Please tell me that he did do it?
...huh? Your jump to conclusion makes no sense![]()
They sort of resolve it this season.
We're left to believe that he didn't, but we don't know who did. Without that knowledge, it is very hard to say that he didn't. He says he didn't, but those that should know who did are pretty quick to accept that he did. One guy says he didn't, but is realllll cagey about it.
Brody didn't do it, the Season makes that pretty clear. In fact Season 3 goes out of its way to make us feel like Brody is the victim and is innocent of everything.
Metal Gear Solid reference for the season finale.So basically Brody was like The Boss. Let me quote MGS3:
Carrie, history will ever know what he did. No one will ever learn the truth. His story... his debriefing, will endure only in your heart. Everything he did, he did for his country. He sacrificed his life and honor for his native land. He was a real hero. He was a true patriot.
Yup the finale is definitely "out there". Bloody hell Showtime, keep that shit locked up before it airs.
The early releases are WEBDL's ripped from various international iTunes stores. This season the Australian iTunes store has been uploading episodes a few hours prior to their airing on Showtime. Last season the early rips were from the German iTunes store.
The leak of the finale is a web rip, not from iTunes like the others. I'm not sure what the source of it is but damn it's nice quality for a web rip.
So I guess the show is now Homeland?: 24 Version 2.0
I haven't watched the finale yet but Carrie keeps annoying the piss out of me by just being a stubborn ass. And, magically, every time she does something Saul or the agency doesn't want she always turns out right or resolves a situation. It's such bullshit.
The Star
Saul plans a rescue as Brody struggles to find redemption.
Please don't compare MGS3's grandeur to this garbage.
First 10 minutes of the finale were watchable and then...nothing. This should have been the end of the series. Either way, I'm not wasting any more time on the Misadventures of Crazy Carrie.
I wonder what happens.Season finale tonight:
Where do they go from here? I felt like it was a good series finale.
Carrie doesn't walk like a eight month pregnant woman
What makes you guys think Saul is completely out of the show? Did they announce that he is no longer a series regular?
LordCanti said:They missed a trick in not showing Dana in front of a TV learning that her father had done something...good? Not good, but decent? I guess? Patriotic? At least she'd have had confirmation that he didn't do it. Whatever. They missed that opportunity, as well as the opportunity to have it drive her back to her family (never to be seen or heard ever again).
They sort of resolve it this season.
We're left to believe that he didn't, but we don't know who did. Without that knowledge, it is very hard to say that he didn't. He says he didn't, but those that should know who did are pretty quick to accept that he did. One guy says he didn't, but is realllll cagey about it.
Re: finale -
Did anyone else thinkfor a second that in the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?
Re: finale -
Did anyone else thinkfor a second that at the very end of the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?
The way it was scripted/shot/edited was exactly the same as if they would have had it blown up right there.
if S4 is without Carrie who stopped adding any value to the show back in S2 and from what I have read has only got worse, I would be all over it.
What makes you guys think Saul is completely out of the show? Did they announce that he is no longer a series regular?
Focus the show on Saul, please. I don't care how they do it but I would watch the shit out of that show.
Same. I'm kind of glad that despite her disobeying his request he didn't see her in the crowd. No need for that sort of schmaltz.
How would she know? It's not like Brody has been absolved of the Langley bombing.
What?We saw the guy who did it. He was killed by that attorney, when Quinn shot Carrie in the arm to stop her from blowing the mission.
Re: finale -
Did anyone else thinkfor a second that at the very end of the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?
The way it was scripted/shot/edited was exactly the same as if they would have had it blown up right there.
I thought he did see her in the crowd? He looks in her direction when she's calling out his name, and then he struggles a bit, like he's trying to break free or something.
Feeling sad. Where do they go now or is that it?
I thought for sure it was going to pull back and reveal a sniper :lol
Well there was something about him not being contractually obligated to keep his beard haha. So yeah, I'm guessing that he is done with the show, at least for now. Which makes me really sad.
Agreed, he is my favorite character on the show. Have him and Quinn team up somewhere.
I thought he did see her in the crowd? He looks in her direction when she's calling out his name, and then he struggles a bit, like he's trying to break free or something.
Re: finale -
Did anyone else thinkfor a second that at the very end of the first post-Brody-death scene with Saul and his wife on the roof patio, that when they did that shot of him opening a package (yeah I know it was pastries, and this makes little sense), then cut to a really wide shot of the patio, that it was going to blow up?
The way it was scripted/shot/edited was exactly the same as if they would have had it blown up right there.
Where was that scene shot with Saul near the end??? Would LOVE to visit there at some point.
Where was that scene shot with Saul near the end??? Would LOVE to visit there at some point.