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Homeland: Season 3 - |Pledge Allegiance|

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I'm so torn on this. I really want to drop it, because I hated Season Two. It wasn't just the plot itself, but I felt every fundamental thing about the writing (top to bottom) - went in a direction I did not like at all. I know shows can sometimes have a bad season, and bounce back. But then I consider that this is on Showtime. And clearly there is something wrong at this network, if every single show of their's is run into the ground. So I already know Homeland will go on for 8 seasons, and will just continue to get worse.


But apart of me loved Season One so much, it wants to give this season one last try.


Not exactly sure why I watch this show, given its gross implausibility, but I'm a "fan". Lol. Should be interesting to see what impact Quinn has this season. First time watching alongside GAF.

Oh, and I hate Brody's daughter. Homeland's Skyler.
All their big ones, meaning just Dexter and Weeds? On a channel with 10+ series? C'mon. Showtime isn't that bad.

Exactly. They ran their two biggest hits into the ground, which is something plenty of networks do.

+Cancelled The Borgias
+Ran Californication into the ground

They have a shitty rep for a reason

Californication was never anything other than a total mediocrity. The idea that it could be run into the ground is laughable.

You won't find a bigger booster for The Borgias on the forum than me but its ratings were straight up awful and Neil Jordan didn't want to make another entire season. I wish Showtime had let him make the 2 hour wrap up movie, but I totally get why they didn't.


So if they aren't running (good) shows into the ground, they are cancelling them or they are mediocre? That's what your saying right?


All their big ones, meaning just Dexter and Weeds? On a channel with 10+ series? C'mon. Showtime isn't that bad.

Nice to see somebody sticking up for SHO.

It's the "in" thing around GAF, to bash Showtime :p


We need more Cinemax action series to go a long with Basnhee and Strike Back


All their big ones, meaning just Dexter and Weeds? On a channel with 10+ series? C'mon. Showtime isn't that bad.

Showtime really hasn't taken off since those shows. My point was, all their major shows so far that has brought them their ratings, they have had them on air for too long, and burnt them out.

I'm not sure I want to take that risk with Homeland, especially when I didn't like Season 2. To each his/her own.


Season 1: Top-notch tv.

Season 2: ...wut?

Season 3: ???

Lets get it poppin.

EDIT: This hearing scene...Jesus, Carrie's facial expressions...show just started and already Claire Danes is turning in Best of Season acting.


Hunky Nostradamus
We need more Cinemax action series to go a long with Basnhee and Strike Back

Next year! :O

My point was, all their major shows so far that has brought them their ratings, they have had them on air for too long, and burnt them out.

I'm not sure I want to take that risk with Homeland, especially when I didn't like Season 2. To each his/her own.

Well, I mean, not every actor wants to be stuck on the same show for 8+ years, so it's possible (probable) that Claire Danes/Damien Lewis won't agree to renew their contracts when they expire (I think they both have the typical 5 year contract, though I'm not certain), which would force the show to end or to at least shift the focus onto a new set of characters.


Hunky Nostradamus
Wouldn't it be cool if Dana had a new love interest this season? Her budding romance with the Vice President's son was one of my favorite storylines from last season. And what if they threw in a sexting angle on top of that? Wouldn't that be neat?

...said no one ever



Anyway, this episode serves as a reminder that this show is at its best when it focuses on the CIA/espionage/terror angle. These last 10 minutes have been deliciously tense and perfectly paced.

Keep it up, Homeland.

EDIT: Get it, Carrie!


I just marathoned season 1 and 2 over the weekend of this show, and I really love it.

What's with the hate? -- I did have to suspend disbelief once or twice, but I totally do not get the utter hate for it.




But yeah, Saul's wife is back in the picture! for now


Hunky Nostradamus
That was a pretty decent premiere. It was definitely more measured than anything that happened in season two. Nothing too crazy went down, basically, so that's a plus. I'm not fully back on board or anything, but the premiere episode was definitely a step in the right direction.

Other thoughts:

Whoa, Dana tried to kill herself?!
Why didn't she succeed? :/
Also, I like that the entire focus in on Dana. Like, Chris doesn't even factor into the equation at all. What is he feeling? How is he coping? "lol who cares moar Dana!!!"/writers

And, not to sound like a broken record, but I can't help but think that the Brody's troubles would have been significantly more compelling if Brody had blown himself up at the end of season one. Like, the stuff they're dealing with now should have been their storyline in season two.

Also, Jessica, sis, if money is so tight, you really should consider purchasing a different brand of salad dressing, because, Wishbone, is, like, one of the most expensive brands. The little things add up you know!

So refresh my memory - Carrie is on meds during season one and was a great agent, until she is hospitalized due to the bomb blast, which prevents her from taking her meds for an extended amount of time, resulting in a meltdown which requires ECT to correct. Then, in season two, the (new?) meds
not to mention the most powerful drug of all: love
for some reason dulled her senses to the point where she missed the bombing attack on the CIA headquarters, so now in season three, she's off the meds because she thinks not taking them makes her a better agent? I must have spaced something important because that doesn't make sense at all to me. Anyway, how much longer can they mine her illness for drama?

The bit at the end with Quinn was quite tense. In fact, it reminded me a lot of a live action Splinter Cell, especially as he was Mark & Executing shooting all the bad guys. Too bad he killed that kid. I'm sure that will mess him up for a number of episodes.

This show is so much better without Brody (post season one, obv), that I dread the day that he returns.


lol @ Carrie getting smacked down by the Congressional inquiry for being an idiot last season.

lol @ Carrie being thrown under the bus by Saul. I just can't feel bad for her. She brought all of this on herself.
I am going to hold off on watching S3. I left S2 midway completely aghast at what they were doing to the show.

The first episode impressions seem decent. Of course, the question is how things will be once Brody is back in the picture.

I am assuming Carrie will be like Jack Bauer and go against the US government to prove Brody innocent
- Dana should be under the bus while it rolls over her, backs up to roll over her again, then rolls over her forward once more
- No Brody yay! Except too much Dana boo!
- Quinn is a badass. Can he have his own show next year?
O/U on how many new ugly faces Carrie makes this season? I liked the premiere. Hopefully it can repair the damage season 2 has done to the series. I want Brody to be gone after this season and start fresh for season 4.


I'm hoping Dana gets kidnapped by terrorists and used as leverage against Brody this season. Saul rolled Carrie in a heartbeat once the CIA killed targets misdirection play went over like Christmas coal. As someone else has pointed out, Carrie brought it upon herself, so I didn't even feel bad for her. I felt worse for Saul being put in that situation. It's going to be interesting to see what direction they're going to take this season.


New ep was super good. Quinn is awesome. I really liked season 2 up until the last three or 4 episodes. Glad to see its more spy and political drama.
Wow. That was a great episode and exactly what Homeland needed after the disastrous back half of season two. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but a few more episodes like tonight's premiere and I think the show will have righted itself.

A great Breaking Bad finale, the wonderful Masters of Sex pilot, and optimistic about the future of Homeland?

Damn, tonight was a good night for television.

Don't worry, I'll be back to my usual negative asshole self by tomorrow or so.
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