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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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They sort of resolve it this season.

We're left to believe that he didn't, but we don't know who did. Without that knowledge, it is very hard to say that he didn't. He says he didn't, but those that should know who did are pretty quick to accept that he did. One guy says he didn't, but is realllll cagey about it.


They sort of resolve it this season.

We're left to believe that he didn't, but we don't know who did. Without that knowledge, it is very hard to say that he didn't. He says he didn't, but those that should know who did are pretty quick to accept that he did. One guy says he didn't, but is realllll cagey about it.

Brody didn't do it, the Season makes that pretty clear. In fact Season 3 goes out of its way to make us feel like Brody is the victim and is innocent of everything.


just watched it

was ok I guess. Felt more like a series ending than anything else with the brody arc wrapping up. Don't where they will go from here. I just think it would be impossible to like anything homeland does after watching a great season 1. This season was a step up from season 2, but at the same time I don't know where this leaves us now. Usually with dramas with season endings I like the feeling of which direction the show is heading next. I have no fucking idea in this one. I guess Instanbul Adventures? Eh, we'll just have to see

Also I just knew that moment when carrie is all like "what do you want to happen next :D" She's expecting an answer of when we go back let's move in together and raise a family. When she doesn't get the answer she was looking for, just had to drop the bomb and say she's preggers.


Brody didn't do it, the Season makes that pretty clear. In fact Season 3 goes out of its way to make us feel like Brody is the victim and is innocent of everything.

Does it though? We don't find out
who did it. Nazir's widow (who is clearly still connected) accepts that Brody did it at face value, as does the general. The season starts out with the claim that it was the Iranians, but the only Iranian we ever hear talk about it says that it was Nazir's men, and the general has no idea it wasn't Brody, which means that it was either Javadi acting without state sponsorship (why?) or Brody. If it WAS Nazir's men, would one of them really not have picked up the phone and blown the whole thing?

I'm sure it's just poor writing and they really wanted us to come away with the knowledge that
he didn't do it
but they really didn't do a great job of cementing that.
Metal Gear Solid reference for the season finale.
So basically Brody was like The Boss. Let me quote MGS3:

Carrie, history will ever know what he did. No one will ever learn the truth. His story... his debriefing, will endure only in your heart. Everything he did, he did for his country. He sacrificed his life and honor for his native land. He was a real hero. He was a true patriot.


why arent people spreading the joy? i really dont understand.

its not a big deal, but im just asking, someone who has seen it, can you not spread the joy? wtf!
Metal Gear Solid reference for the season finale.
So basically Brody was like The Boss. Let me quote MGS3:

Carrie, history will ever know what he did. No one will ever learn the truth. His story... his debriefing, will endure only in your heart. Everything he did, he did for his country. He sacrificed his life and honor for his native land. He was a real hero. He was a true patriot.

Please don't compare MGS3's grandeur to this garbage.

First 10 minutes of the finale were watchable and then...nothing. This should have been the end of the series. Either way, I'm not wasting any more time on the Misadventures of Crazy Carrie.


These finale fells more like series finale than a season, i don't know where this will go from now, they should have made a cliffhanger just to create the feeling that there is more to come.

Also why after all the screw ups Carrie made on this season, the CIA director decide to keep her and not only that but also promote her

But overall i liked the season and this last episode
Good season finale but is true that if feels like
a series finale, but it makes sense because the show will not be the same next year, is going to be like a new show. I wanted Brody to survive so I'm not happy but they put themselves in a corner with that storyline.


Yup the finale is definitely "out there". Bloody hell Showtime, keep that shit locked up before it airs.

Thread over at Reddit has this comment:

The early releases are WEBDL's ripped from various international iTunes stores. This season the Australian iTunes store has been uploading episodes a few hours prior to their airing on Showtime. Last season the early rips were from the German iTunes store.
The leak of the finale is a web rip, not from iTunes like the others. I'm not sure what the source of it is but damn it's nice quality for a web rip.

So it's probably from some server that Showtime does not control. I'll be watching football all day so I'll have it on my DVR to watch it tomorrow night.
DAMN wat a turn around this season is. My top show this season post Breaking Bad.
I'll be happy
if that's how the series end next season will just be Extended Universe stuff.


I haven't watched the finale yet but Carrie keeps annoying the piss out of me by just being a stubborn ass. And, magically, every time she does something Saul or the agency doesn't want she always turns out right or resolves a situation. It's such bullshit.


Where do they go from here? I felt like it was a good series finale.


Carrie doesn't walk like a eight month pregnant woman


I haven't watched the finale yet but Carrie keeps annoying the piss out of me by just being a stubborn ass. And, magically, every time she does something Saul or the agency doesn't want she always turns out right or resolves a situation. It's such bullshit.

I feel the same way. I just started watching this show a couple weeks ago, and forced my way up to the second or third episode of season 3 before I quit. I absolutely cannot stand the Carrie character for pretty much the reasons you stated. She is annoying as fuck.
Great finale.

I really wish it was the series finale though...
The Brody arc is finally done. Saul is retired. Quinn wanted to get out. Carrie has a new job.
But since it's a Showtime series, you know it's just going downhill from here.

I really, really don't want this show without Mandy Patinkin. Loved him as Saul...


Brody was a victim/sacrificed pawn in the end, just as he was throughout the series. Even after the missteps, they gave his arc a satisfying conclusion, which counts for a lot.


Where do they go from here? I felt like it was a good series finale.



Carrie doesn't walk like a eight month pregnant woman

Agreed on that. You'd of though given she's been through it that she'd be a bit more aware of that tbh.

Overall I enjoyed it. I thought they played it well, if a little predictable. Hanging was a bit weird in how it was carried out, though I guess they did their research. I was expecting a bit of a tap dance going on at the end as he expired in truth. It was always going to be a case that Carrie was going to go off the deep end a bit, but ultimately it was the end of the line for Brody, and I'm kind of glad that despite her disobeying his request he didn't see her in the crowd. No need for that sort of schmaltz.

Kind of unsure as to how they are going to proceed with the show moving forward. They've effectively hit the reset button, but with Saul out the picture it's difficult to see where they can take it. Senator Lockhart is pretty one dimensional 'belligerent asshole' as far characters and actors go. So unless there's a 'regime change' in the office it's a conundrum.

If they call it a day and wrap the series at that I must admit I wouldn't be unhappy.

Must admit when they panned out from Saul's holiday retreat I was half expecting to a see a sniper team scoping up, for a bit of retaliation work, Thank god they didn't go there.

Sure hope Damien Lewis gets a sweet high profile gig somewhere else. He was great in Band of Brothers, but he awesome as Brody in this.


What makes you guys think Saul is completely out of the show? Did they announce that he is no longer a series regular?

He's not in the CIA having been released by Lockhart and he's working in the (unspecified exactly how) private sector (probably as a security consultant at a guess). The guys no longer part of the Agency, where as Carrie is. It's going to be hard to bring them together in a meaningful way. Especially given she's not a foot soldier any more either.


Great finale, very well-directed too.
Brody's death was actually far more gut-wrenching to watch than I expected, so kudos on the writers for pulling that off as well as they did.

LordCanti said:
They missed a trick in not showing Dana in front of a TV learning that her father had done something...good? Not good, but decent? I guess? Patriotic? At least she'd have had confirmation that he didn't do it. Whatever. They missed that opportunity, as well as the opportunity to have it drive her back to her family (never to be seen or heard ever again).

How would she know? It's not like Brody has been absolved of the Langley bombing.

They sort of resolve it this season.

We're left to believe that he didn't, but we don't know who did. Without that knowledge, it is very hard to say that he didn't. He says he didn't, but those that should know who did are pretty quick to accept that he did. One guy says he didn't, but is realllll cagey about it.

We saw the guy who did it. He was killed by that attorney, when Quinn shot Carrie in the arm to stop her from blowing the mission.
Brief thoughts on the finale:
Although pretty predictable, I thought it was well done. Nicely directed by Glatter. They did very little setting up for the next season though, someone could easily stop watching at this point and it's not like they would be left wondering about much.
Re: finale -

Did anyone else think
for a second that at the very end of the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?

The way it was scripted/shot/edited was exactly the same as if they would have had it blown up right there.
Re: finale -

Did anyone else think
for a second that in the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?

I actually said
boom once it wide shot.


Re: finale -

Did anyone else think
for a second that at the very end of the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?

The way it was scripted/shot/edited was exactly the same as if they would have had it blown up right there.

I thought for sure it was going to pull back and reveal a sniper :lol


you speak so well
if S4 is without Carrie who stopped adding any value to the show back in S2 and from what I have read has only got worse, I would be all over it.

Focus the show on Saul, please. I don't care how they do it but I would watch the shit out of that show.
What makes you guys think Saul is completely out of the show? Did they announce that he is no longer a series regular?
Well there was something about him not being contractually obligated to keep his beard haha. So yeah, I'm guessing that he is done with the show, at least for now. Which makes me really sad.
Focus the show on Saul, please. I don't care how they do it but I would watch the shit out of that show.

Agreed, he is my favorite character on the show. Have him and Quinn team up somewhere.


Same. I'm kind of glad that despite her disobeying his request he didn't see her in the crowd. No need for that sort of schmaltz.

I thought he did see her in the crowd? He looks in her direction when she's calling out his name, and then he struggles a bit, like he's trying to break free or something.


How would she know? It's not like Brody has been absolved of the Langley bombing.

He came to her and
said that he didn't do it, then he shows up and kills the person who (in this universe) is "the largest impediment to peace" or whatever. Dana seems like she'd be able to piece that together after having seen Carrie with him and knowing what Carrie does.

We saw the guy who did it. He was killed by that attorney, when Quinn shot Carrie in the arm to stop her from blowing the mission.

There's no reason why they couldn't have been
working together. It would fit with Nazir's widow and the general both thinking that Brody had been a part of it.
If some part of that episode was the lawyers or whoever definitely saying that
he didn't do it and I missed it
, I digress. Someone ordered it, and two of the three people that it potentially could have been (the other being
) think that he was involved.

Like I said, I'm sure we're supposed to come away with the knowledge that
he wasn't involved
but they did a crappy job of proving it to us.

Re: finale -

Did anyone else think
for a second that at the very end of the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?

The way it was scripted/shot/edited was exactly the same as if they would have had it blown up right there.

No, but I was kind of thinking that
the party was going to go up in flames
due to the way it was shot.

I thought he did see her in the crowd? He looks in her direction when she's calling out his name, and then he struggles a bit, like he's trying to break free or something.

He did.

Feeling sad. Where do they go now or is that it?

S4 is already happening. Who knows where they go from there. Carrie's not going to quit being a spook, so either she's going to try to juggle that and having a kid, or we go back to square 1 where Carrie is in the field and sans Brody

I thought for sure it was going to pull back and reveal a sniper :lol

That was pretty much what I thought was going to happen as well.


Well there was something about him not being contractually obligated to keep his beard haha. So yeah, I'm guessing that he is done with the show, at least for now. Which makes me really sad.

Shit. I did not know he'd done that. Kind of crazy that he took it off, though understandable if his wife hated it and his role is over. Definitely a concern as to whether that signals an end to the series.

Agreed, he is my favorite character on the show. Have him and Quinn team up somewhere.

I was thinking Quinn might of been moving in on Carrie. They'd been pushing this vibe of him giving a shit about her throughout this series and I was wondering if they were going to somehow play that out in the car park scene. Not necessarily that he was tapping her given her condition, but that there was some fledgling relationship developing there post Brody. Kind of surprised they didn't imply something as it seemed like an easy fit, but I guess it leaves them open assuming there is a further series.

I thought he did see her in the crowd? He looks in her direction when she's calling out his name, and then he struggles a bit, like he's trying to break free or something.

Dude was choking out. I doubt he could hear shit aside from the blood pounding in his head, let alone focus. Either way, no 'I love you' goodbye BS


Re: finale -

Did anyone else think
for a second that at the very end of the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?

The way it was scripted/shot/edited was exactly the same as if they would have had it blown up right there.

Yea I thought so too.
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