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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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You gotta be kidding me



That was a really good finale, pity with each ep I watch the less I can stand of Carrie, her character just grates on me or at least the last 2 seasons it's been that way.


Oh you guys watching the leaked episodes.

Always watch my stuff live on Showtime. Guess everybody doesn't have a subscription to Showtime though.
If I go to work I won't cave and watch it. If I don't go depending on how I feel since I just had surgery on friday, I'll stay home and have nothing to do and cave.



I find it funny how Showtime tries to beef up security and secrecy by not sending any (low quality watermarked) screeners of the final episodes to critics, but the episodes always manage to leak in perfect HD quality anyway.


I have no idea about the logistics of getting an episode up for simulcasting, but that definitely seems to be where the hole is with these things. Someone is finding them on their servers early or something. I'd think there would be a way to keep the file locally until it was actually time to make it live, but then again, I have no idea how far in advance they like to get these files to local caching servers and such or if they do that at all. If they don't, there's no reason for that file to hit an internet connected computer before it's go time.

Either way, as long as people keep subscribing, I guess it's not a huge issue.
I just don't get why they let that news out early about the brody family. Wouldn't they want to save that for after the finale? Showtime cares for spoilers not lol.


mediocre, typical showtime finale. i'm done with the show for good now. i jumped back in when the dana shit ended this season, i'm done for good now.


Showtime are idiots when it comes to their web content. Every fucking week it gets posted early and they are ripping it directly from Showtime. Idiots.


mediocre, typical showtime finale. i'm done with the show for good now. i jumped back in when the dana shit ended this season, i'm done for good now.

I'm gonna have to agree with you.

The finale just felt like it was going through the motions, everything you expected to happen happened. Anybody that thought Brody was getting out alive was a fool, also major LOL at the fact that Brody was able to escape from the IRGC facility and make it to the outskirts of town. It's like the writers thought, "if he makes it out of the building he's home free." As if they don't have a massive police force, satellites, traffics cams, the drivers cellphone to track, and perhaps even the ability to disable cars which are property of the State remotely.

Plotholes aside the episode again was just average and made me ended up hating Carrie even more. Really? As soon as she gets captured she starts mentioning Javadi, after that point I'm officially ready to call Carrie a traitor to the US and the most dangerous person working at the CIA. When they jumped forward four months later and she still had a job I was shocked. She's now unequivocally proven she will sell out the US for her own personal gain. And then Saul is kicked out and hanging on the beach just because, as if that operation wouldn't have secured his place in Washington forever. Then at the end Carrie starts crying because mean old Sen. Lockhart wont give Brody a star, the same Brody who killed the VP of the US and that apparently everyone, including the writers, want us to forget about.


At the end of the day, after everything that happened, what did we learn by this season? I can't think of one message or overarching theme of the season other than "Love Will Make You Do Anything." It wasn't some critique on spy games and the collateral damage they inflict, or some debate about sacrifices made for the greater good. Brody died, Ackbari was killed, and the US won, hoorah! They even managed a way to wiggle Carrie out of keeping the baby if they choose to.

Where do we even go from here? Everything seems tied up and done. I tell you what I would like, a fresh start. No more Crazy Traitor Carrie, a new protagonist, new characters, new threats, the only people I would like to see return is Saul and Dar Adal everyone else can go.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Blown away by the finale.

Major Spoilers:

Watching Brody's death was actually really gut wrenching. I think it was due to how it was shot, it felt very surreal. The air of dread hung over every moment leading up to it. In the end even Brody accepted it, everyone except you know who.

Saul retiring? They pretty much openly say he'll come back to work. His poor wife.

I wonder if she gives her baby to her dad or not.

Honestly, the finale felt like a show closer, wrapping everything up but leaving obvious trails for any future projects. To think they are going full steam into another season after this feels weird.

All the bad guys are dead. All the major players are sorted. Essentially they'll be rebooting the show as some kind of CIA catches the bad guys while an unstable woman tries not to fuck everything up. Sounds kinda boring. Which makes me wonder what they will do to keep folks watching.

Anyways, fantastic finale. Highlight of the entire season no doubt.


Even with spoiler tags, there is something innately uncool about discussing an episode before its air date - doubly so for a finale.
Even with spoiler tags, there is something innately uncool about discussing an episode before its air date - doubly so for a finale.
For all intents and purposes, the episode is out. It's been aired by Showtime's leaky servers.

For a subscription-based network like Showtime, it's not like everyone's watching at the same time anyway.


I'll post my full thoughts tomorrow after it airs but that was an incredible finale, everything I could've hoped for.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Between Homeland, Grimm, TWD and a few other of my go to shows - this winter season has been pretty fucking excellent for getting past early stumbles of the shows/seasons and really moving forward in an entertaining way.

Won't be watching the leak (me and the lady catch this together and i'd probably have to nab it at work so I can wait) ... but this seems like the perfect time to basically clean house. The only thing i'm really curious about is how they would move forward after this season. I don't see how they can keep any trace of a realistic tone if Brody makes it out of Tehran. Like he's a good sniper and a dedicated crazy person but he's not fucking Big Boss. Carrie's shtick is running reeeeaaaaal thin these days. I actually really like Danes but if i have to look at her "crazy person crying and freaking out" face one more time i might kill myself. Dana and Mom gone? Awesome should have happened before this season started.

I remember having a conversation about what the show would have looked like if Brody would have gone through with his plan in season 1... what it would be about and who it would follow and such. I'm just not sure if essentially a "CIA" show will captivate without Brody AND Saul. If they get rid of the Brodester it makes me curious who the next red-headed assassin/spy/terrorist/senator is gonna be...

BUT - all this doesn't matter. Just another few weeks and Justified returns to make everyone else look like they are making reruns of Lazy Town.
awesome finale!

Great to see brody die, I was sad that carrie didnt... she should have been killed to, her character is just so fucking stupid that she deserved to get killed
Watched the finale. It was decent enough, whilst still not being great.

Chris Brody being used in the op to get his dad out of Tehran was certainly the last thing I expected. Saw the Dana suicide coming since early in the season. It was obvious she would attempt it again. Not unwelcome.[/spioler]


I guess we're doing this?

I know they had to get rid of Brody (that them letting him go through with it to begin with would have been incredible TV) but it's still kind of sad to see him go. The plan to send him there was batshit crazy and beyond stupid, but it was entertaining to watch while it was unfolding. You'd think Carrie would have learned not to trust anyone when it came to Brody's safety, but right to the safe house she went. I don't know how Javadi (Jabadi? Whatever) explained to his men that Carrie was all "Hey guys, I know Javadi, this is some kind of mistake" and the truth of what happened spreading around the agency as "The Maestro" kind of ensures that they're going to be found out. I mean, realistically speaking. The flashforward seems to show them not being found out at all. I still don't know why anyone that should have known he didn't do it last season was completely in the dark this season. We still don't know who the fuck did it.

They missed a trick in not showing Dana in front of a TV learning that her father had done something...good? Not good, but decent? I guess? Patriotic? At least she'd have had confirmation that he didn't do it. Whatever. They missed that opportunity, as well as the opportunity to have it drive her back to her family (never to be seen or heard ever again).

This felt like a series finale and if it was, I'd be okay with it. I don't know what a Season 4 looks like at this point... Carrie's baby wailing while Carrie cries in the fetal position, set against the backdrop of Turkey? Quinn was so underused in the past couple of episodes, so I guess we can hold out hope that he's more directly involved?

This season as a whole was a step back for me, and I'm kind of afraid they can't right the ship. I'm very interested to see where they go from here.

Edit: S4 casting spoilers. Don't read if you haven't watched the finale/seen those spoilers, unless you want to know

I hope they've really marginalized Dana and her mom for next season. Without Brody, there is absolutely no reason for them to be on the show. I don't want to see Carrie interacting with them, but if they show like a two minute clip of her outside their house, looking in the window as Mike, Dana, Chris, and their mother have a meal or something, that'd be okay. Beyond that? No thanks.


I liked hte finale a whole lot, it was a long time coming but I'm not a big fan of how Brody went away. It made sense for what the story called for but in homeland-fashion it was highly melodramatic. I quite enjoyed the second half of hte episode, it totally felt like a series finale. I would have hoped that Quinn would go with Carrie to Istanbul but we'll see. It was better than season 2 I feel, I think I'll be back next season.
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