP or something.

As a rental it is pretty cool, so I am not hating too much, but thank god I did not pay 60 for this game.


I played 10 minutes of sngle player and never looked back...

multiplayer? rocks friggin socks....

this is in the rotation with C2 (tomorrow) and BC2 until BC 3 and Gears of War 3.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Multiplayer is great when you can get into a match and stick with that group of people. There is so much to do. If I am having a bad game capturing points or killing I can switch to spotting and still help the team a ton. I wish Call of Duty and BF would take some tidbits from Homefront and give the player more options on the battlefield other than taking points or killing. It's nice to be able to pick out snipers on that giant map with all the hills with your Recon drone and see your teammates take them out and then take a point.

i agree

the party system has huge problems getting all players into a room without someone randomly not connecting or being on the other team, that needs to be fixed right way.
I still have my copy and dabbing in multi before I trade it in on friday, there are times where the game shines brightly and then a dark thunder cloud appears and fucks it all up.

m16 with acog and steady aim is a beast, takes 5 or so bullets at long range to kill someone but without much recoil you can just hold down the trigger, works ok with the scar but that is burst.

I had a few green matches but I still get thrown into yellow and red, wish I was being put into more uk servers then ones oversea as I keep getting the classic shoot first but do no damage then die moments, when i'm green ping that almost doesn't happen.

Mikey Jr.

bumping my question.

PS3 version here:

Anybody select a playlist, and it puts you in a lobby of 6 people that never seems to want to fill up? The fuck is going on with this?

Have to keep backing out and trying out other playlists, which does the same shit. I just have to get lucky and get a good room.

--Ohh, and you cant leave it there waiting to fill, because if you dont move your controller, it kicks you for idling.

Idling.........in the lobby.....
2 matches in a row "server is unavailable" right near the end of a match, fs.

omg 3rd time, what the hell man.

Dedicated servers mean shit in this game, yellow bars, drops...
Mikey Jr. said:
bumping my question.

PS3 version here:

Anybody select a playlist, and it puts you in a lobby of 6 people that never seems to want to fill up? The fuck is going on with this?

Have to keep backing out and trying out other playlists, which does the same shit. I just have to get lucky and get a good room.

--Ohh, and you cant leave it there waiting to fill, because if you dont move your controller, it kicks you for idling.

Idling.........in the lobby.....
This has been happening to me too for the past few days, something wrong with the matchmaking servers. There's no info of them addressing it on the official forums either, just a bunch of people reporting the same issue. Here's hoping a patch is around the corner...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Mikey Jr. said:
bumping my question.

PS3 version here:

Anybody select a playlist, and it puts you in a lobby of 6 people that never seems to want to fill up? The fuck is going on with this?

Have to keep backing out and trying out other playlists, which does the same shit. I just have to get lucky and get a good room.

--Ohh, and you cant leave it there waiting to fill, because if you dont move your controller, it kicks you for idling.

Idling.........in the lobby.....

Yup. Cant' get on a game. I really like the game, but the devs aren't even acknowledging it is an issue. I think my time with this game is near the end... SOCOM beta tomorrow... I want to keep playing this, but I can't join a single game :\
My main complaint about the single player was the lack of cover. Towards the end of Chapter 5. It was really hard from one point to the end of the level for me. I'll spoil tag these just for people who haven't played it.

I mean after the part where the guy hanging from the bridge drops down to the church was really frustrating. No prone in that little puddle of water? Jesus the cover they provided you didn't do jack to help your character. After about the 5th time of retrying, I just sat back and picked off the spawning enemies with my sniper rifle. Also the part after the church when it gets set on fire, I had to retry that so many times. I finally made it down and my character got physically stuck next to the helicopter. I could not move. I could only turn in circles. What happens next? I die. Only to start all that crap over again. It's those little things that really pissed me off. I really did enjoy the helicopter level though. If they whole game was like that minus the hijacking part, I would of enjoyed it a lot more.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I finally get in a game after trying for forever... and my ps3 promptly freezes up. Ha, well played, Kaos. Well played.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
alphaNoid said:
I still want to play the SP mainly because I absolutely adore, no love .. Red Dawn. I have to play it.

Play Freedom Fighters instead. I love Red Dawn too, Homefront is nothing like it.


ArjanN said:
Meh, I could easily make a video like that for every FPS ever made.

Meh, meh.... meh meh... no you couldn't. It was the first few minutes of the game. The person who recorded it didn't even have to go out of their way to do it.


Druz said:
Meh, meh.... meh meh... no you couldn't. It was the first few minutes of the game. The person who recorded it didn't even have to go out of their way to do it.
Sure you could. If you sift through YouTube you can find several videos showing evidence of invisible walls, dumb AI, etc.

It's a scripted game. What did you expect? I don't blame a developer for not accounting for players moving backwards -- it's not something they worry about. You're only doing yourself a disservice if you try to muck with the experience like that.

You've posted twice in this thread. Your first was that video. You have zero transparency so I wouldn't even bother arguing.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Good night of multiplayer tonight, getting ever closer to 50.

KAOS CHEFS (community manager) is posting a big update on all the issues on the official forums tomorrow, patches should be coming very soon.


Trucker Sexologist
Deadly Cyclone said:
Good night of multiplayer tonight, getting ever closer to 50.

KAOS CHEFS (community manager) is posting a big update on all the issues on the official forums tomorrow, patches should be coming very soon.
Any updates on the PC side?


soultron said:
Sure you could. If you sift through YouTube you can find several videos showing evidence of invisible walls, dumb AI, etc.

It's a scripted game. What did you expect? I don't blame a developer for not accounting for players moving backwards -- it's not something they worry about. You're only doing yourself a disservice if you try to muck with the experience like that.

You've posted twice in this thread. Your first was that video. You have zero transparency so I wouldn't even bother arguing.

I posted the video to share a laugh. My vent channel has been in awe(not the good kind) while working through this game. I don't have to post in here to show that I've been following the game. I would love to not talk about this on the official thread to sour your lovely night but where else? Anywho... Rock Paper Shotgun review said it best.


I'm starting to think those who doesn't like MP were playing TDM? I tried TDM last night and it was sniper fest, lots of sniping to runaway from. Going back to Ground Control is much better experience.

Can anyone tell me what am I suppose to do with yellow icon in Battle Commander mode? Sometime I get enemy name with skull icon, I think that means the game want me to kill him. Other times I get this strange icon of radio or something which I have no idea what I should do, control that area for a set period of time? Anybody has a link with those details for me to look at?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
SumGamer said:
I'm starting to think those who doesn't like MP were playing TDM? I tried TDM last night and it was sniper fest, lots of sniping to runaway from. Going back to Ground Control is much better experience.

It's people playing PC would be my guess. The weapons aren't balanced at all for the speed and accuracy you get with a mouse. Every weapon is hilariously lethal and it removes all tactics from the game. It's literally a game of who saw who first, there are no shoot outs.


Trucker Sexologist
Pylon_Trooper said:
Did you nab it on PC, Sapient?
Yep. I'm a 60fps kind of guy. But there seems to be something weird going on in certain GC maps. Some kind of memory leak is dragging the performance down. Otherwise, I've been having a pretty good time.
Well rented it tonight and just beat the sp in one sitting just to do it. It's pretty meh. None of the gun fights really feel exciting as the ai is basically almost whack a mole. Even more so then CoD.
SapientWolf said:
Yep. I'm a 60fps kind of guy. But there seems to be something weird going on in certain GC maps. Some kind of memory leak is dragging the performance down. Otherwise, I've been having a pretty good time.

I suppose getting this in a few days will coincide with some nice patches. Indeed, seems very much like a PC game...ground control mode sounds like the business.
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