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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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He came to her and
said that he didn't do it, then he shows up and kills the person who (in this universe) is "the largest impediment to peace" or whatever. Dana seems like she'd be able to piece that together after having seen Carrie with him and knowing what Carrie does.

The RGC general is an impediment to peace for those involved in or trying to influence U.S.-Iranian relations. Your average American teen isn't going to know shit about that.

LordCanti said:
There's no reason why they couldn't have been
working together. It would fit with Nazir's widow and the general both thinking that Brody had been a part of it.
If some part of that episode was the lawyers or whoever definitely saying that
he didn't do it and I missed it
, I digress. Someone ordered it, and two of the three people that it potentially could have been (the other being
) think that he was involved.

Like I said, I'm sure we're supposed to come away with the knowledge that
he wasn't involved
but they did a crappy job of proving it to us.

I don't have that episode memorized chapter and verse, but I'm pretty sure they made it clear that the nervous guy in the hotel -- who Javadi describes earlier as being one of Nazir's men -- was the one behind it, not Brody. I'm not sure there's any loose end there, iirc.


Decent enough. I feel there should have been some sort of redemption/resolution with Brody's family ... at least them finding out he wasn't the cause of the CIA bombing.

Not that I wanted to see anymore of Dana.


The RGC general is an impediment to peace for those involved in or trying to influence U.S.-Iranian relations. Your average American teen isn't going to know shit about that.

I could write the scene in two seconds. Cut to Dana in her motel room, with CNN asking the question
"Congressman Brody, traitor or American Hero?" and Dana just kind of weeping because she's figured it out.

Come on Showtime. You made us suffer through multiple episodes of her and you might as well have paid it off.

I don't have that episode memorized chapter and verse, but I'm pretty sure they made it clear that the nervous guy in the hotel -- who Javadi describes earlier as being one of Nazir's men -- was the one behind it, not Brody. I'm not sure there's any loose end there, iirc.

The loose end (plothole really) is everyone who should have known he wasn't involved seemingly not knowing he wasn't involved. They tried to quickly get rid of the question "who did it?" but kind of completely forgot about the implications of that when they were writing the "crazy middle east excursion" plot.

Not that I wanted to see anymore of Dana.

I don't want to see any more of her either, but this was the one time that it would have made sense.
Like I said before, I really don't know where they're going to go now with the show.

As this episode stands, it could have been a perfect series finale.
Danas early season focus even makes less sense now. Funny to see people saying she should be back tonight. Hell no would I go that far.

So we're supposed to get the point that Saul is done. Yeah right. Carrie's line "can I pick my own team?" Made it clear. Sauls going to be working under Carrie now.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Good finale. While not as good as season 1 I think the show recovered well from last season.

Part of me thinks the reason the writers also made it so that this episode could also serve as a series finale is because they know Shotime will never let the show go so they wanted to tie up the story they told in a little bow so that when folks recommend the show years from now they can tell folks to stop at the end of season 3.

Edit: There were a few scenes they showed at the beginning of the season in a preview that never made it into the show. I remember a scene with Dana praying (as a muslim) and a scene where the psycho boyfriend leaked the nude pics Dana sent him as revenge for breaking it off with him. Guess they cut them b/c fans were sick of Dana. Might also explain why the last few episodes have been running short. Glad they did though.
It's pretty exciting, though, that the show has a chance to reinvent itself. It's finally lost all the baggage of Brody and his insufferable family.

I was hoping that we'd be lucky to have S4 be all about the exciting CIA conspiracy antics of Carrie/Saul/Quinn/Farrah. But I'll take this blank slate over the mess that S2's finale left us with.

a scene where the psycho boyfriend leaked the nude pics Dana sent him as revenge for breaking it off with him.
I don't recall this scene in the preview.


Hmm not totally sold on
Brody being gone. You can fake a hanging and he would make one hell of a bargaining chip if Jovadi decides to turn.
It was a scene of Dana's mother holding up her phone and yelling at her asking her how she could be so stupid while basically waving the phone in her face. I put 2+2 together and assumed that's what happened.
Wait, I had only watched that (~3 minute long) S3 preview with that sad song in the background. Linky for me please?


Hunky Nostradamus
Very underwhelming finale. They really played up the whole star crossed lovers, us against the world thing, which has always been, by far, my least favorite part of the show. And it essentially comprised the entire episode.

Brody has outstayed his welcome ever since the season one finale, so I was glad to see him finally go. I felt a sense of relief - not sadness - when he died. It's like, now that the 800lb Brody family gorilla has finally been lifted off the show's back, maybe we can move on to a new phase - hopefully one where Carrie is sane and competent and professional again.

Really love the music playing over the final scene / credits. Suits the episode perfectly.

Agreed. The music at the end was very fitting.

If I go to work I won't cave and watch it. If I don't go depending on how I feel since I just had surgery on friday, I'll stay home and have nothing to do and cave.


:O You had surgery? Are you okay?

The finale just felt like it was going through the motions, everything you expected to happen happened.

Yep. No surprises or twists here - everything played out the way you thought it would.

First 10 minutes of the finale were watchable and then...nothing.

The first 10 minutes were definitely the best part of the episode. Brody's escape from the IRGC building was genuinely suspenseful, and after that my interest did drop off quite substantially.

Where do they go now or is that it?

It's been renewed for a fourth season, so that's definitely not it.
:O You had surgery? Are you okay?
long story short, don't procrastinate going to a dermatologist if you notice anything lol. I waited so long that the things they wanted to remove were too deep in my skin so needed surgery for removal. Lots of holes in my body stitched up but it's all goooooood.

Thanks for asking :p

Also the episode finally aired eh. So yeah felt like a series finale, gonna be funny to see how they bring everyone back into the thick of things.


Edit: There were a few scenes they showed at the beginning of the season in a preview that never made it into the show. I remember a scene with Dana praying (as a muslim) and a scene where the psycho boyfriend leaked the nude pics Dana sent him as revenge for breaking it off with him. Guess they cut them b/c fans were sick of Dana. Might also explain why the last few episodes have been running short. Glad they did though.

I remembered that as well, also there was another scene missing from the season too, with Brody shooting dudes in a shotgun while riding in a jeep.



Here's the trailer (2:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXOUIsu-E0Q
They've certainly set themselves up with a nice big reset button, and it's hard to see them not using it considering how many running threads/problems they've now taken care of, I just hope they take this opportunity and do something good instead of falling back into the late-years-24 bullshit they've been enamored with for the last season and a half. I'll give it a couple episodes, their "nothing else I watch on Sundays anymore so why not" free pass has pretty much expired.


Hunky Nostradamus
long story short, don't procrastinate going to a dermatologist if you notice anything lol. I waited so long that the things they wanted to remove were too deep in my skin so needed surgery for removal. Lots of holes in my body stitched up but it's all goooooood.

Thanks for asking :p

Ack, that's shitty. I hope you feel better soon! <3
Carrie's final conversation with Lockhart made me think... Since they insisted on doing the Carrie / Brody stuff this season, they should have just stolen the Snake / Boss storyline from Metal Gear Solid 3. That would have been awesome.


The loose end (plothole really) is everyone who should have known he wasn't involved seemingly not knowing he wasn't involved. They tried to quickly get rid of the question "who did it?" but kind of completely forgot about the implications of that when they were writing the "crazy middle east excursion" plot.

I'm having a hard time parsing your wording here - what's the plot hole? Who would have known that the bombing was done by the other guy but acted as if it was Brody?

I remembered that as well, also there was another scene missing from the season too, with Brody shooting dudes in a shotgun while riding in a jeep.



Here's the trailer (2:26) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXOUIsu-E0Q

I guess this was the border crossing gone wrong?
Carrie's final conversation with Lockhart made me think... Since they insisted on doing the Carrie / Brody stuff this season, they should have just stolen the Snake / Boss storyline from Metal Gear Solid 3. That would have been awesome.
see I'm not the only one to notice the MGS3 parallels.

Deku Tree

Carrie was really acting un-like Carrie towards the end of the episode when she was talking to the director. Yes sir. No sir. Thank you sir. Etc.


Carrie's final conversation with Lockhart made me think... Since they insisted on doing the Carrie / Brody stuff this season, they should have just stolen the Snake / Boss storyline from Metal Gear Solid 3. That would have been awesome.

Except The Boss
was never truly a traitor and Brody was

Brody attempted to kill the VP and a bunch of top political and military leaders, he then later on succeeded in killing the VP of the US. So what he didn't bomb Langley, as Saul stated to him when he got captured "we both know what you are and what you've done" (loosely paraphrasing). In the end, he got a chance to redeem himself a little bit but he certainly doesn't deserve a fucking parade or a goddamn star on the CIA wall. It's like the writers want us to seemingly forget all of the bad things that Brody has done throughout the series and just remember the one good thing he did in S3.


Except The Boss
was never truly a traitor and Brody was

Brody attempted to kill the VP and a bunch of top political and military leaders, he then later on succeeded in killing the VP of the US. So what he didn't bomb Langley, as Saul stated to him when he got captured "we both know what you are and what you've done" (loosely paraphrasing). In the end, he got a chance to redeem himself a little bit but he certainly doesn't deserve a fucking parade or a goddamn star on the CIA wall. It's like the writers want us to seemingly forget all of the bad things that Brody has done throughout the series and just remember the one good thing he did in S3.

How is killing the VP a bad thing compared to killing the head of the IRGC?
Both were pieces of shit who deserved, if not death, a punishment of some sort. I certainly don't blame Brody for killing the VP.
That's what I liked about the show back in season 1. Another perspective.


How is killing the VP a bad thing compared to killing the head of the IRGC?
Both were pieces of shit who deserved, if not death, a punishment of some sort. I certainly don't blame Brody for killing the VP.
That's what I liked about the show back in season 1. Another perspective.

Because he betrayed his country? It's not a matter of perspective, t
he US government in MGS3 is corrupt and evil run by a secret cabal of power crazed individuals. The Boss still carried out the mission assigned to her by them, no matter what she refused to betray her country even if it meant sacrificing her own life, she was a true patriot.
Nicholas Brody killed the VP because he felt personally inclined to do so after being tortured and brainwashed by Nazir into feeling that the coverup of the drone strike meant that he and all top US officials needed to die.

He is not a Patriot, he was a weak person who ended becoming the pawn of whoever was in control over him.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
"I just didn't think it through." - Carrie describing almost everything she did this season.

Seriously, Carrie and Saul clearly never spent a single moment considering what would happen after Brody killed Akbari. Carrie sits there with a pie-in-the-sky fantasy of Brody somehow being able to have a life in America. Saul doesn't appear to think about any of the details, like how Iran reacts to this, he acts as if Javadi would replace Akbari in some magical seamless transition. *poof* New man with new western friendly ideas. Saul hadn't even considered that it'd be Javadi in charge of capturing Brody and that him failing wouldn't exactly help the plan. C'mon.

Gotta love how Saul was so incredibly hands-off about this mission that he didn't even know the extraction wasn't happening until fucking Carrie calls him from Iran. He's a little too concerned with carefully wrapping picture frames than paying attention to a military incursion into Iran to complete his operation.

Javadi must be a miracle worker to sway Iran's highest levels of leadership to make such a deal over a mere 4 months. Apparently Iran loves going to the negotiating table 4 months after an American kills their 3rd highest ranking official.

That was a surprisingly pleasant mob at Brody's execution, being so tolerant of the crazy weeping white lady shouting Brody's name.

Good thing they finally tried to explain why Akbari was such an evil dude. It's always best to establish your barely present villain after he's dead.

Also, this episode featured a stellar return of the super stealthy Iranian military. Big props to those guys for getting all those vehicles so close to the building while being quieter than the distant noises of helicopter rotors.

Plotholes aside the episode again was just average and made me ended up hating Carrie even more. Really? As soon as she gets captured she starts mentioning Javadi, after that point I'm officially ready to call Carrie a traitor to the US and the most dangerous person working at the CIA. When they jumped forward four months later and she still had a job I was shocked. She's now unequivocally proven she will sell out the US for her own personal gain. And then Saul is kicked out and hanging on the beach just because, as if that operation wouldn't have secured his place in Washington forever. Then at the end Carrie starts crying because mean old Sen. Lockhart wont give Brody a star, the same Brody who killed the VP if the US but that everyone including the writers want us to forget.
It was hilarious when Carrie immediately tossed out Javadi's name. Naturally, in this world non-main characters don't exist in any meaningful way, so no one will ever pursue Carrie and Brody's unusual relationship with Javadi. Despite her absolute best efforts, Carrie rarely succeeds in blowing ops.

Carrie's proven so abundantly insubordinate and incompetent, she's rewarded with a station chief position. Hoo boy.

Carrie, do you seriously not understand why Brody's name can't be put on the wall? Do you have even the remotest sense that there is a world outside of you and your love? And then she fucking draws on it.

Very underwhelming finale. They really played up the whole star crossed lovers, us against the world thing, which has always been, by far, my least favorite part of the show. And it essentially comprised the entire episode.

That was the worst, when Carrie said it pretty much explicitly.


We still dont know who the mole is?

we still dont know who or why Saul was being tailed by Iranian intelligence.

Loose ends.


"I just didn't think it through." - Carrie describing almost everything she did this season.

Seriously, Carrie and Saul clearly never spent a single moment considering what would happen after Brody killed Akbari. Carrie sits there with a pie-in-the-sky fantasy of Brody somehow being able to have a life in America. Saul doesn't appear to think about any of the details, like how Iran reacts to this, he acts as if Javadi would replace Akbari in some magical seamless transition. *poof* New man with new western friendly ideas. Saul hadn't even considered that it'd be Javadi in charge of capturing Brody and that him failing wouldn't exactly help the plan. C'mon.

Gotta love how Saul was so incredibly hands-off about this mission that he didn't even know the extraction wasn't happening until fucking Carrie calls him from Iran. He's a little too concerned with carefully wrapping picture frames than paying attention to a military incursion into Iran to complete his operation.

Javadi must be a miracle worker to sway Iran's highest levels of leadership to make such a deal over a mere 4 months. Apparently Iran loves going to the negotiating table 4 months after an American kills their 3rd highest ranking official.

That was a surprisingly pleasant mob at Brody's execution, being so tolerant of the crazy weeping white lady shouting Brody's name.

Good thing they finally tried to explain why Akbari was such an evil dude. It's always best to establish your barely present villain after he's dead.

Also, this episode featured a stellar return of the super stealthy Iranian military. Big props to those guys for getting all those vehicles so close to the building while being quieter than the distant noises of helicopter rotors.

It was hilarious when Carrie immediately tossed out Javadi's name. Naturally, in this world non-main characters don't exist in any meaningful way, so no one will ever pursue Carrie and Brody's unusual relationship with Javadi. Despite her absolute best efforts, Carrie rarely succeeds in blowing ops.

Carrie's proven so abundantly insubordinate and incompetent, she's rewarded with a station chief position. Hoo boy.

Carrie, do you seriously not understand why Brody's name can't be put on the wall? Do you have even the remotest sense that there is a world outside of you and your love? And then she fucking draws on it.

That was the worst, when Carrie said it pretty much explicitly.

Yup, that's why I can't even criticize the potholes in the show because they are so substantial you just have to roll with it, thus at the very least I confine myself to hoping that the characters make sense along with the overall message of the story. Because really, Iran who just months ago who was hailing the Langley Bomber as a hero in the public's eye, denouncing the US, is all buddy buddy because an Iranian Intelligence official has been killed.

There was only one truly remarkable episode this season and that was the one where Carrie goes and turns Javadi and he proceeds to murder his family. Saull thought he had everything planned out and controlled but in the end he found out just how fragile control is. But, then what did the show do after that episode? Nothing. There is absolutely nothing done with this small theme presented and no repercussions to Javadi's actions. Yup, he killed his ex-wife and daughter-in-law, so what? Moving on then.

It really shows that the writers have no real handle on where they want their story to go or what they truly think Homeland is about.
The more I think about it, the more I really don't want more Homeland if Saul/Carrie/Quinn aren't working together.
The whole espionage operation from this season was just so much fun to watch with them all together.

We still dont know who the mole is?

we still dont know who or why Saul was being tailed by Iranian intelligence.

Loose ends.
I can easily see them just ignoring that mole plotline going forward.
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